The Escapist Avatar Adventure: An Open RP (Now Re-Opened!)


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Location - The Rising Dawn: Rugal, S'zami, Melethia

S'Zami's childlike wonder was rather amusing to watch, Hell, even Melethia wasn't this excited about it.
"Like I said: Much more advanced Technology. It uses a form of propulsion far more power than say, Wind, Steam or most forms of Magic. The Material is far stronger than most common Alloys used on this planet. And yet, it boasts facilities on par with most of the higher rated Hotels and other recreational centers. All in all, one of the most valuable tools in our arsenal..." He said with a sort of pride, almost forgetting that he merely "Took over" from the original owner.

"I can assure you, it's even more impressive inside." He then added as he opened the rear Hanger doors for them to enter though.
Mmm...Hope Luptio and Garm[footnote]Pet Wolfs owned by Slindis and Teri[/footnote] don't mind Felines... He thought, hoping the pair of Dire Wolfs wouldn't try to chase her up a tree or something...


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Four Dragons: Cutie Bruisers, Caim

As things seemed to quiet down in the Casino, Caim picked up the pair of now sleepy Cutie Bruisers and made his way back to the Rising Dawn.

Rising Dawn: Hallway Angelus, Devon

Angelus, now seeing the position she was about to put herself in as a pseudo therapist, decided to bite the bullet and continue on; seeing as she already pulled the duty for Caim, "You cannot expect to hold in such a pain on your own. Even Caim turns to me when he is lost. You need to speak with someone about these sort of things, Devon, or you will perish in your own sorrows. I've seen it happen, and it is not pretty in the least. If anything, I admonish you for not looking to preserve yourself and allow more harm to come your way. Is there anyone you feel you can trust? Do you think you cannot tell a soul of what you feel?"

She paused for a moment, realizing that these same sort of questions she had posed towards Caim, and shook her head with a bitter laugh, "Gods above, it's uncanny... You are more like your master than I thought."

Rising Dawn: Med Bay Teri, Dean

[color=0E59E4]"So you were doing that to help your Dad...? You poor thing."[/color]

While Teri didn't approve of counting cards in a casino, her sympathies were garnered when she heard Dean mention the reasons behind his actions. Desperation bred a will to do things people weren't entirely proud of. Placing a hand on the young Venture's shoulder, Teri lightly pushed back,

[color=0E59E4]"Don't try to move too much. You don't want to hurt yourself any more than what's already happened. One second..."[/color]

Concentrating for a moment, the Cleric turned her Aura back onto Dean, which in turn helped siphoned the pain away from Dean's wounds (as well as heal whatever bruises or cuts he already had). And that was right when Garm scared the bejesus out of the lad. Blinking in confusion, Teri looked to Garm, and then Dean and realized the source of the boy's fears; and patted Garm with a spare hand, [color=0E59E4]"Don't worry, Garm won't bite. At least, not unless he has a reason to; and as far as I've seen, that's only if someone tries to harm him or me. You're not doing either, so no need to worry. He's just a big buddy of mine."[/color]

After saying this piece, Garm sniffed over Dean's hand, and looked at Teri with a tilted head, almost appearing to ask whether the Ventura was a friend or foe. After a small nod on the Cleric's part, Garm gave Dean's hand a wet nose bump, and resumed his position of his enormous head resting on Teri's lap; very much content with having the back of his ears scratched. Following that, Teri turned back to Dean, [color=0E59E4]"See? Nothing to worry about. Oh, and where are my manners? My name's Teri Gravel, 8th Level Cleric of the Christian God. I'm one of the main doctors here in the Med Bay. Do let me know if something hurts."[/color]


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Location - The Rising Dawn: Rugal, Melethia, S'zami

The places that S'zami passed over Melethia's head, but she knew enough about the magics that her mother mused. "Well, my mom usually sticks to protective and healing stuff. It's my sister and that funny music guy that uses a lot more when it comes to the magic. This is still a good ship to be on, though." She let the Khajit take some time to enjoy the ship as she began thinking out some more ways to get some defenses on the jewels, since she knew that it would be a bit before S'zami was used to the ship.

Rising Dawn: Hallway Angelus, Devon

He opened the door to his room and gave Angelus a spot to sit as he spoke. "Well, the most I can trust involves you, Caim, and Ella: the others all have their own issues aplenty without me throwing more into the mix. It's better that I keep the others in a decently upbeat mood, since it's hard to see any other good ways to keep a smile on the face. Besides, with Ella's mom in charge down there-" It was with that last slipup that Devon's face blanched before opting to show the door to Angelus again.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn Hanger: Melethia, S'zami, Rugal

Rugal couldn't help but feel a bit smug, like a British Gentleman among Indian Tribes, only with less blatant racism.
"Sure, just watch what you bring back. Like Gifts from the Gods, whatever you take from here could change the course of your world's history." He warned
...Okay, that was too far, Dial it back.
"Of course...This is where most, if not all civilizations end up if given enough time. While it might not happen in my lifetime, we might live among the stars in a few centuries. I'm almost certain the same could be said for yours."
Nailed it
"Now then, is there anything I can get you? We have a fully stocked Canteen that is surprisingly adept to attending to orders."

Rising Dawn: Med Bay Teri, Dean

"...Okay..." Dean said as he suddenly felt a lot less pain thanks to the aura.
"...Wow..." He then mused, staring long and hard at the cleric, as if she was most beautiful woman his eyes had ever seen.
Keep in mind that this was 16 year old that never really got a proper socialization growing up.
Hell, his brother's first crush was the mailwoman.
"...*Ahem* Well, I...just need to wait for Brock to pick me up. He's my dad's body guard. I wonder where he is?..." He then said, checking his wrist for a moment.
"Hey, Did you take my 2 way satellite communication watch?" He asked, starting to look around for it.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Rising Dawn: Hallway Angelus, Devon

Angelus only quirked an eyebrow at that last sentence, and made no motion to move; her finger tapping on her arm as she waited for Devon to continue to spill the beans. She had made an excellent breakthrough already, and she was ready to make more progress with getting Devon to open up a bit more.

Rising Dawn: Med Bay Teri, Dean

Teri, as high as her Wisdom score was (especially when augmented by her equipment) did not notice that the Ventura was essentially playing Dream Weaver [] in his head. In her experience, she always assumed friendlier actions from a member of the opposite sex, and looked behind herself for a moment to see if Ventura noticed something on the wall, and then asked, [color=0E59E4]"Is there something on my face? You've kinda been staring..."[/color]

As for Garm, he was far more perceptive about how males interacted with his pup, especially after Lucifer's brief stint. He kept his eyes firmly trained on Dean while Teri continued talking to Dean, [color=0E59E4]"As for your watch, there is a box over here? Maybe it's in there."[/color]

Getting up and pulling out the box next to Dean's bed, Teri handed it to the lad, hoping he could get back in touch with his family members and, hopefully, get the hell away from the Dawn. Trouble always followed, and to her, the kid just needed to go home and stay away from casinos.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Location - The Rising Dawn: S'zami, Melethia, Rugal

Mel shrugged. "Well, she did also teach my sis how to heal, but I'd go to my sister if ya wanted to know about that. She's usually in the Medical Rooms doin' stuff in there wit' Padfoot close by. I'd learn some magic myself, but it's way harder than it looks..." She was going to think about it a good bit more, but her stomach issued a loud protest at the lack of food.

"I've never had ta pay for any food there, so I'd say no on that. Just tell the little red men what ya want, but one tip: don't ask for anything spicy. Ya might not be able to eat for a few days after that..."


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn Hanger: Melethia, S'zami, Rugal, Rusty Venture

"You were persecuted too? I'm sorry to hear that. Don't worry, So long as you act accordingly, there should be no issue." Rugal added, S'zami's story touching a chord with him, Ever Since Slindis, he was a lot more open to those in need, something he would have laughed about less than a year ago.
"And as my daughter as said, everything is free. And yes, there is Salmon."
He then opened the door to the Cantee-

"OHGODMYMOUTHISONFIRE!AHHHHHHHHHHHH!AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" shouted a Bald man with a beard and glasses as a set of Demonic looking Imps dragged him out of the room, over a dozen needed to stop his mad trashing as they did.
"....Well....That...doesn't normally happen..." Rugal said at the slight, clearly not expecting this as a Waiter Imp flew over, seeming as embarrassed by the situation as everyone else in the room was.

Rising Dawn: Med Bay Teri, Dean Venture

"........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Huh!? Oh! Ummmm. No, neck is stiff...after the....treatment..." Dean answered at last, pulling up his quilt to hide something else that was stiff while Teri got his watch.
"Thanks. I should be able to call him on this." He said as he put it on and contacted the man in question.
"Brock, Are you there? It's Dean, I nee-....Oh...I-I'll call back..."
He then shut off the Feed as Teri was just about able to make out the sounds of either a man and a woman killing each other or a man and a woman doing..."You know".
"...Brock might be a while..." He said, right before a screaming Rusty was brought in, Kicking and Screaming after being force fed several dozen ghost peppers.
"Dad?! What are you doing-"
"AIGBFLAWKIYHBFAS;HIFBAWLSIFHBSA;GHBA;WDSIJBF;AWGB;WGRHBS;IFHWB;GIAHSBG;IH." He shouted as he was restrained while the Imps looked for some way to shut him up, opting to just knock him out with a bedpan.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Location - The Rising Dawn: Rusty Venture, S'zami, Melethia, Rugal

"Well, if ya ask them to make stuff that's not spicy, they're pretty good about it... I'd talk more about 'em, but the only one that can really talk to 'em is that funny music guy. Don't really know where he came from, an' I don't think he can really fight with a weapon. I'm pretty sure he's on board, if ya really wanted ta talk to him." The young elf held a sigh back as she saw the scene of the guy with the funny goatee being thwacked over the head with multiple clean bedpans.

"Anyway, my sis will take care of him easy enough. She's pretty good at takin' care of people, ya know!~" With that, she gestured to Teri. It was a bit odd, seeing as the two looked nothing alike. Perhaps Melethia took after her mother?


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Canteen: Rugal, S'zami, Melethia

"...I think that man could use all the help he can get..." Rugal mused as Rusty was dragged off to the Medical Bay for...whatever the hell happened to him.
"...It goes without saying that this isn't the norm around here. [sub]Least not in this room[/sub]. Don't worry, I'm sure that man will be just fine." He said to the Newcomer before motioning for her to make her order.
After he did that, he yanked one of the Imps out of the air by his leg and asked [sub]"Alright, who the hell was that man?!"[/sub]


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Location - Canteen: Melethia, Rugal, S'zami

The imp took a bit to respond as another warped into the room. Judging from how it was a bit taller and slightly longer horns, it was likely one that had more experience. [small]"He came with the wanderer. Been hallucinating, caused problems in the canteen. Gave him some food with extra kick to snap him out of it. Now on, go easier on us here. Unlike those that stayed, we want nothing to do with succubus controlled hell. Not to mention this English is not simple, very hard to learn."[/small]

Outside the room, Melethia nodded at S'zami wishing to learn about healing magic. "I gotcha. Back home, I was able to use the wands well enough, but it's hard to find many that use them now. I don't really know how ya used them, but wands had charges of spells that rarely recovered. I can try showin' ya some stuff about close quarters stuff if ya want, but Air Savants usually had stuff for that.

If ya want some food, though, we can just head to the canteen an' ask for the food. Most of the time, they'll try to get close to what ya want."


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Canteen: Rugal, S'zami, Melethia

"...Alight, thanks for cleaning up that mess then. Just when someone is flipping out in the middle of the Canteen, please let me know next time so we can avoid these confrontations in the future. As you were." Rugal said to the Head Imp before returning his attention to S'Zami, hoping she had forgotten about the man that was just dragged off kicking and screaming.
"Well...You just ask any of the Imps. Don't worry, they are friends of a Member of our ship, if not members in of themselves. All you have to do is place an order and they will get to it. Just remember to reel them in on the spice amount." He explained, nudging one of the Imps as a hint to avoid the ghost peppers this time.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Jenny's Room: Jenny

Not long after she was plucked off the Strip by Angelus, Jenny passed out in her room, the Sake she took knocking her out like a light.
She groaned slightly as she re-entered the realm of the living, with the pounding headache that always joined a classic hangover.
"oooooyyyyyyy....uhhhhh...." She murmured as she picked herself up off the floor of her room and wandered out, still rather dazed and confused as she began to wander the halls of the Rising Dawn.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Location - Canteen: Melethia, Rugal, S'zami

The imp nodded before poofing off to the kitchen again.


Melethia nods as she lead S'zami to the Canteen. The extremely faint sounds of someone writing could be heard from one of the rooms close to the Canteen, but eventually they arrived in the rather expansive room.

"Just ask for one and tell 'em what you want."


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Canteen: Rugal, S'zami, Melethia

Rugal nodded as he sat down with S'Zami and Melethia, though he paused for a moment when he remembered something: That big bag of change he "Won".
"Just order me a salad, I'll be back in a moment." He said, motioning to the coin bag he was holding as he walked out of the canteen to stash his "Winnings".
As he did, he stopped outside of Slindis's room, noticing that she had left it slightly open, something that was rather out of character for her.
"...Slindis?...Hello?" He said, knocking on it slightly to get her attention.

Hallways: Jenny

As the unknown figure stalked the ship, Jenny was finally starting to sober up a bit, trying to make her way towards the flight deck in order to get some air...


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Canteen: Rugal, S'zami, Melethia

One of the imps nodded and motioned for S'zami to sit down. Even if they couldn't speak the language, they could understand it well wnough. "Yeah, they'll be a few minutes. It'll be pretty good, though, but again they don't know how to relax when it comes to the spices. I'd have some, but I already ate earlier." Thanks to the kitchen door being slightly open, the smell of the cooking salmon wafted into the room to appeal to the senses.

Meanwhile, Slindis paused as she took a break in the writing and turned to Rugal. [color=c200]"I just felt like having the door open whine I was writing; I've found that doing so helps me think. It's nothing too big, but I still wanted to write this if only so those later on might not slip up in the same ways."[/color]


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Rising Dawn: Med Bay Teri, Dean Venture, Rusty Venture

Teri waved back to Melethia, Rugal and S'zami for the brief moment they arrived with Rusty Venture; and then went to attend to the now KOed man with the problem with hot peppers.

With a quirked eyebrow to the imps, she asked, [color=0E59E4]"The hell did you guys do to him? Er, no pun intended."[/color]

Seeing the peppers in one imp's hands, Teri only sighed as the older man was put into a chair and scribbled on her Tablet, causing two glasses of milk to appear on Rusty's bedside table and gave a bit of chanting before her hand began to glow with a blue light and the Cleric asked, [color=0E59E4]"Dean, I'm going to need you to wake up your father. Then I'm going to try to calm him down. Okay? Just trust me, I have a good idea about what I'm doing."[/color]

Teri currently has Lesser Shivering Touch prepared, which will cause 1d6 points of Dexterity damage to Rusty Venture when he awakes; which has already been rolled to 3; which will in turn cause Rusty to be able to move a lot less than usual (normal people typically have Dexterity of 10). From there, she will explain where he is and give him some milk to help with his issues with peppers. Feel free to auto that along as you'd like


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Location - Canteen: Melethia, Teri, Rugal, S'zami

Melethia sniffed the salmon and responded to S'zami's question, taking a glass of water an imp delivered in the meantime. "It's just how the ship is, but it is pretty nice. We don't spend as much time on it, though, so it's kind of a breather. And that lady right there? She's my sister. Kinda wonder what she's doin' talkin' to the imps, but that's her thing."

Location - Devon's Room: Devon, Angie

After a rather awkward wait, Devon cleared his throat. "It's still something I'm really not comfortable with, although it's not usually so bad. Believe me, it's all in the location. It'd be like being in an area much like your broodnest yet you would know no other dragons would be there."


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Canteen: Rugal, Slindis

Rugal could see the evidence of extreme drafting and redrafting, a number of pages thrown into a nearby bin
"I see...Well, we have a new member on board the ship, a strange Feline Woman by the name of Z'sami, Hails from a land named "Skyrim". You should introduce yourself when you get a moment. Anyway, I'll leave you to your work." He said before left the room, keeping the door slightly open as the Drow worked on her project.

A quick trip to the Captain's Quarters to drop off his "Winnings" later, he was back in the Canteen, just in time for this salad no less.
"That was Teri Gravel. She is just tending to that man from earlier. She is a very talented cleric of the Christian God. She was trained by her mother Slindis d'Tarkanan. You would be hard pressed to find a better healer around these parts." He said rather pridefully to the literal Catwoman.

Hallways: Jenny

"Ooof! Sorry!" Jenny instantly apologized when she walked right into the cloaked figure, her dulled senses contributing a lot to that.
Her vision was still a little blurry as she attempted to see who she ran into.
"...Blade? That you?" She said, seeing mostly the green of his/her cloak and not much else.

Rising Dawn: Med Bay Teri, Dean Venture, Rusty Venture

Dean was a little hesitant to do that, knocking their luck, Rusty would lash out and end up cracking his skull on the floor.
"Hey...Hey, Dad. Wake up." He said, shaking the former Child Adventurer from his Bedpan induced nap.
"uhhhhh....aerojnob..." He tried to say as he woke up, his mouth burned too much to say anything that wasn't gibberish.
"Here, drink this." Dean said before offering Rusty the milk to soothe his mouth a little.
"....ahhh....God, it feels like I gargled Napalm...Where the hell am I?" Rusty then said, realizing that he wasn't in Area 69.
"....It's not the Compound...It's not the Monarch...It's Not OSI....It's not The Guild of Calamitous Intent...Not my bastard Brother's...Damn, I've been kidnapped enough times, It's on the tip of my tongue..."
[color=0E59E4]"...ummm..Sir, you ar-"[/color]
"Nononono, Don't tell me...Baron Underbheit?...Phantom Limb?...Monstroso?...Professor Impossible?...Venturestien?...Dr. Mrs. The Monarch?..." He went on, listing every single time he woke up in a strange lab in intense pain.
He could go on for hours...


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Point Break. Shawn, Eric and David.
Location: The Strip | Outside of Casino.
Once both David and Eric had chosen their suits, Shawn ultimately paid for them but muttered under his breath that he had better get his Pre-War Money back in one way or another. Cruising out of the shop like actual players, the trio got into not just any cab, but it had seemed that Shawn's lovable tip made the guy who drove them before come back ... but in a truly pimped out Limo. His jaw almost dropped as he saw this weird mechanical car in front of him which he had never seen before. Luxury was something that the Wanderer had not much experience of seeing, well at least THIS kind of luxury.

"Damn ... well, I'll consider this to be good in my books." Shawn said as he shoved his anger out of the current mindset as the other two fellas got in as well. "Hello my boys, I got this totally kick ass American Limo since you guys gave me a very large tip. Now ... where do you want to go, I'll do whatever you want to do! I was getaway driver for forty two heists back in Los Santos." He said revealing his true accent and past. Feeling the gaze of two men, Shawn shrugged.

"We DID need a getaway driver. Hey mate, what kind of split do you want." Shawn yelled back to the front. "No money required my good man ... heheh" He said whilst fiddling with the fat wad, truly that money was worth WAY more then it looked like it. Soon enough they were driving close to the target casino.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Rising Dawn Medbay: Dean and Rusty Venture, Teri

As Rusty rambled on about various places, Teri let the spell she had ready dissipate from her hand, clearly not needing it now that Rusty proved himself to be fully functioning in the brain. Or, at least she hoped he was. After waiting a couple moments for Rusty to run through a list of other villains, she finally decided to interrupt, [color=0E59e4]"I'm afraid that no matter how much you guess, you're not going to get it right. You, Mr. Venture, are on the Rising Dawn, currently in the Med-Bay. Your son's been worried about you..."[/color]

As she said this, Teri also focused the Aura on Rusty in an attempt to help with the headache he was probably dealing with at the moment.

Devon's Room: Devon, Angelus

Angelus gave a small snort, "I haven't had my own brood-nest in some time, but I do understand the metaphor. That place was simply too uncomfortable for you to bear, correct?"

She still looked like she was waiting for Devon to explain something else though, "So, what was that about Hell? Ella's Mother you said, I do recall. I thought Lucifer was in charge of that place?"