The Escapist Avatar Adventure: An Open RP (Now Re-Opened!)


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Shadow Operative Building Training Room

Room 7: Slindis, Angelus, Ton Ton, Caim

Slindis knew from the rather heated response from Angelus that she needed to do what she could to try bringing Angelus down to a more manageable level.

[color=c200]"Should've chosen a better turn of the phrase... I don't want you to hold anything back in this training. If I can see how you tend to fight, I can get you a style that's both workable and extremely practical for you. After instilling competence in Teri, anything else would be a simple task."[/color] With that, she grabbed a sturdy and well-balanced four foot long Iron pole for her use in the training

The most difficult in this training would be finding a way to redirect Angelus' fury towards fighting better; blindly slashing and stabbing might work, but it was a bad habit to instill in anyone because of all of the openings it provided.


Room 1: Devon, Garm, Yu

ALthough she was still a bit snuffly from the allergies, she nodded and stroked Garm's fur, touched by the Wolf's thoughts. [color=00c863]"Oh, it should be fine -achoo- for you to come along. Would you want that, Yu? He's really a very smart companion, if the speaking wasn't enough to show that."[/color]


Room 4: Ella, Cadolbolg

Her face burst out into a wide grin at the Dragon being able to come along and gave him a light hug. "We'll find something you'll like, I'm sure of it. Want to grab Devon now? It's sure to be a great night out!" With that, the search was on to find Devon and Narukami for their one night out before starting on their task.


Rising Dawn: Mel, David, Teri, Toyotama, Sadei

"You really have to ask that? If you can keep someone at range, it doesn't matter how skilled they are: You can just look for the right place to shoot. You want to complain about not being able to do anything right? Then find ways to surprise people! That's how you become threats to people, and I know that's how you can become more of a threat to me. After all, I can't even touch your skills with guns - go ahead and bring that one weapon up, but they really are equalizers. Why don't you see it?

Just fight dirty and you'll get a one-up over most assholes we fight as well as most of the people here. In fights, honor's only as good as the other person against you. take advantage of that! Use stuff that tears them apart, make bullets that churn up the insides, coat them in poisons or strong reagents, anything to get that one-up on them!"
The Elf was clearly annoyed that she even had to spell this out. After all, she thought he'd known this from the start. It was what she'd been taught, after all, and it'd kept her alive all this time.


Tama's rather boisterous response was met with a rather firm rebuttal from Sadei, keeping the both of them from overtaking Teri's mind in their argument.
[color=b05fe9]"Really? I think some disabling ones could work here as well. After all, we could make things easier by slowing down a lot compared to attacking one. With that name, though? Toyotama's really the most fitting there."[/color]


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Location - The Nightclub: Annie, Deadshot

"Excuse me, coming though, VIP, MOAR IMPORTANT THEN YOU!" Deadshot explained as he pulled Annie though the line, shoving a few actual VIPs to the ground in the process while swiping a pair of sunglasses.
"{Excuse me! Sir! you are not allowed in-}"
"Screw off! I make more money in a month then you do in a minute! I HAVE SPORTS VIDEOS TO SING! NO YOU CAN'T HAVE MY AUTOGRAPH!" He shouted at the bouncer before prying the pair of them inside the club.
As the Titan Shifter had no doubt never been inside a club before, the Sudden rush of lights And sounds would be alien to her.
All the while, Deadshot guided her from the door to the bar.
"2 OF THE STRONGEST DRINKS YOU GOT, SERVED WITH THE 2ND STRONGEST!" He ordered for the both of them and the next thing Annie knew, she had a strange concoction in a glass handed to her.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Location - Nightclub: Deadshot, Annie

"HEY!...WANT TO KNOW HOW I GOT THESE SCARS?!" Deadshot shouted to the Goth beside him, showing off the face half of his face was missing as Annie tried her drink.
"I might just head back-" He barely heard before the man next to her began making moves.
"HEY! WATCH MY SEAT!" He then asked as he stood up on the Counter.

"ATTENTION FELLOW PARTY ANIMALS! FOR ONE NIGHT ONLY! I! DEAD! MOTHER-FUCKING! SHOT!" He spoke as he pulled out the credit card he "Borrowed" from that agent back at the Shadow Operatives Building.
"AM PAYING FOR ALL THE DRINKS! DJ! SPIN THAT SHIT!" He finished before handing it over to the Bartender as the entire building went insane and he just cursed some poor hard working agent to a bar tab he could never hope to pay for.
Annie didn't know much about partying, but Deadshot sure as hell did as he got down from the counter and resumed his advances.
"SO YEAH! RICH! YOUNG! LONELY! AND YOURS!" He shouted at the Goth, hoping his gesture helped his case a little.

Rising Dawn: Mel, David, Teri

"......I almost forgot you were a minor psychopath." David sighed, realizing that he was asking a kid that knew more about war and combat then he did.
"I mean, What the hell am I supposed to do against a dragon? Or that Titan *****? Hell! That fucking dog of Teri's can tear me to SHREDS! You want me to just carry a damn mortar with me where-ever I go!?" He then stated as he stood up, starting to get angry now.
"A WEAPON IS ONLY AS GOOD AS THE ONE USING IT! AND I HAVE SHOWN JUST HOW GOOD I AM! TIME! AFTER! TIME!" He then lashed out, flipping over a desk covered in empty bottles and cans.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010

Rising Dawn: Mel, David

"Dragons? You perforate the wings to rob them of flight and use their grounded state to your advantage since you don't have to be anywhere near! With that Titan, you take her eyes out and then target the arteries and veins from range since they still need blood to live! With the wolf, you overwhelm it with smells then use a Flashbang since again you don't have to be in CQC! For Khyber's sake, BE INVENTIVE! QUIT BITCHING AND MOANING AND DO SOMETHING TO CHANGE IT! FUCK, I'LL TEACH YOU IF IT HELPS YOU GET OVER IT!" Melethia was clearly irate at this point, channeling a good bit of R Lee Ermey [] as she tried to get it through David's skull that his weapon could be a fantastic one if he thought outside the box with it. Right now, she could think of a couple dozen different ways she could have used them back at her old home,

Blast Off To Titan

New member
Aug 15, 2013
bluecrimson said:
"Yeah, just like that. Not too hard, and it'll take some time to work with it. Just show Constance about it, since magic's a no-no with it around. I'd not want to see her die to them, since I don't know how good she is with a blade."
Som strugged as he watched the young elf leave the Training Area before turning to glare at Constance, who only seemed to shrink under the intense stare, before shaking his head at her. It seemed that the crew of the Airship called Rising Dawn were not all that different from the Hunter's Ward and the Hunter himself, they were taken to strange new realms without being given much option or say in the matter.

"Learn or you will die. Then what will the death of your family have meant?" Hunter Waterford stated simply before leaving the Training Room out the same door as the elf did. He had neither the time nor the patience to teach the Vampire anything and there was something on his mind that bothered him immensely.

As he walked down the halls of the facility, where ever they were, he pulled out the small crystaline amulet that had served as his protector and found it to be the gem to be dull and inert, appearing far different than he had ever seen it but it did explain much.

"(So this is how Artemis was able to be summoned.)" Som thought to himself as he tucked the gem back under his leather armor. As he continued to walk, he balked at the idea of having to summon some magical being to do battle for him. As a Hunter he had always relied on the skills that he had been taught and learned in the field. He had, however seen the damage that the summoned Huntress was capable of producing. Opening the door to what appeared to be a mess hall, he decided that he would only use it, meaning the Summoned Persona, when the situation needed. He did not want to be too reliant upon something that could fail at any time.


TheMehKingdom said:
"He-hey. Girl... Constance, was your name.. that's right. Why am I forgetting? Constance, why do you look so distant. Is something wrong?"
The Vampire's crimson eyes, which had been previously focused on the Evoker device that still sat on the floor, flicked up to meet those of Cz.

"(Go ahead. Tell her that you're hearing voices in your head now and that you're scared to go into battle, that you've always been scared but you were able to pull through it somehow but you don't know if you can anymore. Tell her that you're scared of dying and that everytime you disappear, you have visions of your world on a path towards destruction and even with this knowledge, you're in no position to help it pull itself out of the hole that it's heading towards." Said the venomous voice in the back of Constance's mind.

FOrcing a smile to light up her face, The Raven Haired Vampire nodded.

"I'm fine, thank you Cz. This disappearing and reappearing act disorient me somewhat and it takes me a bit to get back to feeling like myself again." The Faux Cat-Eared vampire stated in a voice that sang of sunshine and rainbows and lollipops.

"Why do you ask? Is there something wrong with my face?" Constance asked, continuing to smile as she picked up the evoker device and handed it to Teddy. She might not have learned to use it or what her Persona, or whatever they were calling it, was but she couln not help but feel that the device would come in handy in the future.

As she and Cz stood there, Jenny entered the training room and started talking to Cz about her large Persona, causing Constance to breathe a sigh of relief that the attention had been taken off of her for the time being.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Location Nightclub: Annie, Deadshot, Goth chick

"And all my rich friends are going to be so envious when they hear the things i'm doing tonight to you..." Deadshot smoothly said as cries of pain began to drown out his horrible pick up lines and draw attention from the rich VIP persona he was trying to make.
Cringing as the sounds of cracking bones reached his ears, He said"...Hold that thought my black little rose..." before finishing his drink and getting up right as a few bouncers with nightsticks showed up.
"Oh boy...Fun police. Fun fun FUN!" he shouted before throwing his glass at the face of one advancing on Annie, blinding him with broken glass before connecting with a hard right to one beside him.

The crowd reacted to the fight as any good party going crowd would: spreading out to create a round "Ring" or sorts, getting a front row view of the duo beating down the Bouncers.
"This wasn't what I had in mind, but I'm not one to turn down a good scrap!" He mentioned to his partner in crime as the next bunch came in.

Rising Dawn: Mel, David

"I'VE TRIED THAT DAMMIT! BUT NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS, THE STAKES JUST GET HIGHER AND HIGHER AND I ONLY HAVE TO FAIL ONCE FOR THE WHOLE WORLD TO GO TO SHIT!" David shouted back, now getting into a full blown yelling match with Melethia, someone who was faster, stronger, better equipped, better trained, better connected and half his age.
After taking a moment to compose himself after that rant, he massaged his head as he looked down.
"...Sorry, Look....I've just been having a REALLY bad day...And this..."Job" if you can even call it take...Christ above, I just wish I could tag out, just for a month or two..."


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Location - Nightclub: Deadshot, Goth Girl, Annie

Between avoiding swings and punches Deadshot managed to get in "Hey, can you honestly say you are having a bad time right now?" in response to Annie's statement.
While the merc wasn't as skilled as she was, he did know enough about both kicking the shit out of someone and getting the shit kicked out of himself to know the ropes of these sort of showdowns.
Managing to get one of the Nightsticks, he was able to beat back any that Annie hadn't already sent to the A&E, he wasn't going to be taking down any black belts soon, but he could hold his own.

Taking his opponents back towards the bar, he then picked up a pair of glass bottles, smashing them both open at the same time to dual wield a pair of sharp objects.
"Go on! Give the YT-Audience something to flag!" he taunted for his adoring fan to record.
When the pair of them engaged, he jammed one bottle into No.1's right arm while giving No.2 a bit of budget facial reconstruction surgery.
"OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! HE AIN'T PRETTY NO MORE!" He gloated as Annie finished off the last of her group, leaving an impressive pile of broken bodies.

In a rare instance of him actually remembering something someone had said to him, he then hatched a little surprise for her.
Walking up beside her and taking her arm, he raised it up into the air and just before she was able to snap his arm like a twig, he shouted "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, A STANDING OVATION FOR OUR NEW HEAVY-WEIGHT CHAMPION OF THE WORLD!"

Needless to say, the crowd went wild as this unknown woman managed to beat down on the staff of the nightclub they were in, chanting and clapping and cheering her name.
Fading from the crowd to let her bask in her well-earned glory, Deadshot returned to the Goth, waving to the camera and saying "And everyone lived happily ever after. The End." as she finished recording before sitting down next to her and wrapping an arm around her.
"Because who doesn't like a Happy Ending? [sub]And I'm told I give quote "Wonderful" Happy Endings[/sub]" He teased as he went to lock lips.
Deadshot might be one the lowest people the Rising Dawn had ever met, but he knew how to party...


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Dr. Killjoy (Shawn/Wanderer).
Location: Out of Nightclub ... directly outside of the nightclub.
[HEADING=2]"And I will always kiiiiiiiiiill yoooooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuu~!!!"[/HEADING]

Howled the Wanderer as he looked at the moon. The revving of a vehicle buzzed around him as a Whitney Houston song blasted out of the vehicle's speakers. Looking down from the cab of said vehicle, the Wanderer could see a Japanese couple in a much smaller car directly looking at him. It was not every day when you see an armored foreigner yell a line from a Whitney Houston song. Meeting their gaze back, the couple could easily feel the cold touch of fear all over them.

"Hai~!" He briefly said, the couple screamed and drove quickly as the lights turned green.
Shrugging, the Wanderer switched gears on his giant truck and began to drive forward very fast. The current song ended and was replaced by a popular song which was born in this country. The Doctor began rocking out to the song too.

The Wanderer now was taking up his new title of "Dr.Killjoy" and is currently tracking Deadshot. Not to kill him, not to experiment on him ... but just to fuck his day up in total. The Wanderer will keep his word, but he won't mind breaking a few teeth and some of the few remaining brain cells of the assassin that made the grave mistake of backstabbing a violent, insane mutated human who has cheated death many times.

"He should be directly in front of me ..." The good Doctor was looking down at his Pip-Boy, yet he was too cocky with the distance and his own driving ability. Looking up the front doors of the club came into view ... very quickly. "Hey, there it is!" He smiled inside his helmet, the Doctor did not know the concept of being scared ... actually, his trigger had already been flipped. "I wonder if they have those little martini umbrell-SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT" Was the last thought he had before smashing right through the front doors of the building.

[HEADING=2]"Helloooooooo, Japan!"[/HEADING]

Was the first thing the maniac said as the truck found itself not only surrounded by shocked people ... but it was right in the middle of the dance floor. "Uhh ... anyone have insurance?" He said hopping out of the truck cap and right onto the dance floor. Many voices spoke in Japanese, in which the Wanderer only shrugged as he made his way to the bar. "Ugh ... I'll take a ... hey where are you going!?" He yelled as he tried to order something but the bartender ran away.

Grumbling to himself, he grabbed a bottle of Whiskey and walked towards Deadshot and the Gothgirl.
Still, everyone in the club was still mostly shocked that a truck came through the front door and the driver turned out to be this guy. The bouncers were even shocked, they soon will try to restrain him but ... yeah that won't work well.
"You heard the man, don't fuck with me!" He said towards the crowd which could not hear the writings of myself.

The Doctor threw his helmet back in his inventory (Which looked like it faded in a puff of smoke) and started to drink the Whiskey. If this is him in his TRIGGER/insane mode, he had already drank and took many of his own consumables.

Yu Narukami, [color=00c863]Devon[/color] and [color=365D60]Garm[/color].
Location: Personaverse | Shadow Operative Building, shadow room 1 | Tatsumi Port Island, Japan
Looking at the big wolf, Yu was calm as ever. "I have no problem, the more the merrier as they say." He said to both the girl and big wolf. "Although we should meet up with Kirijo-san and Yamagishi-san, they will want to hear a report about our session. All of you went well, although I will need to meet up with David-san at one point. The Shadow was accepted but can he use his Persona?" Yu began to think to himself but returned to the conversation with a gasp of air.

"Well ... lets meet up with everyone else before we go to Mitsuru. That is my suggestion." Yu pointed to the door but reminded himself that he was not the leader of this whole thing, another reminder about his time in Inaba. Yu's face was still calm but his eyes could tell the right person that he was lonely.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Shadow Operative Building

Room 1: Devon, Garm, Yu

Devon certainly seemed to agree with Yu's idea of meeting with Mitsuru. [color=00c863]"I agree, if only to give a better idea to her. Who knows? She could also toss us a bit of cash, and that would be real nice.

If you're talking about David, though... Maaaaybe we can give him some space. You know, like what happened with the other Shadows? That stuff tired all of the other Natural users out from what I remember."[/color] The choice of words was a bit off, though... why would Devon say 'all of the other users' instead of just herself and Teri?


Room 4: Ella, Cadolbolg

It didn't take too long for the two to get to a meeting point for Devon and Yu.


Rising Dawn: Mel, David, Teri, Toyotama, Sadei

"Somehow I don't think that you even heard a word I said. You expect any one of us to fully hold this ship together? DO you think that any one of us alone could do that? What I'm asking for you to do with this is have an open mind. Is that so hard?" She was just about done with arguing with this brick wall.




The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009

Dr. Killjoy (Shawn/Wanderer), Deadshot and Annie.
Location: Bar | Partly ruined nightclub.
Looking around, the Doctor just shrugged as he took the seat and began to sip the Whiskey bottle. Whilst looking around he could spot the Goth girl looking at him. "Hey, keep those eyes to yourself or I'm taking them with me ... with him." The Wanderer pointed to the possibly drunk and horny Deadshot. "So ... this is a "Nightclub" ... weird. A place for people to dance sexually and drink to death. Greeeeeat~." He said sarcastically as he looked at the shocked patrons of the club.

Ignoring them he looked at Annie. "I'm just wondering why you are here ... with him. I mean I know you guys are friends after being locked up for so long but ... he exactly ain't a good guy, I mean he screwed me over so I made it my mission to screw him over ... forever ... or until one of us die. So that is how I got here, I tracked him here, my insane personality took over and ... yeah." The Doctor's eyes went towards the half destroyed truck which was still on the dance floor, still spilling the song that was playing.

"Honestly ... sometimes I hate it when my trigger is pulled. I feel ... overwhelmed by everything." He admitted to Annie ... or the drink and drugs was coming into a later stage.

Yu Narukami, [color=00c863]Devon[/color] and [color=365D60]Garm[/color].
Location: Personaverse | Shadow Operative Building, shadow room 1 | Tatsumi Port Island, Japan
"[color=00c863]I never thought I'd see any of you in person[/color]"
"[color=00c863]That stuff tired all of the other Natural users out from what I remember[/color]"

Are the sentences that made Yu curious. "Yeah, space would be good for David's case and I am sure that Kirijo-san can give us some spending money ... I would like to buy myself some origami paper." Confessed Yu but then he decided to hit right on the mark. "What do you mean "All of the other natural users"?" Asked Yu, the intelligence he gained from Inaba was still in the works.

"You say some pretty strange things, you looked surprised when you first saw me as if you know me personally and you know quite a sum of Persona knowledge ever though you are not from this universe ... " Yu asked again but in a serious tone ask the party reached the exit of the Shadow Room. His memories from when he was in their world was jumbled, only now he could see a dark hand grip his throat. This group could know more, but Yu wanted to know how much information they truly had.

"Who are you exactly?" Yu tried to place the final nail on the coffin, he wanted to know more about these people. Yu himself was not trying to pry anything out, he wanted to trust everyone, yet he needed to know.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Shadow Operative Building

Room 1: Devon, Garm, Yu

The girl had the clear look of a deer caught in the headlights, and there was the clear pause of someone trying to think of what to say next. [color=00c863]"I'm Devon Hauxwell... From America. I wish I could give you a picture of where exactly, but odds are it isn't there. There's just been a lot more that's happened this last week, things I wouldn't want you to find out about firsthand. Maybe we can just head out around the port island? I really don't want to keep Ella waiting - she'd make me pay for all the shopping and stuff if that happened.

Is that okay? We can talk a little bit more out there, if it's okay..."[/color] She'd certainly answered the student's question, but she wasn't quite skilled enough to do too much more bluffing to hide how she spoke. If Narukami had to place it, it felt more like he was talking to Naoto before having faced down her shadow. Not to mention her Persona was a man as well...


Room 1: Ella, Cadolbolg, Yu, Devon

"Devi, Narukami, are you two ready to light up the nightclubs? Even a Karaoke Bar would be awesome~!" THe wavy-haired demi-succubus skipped over to Yu's and Deon's side, wrapping an arm around the two to relieve the tension and create a better mood all-around.



Power in Procedure
Sep 27, 2010
Location: Training Room 2
Cz | Jenny | Constance

Jenny shook Cz's attention from Constance. She looked up and Veles when jenny motioned toward it. The persona was still blasting away, this time letting loose two or three beams concurrently from it's focusing dish. An angel of death, were Angels machines.

"I think so..." Cz answered after a short pause. It was hard to keep thinking about Constance now that her mind was filled with new thoughts. How strange that her subroutines were preoccupied. "It does bear more than a passing resemblance to my own Divine Form." Cz blinked and looked at Jenny, "Would you have one as well?"


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Yu Narukami, Ella, Cadolbolg, [color=00c863]Devon[/color] and [color=365D60]Garm[/color].
Location: Personaverse | Shadow Operative Building, shadow room 1 | Tatsumi Port Island, Japan
Before leaving the room, Yu was suspicious just like when he had to share a tent with Kanji ... just without all the caution. Undoubtedly there was a girl in front of him, yet the name only made him more confused and suspicious, with the quotes he remembered before did not help that. Mentally shrugging, Yu was tired along with everyone else from today and some bonding will surely help this doubt lingering inside his head.

When they left the room another girl came along, "Ella" is what Devon said before. Cracking a small smile, Yu was comfortable for about a second, then he remembered that one incident back in the Inaba case. Risa took them to a club and they apparently had alcoholic drinks which changed Yu ... but they were not at all alcoholic. In the end of that night the gray haired boy listed it as "Getting drunk off the atmosphere".

"Hopefully they will allow me in, I'm still underage ... and I don't exactly have good memories of clubs." Yu laughed, he wouldn't mind whatever would go down. "But first, we need to get some funds off Kirijo-san." he spoke to the group following him. They began to travel to the office where Mitsuru was, as they climbed into the elevator the tight space got to Yu. Two girls and himself, this does not seem good for him, he was forever going to remain loyal to Chie ... or he would get his ass kicked.

The elevator started to travel upwards and the view of the city was witnessed. "Uh, nice view ... isn't it?" Yu Said nervously, he had no idea if he made it worse for himself or not.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: David's room: David West

"...Right, just...Hard to be open when the even the fucking gender of the people you are working with are competely subject to change..." David sighed, wishing that something on this ship would be static and unchanging.
"...Okay....Super Weapon...lets start there..." He then said as he fixed back up his desk, clearing it of all the junk that was on it.
"...You want it one or 2 handed?" He asked, hoping to change the topic from his own mental state for a while.

Nightclub: Deadshot

Taking a moment away from his date to return the toast, Deadshot then said "So what was all that stuff about being weak?...because, all I'm seeing is a floor full of people that seem to be a LOT weaker then you. What about you? Think my friend here is weak?....
...Also, what is you name? I feel like I should have asked that earlier..."

Then, it happened.
A huge Semi Truck crashed into the side of the building, ending up on the dance floor beside the dozens of bodies Annie and Deadshot had just racked up.
"....Well, this is a second..." He mused until he watched the man get out: Doctor S.
"...oh shit..." he said, clearly un-nerved by the fact that crazy asshole managed to track him down in the first place.
"Hey, keep those eyes to yourself or I'm taking them with me ... with him." Shawn warned before he sat down, frightening the poor girl before he began his binge.
As the mad on explained that his only goal in life now was to the constantly track and screw Deadshot over, the assassin borrowed his date's phone and texted something on the screen.

As the doctor and Annie taked, he held it up where she could see it and it read:
Taking the truck, getting out of here before shit goes shit. Coming?
He was keen on getting out while he still could.

Practice Room #2: Jenny

"...Yeah, I can see that..." Jenny said as she watched that flying mecha effortlessly take down the weak Shadows.
"Just was wondering what was going on. Usually a machine shouting "Exterminate" is a bad thing...I think I have one, but I've too busy to really check. Besides, I think Shadows won't be a problem with the likes of THAT around." She explained as she watched the flying Kill Bot overhead.
It was then she finally noticed Som and Constance.
"Oh hey! Wow, Thought you had left. What happened? eat some more Sushi that didn't agree with you?" She teased, remembering the last time that they disappeared.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Location - Nightclub: Annie, Deadshot, Wanderer, Izami

Taking Izami's hand, Deadshot sprinted to the Truck after Annie got him an opening.
"No. We're seriously stealing that guy's Truck, There is a subtle difference!" He laughed as the trio go in before starting the engine.
"Hold on! This might suck!" he warned before kicking it in reverse, the tires squealing as they drove over the tiles of the dance floor and the rubble of the crash, leaving the building before Doktor Von Buzzkill could jump onto the truck or something like that.
Don't fire, don't fire, don't fire, don't fire He thought as he did this, knowing Wanderer's large collection of explosive weapons and praying that the public area (And the fact that a Civilian, Izami, was on board) would be enough to stop him from using one of them.

Once he was out, he kept reversing before spinning the truck around 180[sup]o[/sup] before tearing up the road away from the Nightclub.
"They have my Credit Card details, they can charge it out of that." He chuckled as his getaway seemed to work.
He would REALLY late to be the owner of that card right about now...


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009

You chose ... unwisely.
Dr. Killjoy (Shawn/Wanderer).
Location: Bar | Partly ruined nightclub.
Drinking the Whiskey had no use on the Wanderer, he was mutated to a point where he cannot get drunk or high.
All the perks he had gained for all of the years of were the reason why, this was so he can combat easier since such drinks and drugs bring up his stats. The bottle of alcohol was easily finished and the Doctor just shrugged off the taste. Noticing the truck's sounds made him only wonder. "Hmm so it still works ... hopefully they don't find the corpse of that Japanese mob member. Hehe~"

The Doctor mumbled in a happy state, little did they know that his other self was back. The one who wanted to do something ... fun. The one that was insane, although he could control himself he was not bothered to. Pulling out another drug from his back, he easily inserted the needle and plunged it within himself. It was the drug known as Psycho, essentially this can make him even crazier if it had a effect on the Doctor, lucky enough it doesn't make him go evil psycho crazy bonkers on everyone.

"Hey ... wait for me! I just want to talk ... I think?" He questioned himself. The actual owner of the club busted into the club with not just himself, but with a whole group of Yakuza. They surrounded the Wanderer and started to blast their own comments at him. One even dared to try and pick up the Wanderer ... but seeing how he is carrying a whole armory on him, they had little luck. The good Doctor decided to take action. Picking up the man who tried to pick HIM up by the neck, he decided give him a little nap ... a dirt one at that.

Plunging him down for a choke slam, the Yakuza that the Doctor had was actually already dead. Stopping before the slam, he sighed, he had crushed the windpipe of the poor bloke already. Letting him go the Wanderer began to skip away, "Sorry about that guy, he had one hell of a weak neck. Have that faceless asshole pay for all of this. His name is Deadshot, look him up and do something, I dunno ... just don't go after me. CAUSE I'LL FUCKIN' KILL YA!" The Good Doctor laughed crazy-like as he left.

[Terrifying Presence Activated]

Shortly as he left the Doctor could here many scream of terror as he left. It seems he not only scared the mobsters.
Shrugging and noting that the truck is totally gone, the Wanderer could only laugh as he equipped his jetpack and shishkabab and started to follow the trail of a smelly "Deadshot ... I'll give him a fucking truth shot when I grab him ... maybe all of them.." He pondered as he boosted all along the roads to find them.

He had already placed the three of them on his "I don't give a fuck about" list. Betraying the Lone Wanderer was probably the dumbest thing you could do seeing how he could survive bullets to the head. Igniting his flaming sword, he sighed.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Big Rig: Over the road, Racing: Wanderer, Deadshot, Annie, Izami

Deadshot's trademark optimism quickly faded as he saw Wanderer in his rear view mirror, flying after them with a Jetpart holding a flaming sword.
"...I forgot he had tha-OW! Hey, I'm working on it! Be more worried about that crazy bastard following us!...
And the fact I had fair to drink before getting in this thing!"
He said to Izami, sitting her down as she was trying to hit him.
"Okay, Don't panic. As far as anyone knows, it's his word against ours what happened and seeing how he rammed this thing into the side of a building, I like to think we have the high ground, at least in this situation." He explained, talking from experience of getting into these sorts of messes before.

Seeing how Wanderer was gaining on them, He began to search the glove compartments and any other nooks for a weapon as they rapidly neared the Shadow Operative Building.
"Oh please Trucker Culture, don't fail me now..." He prayed as he hoped Japanese truckers were anything like American Truckers.
He them got his wish granted in the form of one of the Wanderer's 5.56mm Hand Gun, something he most likely left from when he "Borrowed" this truck.
"Right, One of you take the wheel and hold her steady. Going to give that crazy bastard something to think about..." He said before leaving the wheel to either A. a 16 year old woman who most likely never driven or B. another teenage woman who would most likely crash it for shits and giggles.
Either way, he Leaned out the side window and began taking shots at the Wanderer, aiming for his legs to just discourage him, Each of his 5 shots hitting their marks in his knees and thighs, as per his namesake.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009

You chose ... even worse, baaaaaaka~.
Dr. Killjoy (Shawn/Wanderer).
Location: The Air behind the truck.
Flying at a horizontal angle while flying did the Doctor no good. The shots to the leg and thigh easily ruined his center of gravity. This send him downwards and fast, this eventually made him to start eating the concrete of the road. The jetpack itself was stilling powering along the road, as the face of the Wanderer was being shredded fast. This was all due to the Wanderer himself actually overclocking the jetpack's power.

"(Owowowowowowowowowowowowow~!!!)" Were the only thoughts in the Good now injured Doctor's head. Still not giving up, the Wanderer's body began to catch up to the truck since he was in the truck's slipstream. Finally looking upwards from the ground, the Wanderer was actually under the truck. Smiling, well trying to smile with his now disfigured face he clung to the underneath of the truck. Next he deactivated his jepack and started to climb along and started to pop the tires with his flaming sword.

He wanted them to see the face of fear. Although his face would heal in a hour or so, even faster if he used a Stimpak.
The blood was still trickling along the exposed bone and muscle of his face, he felt SO much pain, all the more to return the favor. So he made a list ...

2 arms.
1 leg.
Both eyes.

Random chick:
Witness, possible broken bones.

Annie: Witness.
With the mental list finished, the Doctor was happy in a insane way.
The only tires left were the front.
And soon, promises will be broken.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Shadow Operative Building

Most Awkward Elevator: Devon, Garm, Yu, Ella, Cadolbolg

Devon certainly seemed to agree with Yu's idea of meeting with Mitsuru. [color=00c863]"Well, I think we could work something to get you in. It wouldn't be too crazy as far as nights out go, after all..."[/color] She shifted around in the Elevator, having a VERY good feeling Yu knew exactly what had happened to the former man a week ago. [color=00c863]Oh please, could we keep this night as normal as it can be? Nothing bizarre happening? ...knowing the Rising Darn, there's no chance of that...[/color]

However, to most others observing Devon, it was just clear that she was incredibly nervous and somewhat downtrodden.

"Oh, it's a fantastic view! I'm sure we'll have a good time out there as long as nothing too bad happens." Ella began to grin at the thought of driving to the various clubs, unaware that Mitsuru would likely arrange for someone to drive them.

Before long (ALthough it was a rather long elevator ride) the small group neared the top.


Rising Dawn: Mel, David, Teri, Toyotama, Sadei

she was able to calm down a bit more as she helped David get his equipment placed back on the desk. "We should go with a good twin for the Mossberg. Making some silly big two-handed gun is bad in case CQC does pop up... Unless you want some kind of longer weapon, and I could add a blade to the tip to work some kind of CQC stuff.

As I said, this is for you. Where would you be most comfortable fighting? I mean, you did get good use out of those wrist guns a while back. We could take that kind of flexibility and move it to something else. And when it comes to that Bard? She shouldn't have pissed off that *****, I say. Tough luck for her."




Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011

On The Run: Deadshot, Annie, Izami, Shawn

Deadshot, Annie and Izami's ride, seeing as there was reasonable cause for the car to go out of control, did in fact lose it's abilities of moving properly and found itself slamming into an innocuous looking warehouse. This action, aside from the obvious connotations that followed from crashing into a building with a truck, was followed by the sound of grinding metal and everything around them begin to change. The colors and shadows of the night inverted, and the reality they knew peeled away, almost like a piece of paper being shredded into long strips. What took it's place was not something any of the occupents knew to be familiar. Patches of color and shadow seemed to wander everywhere in the field, almost like a Dali painting gone mad (if such a thing could be possible). As the varying members of the innebriation quartet rose, they saw the sillouette of a young woman rise, and then disappear into the shady enviorns of the strange place. Now, where was 'here'?

Cue the Music! []


Awkward as Fuck Elevator ride to Mitsuru's office: Devon, Garm, Yu, Cadolbolg, Ella

Garm, even as a normal wolf, picked up on the awkward atmosphere building in the Elevator, and let out a low whine, [color=365D60]"Why is everyone so on edge at the moment? I know the Persona business wasn't the cleanest, but that's no reason to get down, right? We're about to go out, so that's something to look forward too...
Hmn, that sounds like something encouraging Tear-ri would say, right?"[/color]

Cadolbolg shrugged at the question, and before any could answer, they were at the top of the elevator's track, and saw Mitsuru talking on the phone, [color=955555]"Yes... yes... I understand. I'll be there in a few."[/color]

Hanging up, the woman in the catsuit gave a sigh and looked up, [color=955555]"Hello there, Narukami-san and the rest of you. I will learn your names in good time, I promise. Now if you have a reason to be here, please make it quick. I've just received a troubling report.."[/color]

Devon, Ella and Cadolbolg noticed that Mitsuru seemed to give the party a once over, almost as if she was trying to assess them as she spoke... Did something happen?


Rising Dawn Training Room: Teri

Teri brought another strike into the punching bag, still channeling Fire Stance (the bit of hypocrisy in realizing it was what Rugal taught her not being lost in the least) as she chained it into a kick, practicing on initiating a Flurry as the voices in her mind continued debating,

[color=0E59E4]"I'm a muthafuckin' princess, that's why! That's what the 'hime' part of my name means. Yeah, I double checked that shit in Our brain. Loved me a fisherman, then his ass found out what I was, then I turned into a dragon [small]Or some kind of crocodile[/small] and moved my fabulous self back into the sea with the Dragon King, aka, Daddy Dearest. [small]Shame the real thing ain't so up to snuff at the moment[/small] So yeah, kinda important to mention the 'Hime' bit. It's my title and shit.

As far as the spells go, I still think this is Our chance to stretch out and release some aggression. Just look at that shit we're pulling off on that punching bag. Some Shadow tries anything funky with our ass, we'll Flurry the FUCK out of em, and make em wish they didn't do jack shit. That or freeze em where they're standing. That sorta shit is good too. Whatever makes em stay down, I'm happy with."

This was punctuated by Teri finally initiating the Flurry on the punching bag, a cloud of fists[footnote]For Reference... [][/footnote] rising as a raw, angry cry issued from the Cleric's throat.