The Escapist Avatar Adventure: An Open RP (Now Re-Opened!)


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Shadow Operative Building

Most Awkward Elevator: Devon, Garm, Yu, Ella, Cadolbolg

[color=00c863]"I should be good to go now... "[/color] Devon found that although it felt a bit odd, she was able to enter the area with rather strange architecture rather well. [color=00c863]"Feels like I'm in a Dali painting, but I should be fine. Ella?"[/color]

"It could be a lot worse... We just need to watch out for the Shadows." Keeping her newly-found halberd at the ready, Ella kept an eye out for any Shadows/

Rising Dawn: Mel, David, Teri, Toyotama, Sadei

"Of course I learned it before then. That kind of training takes at least 5 years, maybe 76. It's not that hard to see, and I put in my fair time." Her statement was rather simple, but if she started that long ago, she would have had to start that when she was three or dour years old. Even for a child soldier, that was a bit much!


[color=b05fe9]"And do I need to remind you that Teri's yourself as well? Take care of her, and she'll take care of you."[/color]


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Shadow Operative's Building: Office 1099 Rugal, Ton Ton, Caim

Caim pulled one of Rugal's arms over his shoulder to help speed things along, and tapped his ring to contact Teri,

"Cleric, can you hear me?"
[color=0E59E4]"Caim? Since when did you talk to me?"[/color]
"I don't, on preference. However, this matter has lead to a change in that circumstance. Get in the Med Bay, now."
[color=0E59E4]"Okay. Who's hurt?"[/color]
"Rugal. Look, I am well aware that you and the Paladin aren't on great terms with him at the moment, but-"
[color=0E59E4]"He's hurt... I can put aside my feelings for now."[/color]
"Good. Be ready."

"She'll be waiting for us when we get there, Rugal. Hold on a little longer..."
Ton Ton followed after Caim and Rugal quietly, not really knowing what to do in the situation.


Training Room Slindis, Angelus

Compared to Teri's transition to the fighting arts, Angelus was a breeze, not that Slindis would have said anything like that. Rather, she was more akin to shouting insults to further goad the dragon's spirit, to which Angelus returned in kind, her slashes and strikes becoming more fluid as time went on. Perhaps what Caim said was indeed true, and the blade would somehow become something of an oversized talon?

"HMPH! As if something so ridiculous could become true. Nothing is a proper substitute for MY claws and fangs. To insinuate otherwise is rather...human, don't you think? Heh, I suppose you are the one who's forgotten what it means to be a dragon, being stuck in that flesh suit for so long."

Shaking off that angry thought, Angelus returned to the form she was taught, and brought the blade down against the Paladin again, hoping to assert SOME of the draconic dignity she had left.


The Airship Named Rising Dawn: Som Waterford and Teri

-Before Caim's call-

Teri had already finished placing the salve on her wounds and was beginning to put on knuckle bandages by the time Som came back around, a feat punctuated by her need for speed and efficiency on the field, and perked her head up regarding the quesiton, [color=0E59E4]"Oh, these? I was practicing the techniques my teachers showed me over the past week. I overdid it on the punching bag when I was practicing my flurry, and well... This happened. It probably didn't help I didn't put my gloves on either. You see, they're pretty nice and have some good buffs cast on them, but I wasn't entirely sure if they would come out A-Okay if I practiced my flurry with em. So, you see the result before you. And now, in retropsect, I realize that magical equipment usually is more durable anyways, so my fears were probably unfounded."
"More partial truths again? Well, at least this time, your lie has more truth in it. It's just a matter of omission. We'll see if he believes that one, and doesn't find out how much you like to beat shit up when you're pissy."[/color]
At Sadei's further straightening up, however, the Shadow receeded further into Teri's mind, muttering something or another about how she was the one who looked at things objectively yada-yada-*****-*****.

In waiting for a response from Som, that was precisely the moment that Caim's message came in. Som saw her tap one of the three rings she bore, a simple metal ring on her right middle finger, (two fanciful [] looking [] bands on either ring finger as well) and concentrated for a moment before getting up from her chair and beginning to put on her gloves, [color=0E59E4]"Looks like I'll be needed in my post after all. Apologies, Sir. Thank you for the ointment. I made sure that it wouldn't be contaminated by my wounds, so the rest should still be usable."[/color]

With that, she quickly packed up her things into the satchel, and bolted off in the direction of the Med Bay.

Med Bay: Caim, Rugal, Ton Ton, Teri

As Caim helped Rugal into one of the beds, Teri sat in her chair anxiously, awaiting for the trio to explain what exactly was going on. Even if she had appeared to be mad earlier, Rugal could see the concern clear on her face (whatever small comfort that could bring).


Newly Made Shadow Zone Devon, Garm, Yu, Ella, Cadolbolg
In the zone? Get the music. []

Garm gave a sniff of the place and sneezed, [color=365D60]"I doo not believe my nose will be of much use here. Toooo much smells of blood, sweat and dead things. I don't like it."[/color]

Cadolbolg gave a sniff and sneezed as well, freezing in terror when he thought a jet of flame was going to shoot out, as it had before. When it didn't the turtle dragon baby gave a small sigh of relief and looked around, "This place is kinda weird looking... I wonder how high up the ceilings are?"

As the group began to advance, Mitsuru's voice rang in their minds, [color=955555]"How are you holding up in there? Is everything stable? If yes, then please proceed forward with caution, at least on the first floor. In my experience, these sort of places have multiple layers, and I'd hate to lose you if you went up a floor."[/color]

Garm gave a surprised bark, [color=365D60]"Hooooow are you speaking with us?! Is it your Persona?"[/color]

[color=955555]"That it is. My Persona can enable some communication and placement for you, but this is all I can do unless I explore the zone with you. Now please, keep going."[/color]

With an air of disquiet, the group began their exploration. After a few moments, Garm's ears perked up, [color=365D60]"I hear something. Prepare yourselves."[/color]

The wolf was too correct, as a pack of Shadows [] skittered out from the darkness!


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: David's Room: Mel, David

" you were getting training from age....[sub]13-5[/sub] 8 years old?!" David exclaimed, he found that the training for the Irish Cadets was harsh enough, but doing that at 8 years?!
"...Christ damn, Who the hell taught ya? Doesn't seem like something Slin would do..." He asked, starting to feel even worse about that comment about Melethia being screwed up.

Med Bay: Caim, Rugal, Ton Ton, Teri

Holding his head for the entire trip, Rugal was glad to lay down for a moment, sweat going down his brow as he did.
"Right...I'm not sure what it is, but for the last week, I've been having rather nasty migraine headaches that just keep flaring up. Just feels like something is trying to crawl out of my head..." He explained, hoping that Medicine would be able to get that voice to put a sock in it.
"Hey, see if you can score some PCP while your here. Remember that night in Brazil? With the Military Base? Woooooo!"
"THERE! There it is again!" He said as he held his head in pain, no chance in hell that he was faking it.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Med Bay: Caim, Rugal, Ton Ton, Teri

Teri shot up immediately after seeing Rugal's spasm, and pushed Caim out of her way to get to Rugal's side. After beginning to make the motions for a healing spell, she then mentally kicked herself when she realized that her spells were locked, exclaiming [color=0E59E4]"FUCK!"[/color] in frustration as she tried to ponder her options.

So, she did what she considered the next best thing, and went to the sink to grab a washcloth, and wet it with ice cold water. As she did so, she asked, [color=0E59E4]"Are there any other symptoms? Any at all?"[/color]

That was when Ton Ton spoke up in his quiet voice, [color=15650D]"He said something about a voice in his head. He called it 'someone' before it became 'something' trying to get out."[/color]

Teri froze for a brief moment, and moved to put the washcloth on Rugal's head, cautiously asking, [color=0E59E4]"Dad... You didn't mention a voice. Please, tell me everything that's been happening to you. I know I'm mad about what happened with Annie, but that doesn't mean I want bad things happening to you too..."[/color]

In the back of her mind, there was a hiss, and Toyotama reared her head again, [color=0E59E4]"Dunno bout this, kiddo. Shit's sounding awful lot like my grand debut in your think pan. Well, I just made you look kinda zombie esque, and David is a vegetable at the moment, I think... I'm a bit worried we might have a fight on our hands if we're not careful..."[/color]


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Med Bay: Caim, Rugal, Ton Ton, Teri

"Welcome to another round of "Shit Rugal pulls from his ass!" Will our contestant be able to hide the fact he's losing his mind or will we be treated to another showing of weakness from the "New" Rugal? Place your bets!"
Yet another cringe from Rugal revealed another flare of pain, He could shrug off bullets if he needed to, but it was a lot harder to hide pain coming from within then it was entering the body.
"...Just...pass me some medicine for my head. Can't even think straight with this constant pain..." He requested, dodging the question and buying himself some time to think of a explanation for this.
"Don't forget the PCP!"
"...Double the dose, please..." He added as Ton Ton stared at him.
"You know, this is the second time he's screwed you over...Might want to...I dunno...Lizard skin boots?"


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010

Training Room Slindis, Angelus

[color=c200]"You're certainly getting up there, just keep in mind that you'll have to keep Caim near if that Evoker malfunctions. Happened all the time when I worked with arcanes in antimagic fields; the crippled casters had to stick near the men and women that had lived with the blade if they had only a cursory knowledge of melee combat or crossbow use."[/color] That was meant more as something completely genuine, although the fact that Slindis kept cranking up her defenses, reducing what would be otherwise serious injuries to nicks and bruises she could work through the next day.

In addition, it was clear to Angelus that the attacks she was making would easily be lethal on most humans she'd face down. Shame she was facing someone that'd lived through hard combat without any kind of pact to enhance her skill.


The Airship Named Rising Dawn: Sadei and Teri

[color=b05fe9]"If that happens, we can always ask the others for some help. I mean, I'm sure that Mel or that silly Bard might help if we let them know."[/color]

David's room: David, Mel

"It was my old family while they were still around. You know, before I met Slin. It wasn't too bad. After all, we all went through it, and look at me now!" Not exactly a resounding praising of how she used to live, but there was a family that raised everyone in it to be heavy trap kinds? It would be hard to have any kind of childhood with that.


Newly Made Shadow Zone Devon, Garm, Ella, Cadolbolg
In the zone? Get the music. []

[color=00c863]"It's not too bad in here, but it'll be hard tracking down what's happened here... Still, it's something we have to do..."[/color] Although Devon seemed a bit fatigued, it was clear that she'd press on despite what had happened. She wasn't going to leave Annie in there with no aid.

Ella was more than a bit skeptical about this considering the day they'd had, though. "Are you sure it's a good idea with the state we're all in? I know you have to be a bit tired..."

Mitsuru could clearly hear the fierce rebuttal from Devon as she began proceeding. [color=00c863]"And they aren't? If we leave them in there, they might not be there in the morning."[/color]


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Training Room Slindis, Angelus

Angelus growled at what she perceived to be another crack against her growing strength with the dagger, and mentally quipped back, "Verily did I see your same bladesmen cower in awe of my fire! Both are equally matched, especially coming from the belly of a dragon! If not that, I'd crush them with my talons and break them with my fangs!"

A swipe and another glanced blow, and the dragon answered back properly to the Paladin, "I find it dreadfully irritating that you care to bring up that thick-headed pact partner of mine time and again! Is there really so little to me that you perceive aside from my choice in company? I'll gladly show you I am more than that idiot's steed!"
"Yes, show her our true strength! Make her fear the skill you are gaining! We never needed Caim to begin with, we are more than enough on our own! [small]And maybe get some of that draconic pride back in your system![/small]"

Well, if there was one thing apparent, it seemed the taunts had a mixed effect. They certainly incited the dragon to go onward, but Slindis wasn't quite sure if Angelus was taking them as some kind of personal advice or as insult...

Rising Dawn Med Bay: Caim, Rugal, Ton Ton, Teri

[color=0E59E4]"That is true Sadei... But... Dad might not let me help him, and that is a problem unto itself."[/color]

Teri looked over her father's pained face, and Rugal could see that she was visibly hurt by what he said, [color=0E59E4]"You can't even trust me when you're in pain... I see how it is."[/color]

Mutely, she got up to grab the medicine in a cabinet, and spoke to Caim and Ton Ton, her voice sounding hollow as she did, [color=0E59E4]"You two can go. I'll keep an eye on him."[/color]

Ton Ton gave a single look to Rugal, and words via the ring entered the German bodybuilder's mind as the two exited the Med Bay, [color=15650D]"You really should tell her the truth. The doctor can't heal you if she doesn't know what's wrong."[/color]

In the meantime, Teri settled in her usual chair that was close to the bunks, and kept staring at her adoptive father; which was more than enough to say [color=0E59E4]"I can wait."[/color] And consider how stubborn his daughter was (especially accounting for that week of hell called training she endured)... This could take a while.


Shadow Realm: Annie, Deadshot, Wanderer
Battle time! []

[color=7476A9]"Target acquired. Begin combative procedures."[/color]

The girl did not delay, and whirled the Javelin before thrusting it at what was determined to be the most vulnerable of the group, Deadshot. However, what tipped off the group right away about this girl was that instead of running like a normal person did... This girl had rocket boosters in her legs and back. A robot?! What was a robot doing here?!

Devon, Garm, Ella, Cadolbolg
Still in that zone, ladies and gents! []

It was at that point Mitsuru's voice went over in their minds again, [color=955555]"I beg to differ. Fuuka was able to last in this realm for days before gaining a Persona, and she never had the combative ability you posses now. Even Narukami told me of how those forcibly brought to this world were held there for a span of a week before rescue.

Aside from that, time flows differently between these zones and our world. Meaning, you're welcome and able to return for the night should you choose to do so. We'll be putting your group in the zone to extract them ASAP in the morning, alright?"

Garm gave a snort, being similar to Devon on this front, [color=365D60]"I am torn, Devon. I wish to aide in the rescue attempt, but Ella is right. Yooou look absolutely pooped. I doo not want to force you onward. Tear-ri would be very upset with me if she knew I did that to you. I will follow and aid you where you'd like, but I will not allow you to hurt yourself. Understood?"[/color]

Cadolbolg fluttered down and landed on Ella's head, "I'm fine either way, really. I feel ready to kick some butt with Lei Zhenzei if the occasion calls for it. Isn't that right, Ella? I'm supposed to have your Persona on mine at some point!"

Blast Off To Titan

New member
Aug 15, 2013
The Airship Named Rising Dawn: Som Waterford and Teri

bluerocker said:
[color=0E59E4]"Looks like I'll be needed in my post after all. Apologies, Sir. Thank you for the ointment. I made sure that it wouldn't be contaminated by my wounds, so the rest should still be usable."[/color]
Watching the Airship's Medical Officer pack her belongings and presumably leave for the Medical Bay, The Hunter simply nodded and took the Healing Salve, placing the container back in his Alchemical bag. It was not until after the Ship's Doctor left the Mess that Som Waterford began analysing what had been said versus what had been observed. The wounds the girl sustained were certainly not deep but they would have been painful long before they had gotten to their current state.


A blue plate was set in front of the Hunter as one of the Fire Imps placed the food that Som had ordered in front of him, the smell of roasted meat covered in spices assailed the Hunter's nose causing him to sneeze profusely.

"Too much spice." The Hunter muttered as he took a bite of the sandwich, the morsel of food causing him to cough seconds later.

"Totally inedible." Som concluded as he flagged one of the Imps and shoved the plate of food into his grubby hands.

"Try that again, only with no spices or seasonings." The Leather Clad Hunter ordered before returning to his previous realm of thought.

"[small]For a cleric, she does lie much.[/small]" Som muttered before banishing the thought from his head. He was starting to over analyze the conversation. All humans were entitled to their secrets.


Shadow Operative's Building | Training Room #2: Constance, Cz, Jenny

Diablo1099 said:
"Now then...Listen to me, If we can, we will help your world. I promise you that once we are done here, we will do what we can, But I need more to go on. Why is the end coming, is there a war going on between the different worlds?"
The crying Vampire had said nothing as Jenny the Gardevoir hugged her. Instead, Jenny twin points of pain upon her shoulder as the vampire sunk her fangs into the Gardevoir's shoulder. At the same time, Jenny felt Constance's arms lock around her, keeping her in place as the pain subsided.

"Sorry. It's better if I show you." The Vampire's voice said in Jenny's mind as the bite caused Constance and the Gardevoir's minds to link.

Mirian Capital City of Sanctum | Imperial Palace said:
Jenny stood on top fo a parapet far above a burning city, knowing somehow that the city was called Sanctum and it was the capital City of the Realm that Constance had called Mir. Despite the appearance of a seige, The Gardevoir could not see any motion down on the streets, nor could she hear anything other than the roar of the flames that consumed the once magestic city.

A noise, the sound of gurgling, behind her called out for her attention, but not before she caught sight of twinkling light in the sunlit sky.

Behind her, Jenny saw Constance and Som, each holding a blade that had been plunged to its hilt into a creature whose rotten and putrifying flesh was so black that it seemed to absorb the very light that surrounded it.

"You're too late. There's not a thing that you can do." Mal stated through gritted teeth and with the last of his strength, he pointed towards the belt of rocky asteroids that orbited Mir.

From the heavens came a fleet of machines that dove upon Mir like a horde of locusts consuming everything in their path. Watching as the Deconstructors reduced everything down to their molecular components, Jenny could not move. She could only watch as one of the flying machines headed towards the parapet where she, Som and Constance stood.
Jenny's eyes opened when she felt the Vampire's grip upon her body abate and slowly, she felt Constance fell to the floor, unconscious but still very much alive.

"[small]Now you see? We never had a chance.[/small]" Constance muttered as she slid onto the floor, her mind drifting off into the oblivion of sleep.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Shadow Realm: Deadshot, Annie, Wanderer

"Taurus, Don't fail me now!" Deadshot shouted as he speed loaded the gun he was handed before sending a few shots of hot .44 lead at the Robot(?) as he charged at him.
"...Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!" he shouted as he dived on the ground and out of the way of a swipe the robot took.
"YOU SEE WHAT I MEAN ABOUT THIS PLACE BEING HELL!?" The assassin whined as he rolled on his back and returned fire from his prone position.
"SHUT UP!!" Annie then shouted as if response to him.
"ALRIGHT! ALRIGHT! I'M SORRY! I SORRY I GOT US ALL KILLED!" he shouted back defensively as he went for cover beside her.
"I'm a warrior; not a worthless scum of the Earth.. i've already betrayed my fellow crew mates back in the academy and I will NOT do the same to these people!"
"I never said you were! I just thought you needed some fun in you life after what happened in the last week!" He added Annie realized that she had been talking out loud that whole time.
"... Deadshot, don't worry about me. Get the gun on the floor..."
"Way ahead of ya! WANDERER! It's gunning for me, I'll draw it's attention. If you let it kill me, I'm haunting you ass!" He shouted to the "Good Doctor" before coming out of cover and firing, faking a reload to get it to attack.

Rising Dawn: David's Room: Mel, David

"Old Family, huh?..." David mused as he realized that she had another influence outside of the pirates and Slindis.
"So...Who were they? Sorry for prying, but this is news to me..." He added as Melethia more or less finished the drawing.
"Damn...You should try going into art!" He said as he awed at this new gun.

Shadow Operative's Building | Training Room #2: Constance, Cz, Jenny

"OW! Sonofa-" Jenny let out, not expecting to get bitten by a Vampire.
The pain faded as Constance revealed what was going (Or what had) happened to her world.
" god..." She let out before Constance seemed to pass out, The pokemon holding onto her and gently laying her down rather then let her collapse.
"...Constance...Cz, help me move her." She then asked, if the Cat-Girl was going to be out of it, she might as well move her someplace that wasn't the floor of the training room.

Rising Dawn: Med Bay Rugal, Teri

Taking twice the dosage recommended, Rugal quickly downed the pills and took a large drink of water, exhaling as he felt the pain in his head numb, the first bit of peace he had gotten in a long time.
"Ohhhhhhhh....mucccchhh bettttter....." He sighed gladly as it seemed to shut up the voice in his head.
"Thank you, urg, must have been something to do with that attack on Venturas, I recall having such migraines as part of minor Shell Shock once. I'll hang unto these if you don't mind..." He explained, hoping she would buy his story.
"...Huh...This stuff really works..." his other side mused, no longer able to give Rugal an intense shot of pain with every word he said.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009

The unbreakable and the unkillable.
Doctor S/Wanderer, Annie and Deadshot.
Location: Personaverse | Shadow Zone.
Seeing how the robot efficiently quickly escaped the rather aggressive and hot encounter and got past the Wanderer who had just struck her spear with his two burning weapons, he was surprised but grit his teeth as he spotted boosters on the person who he just tried to fight again. A robot, a type of enemy that the Wanderer killed with speed usually since they are built of a harder material then the squishy subjects he usually fought again.

He knew some weakness of theirs. The good Doctor's weapons were super-heated, especially the flaming sword of his. That and knowing that he had some pulse grenades in his invisible inventory made him confident again. Wanderer had hoped that he would be able to pin this one down and try to reason with it by hacking into it's system, but just like everything with this world it might be a whole different system then the one he was used to.

Being in a neutral zone state of mind, the Wanderer just wanted to get this over and done with.
Hearing a couple of words, the mind of the Doctor did not bother to read them. Yet he was already dead on the trail of the robot, the Wanderer threw a couple of pulse (EMP) grenades down the hallway to do something to it before it re-engaged with the robot once more with his weapons.

Even if he was physically at his strongest at the moment, his mind was fragile just like wet paper.
All the more reason to just get this over and done with. After throwing the grenades the Wanderer charged with speed and when he was close enough he would do a soccer like sliding tackle. If they could not beat her, they had to escape.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010

Training Room Slindis, Angelus

Knowing that her words STILL weren't getting through to her, she began almost pleading with the thickheaded student.[color=c200]"The big flaw in your argument is that you aren't in dragon form right now, and you won't be in dragon form as long as you're here. You're like a human sorceror with your capabilities. Although the two are close, they're far from the same, and I'm not going to have you get killed because of your arrogance! Or have you forgotten that you won't be the only person killed if you die?"[/color] At this point, though, Slindis was seeing that Angelus was just like one of her hotshot students that thought they knew everything about combat. And she knew exactly how to fix that little problem; she'd have to let Angelus experience someone actively attacking her.

[color=c200]"Now then, one of us needs to start taking this seriously. If you won't, I will."[/color] It was a subtle shift in how she fought, but seeing Angelus fighting gave her a very good idea of how to fight back. If she had to beat some humility into the Dragoness blow by blow? She'd rather have a wounded pride than having Angelus and Caim die, since she knew how Teri, Devon, Cadolbolg, and Ton-Ton would be utterly devastated.


The Airship Named Rising Dawn: Sadei and Teri

[color=b05fe9]"It doesn't mean we can't try. Don't forget, we can force him into a Shadow Zone and cast Hold Person on him to make him listen!"[/color]

David's room: David, Mel

"They were into a lot of combat stuff. You know, sneak attacks, arcane spells, necromancy... nothing too bad if you knew how to handle it. After all, the undead were how we trained in combat, and they weren't really all that hard to fight after you learned how to hit them." Her family must have been filled with psychopaths if they all trained against undead...


Newly Made Shadow Zone Devon, Garm, Ella, Cadolbolg
In the zone? Get the music. []

[color=00c863]"I'm sorry, Ella, but I don't want to leave this up to chance. If we can't find them after a bit I'll be glad to leave, but I still don't want them to have to go through that."[/color] After turning to the others there, she put on her most determined face to strike out to find Annie and the others. After all, Annie was one of the few people on the ship that had treated Devon as a regular person after what had happened. Jenny had certainly tried, but she'd been almost too sensitive with that.

Of course, Ella made her opinion of her rather stubborn companion's choice clear. "The second you look like you're about to fall down, I'm dragging you out of here myself. Heck, Cadol, your persona could help get her out!" It didn't matter what her companion wanted; she wasn't going to have her die. Not after what had happened, because Ella had a strong feeling her mom would try some shady stuff to grab Devon then.

Devon went and turned back to the others with her as she made her way to the stairs, short sword at the ready.. [color=00c863]"Fine, fine... Still, let's get going."[/color] If Devon wasn't focusing so much on getting Annie out of there, she would have been a bit deflated at the pronoun that she was being referred to now.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: David's room: David, Mel

"Ahhh...I gotcha....So who were they? Surely they had a name, Details Mel!" David asked, tapping on the Elfs head as she seemed to avoid the question.
"Go on. What were they? Royals? Knights...Raiders?..." he then asked, focusing as much as he could on this topic to get his mind off the countless other issues he was having.
Odds were, the second she left, he'd nearly instantly relapse into his depressed state, but for now, he didn't worry about that.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Location - Shadow Realm (What was wrong with how Yu-Gi-Oh did it?): Wanderer, Deadshot, Annie

"Yeah, come on you son of a-...huh?!" Deadshot shouted as Gaea was summoned right behind him.
"WHOA HOLY SHIT!" He cried as he got out of the giantess's way (Though he couldn't help but look up as it sprinted overhead.)
"...Fuck, I forgot about those crazy things!" he admitted, instantly patting himself down for his own Evoker, finding nothing but lots and lots of company pens.
"Damn it, did I leave it?!" He shouted, thinking that he would do will to call in [Null] for this.
Making his way over to Annie as her Persona got to work on the enemy robot.
"Right, how long can you control that thing? She might be able to give us a hand getting out of here." He asked as he reloaded in cover, thinking of the dozens of practical applications having a 25 foot giant on demand.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Rising Dawn: David's room: David, Mel

"Well, they were called House Vol... I don't really remember much more, but they were being chased by dragons and kinslayers from ever since I could remember... Food was never really that much of an issue, though. THe younger members aided in hunting animals where we could, and after that came the training in fighting with and against the undead. Sure, it was a bit hard, but nothing unusual..." It wasn't unusual in her eyes, but living like a bunch of murderhobos was far from any kind of norm. And what kind of parents trainers drill sergeants bastards would train anyone to fight alongside undead, much less young children! The fact that they had armies of Angeluses trying to kill them meant that this House Vol had to be strong to piss them off to that extent, too.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: David's room: David, Mel

"Whoawhoawhoa, backpedal a little. Dragons? Kinslayers? Undead? Christ, that sounds almost as bad as here!" David said with disbelief, starting to understand why he always felt like he didn't measure up to her.
"...But..."With" Undead? Mind going into detail there? Just...Usually armies of the undead sound like something a total asshole would use...Um, No offense." He asked, hoping that he wasn't insulting her real dad, though from what he was hearing, he most likely was a total asshole.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Shadow Realm:
Deadshot, Annie, Wanderer, Robot(?)

It's whoopass time! []

The robot shuddered when she was hit by the electric energy, allowing the Wanderer to get a swipe with his blade. Interestingly enough, the heat didn't seem to do nearly as much damage as the electric energy. Was there a connection there? After taking both blows, the robot moved back with a shaky step, calling out,

[color=7476A9]"I-initiaing summoning procedure, Bellona! Casting: Maragi []!"[/color] and a blue smoke [] filled the air as a masked woman [] (bad shop incoming~!) bearing a pole ax appeared. Gaea's blow was brought down, but it landed on the Persona rather than the wielder. Either way, the robot gasped in pain before the Persona twirled the weapon, and a column of flame rose from the ground beneath each assailant. After the Personas disappeared, the robot re-set it's stance,

[color=7476A9]"Enemy threat level: High. Proceeding with caution. Assessing weakest target...."[/color]

Seeing as Deadshot was still rummaging around like a sitting duck as compared to his comrades, the girl with the spear charged again, and tried to bring the spear down like a glaive on Deadshot's head.

Devon, Garm, Ella, Cadolbolg
Keep that music running! []

As the group began wandering in, Mitsuru's voice entered the party's minds again, [color=95555]"Hold on... I'm getting something. Something's happening on the floor above you. It could very easily be your friends, but my vision is solely focused on your group. Make your way up there ASAP. I'll be here if you need me."[/color]

At the sound of that, Garm gestured towards his back, [color=365D60]"Get on, I can carry the both of you, and Cadolbolg can fly. If we need to make haste, I suggest yooou dooo so!"[/color]

With hearing Garm's plea, Cadolbolg took to the air as well, "I'll get any shadows with my Persona if things get rough. You can count on me!"


Rising Dawn: Med Bay Rugal, Teri, Sadei

After Rugal relaxed from the painkillers, Teri settled in a chair, and kept probing the question Rugal refused to answer, [color=0E59E4]"You still haven't answered my question. What was that about a voice? Really, you need to tell me everything. A self diagnosis can be flawed by bias, after all, and those pills are just a quick fix. Eventually, you're gonna get used to them, and not to mention that dosage you took wasn't healthy either... Please, just let me help you. Is that too much to ask?"[/color]

As the Cleric tried to break through to the equally stubborn mule that was her adoptive father, Toyotama spoke again (so much for staying quiet), [color=0E59E4]"Munchkin, I appreciate the effort, I really do, but there's one tiny problem with that plan. How are we gonna get him in the Shadow rooms to begin with? You saw what happened when we tried to heal. Our magic ist alles weg. All gone, save for when I'm out. We need more to the plan... But what?"[/color]


Training Room Slindis, Angelus

"What is her angle? Jeez, can't she make up her mind?!"

Angelus growled again, irritated by the mixed messages she perceived she was getting from Slindis. One moment she was being taunted about needing Caim to aid her, and the next, was being reminded of the consequences of her demise, "I AM taking this seriously, why else do you think I'm trying to learn at all?! And do you think you could make up your mind about how you're going to go about this?! One moment you're telling I need Caim, and then next you remind me of a fact I've known for quite some time! Either cut out the taunts, or take my learning seriously!"

The dragon lowered her dagger, and simply stood still before Slindis struck, "Do you not think I loathe being in this position, Slindis? To be reduced to this caricature of what I am?! My fire is what I am. To be without it, I-

Angelus paused as she heard the words in her mind, [small]"A mockery. A fake. False. A convert to a lesser form"[/small], and shook them off, trying to make herself clear,

"I feel... Empty. And, I would appreciate it if I wasn't being mocked while I'm trying to learn your ways!"

She spat that last bit out with an extra hint of venom, almost as if she felt afronted to having to learn a mortal's way of fighting. But, that last sentence did bring up some questions. Did the dragon really feel so wounded in her pride when Slindis was simply stating fact? Perhaps that could account for some of the thickheaded attributions Slindis originally gave the dragon. Then again, it said a lot in the negative direction when the dragon mistook such justification as personal attack.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Reposting this shit to be all in one place.
Also, I forgot to make Teri's new Spell list after the level up. Whoops!

6 |0-level spells per day
4 + 1 |1st Level + 1 of Either Domain per day-1st Level Domain Spell
3 + 1 |2nd Level + 1 of Either Domain Per day - 2nd Level Domain Spell
3 + 1 |3rd Level + 1 of Either Domain Per day - 3rd Level Domain Spell
1 + 1 |4th Level + 1 of Either Domain per day - 4th Level Domain Spells

0 Level Spells
Create Water: Creates 2 gallons/level of pure water.
Detect Magic: Detects spells and magic items within 60 ft.
Detect Poison: Detects poison in one creature or object.
Light: Object shines like a torch.
Mending: Makes minor repairs on an object.
Purify Food and Drink: Purifies 1 cu. ft./level of food or water.

First Level Spells
Domain Spell: Cure Light Wounds: Cures 1d8 damage +1/level (max +5)
Command: One subject obeys selected command for 1 round (6 seconds).
Ice Slick: Creates a 20-ft. square of slippery ice.
Protection from Evil: +2 to AC and saves, counter mind control, hedge out elementals and outsiders.
Shield of Faith: Aura grants +2 or higher deflection bonus.
Shivering Touch, Lesser: Touch deals 1d6 Dex damage

2nd Level Spells
Domain Spell: Fog Cloud: Fog obscures vision.
Frost Weapon: Weapon gainst frost special ability +1d6 cold damage.
Hold Person: Paralyzes one humanoid for 1 round/level
Cure Moderate Wounds: Cures 2d8 points of damage +1 point per caster level (maximum +10).
Conjure Ice Beast 2: Hippogriff, Dire Badger, Medium Monstrous Spider, Medium Monstrous Scorpion, or Crocodile. Also, this spell allows for 1d3 (1d6 cut in half) for any creatures from Conjure Ice Beast 1.

3rd Level Spells
Domain Spell: Cure Serious Wounds: Cures 3d8 damage +1/level (max +15).
Aura of Cold, Lesser: Intense cold deals 1d6 damage to creatures within 5 ft.
Blindness/Deafness: Makes subject blinded or deafened. (30 seconds per caster level)
Searing Light: Ray deals 1d8/two levels damage, more against undead.
Shivering Touch: Touch deals 3d6 Dexterity damage; robbing them of mobility. Depending upon how well this is rolled, it can paralyze.

4th Level Spell
Domain Spell: Control Water: Raises or lowers bodies of water.
Divine Power: You gain attack bonus, +6 to Str, and 1 hp/level.
Cure Critical Wounds: Cures 4d8 damage +1/level (max +20)

Additonal note: Teri can use a Reppuken [] (a ground bound projectile) from level 1 and higher, and costs 12 seconds of recharge after it's use.

Caim's Sword 13:02

Crimson Hood 5:35

Fheng's Glaive 9:40

Guardian's Sorrow 10:40

Hymir's Finger 16:20

Ozymandias's Might 8:49

Slaughterism 9:49

Swordsmasher 15:35

Windsinger 3:45

On Loan to Angelus
Kingsblood 12:35


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Shadow Realm:
Deadshot, Annie, Wanderer, Robot(?)

"OH YEAH! SUCK NAKED FIST YOU ROBOTIC BIT-...?!!?" Deadshot shouted as Gaea seemingly smashed the Robot into pieces while the ground under him started to heat up and glow.
Without thinking, he leaped out of the way as a large pillar of flame shot up from where he used to be standing, gently scoring his jumpsuit in the process.
"JESUS CHRIST!" He shouted, doing a quick roll on the ground after his jump in order to help shake off any embers on his suit.
Then he saw a similar glow under Annie's feet...

The next thing Annie knew, she was shoved off her feet as he sprinted over and pushed her right before the spell had gone off.
He wasn't so lucky as the force of the fire pillar shot him upwards less then a second later, as if he had stepped on a landmine full of napalm.
"FUUUUUUUUUUCK-OOF!" He screamed as he landed harshly a few feet away before rolling on the ground in a bid to put himself out.
At the same time, The robot was charging at him, keen to finish him off as he tried to stand.
"OH COME ON!" He groaned as he kept firing from his prone state, his suit still burning onto his skin as he did.

Rising Dawn: Med Bay Rugal, Teri, Sadei

"So keep lying?"
"Teri dear, It's fine. It's happened before. Standing too close to a test fire or just a large Sonic Boom. Always leaves a nasty ring in my head." Rugal somewhat absently answered, clearly relaxing from the large dose as his mind wandered a little.
"Keeeeeeeeeeeep lying..."
"Heh, there was even this one time when it sounded like a vuvuzela. Oh those damn crazy African warlords..." He chuckled slightly as part of his ruse to try and divert the topic.
"You know, she could help you, you know? Unless you really want her to see who you really are inside..."
"...Still, I'm fine, just Shell Shock and prolonged flight in an airship can be a nasty combination." He lied some more, wondering how else he was going to get rid of that voice.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Rising Dawn: David's room: David, Mel

"Whoawhoawhoa, backpedal a little. Dragons? Kinslayers? Undead? Christ, that sounds almost as bad as here!" David said with disbelief, starting to understand why he always felt like he didn't measure up to her.
"...But..."With" Undead? Mind going into detail there? Just...Usually armies of the undead sound like something a total asshole would use...Um, No offense." He asked, hoping that he wasn't insulting her real dad, though from what he was hearing, he most likely was a total asshole.[/quote]

She didn't seem too offended by the whole statement. "Yes, we fought with them as well. After all, our numbers were dwindling, and the attacks were getting fiercer. We were trained to take them out should any clerics rebuke them, but the magic users of our family were usually sufficient to keep them targetted towards the kinslayer armies. Besides, those that couldn't keep up were dead weight, or sometimes undead weight. We really did all that we had to to keep alive, after all."

The last mystery that was involved was who these Kinslayers were, although there was a thought that crossed through David's head: Melethia was usually fond of nicknames. Maybe this term was some way to dehumanize some of her enemies? That was usually when said enemy looked alike, though, so perhaps it was other elves outside her family?

Shadow Realm:
Devon, Garm, Ella, Cadolbolg
Keep that music running! []

Mitsuru got a quick response from Devon, [color=00c863]"Got it, Mitsuru. We'll do what we can to get there, although I'd be surprised if we didn't encounter any Shadows on the way."[/color]

After that bit, Devon went over to Garm and patted him on the head while somewhat apologizing to him. [color=00c863]"I appreciate it, but I'd rather be able to fight without risking hitting you, okay? Caim's told me enough about how using blades was completely different when not on foot."[/color]

Ella was having none of that as she pulled Devon by the hair over to Garm. "I'll get any shadows with my Persona if things get rough. You can count on me! We will, Cadol, and Devon's getting on Garm. After all, we need to get out of here as fast as we can!"

[color=00c863]"Gah, fine! Garm, let's get going!"[/color] She summoned Mengde and instructed him to keep tossing blasts of air at their back to keep them covered while they ran.


Training Room Slindis, Angelus

Slindis opted not to strike and insteas spoke in a rather frank tone. [color=c200]"I have been taking this seriously the whole time, and I was using the best way I know to get a rapid response in the short time I have. Part of that is making you want it as much as a starving man wanting food. For this, it involves making you want to shut me up. But if you think my ways are below you, then clearly you've still failed to learn a single thing.

If you want to take this seriously and mean it, you know where to find me."[/color]

With that, she turned to the door and got ready to leave, leaving Angelus to her own issues.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: David's room: David, Mel

"...I...See..." David said, growing more and more uneasy as he learned more and more.
"Right and just who where the "Kinslayers"? You talking about those angels we fought a while back? I remember you throwing the term around then." He asked, masking his real question as he began to realize that Melethia might have been working for the bad guys in this situation.