The Escapist Avatar Adventure: An Open RP (Now Re-Opened!)


New member
Jul 7, 2011
'I needed that,' Eric said as his weed mysteriously vanished. 'What the hell?'
'Do we have a plan?' David asked, his voice now strangely deep.
'How about this?' Eric asked.

'I go in at 1900 hours with a disguise, get into the security room and shut down the alarm system, record the cameras for an hour and then set them to loop. 2030 is when you two come in. David, you're a high-rolling gambler with a multi-national company, looking to lighten your pockets. Wanderer, you're with me. I'm gonna be counting cards with my augmentations at another table after I take care of security, and I'll signal you when the deck is hot. That's when you come in.
'You start winning, get people interested. I'll leave the table while the attention is on you and find a quieter table. Hopefully the dealer will take the lack of prying eyes as a chance to start swindling people. That's why David will join me, lose some cash. I'll video the whole thing.That takes care of the hard evidence. Wanderer, that's when you call it quits for the night and book a room. We rendezvous in that room at your signal and back up the video I took. From there we carry out the heist.
'David, any suggestions?'


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Wrong outfit. Shawn, Eric and David.
Location: Rising Dawn roof/Shawn's Sniper Shack.
Looking at David, Shawn's face only said "Are you fucking me?". That was before he pulled out a large wrench and whacked David's armored head. The helmet was not dented at all due to Shawn's fine repair skill, but David was hearing bells. Pulling off the helmet and placing it back into his inventory, he threw something else at David.

"That is YOUR disguise. It will both help you remain anonymous and keep the ghouls off your back. Other then that, we need suits. I already have mine, but you two need to buy some." Shawn said as he switched his outfit to his formal suit he wore back at the casino, it was white as day and free from blood.

Battle of the movies! The Seven Archangels ... not eight.
Location: Heaven | AA HQ
Barakiel was the only one looking at Goenitz and sighed. "As I recall, you are not apart of this group. In fact arn't you a character in The King of Fighters? The Lightning Archangel said but Goenitz's gaze wandered to the much shorter Angel besides Barakiel. "She is my assistant and I do beli-" He was talking before a fist slammed down onto the table.

"Hell no, I was going to let something turn something into another CRAPPY comedy movie which is infused with drugs. That Harold and Kumar FUCKED ME OVER BEFORE!" The Archangel of fire Michael flowed with rage. "And he is still angry about that." Barakiel said, reminding him of that time they saw Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay in New York. "Don't get me started with that shit, you knew it was worse then White Castle!" he stared at Barakiel with eyes filled of ... red ... fire.

Putting up his hands, Barakiel surrendered from the conversation and looked to the other members of the council including Goenitz. Selaphiel and Jegudiel were as emotionless and blanked face as ever, they did not care for the subject as they played on a holographic screen probably planning and organizing their own plans. Uriel was facepalming and trying to not hear whatever was going on, Gabriel was nowhere to be seen, and Raphael had something to say.

"Heh, I for one liked Guantanamo Bay." He chuckled whilst sipping his ? year red wine. Well that is until Michael grabbed him by the throat. "What do you mean by that ... pretty boy?" He said in a very dark tone, rage replaced by darkness. "Guys, we should calm down and-" He was trying to talk but interrupted once again. "Fine, tell us what you preferred Brother." He suggested. Barakiel just shrugged, "Honestly I left to watch Iron Man." He said, and suddenly silence.

"You did WHAT on our holiday WHICH we only get every thousand years!" Michael said and looked like he wanted to crawl across the table, but a laser sight was targeted on him by the shorter Angel next to Barakiel who held a very, very large sniper rifle, she simply shook her head and the Archangel of Fire (And rage) stepped down. Sighing, Barakiel looked towards Goenitz. "This is why there are only seven of us. Now, to draw this to a close, tell us what your favorite movie is Goenitz, seeing how the great Archangel of Air, Gabriel flew away." He finally said as he sipped some of his Cupid Cider.

The others



New member
Jul 7, 2011
Wanderer changed into his suit.

'I don't think you should wear that,' Eric said. 'You wore it the first time you tried to rob the place. Surely they'll be on the lookout for you. And if I'm going to have to buy a disguise I wanna be compensated for it,' he finished. 'David, what's the deal with pot here? Is it legal or am I gonna hafta get some from a guy in an alley?'
He tuned to Wanderer.
'And how exactly is a walking corpse going to pose as a wealthy businessman going gambling? I think we should have better disguises. Ones that aren't so ?' he looked at Wanderer's ancient suit. 'Easily identifiable. I'm thinking black lounge suits, ties and Ray Bans. Gloves for me, 'cause of my ? well ?' he held up his robotic hand. 'Our goal is to blend in, not look ridiculously awesome. We want a sorta ? drunken bachelor party look to our group.'



The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
A better outfit. Shawn, Eric and David.
Location: Rising Dawn roof/Shawn's Sniper Shack.
"Fine." Shawn sighed as he switched to backup suit A. The one he stole from that ass he did jobs for when he first began working for the NCR. Everything was bringing back memories of the past, mostly this time it was about New Vegas and all the events he both began and finished there. Including the war with the Legion and everyone else, the only thing he could think about was the red that he spilled all over the ground.

"You know that you can ... hide things. Like under your jacket or in a bag. You know, places where people cannot see. I don't need anything like that since I'm a walking Vault full of foreign and high technology." Shawn said with a sarcastic tone, "But whatever, if you need to buy a disguise you have to buy it yourself or get money somehow else. I ain't lending money to no one and we ain't grabbing any money for ourselves." He said before tightening the tie. "Now can we get out of here, I don't like having people in my personal space." He motioned his hands to the door.


New member
Jul 7, 2011
Eric frowned. 'You really can't go any lower profile than that? And also, I'll get out of your personal space as soon as I'm reimbursed for the $2500 worth of weed that was vaporised because of you. I pulled you out of that casino and went along with your crazy killing spree, saved the dealer and trusted you throughout this whole thing. Then you zap away my pot and tell me to leave. I'm not going anywhere until I have my weed or my money back. I need that.'
Eric stood and crossed his arms. 'And the offer still stands on the ammo.'

Blast Off To Titan

New member
Aug 15, 2013
bluecrimson said:
"Like first off: you two could use some new clothes~!"
The Sorrowfeld vampire, who had been following the Demi-Succubus when the statement had been made, stopped dead in her tracks to look down at her clothing: a black long sleeve dress, a pair of stockings and a pair of black leather boots and gave Ella a quizzical look.

"Is there something wrong with my clothes?" Constance asked while attempting not to sound offended, a feat that failed her. The scene might have gotten worse, for even Constance's parents had never been able to successfully change their daughter's choice in clothing and clothing color palette, were it not for a more immediate issue.


Were Ella and Cz paying attention to Constance's ears, they would have noted that they had become as pointed as elf ears.

"Crap! CrapCrapCrapCrapCrap!" The Raven Haired Young Vampirette cursed while touching the points on her ears.

"I'm going to have to postpone our shopping trip, Ella. Um - Seeyoulater!!" Constance exclaimed as she ran off in search of her Teddy Bear Backpack.


It did not take too long to find Teddy as a crowd of children had decided to gather around the mysterious walking and talking bear. Relieved to see her mentor in one piece, Constance managed to grab him and drag him off towards the ship.

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN! I ALMOST - I ALMOST -" The Sorrowfelf Vampire started before she was interrupted with a produced juice box filled with blood.

[color=B87333]"Miss Constance. Surely you wouldn't think that I would wander off without knowing that you could handle being without me for some time."[/color] The Vampire's mentor said as he lead her towards the room aboard the ship that had been selected for her.

[color=B87333]"Now then, I believe that it's time for sleep. I don't believe you've had a wink of it since we arrived in this realm and obviously you're in need of some if you believe that you almost supped from a human."[/color] The Bear said as he opened the door and prepared the bed for his owner and student before laying down on the bed as if he were a regular stuffed animal.

Feeling absolutely drained, Constance climbed into the bed, sleep coming to her as soon as her head hit the pillow.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Weed served without the repellent. Shawn, Eric and David.
Location: Rising Dawn roof/Shawn's Sniper Shack.
One edit later.

Pointing towards one of his pockets, Shawn indicated a bulging bag. "I don't know what happened, but your pants just got bigger." Shawn said to him, shrugging the robotic man thrust his hand inside his own pants and pulled out a nice, big brick of green substance called "Weed". "I'm guessing that is related to the plan ... hopefully." He indicated his bias towards using substances, even though he use drugs himself, only for needed and combat situations though.

"You should thank Jesus for that. Now lets go to the main strip and pick up some suits for you two." Shawn said with a suddenly smile on his face, he held big fat wads of old world cash in his hands.
[HEADING=1]"It's time to go shoooooooppiinngggggggg~!"[/HEADING]
He said with a very unnatural tone, soon the three joined hands and skipped out of the metal shack to do some shopping before the big heist.

Little did they know that SID was the one to take the weed from before.
Soon enough both him and the head of *Cough* Liberty Prime *Cough* was smoking a joint outside.
"Must I say, this substance is very fine."

(Note: Yeah, I just went there)


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Four Dragons: Ella, Hadrian, Jenny, Cz, Cutie Bruisers, Caim, Angelus, Devon

Caim gave a small wave to Ella as she dragged Cz and Constance well away from the group, and watched as Ton Ton and Cadolbolg talked among themselves.


After listening to Devon's story, Angelus moved to pick up Jenny herself and said, "I won't stop you from casting that spell this time. You've all the reason to."

Following a Dimension Door to the Rising Dawn, the dragon tilted her head with a curious expression and asked, "I take it you have not spoken of... Well, your misfortune since that Teddy bear? I do not understand why mortals always choose to suffer in silence. It seems counter productive."

Rising Dawn: Med Bay Teri, Dealer

After tending to the dealer with mundane and magical means, the Cleric settled in a chair next to the dealer and called in Garm; who happily troted into the room and rested his head on her lap as Teri threaded her fingers through his fur. Thinking about how much she'd have to sweep up later (that wolf really seemed to be getting fuzzier...), Teri turned to the dealer and asked,

[color=0E59E4]"You have a name? Not to sound rude, but I am kinda curious about why those guys seemed so vehement towards you; and just saying 'hey You' sounds kinda like a pain. We're both gonna be here a while, so we might as well make it pleasant, right?"[/color]


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Four Dragons: Ella, Hadrian, Jenny, Cz, Cutie Bruisers, Caim, Angelus, Devon

SHe calmly held Cz's hand as Constance ran off. "I just thought that some different designs would help her a bit more, but I guess I'm not my sister. I definitely know I can get you something good, though!" Ella was really looking forward to this, wasn't she?


Angie's chastising of Devon was responded to rather dryly by the bard. "Well, what were the odds that I'd be headed to the poor man's Las Vegas before this? I didn't want to trouble you with all of those old wounds, Miss Angelus. Nothing more, really." His voice did seem a bit strained, and he hated himself for doing this to those around him.

Las Venturas Strip: Melethia, S'zami, Rugal

Although she was still a bit dissatisfied, she saw the trinkets as an introduction and shook her hand. "Thank ya, miss S'zami. I'll see what I can do an' make them nice... do ya have a piece of jade, two pieces of topaz, an' two sapphires?" She was already thinking of things to do as she put a hand on Rugal's arm. "Relax, Wheathair. She's really nice if ya take a sec to know her!"


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Sorry, I was sick like a dog over the last 2 days X_X Shawn, Eric and David.
Location: Rising Dawn roof/Shawn's Sniper Shack.
David grumbled a little as Shawn took back his Helmet and put on that strange mask as the duo stated they were about to do "Shopping".
"Finally, been waiting all day to go into the city. Let's rock." He said as he followed the pair down to disembark the ship.
"Got a place in mind or are we going to do window shopping first?" He asked as he hailed a cab, despite him still wearing that creepy mask.
The Strip: Rugal, Melethia, S'zami

Rugal listened to S'zami, almost thinking he was listening to Slindis's life story instead of that of a stranger.
"...Is that so?...Well, Don't think I'm like they are. In fact, our group is made up currently of Elves, Humans, Demons, Minor Demi Gods and a Dragon. It's pretty hard to find something we haven't already seen." He explained to S'zami, clearly a prelude to a pitch to join the Rising Dawn.
"Which begs the question: How did you get here? I don't recall this "Skyrim" being a Region I've heard of in this Realm." He then asked as he watched Melethia work on those jewels.
Mmmm...Might have figured out what to get her to focus on outside of Bombs...


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Caramel Frappe said:
"W-what realm is this? .. I, I am lost'h. By Talos, this is very troubling to me. Khajiits have good senses yet I am not aware of anything here'h."
Las Venturas Strip: Melethia, S'zami, Rugal

Rugal merely nodded, having seen this reaction in others before.
"You might want to sit down for a moment..." He offered before sitting down on the sidewalk himself and setting about breaking the news of her situation to her.
"I don't know the exact term for this Realm, but from what I'm hearing, I think it's safe to say it's not your own. Magic isn't an open practice here, it's populated nearly entirely of humans and as you can see is much more advanced technology wise. Now, Don't fret, We have ways and means to get you home. It might take a while, But I can vouch for them, I've used them before. This might come as a shock to you, but be calm. The group I'm with has numerous members in the exact same situation as you're in now." He explained before glancing over to Melethia as an example before letting S'sami process this information.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
[color=006566]"...I am surrounded by Children..."[/color] The Seven Archangels
Location: Heaven | AA HQ
Goenitz slowly closed his eyes as his breathing became louder from the intense rage that was flowing though him
[color=006566]"...It is..."refreshing" to know that-"[/color] he said to Michael before he picked up the table in the center of the room and flipped it over.
[color=006566]"-THAT YOU HAVE YOUR FUCKING PRIORITIES IN ORDER!"[/color] He then shouted, sheer rage clearly visible on his face as he said it.
[color=006566]"...*Ahem*...Alright...I'm leaving now. And next time, don't call me unless it's something FUCKING IMPORTANT!"[/color] He then said before walking out the room, mumbling under his breath as he did.

Captcha: I'm Batman: I do believe one of his quotes from the DCAU Cartoons was something like what Goenitz just said.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Caramel Frappe said:
"I feel it would'h be wise to receive help from the group you speak of. Perhaps we can get things worked out... this one has been through a lot today, more then I could of imagined."
The Strip: S'zami, Rugal, Melethia

Rugal was rather concerned for a moment when S'zami had her episode, worried that he broke the news to her too soon.
"...S'zami?" He then asked before she snapped out of it.
"I'm sorry for this, I really am. But, I figure with time, you'll learn that it would be better to learn the fact of the matter sooner rather than later. Our group is called the Rising Dawn, after the Airship of the same name. Now don't worry, Many of ours are in the same boat and we are very accommodating to any and all needs. When you are able, I'll take you back to it, Okay?" He then said, taking his time to avoid the risk of another episode, She seemed like she'd been through enough for one hour.


New member
Jul 7, 2011
Eric got into the cab. The bag of weed was still on him, compressed against his chest.
He was going to need to buy a suit. Casinos were one of the only places that you'd stick out in if you weren't in a suit. For this plan to work he was going to also need some workman's clothes. He was probably going to have to spend his entire life's savings on his disguises. He sighed.

The scenery flashed past outside the windows. The town he'd been living in for 5 months was going to be a distant memory for him soon. Vanishing like a puff of smoke.

Speaking of which, he could swear his big bag-o-weed was a little lighter.

He did a systems check. He was back to normal after the fight ? he hadn't sustained any damage, and his power supply was full again.

The plan should hopefully go off without a hitch, but in case it didn't they were going to need a few contingency plans. One for if everything went pear haped and they had to get out of there, and one for if they could salvage the mission. That reminded him ?

'We're going to need walkie talkies, too'

He thought some more.

'Hey,' he said to David. 'If I kinda burned all my bridges here. I have nowhere to go and I was just kinda wondering ?'


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
No rest for the Wicked. Shawn, Eric and David.
Location: The Strip | Cab.
Shawn held a fat wad in his hand as the taxi pulled us aside the three. "Take us to the best suit shop near this place, I need to get my pals hooked up since they look like hobos." He said to the driver and he nodded right along when he saw the fat wad. "Ya got it boss." He said as the cab pulled back onto the road and started crusing along to the most fancy suit store in town.

Turning back he sighed as he took a good look at David. "I suggest we don't put these on until we start this darn thing." Shawn said to him and then to the taxi driver. "We're going to a fancy dress party." He said to him as the taxi finally pulled up to the store. The three got out and Shawn gave the guy a tip, he nodded to Shawn and drove off into the sunset since it was going to be his time to shine one of these days.

"Okay, time to pick up a suit. I suggest getting something that says we are players but very rich. And you need some kind of disguise unless you already have one." Shawn mentioned to Eric as David placed the mask inside of his pocket.

The Seven Archangels.
Location: Heaven | AA HQ
"We actually didn't call you!" Barakiel yelled after the Archangel of Wind as he stormed out. "(Although I do agree that those two are too competitive.)" He thought with concern as his assistant tugged on his shirt. "Don't worry, I'm okay with this. We're keeping tabs on that guy anyway ... especially since he turned up late on that. I still don't forgive myself for going all out and protecting that blue haired boy." He muttered to his assistant, remembering the times he spent with that certain blue haired boy.

Before stepping out of the Chamber he looked back at the two. "Now if I remember you two are suppose to be on two hellfronts defending the bases there. I would get down there before Jesus starts to feel guilty that you fucked up." Barakiel smiled in a cocky way as he clicked his fingers and a bolt of lightning swept both him and his assistant away for their own goal, which is to visit that certain blue haired boy to make sure he is doing all right. After that he is going to do some fieldwork to help his and THE official Heaven network.

After the disappearance of the Lightning Archangel and his Angel of Death Assistant, both Raphael and Michael grunted at each other before turning the opposite directions and disappearing in a gush of fire/water. Uriel immediately left as Barakiel left and the two left sighed as they decided to walk back. The Chamber lights closed off, leaving darkness behind.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Cab: David, Shawn, Eric

"-Room on the 2nd floor of the staff quarters, end of the hall on your left." David finished for Eric, fully expecting him to ask.
"Seriously, like half of all the people we meet end up joining us. Welcome to the Rising Dawn, Eric. Just don't be a prick and you should fit in well." He added as took off his mask before getting into the cab.
"Just to get this out of the way: NOT PAYING FOR THE SUITS!" he said before rushing in and picking up A Pure Classic Suit.
Rising Dawn: Med Bay Teri, Dean

"...Dean...Dean Venture." Dean answered Teri as he sat up, wincing as he did.
"They were running some kind of card counting operation, I was good with numbers and my Dad needed some help paying off a loan while he went to some Government Base outside of the city. (Area 69). Then that jerk with the sheriff outfit and the jetpack showed up, blew the thing open and then my bosses blamed ME for it. Urggg...I should have just stayed at the compound..." He groaned as Garm showed up.
"WHOALY! What the hell is that thing!?" He panicked, not really used to seeing wolves that big.

Location: ???
After he stormed out of the Chamber, Goenitz retired to his "Home away from Home", in one of the lesser ventured parts of the world.
[color=006566]"Fucking Drugs?! GOD those kids do nothing but piss me the hell off! Gah! Even Tomoya had more sense than they did!"[/color] He cursed as he unlocked the Manor and stepped inside, quickly going past all the old ruins of one man's ego.
[color=006566]"Still...Stick to the plan...They won't get in my way anymore. Second they are out of the way, I can FINALLY bring peace to this asinine world..."[/color] He said as he unlocked the lab and entered, many of the old computers and instruments still working.
Keying in a code, he brought up a holding chamber containing a fledgling Shadow Demon, the same that managed to overtake Tomoya and nearly spell doom for the entire planet.
[color=006566]"Now then, lets see what you can teach me today..."[/color] He mused before he set about his research into the creature, keen to unlock it's powers of mind control.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010

Las Venturas Strip: Melethia, S'zami, Rugal

Melethia pulled out a few odd reagents while she worked on the jewelry and listened to the story. Hmm, she's some kind of Air Savant? It gives me an idea of something to do for her, but it'll be a stretch with the essences I have on hand. Her attention was drawn when S'zami began inquiring into the Rising Dawn, and she spoke up to respond.

"Well, it's a ship that flies. Most of the ones that I saw back home used Air Elementals to fuel the flight, but the one we're on uses something a bit different... Haven't found out quite what it is yet, but it's certainly impressive."


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Las Venturas Strip: Melethia, S'zami, Rugal

"...Not...Exactly..." was the only answer Rugal could give in relation to what kind of group the Rising Dawn was.
He couldn't say Heroes because, well, he was in it.
"Our group does what it can to avert disaster, that's the simplest answer I can give. As for the Airship, just as Melethia has said, it's a large carrier that can fly. Gets us from place to place. It's also rather comfortable. Come along and we'll show you." He then said before motioning for the Duo to follow him back to the ship, taking his large bag of "Totally Legitly Won" Silver Dollars with him.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Location - The Strip: S'zami, Rugal, Melethia

Melethia nodded. "It's a pretty well-made ship, and there's areas there that can allow you to practice some of your magic as well. After all, my sis heads there all the time! My mom might be doin' somethin' there, but I don't really know what it is... After all, she went to her room therr with some book and somethin' to write with."


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Las Venturas Strip: Melethia, S'zami, Rugal

A short walk over the Airport later, Rugal talking his way past the guard ("This bag has the combined total of 50 slot jackpots."), he led S'zami and Melethia back to where the Rising Dawn was parked.
"Well, here we are. The Rising Dawn." He said, as I tried to find that damn picture we used for the Airship but failed.
Just think the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier but more "Casual" (Read: Less Military).