Rising Dawn: Canteen: Rugal, Angelus, Ella, Hadrian
Angelus took in this scenario quietly, and sipped her water some more before saying to Ella (once all offended parties were well out of earshot), "Fools get their just reward; especially when they misuse their tongue. I'm surprised she didn't kick him into the next room."
However, this did bring some things into light. For one, Melethia's combat aptitude was made much clearer, a similarity to the dragon's human counterpart coming to mind immediately. As she continued thinking on this, Cadolbolg looked to Ella and tried to break the dramatic tension with her, "So, Las Venturas? That's the fun place we're going to, right? You know anything about it, Ms. Ella?"
Rising Dawn: Training Room: Caim, Devon
Caim blinked a little when he saw the strange appearance of Devon's clothes, especially since there should be no way the bard could have possibly made that full plate fit under his clothes so snugly. Caim took a good hard look at Devon's ensemble, and tapped a sleeve with a finger. To Caim's surprise, it felt like metal. With an amused laugh, the warrior gave a nod of approval,
Rising Dawn: Teri's Room: Teri, Garm, Sadei
The Shadow scoffed at Sadei, and in the Cleric's mind, she could hear the sound of rushing water. Teri could only assume it was the Shadow shaking her head vigorously as she shot back, [color=0E59E4]"Sometimes it takes a ***** to get shit done. Some shit you can't lay down easy, and I'm just being straight up in what I say. You can't penalize me for that, Kid. Look, I already have far more results going for me."[/color]
The shadow did speak the truth in that, seeing as Teri had finally finished washing and drying the wolf; and was currently in the middle of cleaning herself off (nobody said washing a pet was clean for the owner!) Not too long after that, Teri had Sadei return to her true form (quarterstaff), and was already powerwalking to the nearest training room; Garm following close behind.
After finding an empty room, Teri sealed herself and Garm inside, and instructed to her lupine comrade, [color=0E59E4]"Okay buddy, we're going to work on fighting together, instead of you just doing all the dirty work, okay?"[/color]
The wolf tilted his head in confusion for a moment, but readied himself with Teri as the first group of enemies came into view, a group of strange red things with spikes protruding from their backs [http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Hedgehog_Pie_(Final_Fantasy_VII)]. With the Cleric's current level of proficiency with her staff, this could take a while....
Angelus took in this scenario quietly, and sipped her water some more before saying to Ella (once all offended parties were well out of earshot), "Fools get their just reward; especially when they misuse their tongue. I'm surprised she didn't kick him into the next room."
However, this did bring some things into light. For one, Melethia's combat aptitude was made much clearer, a similarity to the dragon's human counterpart coming to mind immediately. As she continued thinking on this, Cadolbolg looked to Ella and tried to break the dramatic tension with her, "So, Las Venturas? That's the fun place we're going to, right? You know anything about it, Ms. Ella?"
Rising Dawn: Training Room: Caim, Devon
Caim blinked a little when he saw the strange appearance of Devon's clothes, especially since there should be no way the bard could have possibly made that full plate fit under his clothes so snugly. Caim took a good hard look at Devon's ensemble, and tapped a sleeve with a finger. To Caim's surprise, it felt like metal. With an amused laugh, the warrior gave a nod of approval,
"That is certainly a good enchantment you have on that armor. Now, ready your blade. If you're going to use it, I might as well help you get accustomed to heavier armor."
The Shadow scoffed at Sadei, and in the Cleric's mind, she could hear the sound of rushing water. Teri could only assume it was the Shadow shaking her head vigorously as she shot back, [color=0E59E4]"Sometimes it takes a ***** to get shit done. Some shit you can't lay down easy, and I'm just being straight up in what I say. You can't penalize me for that, Kid. Look, I already have far more results going for me."[/color]
The shadow did speak the truth in that, seeing as Teri had finally finished washing and drying the wolf; and was currently in the middle of cleaning herself off (nobody said washing a pet was clean for the owner!) Not too long after that, Teri had Sadei return to her true form (quarterstaff), and was already powerwalking to the nearest training room; Garm following close behind.
After finding an empty room, Teri sealed herself and Garm inside, and instructed to her lupine comrade, [color=0E59E4]"Okay buddy, we're going to work on fighting together, instead of you just doing all the dirty work, okay?"[/color]
The wolf tilted his head in confusion for a moment, but readied himself with Teri as the first group of enemies came into view, a group of strange red things with spikes protruding from their backs [http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Hedgehog_Pie_(Final_Fantasy_VII)]. With the Cleric's current level of proficiency with her staff, this could take a while....