Shadow Operative's Building: Office 1099 Rugal, Ton Ton, Caim
Caim pulled one of Rugal's arms over his shoulder to help speed things along, and tapped his ring to contact Teri,
"Cleric, can you hear me?"
[color=0E59E4]"Caim? Since when did you talk to me?"[/color]
"I don't, on preference. However, this matter has lead to a change in that circumstance. Get in the Med Bay, now."
[color=0E59E4]"Okay. Who's hurt?"[/color]
"Rugal. Look, I am well aware that you and the Paladin aren't on great terms with him at the moment, but-"
[color=0E59E4]"He's hurt... I can put aside my feelings for now."[/color]
"Good. Be ready."
"She'll be waiting for us when we get there, Rugal. Hold on a little longer..."
Ton Ton followed after Caim and Rugal quietly, not really knowing what to do in the situation.
Training Room Slindis, Angelus
Compared to Teri's transition to the fighting arts, Angelus was a breeze, not that Slindis would have said anything like that. Rather, she was more akin to shouting insults to further goad the dragon's spirit, to which Angelus returned in kind, her slashes and strikes becoming more fluid as time went on. Perhaps what Caim said was indeed true, and the blade would somehow become something of an oversized talon?
"HMPH! As if something so ridiculous could become true. Nothing is a proper substitute for MY claws and fangs. To insinuate otherwise is rather...human, don't you think? Heh, I suppose you are the one who's forgotten what it means to be a dragon, being stuck in that flesh suit for so long."
Shaking off that angry thought, Angelus returned to the form she was taught, and brought the blade down against the Paladin again, hoping to assert SOME of the draconic dignity she had left.
The Airship Named Rising Dawn: Som Waterford and Teri
-Before Caim's call-
Teri had already finished placing the salve on her wounds and was beginning to put on knuckle bandages by the time Som came back around, a feat punctuated by her need for speed and efficiency on the field, and perked her head up regarding the quesiton, [color=0E59E4]"Oh, these? I was practicing the techniques my teachers showed me over the past week. I overdid it on the punching bag when I was practicing my flurry, and well... This happened. It probably didn't help I didn't put my gloves on either. You see, they're pretty nice and have some good buffs cast on them, but I wasn't entirely sure if they would come out A-Okay if I practiced my flurry with em. So, you see the result before you. And now, in retropsect, I realize that magical equipment usually is more durable anyways, so my fears were probably unfounded."
"More partial truths again? Well, at least this time, your lie has more truth in it. It's just a matter of omission. We'll see if he believes that one, and doesn't find out how much you like to beat shit up when you're pissy."[/color]
At Sadei's further straightening up, however, the Shadow receeded further into Teri's mind, muttering something or another about how she
was the one who looked at things objectively yada-yada-*****-*****.
In waiting for a response from Som, that was precisely the moment that Caim's message came in. Som saw her tap one of the three rings she bore, a simple metal ring on her right middle finger, (two fanciful [] looking [] bands on either ring finger as well) and concentrated for a moment before getting up from her chair and beginning to put on her gloves, [color=0E59E4]"Looks like I'll be needed in my post after all. Apologies, Sir. Thank you for the ointment. I made sure that it wouldn't be contaminated by my wounds, so the rest should still be usable."[/color]
With that, she quickly packed up her things into the satchel, and bolted off in the direction of the Med Bay.
Med Bay: Caim, Rugal, Ton Ton, Teri
As Caim helped Rugal into one of the beds, Teri sat in her chair anxiously, awaiting for the trio to explain what exactly was going on. Even if she had appeared to be mad earlier, Rugal could see the concern clear on her face (whatever small comfort that could bring).
Newly Made Shadow Zone Devon, Garm, Yu, Ella, Cadolbolg
In the zone? Get the music. []
Garm gave a sniff of the place and sneezed, [color=365D60]"I doo not believe my nose will be of much use here. Toooo much smells of blood, sweat and dead things. I don't like it."[/color]
Cadolbolg gave a sniff and sneezed as well, freezing in terror when he thought a jet of flame was going to shoot out, as it had before. When it didn't the turtle dragon baby gave a small sigh of relief and looked around,
"This place is kinda weird looking... I wonder how high up the ceilings are?"
As the group began to advance, Mitsuru's voice rang in their minds, [color=955555]
"How are you holding up in there? Is everything stable? If yes, then please proceed forward with caution, at least on the first floor. In my experience, these sort of places have multiple layers, and I'd hate to lose you if you went up a floor."[/color]
Garm gave a surprised bark, [color=365D60]"Hooooow are you speaking with us?! Is it your Persona?"[/color]
"That it is. My Persona can enable some communication and placement for you, but this is all I can do unless I explore the zone with you. Now please, keep going."[/color]
With an air of disquiet, the group began their exploration. After a few moments, Garm's ears perked up, [color=365D60]"I hear something. Prepare yourselves."[/color]
The wolf was too correct, as a pack of Shadows [] skittered out from the darkness!