Looking at the serious Mitsuru, Yu made sure to get to the point quickly. "The natural Persona users were successful and it seems the the Evoker users are the same. Although there seems to be a drop in morale, especially in David-san's ... he accepted his Shadow but I don't know if he will be able to summon his Persona." Yu said to Mitsuru in a formal tone for the mission report.Yu Narukami, Ella, [color=955555]Mitsuru[/color] ,Cadolbolg, [color=00c863]Devon[/color] and [color=365D60]Garm[/color].
Location: Personaverse | Shadow Operative Building, Top Floor | Tatsumi Port Island, Japan
Becoming serious in his tone as well, Yu asked the question. "What is the problem, we should be able to help?" Sensai Yu asked, little did he know what had actually happened, yet he knew it could be something to do with the thing they were training about. Were they ready for this kind of even though?
As the girls jumped out of the truck, they were shocked as they turned around and saw the Good Doctor slumped again some crushed metal of the truck. His face was torn off, his facial muscle was missing and most of his face was bleeding. Yet the focal point was the unlit sword sticking out of his head. Coming closer, a loud laugh came from from the insane survivalist.
Doctor S/Wanderer, Annie, Deadshot and Izani
Location: Personaverse | ??? | Abandoned Warehouse.
"Haha, least it wasn't my car!" He said to the two as he jumped out, blood still trailing out of his wounds. Spotting another body in the distance, the Wanderer became disappointed that it wasn't Deadshot, he wanted a finger of his. Instead he found the dead Yakuza truck driver he killed before and his own gun that Deadshot found. Picking up the gun he had a flash back to them not just betraying the Wanderer, but shooting him as well.
Betrayal did not sit with the Wanderer well, many people have done this to him. From random people, to his own father.
Bordering the line of insane Good Doctor and harbinger of death and darkness, he turned to the two girl with the gun in hand. "Why would you run from me ... I said I would kill anyone who did!" He yelled with them and pointed the gun at them.
Grabbing the hilt of the sword with one hand, the Wanderer pulled the bloody unlit sword out. The wound started to heal quickly, it was like layers of bark protecting and healing it's tree master. The key to this was a injection in the leg of the Doctor, this would heal him faster then waiting for an hour.
Still, this did not decrease the anger within his eyes. It was as if he became Death in a instant, aiming the gun he pulled the trigger at the two. The bullet hit the ground in front of them. The hand of the Wanderer was broke and so he could not fire the gun well, that would heal in time as well. "Why won't you just DIE. Everyone who betrays me deserves it!" He yelled with truth and passion on this side, like a flaming horse that War rode.
Yet a small voice in his head.
(Revelation 21:6.) I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.
This made Shawn look down.
The sword, "Alpha".
And the gun, "Omega".
The beginning and the end.
He was the one who begin life for many people and end it for many others.
Lowing and holstering both of his weapons, he looked towards the three, half of his face was healed thus far, making him look like half Angel and half Devil. "I will spare you for now, but do something bad and my wrath will rain down upon you all. I am the giver ... and I am the taker. Use your life wisely or I will be the one to end it for all." His poetic voice ran out and soon his gaze of seriousness faded from his eyes and went to his usual tone.
"So where are we?" He asked in delight, checking his Pip-Boy it said nothing but "Unknown" on the area's information. Checking his clock he wanted to know what the time was.