The Escapist Avatar Adventure: An Open RP (Now Re-Opened!)


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Training Room #3: Rugal

Following what would only be described as all 10 Jason Voorhees movies wrapped into around a few minutes of nigh-endless mook horror, Rugal was almost glad to see the Persona slowly fade.
"So...This is Persona..." He said as he walked around the remains, deep claw marks marred the walls of the training room as Hercules slashed and slashed and slashed over and over.
"It's impressive...Ain't it?"
Rugal then began to hold his head in pain as his "Friend" returned to him while Caim tried out his own.
"It was nice to flex, but...there is...something missing...I like that form, but...I'd prefer MY own form to this one assigned to me."
"I'll be happy when we leave this place...Rugal?..."
Ignoring Caim and pacing out of the training room, Rugal then supported himself on one of the Hallway walls, checking to see if anyone was looking as he seemed to be pouring buckets of sweat.
"Make no mistake, we both know what belongs to whom and I plan on getting what is mine."
Then, just as quickly as it flared up, the pain left Rugal's mind, leaving him tired and exasperated as he stood outside.
Once he took a moment to compose himself, He then slid down the wall until he was sitting on the floor, wondering what the hell was happening to him.

Training Room #1: David West

Right as Yu warned him, David felt someone grab him from behind-
"David West, It is I. Your Dark Reflec-"
"CHRIST!" He exclaimed before struggling with his Shadow Doppelganger, getting the upper hand and drawing his M500 before hammering the butt of which right in his Shadow's face.
"AHHHHHHHHHH!....FUCKING-JESUS!? I....fuck....oohhhhhhhh...." The Shadow then began to cry and whine as he fell back on the ground, holding his face in pain.
After all, getting hit with anything in the face hurts, never-mind the butt of a handgun.
"Right! Got him downed! Do I blow his brains out?" The Sniper enthusiastically asked his supports with a mixed excitement, like learning how to drive.
"NO! YOU FUCKING RETARD! God, Man, Didn't you pay attention to anything?! ahhhhhhh...SHIT! fucking nose...." His dark-side berated his light side, still groaning as blood(?) poured down his face.
It was strange, it was less anger and more...well, There was anger, but more in the "You just socked me in the face you total prick!" variety then the standard Shadow Fare.

"....So....Ummm....What?..." The Sniper asked, THIS was a Shadow fight?! All he was seeing was a darker toned version of himself laying in pain.
", guess it was a little too much to trust you with a menial task...come on, help me up." His "Dark Side" said as he reluctantly helped him up.
"......Uhhhh...So now what do I-"
"Yeah, would you give me a damn minute?! I just got my fricking nose broken over here...Ugh, nose is pissing like a race horse..." The Shadow groaned before walking right past everyone, looking for a tissue to help clean the blood pouring from his nasals.
"........WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS!?!" David finally snapped, having no earthly idea what was going on as his "Evil Side" harmlessly searched around the edges of the room for one.

Training Room #4: Deadshot

Deadshot couldn't help but let out a wolf whistle at Ella's Persona, noting it was more Angelic then Demonic, although it was clear that he wasn't gazing at it for the symbolism.
"Man, I'm loving this Gig already! Can't wait to see what the Company Healthcare package is like!" He joked as he pulled up one of the folding chairs and sat down on it as Cadolbolg had his turn.

He almost wish he had popcorn as he watched a MUCH bigger dragon come from the little baby one that seemed to follow everyone around.
"Wish you could get them to last a little longer. Having a Personal Kill-machine is always handy and if I'm in a spot, just sell some of that bling of his to get back in the red. Man...And here I was thinking the San Andreas Gig was a easy buck!" He gloated, unaware of anything Ella had went though during their quest to stop him from ruining the entire region.

Outside of Practice Room #2: Jenny

As Cz and Melethia brought Constance and Som up to speed, Jenny opted out of training to study the files they were given in more detail, especially of that virus.
Thus, when Fuuka asked her what she was doing, she had to ask again in order to get though to her.
"Oh...Well, just the rest of the crew kinda have everything they need for...well, anything. So I'm kinda like a "Mission Control" or just someone to ask what's going on. Hence in order to do that, I need to know what's going on. Besides, I would be more interested to get into the minds of these Shadow Victims, see if there is anything I can get out of them." she explained, having gotten so wrapped up in everything she failed to realize that her powers were gone or limited.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009

Yu Narukami, [color=00c863]Devon[/color], [color=0E59E4]Teri[/color], David and Garm.
Location: Personaverse | Shadow Operative Building, shadow room 1 | Tatsumi Port Island, Japan

Seeing how the Shadow was non-aggressive, this made the veteran Persona user intrigued yet almost made him grab his enchanted glasses that see through illusion and into the truth. Usually a personal Shadow wishes to kill it's lighter side. Yet in Yu's travels he did befriend something who was a Shadow, yet he also had a darker side and personal Shadow. " ... do personal Shadows have a good side?" Yu pondered as he shook his head, he knew that these things were not people, they were the dark sides of the heart ... willing to kill to gain their freedom.

Brandishing his blade once more in annoyance, the shining double handed katana was ready to pounce upon the Shadow. The only thing both him and his new friends could do was weaken the Shadow if it ran crazy if David rejected it. "David-san you must accept your Shadow before it tries to kill you or ... " Yu was going to say something but looking at the Shadow he knew he was about to make David reject him possibly.

I am thou... Thou art I... the time has come ... open thine eyes ... and call forth what is within, Yu Narukami ... for I am Izanagi, creator of deities!
Once more the voice called to him, not knowing why, Yu just listed it as the opening of another journey or due to all the awakenings all around him. The voice was something he already listed as his own Persona, Izanagi an old creation deity that formed Japan and other Japanese Gods. Yu smiled at this, another journey meant that he could form more bonds and make more friends. Remembering the first time he summoned Izanagi, the power still lingered in his hands.

Holding his hand out, a single card faded into life and hovered upon the hand gracefully. "Persona!" Was the familiar line Yu called out. The card broke like glass, into pieces and grew into a raging blue fire which materialized a large figure right behind Yu Narukami. Having prepared himself he looked to the others, "Prepare yourselves for whatever happens!" He said to Teri, Devon and Garm. Focusing upon David upon his Shadow.



Power in Procedure
Sep 27, 2010
Location: Training room #2 | Shadow Operatives Building
Som | Constance | Cz | Melenthia

Cz was taken aback by Som and Constance's sudden appearance. She took a few steps back and her grip on the doll tightened. "You recognized me so quickly?" Perhaps it was just her memory becoming faulty as a result of the dimensional interference, but Cz couldn't recall if she had awakened when Constance and Som were around.The Peacemaker turned her back to Constance, trying to mask the slip of her tongue, yet in her hurry she tripped over her own feet and sent herself crashing into the floor. Her hand tightened around the doll even more as she landed face first onto the training room floor. Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on who you were in the room, the head of the doll popped off. The Heart stopped beating and the breath stopped coming from the doll.

How clumsy of Cz. Maybe her adult body was just too top heavy for her to be used to it in such a high-gravity environment.

Cz's heart skipped a beat and her eyes widened. It stopped. Did I? She held her breath and closed her eyes. There was something welling up inside her, something warm. Tears. Cz couldn't stop them from steaming down her face, she didn't know how. Before she knew it she was sobbing uncontrollably, still gripping onto the small doll, which now felt cold her hands.

[HEADING=2]"Initializing... Initializing... Initializing... Peacemaker Unit Activated. Identifying Self. Unit
Designation Resolved: Artillery Type Unit C-Z"[/HEADING]

"Huh?" Cz couldn't be more surprised to hear her own voice read out at her the start-up protocol for a Peacemaker unit. Whatever grace, dignity, and maturity she once had was long delegated tot he far back of her mind.

A black shadow leaped forth from under Cz and formed into a corporeal creature above her. Massive in scope, nearly filling the entire height of the training room.

[HEADING=2]"Unit is separate from governing body C-Z. Undertaking new designation.... 'Veles'

Veles [] took her place above Cz, commanding itself in Cz's cool and austere voice. The seperate Peacemaker unit quickly turned her attention toward a burgeoning shadow and let loose a spear of light from the floating disk above it's head. That light struck the shadow and filled it with blinding energy. The boundless darkness filled and bubbled, huge globs sprung and shrank from within it's body as it tried to rectify the sudden input of energy into its system before the stress ultimately became unbearable and the shadow exploded into a plume of smoke and fire.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Yu Narukami, [color=00c863]Devon[/color], [color=0E59E4]Teri[/color], David and Garm.
Location: Personaverse | Shadow Operative Building, shadow room 1 | Tatsumi Port Island, Japan
"Come on, goddamit, where are yo-A-ha! There you bastard'ing things are." The Shadow David said as he managed to find a box of Paper Towels and began to wipe his face as Yu and the others more or less prepared a huge execution squad for him.
Once he was back in the room, he sighed "Oh come on, give it a rest. Seriously, I'm the Shadow of David "I get out matched by fucking 13 year old girls" West, can you honestly say I process ANY credible threat to ANY of you? Am I the nightmare that keeps you awake at night?! Do you fucking quiver in bed at night thinking "Oh noes! the mean old David West is gonna git meh!"....HUH?!....ANYONE?!
....That's what I fucking thought..."

"Okay, Backpedal, what the fuck is going on?" David protested, getting more and more confused as this went on.
"Of course, the Dunce needs the abridged version, as always. See, We Shadows kinda got a way of doing this. You get stressed, we show up, turn into a demon, murder the shit out of you, Boom. Life! But Nooooooooooooooooooo. I had to get you." The Shadow explained as he wiped the blood off his face.
"Listen...I've been with you for quite some fucking time. And let me tell you, if I could back then, I would have gladly gone all "Final Boss of Act 4" on your ass. But now?....NOW?! Fucking look at us man!!" He began shouting at the Sniper as the Irishman looked more and more disturbed by the turn this "Fight" was taking.

"...So do I just shoot hi-"
"Oh please, like that would would actually do anything anyway! I mean, come on! When the LAST time that fucking 12" re-placement of a dick actually did anything? What?! Back when those giant monsters attacked?! When Jack took us to hell?! OR AT ANY POINT SINCE YOU SIGNED UP TO THIS FLYING MADHOUSE?!"
"Christ...What the fuck is wrong with you?!"
"YOU! YOU ARE WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME! I've been sitting in there, watching you for YEARS! Every time, you ever felt depressed and then just drank it away, where did you think that went?...Wha-what kept your cheery disposition up for so damn long while you gaze out the damn window as dozens of people VASTLY more powerful then you did all the hard work while you just watched?!"

Turning to Yu, the Shadow said "Listen, if I had ANY remote chance of even slightly harming you, I would deeply consider it. But you could kill that flaccid fuck there BY FUCKING BLINKING! And I'm just all the crappy shit he doesn't want to deal with, WHAT FUCKING HOPE DO I GOT?! THIS. IS MY FUCKING EXISTENCE! Just gazing out at other much more successful people."

David was clearly starting to lose his shit at this point as he took aim at his Shadow.
"S-Shut up! Thi-This isn't real!"
"THEN WHAT IS?! Having to call a favor with Death because you were too big of a pussy to save Elena by yourself? Man, She was only into us because she was traumatized! Fuck, she was twice the fucking soldier you were!"

The Sniper was on the edge of a breakdown, his gun shaking out of his hands.
"'re not m-"
"OHHHHHHHHHHH Nonononononononono-no. You don't get to do that to me! I'm fucking you, asshole! See, I don't even want to fucking leave! Not after all the shit you put me though! So I'm going to tell you what is going to fucking happen:
I. am doing to stand here, Yelling at your drunken 30-something Irish ass until YOU fucking grow a pair and get to see what living with all that WONDERFUL depression bullshit is like. SO COME ON!...SAY IT! I AM A MORON!"

"...oh....oh god....I....really am..."

The second he said those words, the Shadow leapt for joy.
"YES! FINALLY! WOOOOOOOOO! I WIN! DAVID WINS. SHADOW DAVID WINS! EVERYONE WINS! YEAH-HA!" He shouted as he began to glow and fade away, but not before flipping the bird at the Crew Present.
"FUCK! YOU! PEOPLE! ESPECIALLY YOU! HE HAS ACTUALLY CONSIDERED THE ACT OF FUCKING YOU! SO FUCK YOU! AHAHAHAHAHAHA[sub]HAHAHAHAHA[sub]HAHAHAHAHA[sub]HAHAHAHAHA[sub]....[/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub]" The Shadow pointed to Devon as he faded from existence as David stood there with a look of despair on his face....
David West is now a Natural Persona User!

Blast Off To Titan

New member
Aug 15, 2013
Training Room #2:

Confusion. Confusion was what appeared on both the faces of Constance and Som as they watched the Cz spawn a giant - something - and destroyed a creature that was either clad in or crafted of shadows.

"What's going on here?!" The Raven-Haired Vampirette asked in a voice that was filled with much confusion and tinged with fear, fear from what she had just witnessed and fear at not knowing what she had just "walked" in on.

"Does it matter?" Som asked as he looked about the room, his hand never far from the handle of his blade.

bluecrimson said:
"Do you three need any help with the area?"
"Well, maybe you could explain what's going on?" The Cat-Eared Vampire asked as she stood there, oblivious to the fact that there were many things that hinted towards the obvious.

"(Well arrrren't you the clueless prrrrrincess?)" A familiar and feline voice asked Constance from within the depths of her own mind, a voice that seemed so real that it caused the Vampire to turn around to see if the voice had come from behind her.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Shadow Operative Building Training Room

Room 7: Slindis, Angelus, Ton Ton

[color=c200]"Yes, that was was impressive... Good job, Ton-Ton. That's an admirable Persona, and truly a Torchbearer of Hope."[/color] She was clearly a bit jarred, seeing how Angelus' persona was rather bestial in nature, not like the woman she knew to be opening up to some of the others. Stil, Ton-Ton's Persona helped reassure her of the truly admirable character that the Tonberry had. From what she'd seen, it looked like he'd rubbed off on her cocky Author, so that was certainly a good sign.

[color=c200]"Well, now that we've gotten a feel for how they function, it would be a good idea for us to leave. Angelus, if you need any help with some self-defense techniques without using the Persona, I'm more than willing to aid you in this."[/color] Her statement to Angelus could possibly be seen as a bit Patronizing depending on how skilled Angelus was at fighting, but Slindis saw Angelus as she would any arcane Caster in an Anti-Magic Field.


Room 1: David, Devon, Dimitri, Garm, Teri, Yu

Devon was gearing up to have Mengde battle David's Shadow, but the relatively peaceful ending put a stop to that. The whole revelation of David finding Devon attractive was another shocker to the Bard, and her eyes opened up widely in shock as she tried to think of a response.

[color=00c863]"Mengde, ya gotta help me out here! Oh god I did not want to deal with this..."[/color]

[color=00c863]"I got nothing. Have fun with all of those issues! You should have looked in the mirror over the last week, you know. Might have made that almost as easy to deal with as you are on the eyes."[/color]

Yup... Devon was now in a semi-panic state again thanks to Shadow David's statement.

On a more sane note, Sadei giddily cheered Tama on. [color=b05fe9]"I knew you'd look awesome! Toyotama, you can totally count on my help to keep Teri safe!"[/color]


Room 2: Som, Cz, Melethia, Constance

"Cz, you need to get some better balance. If someone else saw you like that, it'd be way too easy to place a few daggers in the neck." Although the statement wasn't the nicest one, she was doing what she could to help the woman. It wasn't quite as large of a concern that the two appeared in the room, seeing as they could have shown up while she was touching up her Evoker.

Knowing that it'd take a moment for them to get used to the shift, she casually exposited on the situation."It's simple. Some jerk's trying to spread something that could cause more than this place to be overrun. Think of it like throwing soil on a fire in the cargo hold so it can't spread to other areas of a ship. Only catch is that most magic and other abilities are hard to access; you've only got your physical training to work with." As she spoke, another couple of Shadows popped up and she held up the curved knife that she had been working on enchanting.

"If you want to use some of the magic or non-weapon stuff, odds are you'll have to summon of these Persona. If you need the tools needed for them, I saw a few extra ones in the room out outside. Also, Constance, I don't know how you'll be able to access blood easy, so be careful." To punctuate that, she went and made a stabbing motion at her gut to summon her Persona.

"I am thou, and Thou art I
I am the reflection of your soul
I am Andras of the Death Arcana
Heed my words, and I shall guide you to overwhelming victory."

It was punctuated with an owl-headed man [] letting out a rather loud cry to cripple one of the Shadows in the room with a loss of sight and a wracking poison for a drawn-out death.


Room 4: Annie, Deadshot, Ella, Cadolbolg

An irritated glare was shot at Deadshot after he half-bragged about getting off so lightly, although there was a good chance part of the reaction was from how her Persona was leered at. "It would be a lot better for everyone involved if you don't mention San Andreas again, got it? It'd also be better for your long-term longevity for obvious reasons. Be more like the Persona and get to the point instead of joking around." Then again, she could have been throwing attacks his way, so it could be a lot worse.

"You've done pretty good, Annie. I'll admit, I didn't really know why Devon wanted to help you out at the start even with Teri asking, but maybe she saw something that I can't." Again she was trying to be open in her own way to Annie even if it probably came off as more of a backhanded compliment than anything else.

Following that, Cadolbolg summoned his Persona to a decent bit of clapping from Ella. "Wow, that was a really good job! Maybe my Persona can sit on top of your Persona's head? He's certainly big enough to allow her to."

SHe followed up with summoning Ishtar a few more times against some other Shadows to get a feel for the keep-away style that it lended itself to, then turned to the three with a question.

"Do you all feel comfortable with using this Evoker? Well, besides the smarmy designs for some of them..." Her last statement was punctuated with her almost yanking out the silver-plated Evoker and only just stopping herself before throwing it away.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
MOAR Mood Music []

Shadow Operative Building Training Rooms:

Room 3: Rugal, Caim

"Rugal..? Hmn.. Wonder what's eating him?"
With a shrug, Caim decided that enough was enough for this Persona business and decided to leave the room. So long as he could keep his sword, there shouldn't be as much of an issue when it came to fighting this Shadow.


Room 7: Slindis, Angelus, Ton Ton

Ton Ton beamed (as best a Tonberry could) at the praise Slindis gave, as he hoped it was a sign that her opinion of him was being rebuilt. As a fellow fighter of Goodness (at least, as Ton Ton saw her, even more so as a seasoned one), it was a good sign if she thought well of Galahad. Hopping back onto Angelus' shoulder, he spoke up, [color=15650D]"I dunno what a Torchbearer of Hope is, Ms. Slindis, but I'll take the title with thanks. I do know that Galahad called himself a Knight of the Round Table, so I guess that means I'm one too? Either way, he sounded nice enough. I think he fights for a Master or a Mistress too, whoever that may be..."[/color]

While Ton Ton was cheery from the recent events, Angelus still found herself a bit disturbed by the turn of events, both in the appearance of her Persona, as well as the fact that her fire was not available to her at the moment, save for when summoning the aforementioned monster in her soul, "This is me... That thing is me. It has stolen my fire and rendered me next to mortal... Have I fallen too far?"
[small]"You know what happens to dragons who stay by humans too long. They become just as mortal as the humans near them. Perhaps what Bernstein had said was right after all..."[/small]

Angelus shook her head to perish the thought, (alongside the oncoming headache that followed it) and holstered the Evoker, "That will probably be best, Slindis. I usually stick to my fire when I am in this form. To be lacking it now I would call that an inconvenience... No, that phrase is an understatement to how I feel about my fire... I feel as if I will miss a piece of me once we leave this room. I did sense Caim grabbing a dagger for me before leaving his room, so I suppose tactics with that will be best. I am familiar with Kingsblood, to a degree."

Once the trio left their respective training room, Angleus' prediction proved to be correct, and the mute handed Angelus a black dagger [] with the appropriate sheath,
"You'll be needing this since our powers will be locked. You are familiar with Kingsblood, right?"
Angelus only accepted the blade with an attempt at a smile, and was glad Caim could not hear her thoughts, for once, "Thank you, Caim, for thinking of me. I'll make sure to take care of it."

Repressing a sigh from the back of her mind, the dragon attached the sheath to a leg and looked to Slindis and asked with a slightly downtrodden voice, "Training it is."

Room 1: David, Devon, Dimitri, Garm, Teri, Yu

After Shadow!David disappeared, Dimitri did a final scan of the room using Thoth, and spoke quietly, [color=3897E0]
"Threat is neutralized. No more Shadows detected in the direct vicinity."
[/color] and closed the book, handing it back to the Baboon-shaped Persona before it disappeared into digital dust. What a strange program, that...

Teri didn't really know what to say in light of David's Shadow, seeing as it's not every day one demands that it is accepted by it's wielder. Stepping out of her stance, Teri slowly approached the Irishman and offered a hand, [color=0E59E4]"Come on, David. Let's get you out of this room. I think you've had more than enough for one day. If you want, I can poof you something to eat while we're in here?"[/color]

As she tried to accommodate for the Shaken Irishman, Toyotama-hime was making an everloving ruckus in Teri's mind, [color=0E59E4]"Shiiiiiiiit, that was the best! Munchkin, if you want something that'll keep me quiet, you keep getting Pansy-Ass to summon me~! OH MY GOD that was awesome, especially the way that my trident sunk so deep into that Shadow~! And with what Butterfly Face said is true, that also means I got our spell list too... Does this mean I get to influence what spells we pick? Pleeaaaassseeeee? Shadow's aren't people, so we can be as brutal to them as we want, right? Because, for serious, this is the most fun I've had in forever!"[/color]

Garm on the other hand, had noticed that Devon was reasonably shaken and brought his fuzzy head against Devon's hand, his wavering tone betraying his attempt in comforting the Bard, [color=365D60]"Dooo you need to speak on your thoughts? You seemed troubled, Devon. I am not the brightest, but I know the value of having oone to speak too, especially fuzzy ones to speak tooo."[/color]


Room 4: Annie, Deadshot, Ella, Cadolbolg

Cadolbolg grinned at Ella's comment about his Persona carrying hers, his little tail waggling as he spoke, "Sounds like fun! I can't wait to show Mother, Father, Friend Devon and Friend Ton Ton my Persona too~! Maybe I can carry all the Personas with mine?"

It was certainly a bit odd to hear the Turtle Dragon baby up close and personal after the fight was done; Cadolbolg's age showing through very clearly with his voice. Kid didn't sound a day over 11. However, the laughter died down when Ella and Annie began to talk things over, and Cadolbolg looked between the Deadshot and Annie, "Hey, you two are the ones Friend Devon visits often... Now that I think about it, I don't think we met properly have we? I'm Cadolbolg! I guess we're going to be fighting more of these baddies together, aren't we?"

The turtle dragon baby waved a claw after introducing himself, a relaxed expression on his face. Perhaps even if he knew who the two were, he didn't feel a need to worry? That Persona said more than enough in the turtle's confidence.

In actuality, Cadolbolg didn't feel a need to fear on account of the fact that the Dawn had managed to keep the two captive for so long. And with Ella, Devon and the Wanderer keeping the duo under wraps, why did he have to feel afraid?


Jenny, Fuuka, Mitsuru

Fuuka gave a small nod, not wanting to break Jenny's concentration, [color=5F8B7F]"You're welcome to borrow the files if you like..? At the very least, if at least one of you knows what to expect, you can easily inform the rest, right?"[/color]

As some of the Dawn members began to leave their respective training rooms, Mitsuru stood in and said, [color=955555]"Nicely done, all of you. I am aware that a couple of you are still in your respective rooms, and for that, we can wait. As for the rest of you, you are more than welcome to stay on site, or in your airship if you desire. That being said, rest up. We'll be briefing you on your area of investigation in the morning. If you'd like on site quarters, let me know, and I can have another operative escort you."[/color]

And with that, the Kirijo heiress returned to the various machinery monitoring the progress in the Training Rooms...

Blast Off To Titan

New member
Aug 15, 2013
Training Room #2:

bluecrimson said:
"If you want to use some of the magic or non-weapon stuff, odds are you'll have to summon of these Persona. If you need the tools needed for them, I saw a few extra ones in the room out outside. Also, Constance, I don't know how you'll be able to access blood easy, so be careful."
The Cat-Ear clad vampire would have answered had Som not stepped in and answered for her.

"There is no need to worry. I will allow her to feed from me if needed." The Hunter stated, the offer surprising both Constance and Teddy in its apparent kindness.

"You are no good to me dead, after all." Som commented when he noted the expression on his captive's face, the comment causing Constance to look somewhat downcast as she opened the door of the room to grab a pair of the devices that Melethia had mentioned.

Taking a device from the Dark Girl with the ever darkening mood, Som looked at the device and took note when the Elf pointed her dagger at herself, summoning her Persona. Taking a cue from her, Som pointed the device at himself and felt a surge of emotion as Artemis appeared before him.

I am Thou and Thou art I
From the darkness of thine soul I rise to hunt
I am Artemis, Goddess to Hunters and the Night Moon
Beware creatures most foul. I will find thee.

At a end of the incantation the Winged Huntress blew her horn, calling forth a mounted hunting horde that encircled a group a Shadows before a series of nets was hurled upon the hapless prey and as they struggled against the tangling ropes, a glint shined from where Artemis stood as she unleashed a silvery arrow that split into a number equal to the number trapped by the nets and each arrow finding its mark.

Standing there, Som could only bow towards the Persona as she and her hunters dissipated. Looking at Constance, the Hunter's expression seemed quizzical in regards to what her Persona was.

"I - I don't think so." The Faux Cat-Girl responded as she looked down at the Evoker in her hands before dropping it on the ground.

"(That's right. Show them that you're nothing if not worthless.)" Responded the voice deep inside the Vampire's soul.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009

Yu Narukami, [color=00c863]Devon[/color], [color=0E59E4]Teri[/color], David and Garm.
Location: Personaverse | Shadow Operative Building, shadow room 1 | Tatsumi Port Island, Japan

After witnessing David's Shadow both come and go, Yu was actually surprised at the Shadow's attitude towards everything. Yu's face remained somewhere between neutral and shocked but returned back to usual after a few seconds the Shadow faded from the room. "Okay ... that was successful, I think." Yu said still waiting for the awakening of David's Persona, but since this was David's persona, he probably had to manually awaken it and get his confidence back on track.

For that to happen, David would need support not just from him but from everyone in this room. Focusing his attention on the others, he looked at Teri and Garm, they had seemed to be doing well, having Garm talk wasn't a big deal to him since he already knows a teddy bear who can talk. Yu gave a thumbs up to Teri who was talking to David and looked at Devon and Garm. Devon herself seemed seemed shocked. Concerned, Yu walked over to the girl and giant wolf. "Is there something wrong, Devon-san?" He said to Devon, concerned that she might be shocked with what just went down.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Training Room 2#: Rugal

Glad that Caim didn't seem to notice him leave, Rugal began to wander away from his room, feeling he had the concept down for the most part.
Passing by the other training rooms, he paused when he walked past both Slindis and Teri's rooms, watching as the former conversed with Angelus and the latter seemed to comforting(?) David West.
As much as he would like to talk to them, he instantly knew that he was the last thing they wanted to see after that business with Annie.
"Admit it though, she did sorta have it coming."
"[sub]shut it[/sub]."
"What? She did. We sure as hell did!"
With his "Friend" flaring up again, he checked out the other rooms while wishing he has an aspirin.
Stopping outside of the room Melethia, Cz, Som and Constance were in, he watched as the Elf explained the situation before showing off her own Persona.
Hm...Doesn't seem to have even skipped a beat despite everything... He thought was he entered the training room to get a better view then just from the viewing station.
Wonder if Som and Constance were told yet... He thought, hoping the Hunter and Cat Girl wouldn't be in the boat of people who hated him for that torture session.

Training Room 1#: David West

David declined the hand as he just began to walk out of the room, a 1000 yard stare on his face at the crippling realization his Shadow had forced on him, he didn't even bother to pick up his gun.
Ignoring everything around him, he began to make his way out of the building, just wanting to get away from all social interaction.

Training Room 3#: Deadshot

"...Urg, and clients wonder why assassins are all dickheads..." Deadshot sighed, hating the idea that in order to be considered "Pro" you had to act and dress in a certain way, he was killing people for a living, what did it matter what he dressed like?
"Stop it." Annie suddenly said, prompting a "...Stop what?..." before Mitsuru's message was relayed around the building.
Annie then seemed to walk off some what dejected to one to the in-house bunks.
"...What's her problem?..." He asked out loud before doing the same, although he was thinking of skipping the joint and heading into the city to have a night on the piss.
Come to think of it, I don't think they put some sort of tracker on me... He realized, planning to make the most of his night without going back to his cell on the ship.

Hallway: Jenny

"Mm-hm." Jenny merely nodded in response, not talking her eyes off the files.
From someone who never met her, Fuuka could be forgiven for thinking that Jenny was always the focused type, constantly reading up on the threats that the Rising Dawn battled against.
Though after hearing what their own Captain did, she seemed to have changed...


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Shadow Operative Building Training Room

Room 7: Slindis, Angelus, Ton Ton

[color=c200]"I can explain the story later, but it's not a title I hand out easily. Now then, if you would excuse me?"[/color] Caim's arrival and passing off the rather large dagger to Angelus gave Slindis the time needed to compose herself. She certainly needed it since she was going to have to make a caster able to defend themselves competently in a melee. She knew this was going to be a nightmare to pull off. After all, it had taken a few months to get Teri to know how to use a quarterstaff.

[color=c200]"Thank you for giving her a weapon, Caim. Now then, Angelus. You'll need to follow me; we have a long night ahead of us if we're going to make you better at defending yourself. We can't count on you always having Caim around here, and I doubt we can use these Evokers in the city where there's no hotspots.

After all, there's more to worry about than the Shadows."[/color] Her statement shifted over into the blunt, minimalistic tone that was characteristic of her shifting over into Teacher mode. From what Angelus remembered from the few times she'd aided with Teri's training, there was certainly going to be some pain here.


Room 1: David, Devon, Dimitri, Garm, Teri, Yu

After Teri told Garm that she intended to go after David and how to catch up with her, Devon definitely took a bit of time to stroke Garm's fur to calm down. Saying his fur was a bit shaggy would be like saying water was wet, and she'd cast Prestidigation if it didn't mean bringing Mengde back out.

[color=00c863]"It's nothing that's a large issue, Garm... It's just been a really long week for me, although I'm glad you asked."[/color] She smiled before holding back a small sneeze. Devon'd always had a small allergy to pets, and that looked to be one of the few things to never change. She was so wrapped up in things she didn't want to think about that she didn't see Garm's talking as that shocking. What's a talking wolf when your self-identity was altered last week?

Yu was then greeted with an open smile and a kind tone. [color=00c863]"Could you please just call me Devon? I've just had some bad memories pop up, and I'd really like someone to talk with if it's okay. Nothing against you, Garm."[/color] The smile that crossed her face as she responded to Yu's rather kind inquiry may have sent the wrong message across to Yu, however. After all, she was speaking in Japanese, and asking someone to not use honorifics was usually a pretty significant statement.

Not that she knew that, though.

Back with Sadei and Tama, though, Sadei was trying to be a mediator with Tama. Even though Tama was a Persona, Sadei didn't feel that comfortable with Tama going too wild. [color=b05fe9]"Tama, let's be a bit more careful... I don't want Teri to go too big, okay? Maybe we can both talk with her about the spells, and she chooses what's best. I think we could work something out there, and it's best for all of us if Teri stays safe."[/color]


Room 2: Som, Cz, Melethia, Constance

"Yeah, just like that. Not too hard, and it'll take some time to work with it. Just showConstance about it, since magic's a no-no with it around. I'd not want to see her die to them, since I don't know how good she is with a blade." Melethia certainly seemed disappointed in Constance's refusal to use the Evoker. After all, they'd need all they had to get rid of the threat here. Didn't Constance know she'd be dead weight to the whole group by refusing to learn how to defend herself?

She finished packing the equipment back up and turned to the trio to finish her talk with them. "If you end up needing me, I'll be getting some other weapons ready outside. I know Keeneye will need some new ones for here, so I need to meet up with him. Meet with that Mitsuru or Fuuka if you need help, and they can explain it better." After that, she left then went off to the Canteen on the Rising Dawn. It was odd, but she knew that was the best place to find the Irish gunman.


Room 4: Annie, Deadshot, Ella, Cadolbolg

Ella turned her focus on Deadshot again with a bit less of an edge in her voice after Cadolbolg's infectious enthusiasm. "Deadshot, I'm in as good of a mood as I've been over the past week, so I'd like to keep it up. Act with a bit more seriousness? I know you know the stakes here." It wasn't exactly praise but it was certainly the closest anyone had come to treating him as more than a prisoner over the past few days.

"So, Cadolbolg, want to show your family what you can do in a while? I think that we'll have a harder time after this - no, I know we'll have a harder time than this. Why else would we have been called here? That man definitely didn't seem to be assocated with either of my parents..." Despite her best efforts, her mood kept wavering after the implications sunk in. She then caled out to Annie as the soldier got ready to leave in hopes to try to get through to her.

"Annie, just remember that anyone can change. I know it sounds ridiculous, and it sounds hard, but it's never not within reach."

After that, she went to find Mitsuru to see if she could track down some way to get an idea of the city or who else could be counted on as friends here.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
bluecrimson said:
A quick post before I leave to go back home.

Yu Narukami, [color=00c863]Devon[/color], [color=0E59E4]Teri[/color], David and Garm.
Location: Personaverse | Shadow Operative Building, shadow room 1 | Tatsumi Port Island, Japan

Pulling up his Shadow Operative arm band, Yu saw David leave his Evoker and exit the room. Thinking that it would be better to leave him for now, Yu waved him hand and Izanagi retrieved the Evoker and held it out to Yu. Pocketing the gun like object for now, Yu would go after David later. After a single thought of leave, Yu's Persona suddenly faded from the room. Still listening to Devon, Yu smiled calmly even if Devon was not using honorifics.

"Okay ... Devon." He said, still calm. "What is worrying you?" Yu said in a normal manner, intending to make the girl comfortable with this place and whatever worried her. Yet the thought of David still lingered in his mind, was everyone else in the same mood?


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Shadow Operative Building Training Rooms: Sleeping Bunks: Deadshot

Swiping a city guide from the lobby (As well as someone's Credit Card), Deadshot was more or less set for this night on the city.
Seeing how this was a largely gun-free city, he felt that he could easily kick the shit out of anyone who wanted to have a shot at him.
While he was unable to find anything to wear outside of his maroon jumpsuit, he figured seeing how this was Japan(-ish), No one would pay any heed.
Before he went about hailing a cab, he remembered a statement he made earlier.
...Eh, bet she never lived a day of her life... He thought in relation to his fellow prisoner before seeking out the Titan Shifter.

By process of elimination (And LOTS of "Sorry! Wrong room."), He finally managed to track her down.
"Yo, Annie! Up and at them, Going out to wreak the city. Figuratively speaking. This is not open to negotiation!" He said as he knocked loudly on her door


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: David's room: David, Melethia

After checking the bar on the Rising Dawn, Melethia went to the 4th most likely place she could find David West (Outside of the Armory and the Medical Bay), his quarters on the ship.
David himself meanwhile was slumped in bed, laying face down and staring blankly at the wall, not moving so much as a inch since he got back.
"Keeneye, you there?" He heard Melethia ask as she knocked.
"Come on, you in there?..."
Even in this state, he let out an annoyed sigh as he heard the Elf's Infamous lock-picking skills unlock his door before letting herself in.
"...Can you please not do that in the future?..." He asked, not bothering to turn around and look at her.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Shadow Operative Building Training Room

Room 1: Devon, Dimitri, Garm, Teri, Yu

After Teri told Garm that she intended to go after David and how to catch up with her, Devon definitely took a bit of time to stroke Garm's fur to calm down. Saying his fur was a bit shaggy would be like saying water was wet, and she'd cast Prestidigation if it didn't mean bringing Mengde back out.

[color=00c863]"Can I sum it up with it's been a really long few days? It's really what it all goes down to, and I think it'd help if I could go and see some new sights here... Maybe I could invite Ella to come along?"[/color] Her striking of Garm slowed down shortly after saying that, and she called Ella over the Rings to see if she was up to seeing the town.

She certainly needed like she needed a break from something, at least. It's a shame she wasn't too in depth about what it was, though.



David's Room: Melethia, El Davido

"Something's bothering you. Could it be because of the stuff we have here? I know it's a hell of a lot harder to add my more useful perks to my gear here, but " She could be heard plopping down on the bed as she gave David's gun a once-over.

She finished packing the equipment back up and turned to the trio to finish her talk with them. "I'll make you a better one for here. Close-range, long-range, you name it, it'll blast those things away. Point being, you'll be using it and not some half-baked stuff pushed on us. Now, before you say we need those personas to gut them, I've already got an idea on how to shove that that in their faces.

And you know what that is, my gunslinging ally? Superior Firepower. Nothing it hasn't solved, nothing it can't solve, and nothing it won't ever be able to solve."
It was crazy how the kid sounded more like a weapons dealer than anyone else on the ship, but she certainly knew her stuff thanks to some of the other things David'd seen her toys do. If she were any older, she would have been working for Rugal back when he ran the Cartel!


Room 4: Ella, Cadolbolg

Our Succubus quickly and cheerfully responded to the message sent to her by Devon. "I'm up for it as long as you are, Devon. I don't think I'll be able to tell Cadolbolg no to any trips, though. Sorry~!" Even with all that was going on, she was definitely up for a small trip in the city. Who knows, maybe she might even get some sushi?

"I don't think I really have to ask this, Cadol, but are you up for a trip around the town tonight? Devon's already wanting to go out, and I think it's just what our little Bard needs." An outstretched finger was shown to the dragon for her best approximation of a handshake, and she followed up with a playful tome

"After all, we both know you earned a little treat after earlier, right? Your mom and dad should be just fine with it."


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Shadow Operative Building Training Room

Room 7: Slindis, Angelus, Ton Ton, Caim

Angelus flinched faintly at the implications she needed Caim to defend herself, and a low, inhuman growl escaped her throat as her pride took a heavy hit, [small]"What? Did I hear that right? Does this MORTAL think that I NEED that fool? Oh, she will have another thing coming..."[/small]

It took much in Angelus' power to restrain herself before curtly answering, "It seems I have worn this guise for too long, for you forget my true nature. I don't need Caim to defend myself, Slindis; and I'd appreciate it if you didn't say anything like that again. It is only because of this blasted Persona business I should take upon this training at all. ...."

And with that, she placed Ton Ton on Caim's shoulder and stormed out of the room after the Drow, fury fueling her every step. It didn't take a pact bond for man or Tonberry to know that the dragon had taken that offhanded comment for worse, and was going to try to prove the Paladin wrong.

[color=15650D]"I have a distinct feeling there was good reason for neither of us to say anything..."[/color]
"Good call. Let's get back to the Dawn before we see any sparks fly."
At the very least, Angelus did have the leg up on Teri in one regard: She was far more familiar with Kingsblood as an extended talon than Teri did with a quarterstaff.


Room 1: Devon, Garm, Yu

Garm wagged his tail at the thought of Devon doing something with Ella in town, [color=365D60]"It sounds like yoou have a plan, this trip. It soounds like yoou need it."[/color]

While the 'o' sounds were still a bit extended, and the emphasis was still a bit off in some places (at least compared to the relaxed body posture), Garm was still trying his hand (paw?) at proper human speech. Garm seemed to... Think? Right, the wolf thought for a moment before adding, [color=365D60]"Perhaps I could follow too? I know Tear-ri will be occupied with David West, so I do not think I will be missed. I coould learn more about Human speech while with yoou too?"[/color]


Room 4: Ella, Cadolbolg

Cadolbolg held out a small paw, shaking 'hands' with Ella before fluttering off of Ella's head, "Gimme a sec to talk to Father, and we'll know for sure."

After a moment of Cadolbolg going to Caim's side, some excitable conversation on the turtle-dragon baby's part, and Cadolbolg came back, "Father said yes, and Mother is busy at the moment, so I think that's a yes for the both of them~! I just wanna eat something aside from sandwiches... Maybe some kind of noodles? I like hot foods."


Hallway: Jenny, Fuuka

Fuuka wasn't entirely sure how to talk back to Jenny's sudden bout of seriousness, and merely gave a soft nod,[color=5F8B7F]"Feel free to borrow them as necessary, Mitsuru permitting. Then again, I don't see why she'd need them? It is a copy of the files after all... Anyways, I bid you good night."[/color]

And with that, the teal haired lass left Jenny to her thoughts.


Rising Dawn Training Room: Teri

Prior to Melethia's timely use of her lockpicking, Teri had given chase after David, finally stopping at his quarters (to which David even locking the door). After pounding on the door for a few minutes to get the Irishman's attention (to no avail), the Cleric decided to have Dimitri keep a vigil on David's condition (not to mention a lead sandwich would be the last thing any of the Dawn members needed.)

Following that, she made her way to a training room and asked Vermilion to set up the room for some hand-to-hand practice. With Sadei being locked in the arm-bracelet form, it'd be best to practice the newer method she was taught. Besides, with Rugal being outed as truly being Annie's torturer (as much as Teri still didn't want to believe it), Devon still being tormented by his change in identity, and Caim's words still ringing in her mind, it felt like a good idea to vent. After taking off her gloves and some other extraneous equipment (like that quiver), the Cleric began going at a punching bag with a fervor, her Shadow/Persona chatting back to Sadei as Teri focused on improving her strikes...

[color=0E59E4]"Yo, I have a full name now. It's Toyotama-hime; and dammit, I will be treated with the respect it begets! As for the spells and shit, I say we go high damage output, seeing as those shadows probably don't breathe. Shit like Thin Air ain't gonna get us far. Shivering Touch or Aura of Cold however... Those could be fun."[/color]
Toyotama-hime cackled at the image of wreaking destruction with the spells in question and continued, [color=0E59E4]"I'll be nice for now, Munchkin. But don't be surprised if I give my suggestions a bit heavily. I like being able to leave this body from time to time, and I want to max out the full potential I get from it...Though I will admit this punhing bag business is kinda nice too, in a cathartic Our-knuckles-hurt kinda way."[/color]


Power in Procedure
Sep 27, 2010
Location: Training Room 2 | Shadow Operatives Headquarters​
Cz | Som | Constance

Cz stood up and brushed herself off, her cheeks were flushed red. I didn't mean for that to happen... Veles floated above her, ignorant of its counterpart's overflowing emotions. The mechanical construct merely drifted slightly to the right or the left and launched another well placed laser at a forming shadow.

The Peacemaker took a look at Constance while brushing off her robes lightly, "He-hey. Girl..." Cz popped the head back onto the doll and let the felt the shallow heartbeat start up again, "Constance, was your name.. that's right. Why am I forgetting." Cz wiped the tears from her eyes. "Constance, why do you look so distant. Is something wrong?"


Veles was saying flatly above the group. Her wings splayed out to touch the walls of the training room. Another series of lances ran through a group of shadows a distance away and exploded them into brilliant shards of red light. Cz stumbled toward Constance, concerned for the vampire's well being.

Why am I doing this. This isn't part of my directive...


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Shadow Operatives Building: Offices: Rugal

Fading away from the rest of the Crew, Rugal resigned himself to looking over the files again, anything to keep the mental monkey that was his "Other side" off his back.

((Shakes Magic 8 Ball of writers block))

Rising Dawn: David's room: David West

David still refused to get slightly animated as Melethia began designing her mystery weapon.
"...Mel...Listen, I see what you are doing, but I'm really not in the state of mind to craft Gun Porn right now..." He meekly sighed, wondering what good Guns had done for him. Seriously, half of the crew could shrug off whatever he could throw at them.
"...All I want to stay here and go home when this is all over...No more of..."This"...You know...growing up?...The worst thing I thought could happen to me is if I became a Farmer...A Fricking Farmer wasting his years in the West of Ireland...Now?...At least I could be good at it..."
Finally sitting up, he then asked "...Honest question, Honest answer...Do I pose ANY threat to you?..."

Shadow Operatives Building: Bunks: Deadshot

Keeping up his swagger even as Annie looked read to rip his spine out, Deadshot answered.
"Annie, don't think of it as "Escaping". Besides, if we left them, we'd be stranded here, in another Realm with no real way to get home. Think of it as..."Parole". Besides, if they really cared so much, I wouldn't be allowed in this damn building without an escort. And Judging by how many company pens I've taken-" He said before Annie tried to close the door in his face, causing him to stop it with his foot.
"Annie...Come on, you mightn't get another chance for this! What age are you? 16? It's like a rite of passage for kids like you! And I ain't about to have the gal who stopped Dr. Killjoy (Shawn) from cutting me up get all depressed in her 30's because she never had a single night of fun in her life!

Ah go on! What's the worst that could happen?..."

Practice Room #2: Jenny

Jenny was still neck deep into her reading when the sound of something shouting "EXTERMINATE THREATS. EXTERMINATE THREATS." could be heard.
Finally pulling her eyes away, she saw what was going on.
"Huh?...Who's Persona is that?" She asked herself before walking inside the training room.
"Whoa...God, Cz? This one yours?..." she asked as Veles kept unleashing laser death on the incoming Shadows.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Location - Shadow Operative Hallway: Annie, Deadshot

"Huh-WAHHHHHHHHHH-OOOF!" Deadshot cried as Annie swept him off his feet and slammed him into the ground.
"ARGH!-fucking-christ-dammit-The Frick man?! I try to show you a good time and THIS is what I get? Man, am I SERIOUSLY the sane man on this flying crazy boat?" He complained before she let off and began some long winded speak about weakness and such.
"Blah Blah Blah Weakness Blah Blah Blah. ... If you insist though, we can check out the city. Know our surroundings. But, don't expect me to get 'loose' since I respect myself."" was all he managed to get from that conversation, .
"...Do you still do that thing where your body regenerates when hurt?"
"...Well, Yes-"
"THAT! That alone makes you more qualified then every other asshole out there? You're worried about not being powerful enough to defend yourself? Please! I didn't even have any powers to lose! And yet, this rotting drug addled piece of rapidly approaching middle age and still able to hold his own. what's your excuse? Now come on, Lets wreak this city!" He said before he began pull her out of the building with one hand while trying to call a cab with his other.

Captcha: "...Eh, got the Evil part at least..."