The Escapist Avatar Adventure: An Open RP (Now Re-Opened!)


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Rising Dawn: David's room: David, Mel

She didn't really seem to notice the unease as she answered his final question. "I consider those angels Kinslayers, but they weren't the first that got that name. No, the first to get that name were the backstabbing elves that were trying to eradicate us. They even went and teamed with the dragons after fighting so long against them, and I don't know how I even managed to live after the last encounter... I thought those attacks would have killed me..."

With that in mind, it was easy to see how Slindis had struggled to keep Melethia in check. After all, it was hard to keep any kid Melethia's age from getting in trouble. Not to mention that the elves her family was fighting were even stronger than her.

"If I were to see one more of those Kinslayers, I'd do to them what they did to my family and then some."

Come to think of it, perhaps the Rising Dawn wasn't the best place to keep kids... Then again, where else would be good for someone like her?


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: David's room: David, Mel

"....Right...Okay then, maybe we should stop..." David awkwardly said as he let what Melethia said sink in.
"Still, Um, Great work on the gun. Just...take a break and we'll reconvene later. It's getting late anyway." He added, realizing that it was nighttime outside.
"And uh....Thanks for...Picking the lock to my door...Just...what happened to me really made me put my life into perspective..." He added, bringing that ugly fact back tot he forefront.
Location - Shadow Realm (Me neither, but I still think that the Shadow Realm idea wasn't that bad.): Deadshot, Wanderer, Annie, Android

"...ANNIE!" Deadshot shouted as he watched her get impaled right in front of him.
Despite the fact that his back in was massive pain from the whole getting lit on fire thing, he began to force himself back up, seeing how both of them would die he if didn't do something.
"WANDERER!!....LITTLE HELP?!" He shouted as he took Annie's arm across his shoulder and began to limp the two of them out of the open before they were cut down.
"Gonna...have to borrow this." He said as he took her other hand, the one holding the evoker and pressed it against his skull before pulling the trigger.
"WHAT?! THIS IS REALLY FUCKING IMPORTANT YOU PRI-" The assassin raged before gunfire filled the air as [Null] stepped out of the shadows behind the robot, dual wielding a set of Platinum handguns and firing at the attack's back.
"YEAH! SUCK IT! WANDERER! STIMS! NOW!" Deadshot then cried for joy before laying Annie down against one of the walls in the hallway they were in.
"Just...stay with me. I'm not killing us twice in one day." He urged as he awaited on the mad doctor to get over here while [Null] kept the robot busy.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Location - Shadow Realm (Getting your soul taken is still dark): Deadshot, Wanderer, Annie, Android

Deadshot looked extremely uncomfortable when Annie began to speak to him, pouring her heart and soul out, Usually people only do that when they are about to kick the bucket.
"...Look, just...Shut up for a moment. WANDERER! HOW FUCKING LONG DOES IT TAKE TO GET OVER HERE?!" He shouted as he tried to prop himself up on the wall, wincing as his burnt flesh rubbed off the wall.

""Deadshot, the reason I allowed myself... to remain a prisoner of the Rising Dawn instead of escaping the first moment I had.. was because I owed you. I... owed you for stopping Rugal from continuing his methods of torture. Who knew, what'd happen if you weren't there.... and then, you hugged my body trying to calm me down....You're someone.. who I can't understand. You claim to be a selfish, low life who'd do anything for easy access to wealth but.. you, stood by me and helped me fend off security back at the nightclub, and you took upon yourself the fire in my place... I don't think that qualifies for... Someone being a 'bad' person..."

"Yeah well...If you showed up in San Andreas a few days earlier, you wouldn't be saying that. WANDERER!" He kept shouting as he fiddled with his gun: Out of ammo.
"....Yep...This is Hell alright..." He sighed, still thinking that this realm was the afterlife.
It was then that Annie seemed to start passing out.
"Oh come on! Where is that awesome healing factor?! Shit!...I JUST WANTED A NIGHT ON THE PISS! WAS THAT SO MUCH TO ASK!? Come on, you lived though worse I bet!" The assassin cried as he began shaking her awake.
"The Rising Dawn is something else... getting me to talk like that. Jeez... Devon and Teri, with you and the Doctor making me go soft.... Tch..."
"Oh get out of it, anyone will say anything when they are dying. But it's a good think you aren't dying...Right?..." He half threatened, attempting to discourage her from dying.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009

The evil within.
The Lone Wanderer, Annie and Deadshot.
Location: Personaverse | Shadow Zone.
After the Wanderer struck the Android with his weapons, he was at the other end of the hallway now, he had swooped behind the robot due to him still in a diving tackle motion. Getting up he began to dust himself off, yet when he looked up he could only see darkness, he told himself that it was an illusion but it was all too late. The evil within the Lone Wanderer began to play it's game, the environment suddenly transformed into the cave where the door to Vault 101 lays half opened.

Thinking that this is not good he looked down, his eyes did not meet his Pip-Boy but the Wanderer was dressed in a Vault 101 uniform and it feels like he was a young teen again. Becoming worried, he looked to the door, dead bodies looked like chunky tomato soup as the liquid dripped onto the metal framing of the door. Yet suddenly loud thumping came behind the came and then ... a giant hand pulled the door away, revealing a head that was bloody with guts and flesh of the humans inside the Vault.

Yet the actual surprise was that the mouth was open, his Dad was in-between teeth. "I am disappointed son." Was all he could say before being swallowed by the creature. It was the biggest yet horrifying creature the Wanderer has seen. Meanwhile in the actual Shadow zone, Deadshot just called for a Stimpak (How he knew what it was called I don't know) but the Wanderer was trembling. The world began to twist as suddenly the shrieking horror of a giant's roar almost burst the Wanderer's ear drums.

Taking even more steps back, the Wanderer did the only thing he could do in such a situation.
His own scream tried to rival that of the monster's but in the Wanderer's world it was unfazed.
Simply he did the thing he needed to do ... survive.
Making a immediate turn, he began to run.
The only thing Annie and Deadshot could hear was the loud pitter-patter of his shoes run off into the distance.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Rising Dawn: David's room: David, Mel

"I'll see you around, then. If that gun has any problems in use, let me know so I can fix them." She waved before leaving the room, leaving David to his demons.
Location - Shadow Realm (Me neither, but I still think that the Shadow Realm idea wasn't that bad.): Deadshot, Wanderer, Annie, Android

THe group was met with the Wanderer fleeing in fear, leaving Devon to mutter to him(or was it her? hard to tell)self about the sight. [color=00c863]"If he's running without them, then that means the others are in trouble..."[/color]

"And let me guess: THat's where you want to be? Fine, but if it's too dangerous in there for us, then I'm getting us out of there." Ella seemed less enthused, but she got serious when she saw the sorry state that Annie was in.

[color=00c863]"Ella, Garm, Cadol, do your best to keep that machine off of Annie. I'm going to need all the help I can get here...[/color] With that, the plan sprang into action. Devon and Mengde did their best to get over to the dying woman, although they were assaulted by a few rather painful burns on the way.

[color=00c863]"Deadshot, give me some room to work with! If you want her to make it through, I need to patch her up now. Don't waste my time!"[/color] SHe tried her best to get through and called out to her Persona. [color=00c863]"Mengde, lend your aid! Cure Serious Wounds!"[/color] The tall persona seemed to give a confident sneer before channeling the energy into Annie, although it was hard to tell how strong it was...


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Location - Shadow Realm (Yeah, I mean, it kinda works better in context. Like that Joker Serum in Batman: TAS because they couldn't have him actually murder people.): Deadshot, Wanderer, Annie, Android

"OH YOU FUCKING COWARD! I HATE YOU TO PSYCHO PRICK!" Deadshot shouted as Wanderer...Wandered away from the fight as [Null] Faded after spending his clips.
"Oh this is fucking messed up!" he cringed as the robot managed to line up it's sights right as his action high faded and pain began to re-enter his body.
"...Eh....guess this was bound to happen sooner or later....Though I wasn't thinking I'd die in something like this...." He sighed as he sat down beside Annie and awaited for the end to come.

It was then that Devon and the others showed up.
"...what the piss?! You guys are dead too?!" He exclaimed in disbelief, leaving the others to wonder what the hell he was talking about.
While the others engaged the machine, Devon set about reviving the Titan Shiftier, though when Mengde offered to give him a shot of healing juice, he answered "Sort her out first. This ain't my first time getting lit on fire, most likely won't be the last." as he leaned out and watched the fight, revealing a nasty burn on his back.
"Did you bring any ammo? I'm out."


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Shadow Realm: Nice to see the little party together
Annie, Deadshot, Wanderer, Devon, Garm, Ella, Cadolbolg, Android
Bit more fitting for the mood []

The Android winced in pain as she was hit by the shots, and the smoke appeared again as she called out, [color=7476A9]"B-Bellona! Initiate: Agi! Target: [Null]'s User!"[/color]

It was at this point Garm, Cadolbolg and Ella charged in to aid, as per Devon's orders. Garm was the first to call for aid, barking his Persona's to ward the blow, [color=365D60]"Protect us, Gelert!"[/color]

True to the Wolf's calling, the disembodied armor [] appeared to take the column of fire meant for Deadshot, giving a whine of pain as Gelert disappeared. After a few heavy breaths, he asked, [color=365D60]"Are you alright? I did not have ammunition for your weapon, but I will protect you from her assault."[/color]
The heart was certainly there, but it sounded a bit more confident than what the wolf's posture gave off. Like the Android with the Lightning attacks, Garm looked distinctly shaken by the fire attack hitting his Persona.

Cadolbolg, on the other hand, took the offensive, the collar around his neck working it's magic as he cried out, "Lei Zhenzei, Show her who's boss!" The human shaped dragon appeared again, and the twin mixture of fire and lightning being shot at the robot from it's blades. The Android winced again from the lightning strike, but didn't seem to mind the fire nearly as much, to Cadolbolg's disappointment as the Persona disappeared.

Looking among the group, the Android backed away with a shaken step, clearly battered by all the Persona users attacking her, [color=7476A9]"This is not the end, Shadows. I will return yet."[/color] and began to run off. Following that, Mitsuru's voice entered the party's minds, [color=955555]"Good, you found them. I'll try to get an extraction point going on this floor. Just look around until you can find it. And no, Deadshot, you're not dead. You and your group has been transported to the Realm of Shadows. Now, where did the doctor go? I know he was among your number..."[/color]

Rising Dawn: Med Bay Rugal, Teri, Sadei

Teri frowned, knowing full well Rugal was lying, and in a way she was familiar with: changing the subject. Crossing her arms, she kept her gaze locked with Rugal's as she spoke, [color=0E59E4]"I'm not stupid, Dad. I've used that tactic before, changing the subject. You're lying to me again. Not to mention you already said that this started happening a week ago, with the voice you seem so adamant about not telling me a thing about!"[/color]

She paused, not sure if she should mention her suspicions about what was coming to pass, and heard her own Shadow sneak into her mind, [color=0E59E4]"Gonna tell him about me? You think that will help your case?"
"I dunno. He might just use that against me. I don't know how he'll react. Do you feel okay with me mentioning you?"
"You're asking my permission? That's new! Go on ahead. I like people acknowledging me. Makes me feel special."

Teri swallowed again, and continued, [color=0E59E4]"I...I have an idea of what this is that's bothering you, because I- I sort of went through the same thing. What I mean is, if this started a week ago, then I think that points to the obvious, doesn't it? It started after what happened with Annie, right? And... you feel guilty for what's happened, and a voice in your head is beginning to berate you for every little thing that you've done wrong, right? It's a Shadow. It's every bad you had, and it makes you feel terrible for existing! Sometimes you want to die because of how cruel it is. Mr. Narukami mentioned them at the meeting, and Philemon mentioned em too. I know all this because, not just cause I'm an Author but-"[/color]

She paused again, afraid of spilling the truth completely but forged on ahead, [color=0E59e4]"I don't have to use an Evoker to summon my Persona, because I have a Shadow in my head right now. She talks to me every day. She started talking to me during the Angel Wars, because I enjoyed killing the Angel forces with my powers and the guilt nearly drove me crazy. It's the same for you, isn't it? Because of the things you've done to Annie, you have a Shadow too."[/color]

After admitting her line of thought, as well as the fact that Toyotama was a constant in her mind, Teri tensed up faintly, not quite sure what to expect next.

Training Room Slindis, Angelus

Angelus stewed in her rage after Slindis left, and yelled out, "FINE! I didn't need the blasted training anyways. When we're fighting Shadows, I'll have Tiamat on my hands... This blasted condition is temporary anyways. Once we find what we need to, I'll go back home and be myself, right?"

Leaning against a wall, the dragon sighed as she tried to think things through, that familiar tiny voice in the back of her mind, "You don't need a human invention anyways. You never have. Your fires are all you need, even in this strange world. Forget what the Paladin said, she needs her puny swords and fists to get by. You're a dragon, not a mortal. Well, perhaps not at the present moment, but that's not what matters, right? Then again, you're missing your fire... Are you even a dragon anymore?"

"SILENCE!" Of course, Angelus realized that she was shouting at thin air. But the voice had a point... Was she still as she claimed to be? Shaking her head at the ridiculous notion, the dragon simply turned her attention to a dummy and began the motions taught. She'd show that Paladin she had learned something, if only to spite her new teacher...


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Med Bay Rugal, Teri, Sadei

"...I can't get anything past you, can I?..." Rugal admitted with a small smile, slightly glad his lies were seen though.
"...It's more then a Shadow...I...My life was..."Driven" by a desire for power. To be stronger...Typical Egotism and Narcissism. While...I try to move away from it...Since S'zami was killed..." He sighed, had that the painkillers were in effect to remove the pain that usually followed a taunting.
"And if you stayed with that desire, you wouldn't be in this situation, would you?"
"...At the time, I...was so full of...rage. I had brought her onto the Rising Dawn. If I hadn't, she would still be alive. On top of that, If it wasn't her who died, who would it be? You? Melethia? Slindis? The fact that...Woman could so easily take one of you away..." He added, the implication of what could have been being clear as day.
"...So I..."Cut loose" and...Well...You saw..." He finally confessed, knowing full well what he did to Annie.

"...Worse thing is...I know what it's capable of...And...It frightens me..."
"...Explain to me again how God-like Power is a bad thing?..."
"...So how do to keep it in line?...Is there anything that I can do to silence it. Using an Evoker works, but...I'd really prefer to not give it a physical form to work with..."
"Tch, Killjoy..."


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Rising Dawn: Med Bay Rugal, Teri, Sadei

Teri visibly relaxed upon hearing Rugal admit the truth, and put a comforting hand on his shoulder, [color=0E59E4]"Well, you got over one of the hurdles of it already: Admitting the problem is there at all. Most of the time, Shadows react very badly to being denied. And, frankly, it is the Shadow. It's the strongest and worst feelings within you, especially the painful ones. But that doesn't it has to define who you are."[/color]

She paused for a moment to figure out how to best put the words, and continued, [color=0E59E4]"I have it a little bit easier, considering Sadei helps me keep Toyotama in line.
"Yeah, and she's bossy as hell too."
"I'm talking to Dad. Hush."

"But, if you want to bring your Shadow under control, first you have to face it head on. Only then will you learn to co-exist with it. It'll take some effort, but I'm sure you can do it. And if you need help, I'm more than happy to lend myself and Garm to aid you. I had Mum and Lucifer in my head when we took Toyotama down a peg."[/color]

The hand was lifted away, however, when she continued thinking about Annie, and where this all lead where she was concerned, [color=0E59e4]"What worries me in all this is whether Annie will incite the attacks further from your Shadow.... I know this isn't the most popular thought, but what has happened to her, wasn't right. What she did wasn't right either, but that didn't call for what has passed. You're going to need to let go of your anger at her if you want to succeed with bringing your Shadow under your control.
"Like you ever let go of what Bruiser did?"
"Fair point, correction incoming."

"Or, at bare minimum, reign in the impulses that come with those feelings. S'zami is dead and gone. As sad as that is, it is the truth. But I don't think she'd want you to keep on like this.

Does all that make a little bit more sense?"[/color]


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Med Bay Rugal, Teri, Sadei

"...As much as anything on this moronic ship..." Rugal sighed as he already began plotting his otherside's downfall.
"...What?...Really?...You want some of this, old man? Our Room in half an hour, I'll be waiting..." It taunted, prepping itself for a duel.
"I'll face it myself. It seems to want to prove it's strongest, I beg to disagree. And I'd rather do it alone, Lord knows it'd never let me live it down..." He explained as he finally got up.
"...I understand I can be stubborn in my ways...But thank you...I feel this approach would be better then what I had planned..." He then said, leaving Teri to ask [color=0E59E4]"...And what would that have been?"[/color]
"Full Frontal Lobe Lobotomy. I know of several Black Market Clinics."
[color=0e59e4]"....Ah..."[/color] The cleric blanched at the idea of someone removing part of her fathers brain as Rugal got up and began walking towards.
[color=0e59e4]"Hey, where are you going?"[/color]
"...I owe your mother an apology." He merely answered before going down the hall towards the crew quarters and Slindis's room, Waiting outside it for the Drow to arrive.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Location - Shadow Realm (Damn Straight): Deadshot, Wanderer, Annie, Android, Garm, Devon, Ella, Cadolbolg

Glad that the crew managed to scare off the Android, Deadshot then watched as Devon managed to heal Annie's wound, seeing how the wound closed and the bleeding stopped.
"...So this isn't the land of the dead?...could have fooled me..." He quipped to Mitsuru as the Titan Shifter stood again.
"Well...If that isn't a Deus Ex Machina then I don't know what is...The Wanderer is down that way, but we did lose one of our group, a Teenage girl by the name of Izami. Just...So you know" He sighed, still not happy about how this night had ended up.
"AAAHHHGGG!!" Annie then screamed as she collapsed holding her head.
"Whoa! Hey, What's happening?! Did you do something to her?!" The assassin shouted defensively at the Cursed Bard before the pain suddenly stopped as quickly as it arrived.
"... I'm sorry.. it seems, I.. just lost to much blood and lost it. Don't worry about me... I'm okay..."
"Yeah, might have been some sort of Shock or something. Can you walk?" He then asked, offering a shoulder to lean on before they set off looking for the Extraction point, leaving the others to find Doctor S.
Pausing for a moment, he looked over his shoulder and said "...Hey, Girl-Devon....
...Thanks for saving our sorry asses..."
He admitted, fulling expecting some sort of Moral Speech once they were out of here.
Deadshot also silently vowed to stop making fun of her curse behind her back.
He would be more honest and say it to her face.


New member
Dec 14, 2009
Suddenly a portal appears from thin air. Out steps Anastasia Romanvesky. A middle aged woman with short red hair.
"Hey guys, Didnt mean to interrupt, but I just wanted you guys to know that we have opened a omnicross-dimensional Pub for any and all, you should come check it out when you have the time. First round is on us!"
She smiles and gives a wave.

"Again, didnt mean to interrupt. But I figured dimension hoping was your guy's thing. See you later"
With that she is gone.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009

The Lone Wanderer.
Location: Shadow Zone.
Shawn or the Lone Wanderer as he is commonly known still ran, he had shut his eyes to get away from the nightmare that poisoned his mind, heart and eyes. Yet he heard nothing as he came to a stop and decided to see again, nothing was behind him and he had gathered his thoughts ... at least he thought that. Sighing he removed his helmet once more and saw a window with nothing behind it. "What is wrong with me?" He asked himself as he remembered the scene back there, he had ran away from those people.

"They do deserve to die though." Called another voice behind himself. Turning around quickly he could see himself except the clone in front of him had half of his facial flesh missing as the Doctor had before. Backing up to the window frame the looked to the sides quickly. "Don't you even ... DARE to think about that." The voice trembled the certain passageway they were in. "Who are you!?" The Wanderer demanded as he pulled out his ranger pistol on this Shadow of his.

The Shadow laughed like a innocent child as he pulled out his own gun, yet the body of the Doctor began to follow his Shadow's movement. Slowly the gun was lifted higher, until the gun was at head level, pointing directly at the head. The two bodies held the guns to their heads. Tears started to trickle down their cheeks, the true Doctor caused this. "Sad? ... why don't you just end it all, a bullet is all it takes. I'm the one who wants to escape this fate of killing and unhappiness." He said seriously towards his true self.

Taking up the challenge, the Wanderer pulled the trigger quickly ...


Another noise echoed through the hall.
Blood covered the window.
Yet the Wanderer still stood, except there was a clean bullet hole in his head. The Shadow released the mirrored control and the true Wanderer fell to his knees, shaking with fear. "But ... I won't let us die that easily. I'm going to speak to you and you will listen ... and I ... will ... make it HELL for you. You will be begging me to die soon!" He yelled and then began to laugh madly, the true Doctor just sat there in his sad state, wanting this to be over.

The worst part was that he could not tell was if this thing is real or just another hallucination.

Was this his mind or reality.
Anyone who discovered the scene would only see the Wanderer kneeling down and trembling.
His Shadow did not want to reveal himself, but he wanted to have some fun with not only the Wanderer ... but also those who will came for him.

Re-done in colour!
Yu Narukami.
Location: Shadow Operative building | Yu's room.
Before everything.

Coming to his room Yu gave a sigh, of relief or annoyance ... no one knows. The gray haired protagonist was glad that most were successful but yet some people failed, got scarred and worse. His thoughts of David came up, he still has not seen the cop after his little incident with his own Shadow. In Yu's case it was the first time that event has happened, they actually managed to not fight a personal Shadow for once, in the time Yu was in Inaba for the case of the mist murders his friends fought and won all of their fights against their Persona.

But ... did David actually win his?

Shaking his head, Yu fell onto the bed behind him. It was late, the clock was a minute to the next day. Looking outside, it was not raining. Yet Narukami still gazed into the TV in front of him, it was not turned on and it did nothing like the Midnight Channel back then. Yet looking at the time it suddenly turned twelve and the TV screen moved as if it was water and made a ripple of infinity.

Immediately getting up Yu touched the screen with haste and soon he fell once again. Yet, not to the Midnight Channel, this was different. Once the usual black and white went past Yu's face he opened his eyes to see Mitsuru. " ... hi." He answered in his usual manner as he gathered himself from the floor. "So ... where are we exactly?" He was confused that the TV lead him here, yet he could feel something in the air.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Rising Dawn: Med Bay: Slindis, Teri, Rugal

ALmost on cue, Slindis entered the Med Bay. After all, it was where Teri usually went and Slindis wanted to work with someone that actually wanted to work with her. [color=c200]"So, Teri, are you ready for some... What's Rugal doing in here? I thought he was feeling well..."[/color]

Yup, looks like Slindis still wasn't too happy with what she'd found out.

Shadow Realm:
Devon, Garm, Ella, Cadolbolg, Annie, Deadshot
Keep that music running! []

[color=00c863]"We're going to have to hold off on that retreat, Kirijo. Looks like we've just had some more problems pop up here... I'll do what I can with the others here, but I'm going to have to keep a sharp eye on this one!"[/color] Devon called to the others around and began some preparations as she pulled out her blade.

[color=00c863]"Say what you will, but I'm not going to have her get abandoned like this. Deadshot, work with Cadolbolg at range to keep the pressure on. Ella, stick with Garm and try to flank it. Keep that pressure on, keep it mixed up, and don't give up. We'll make it through this, and we'll most certainly get her out!"[/color]

The Demi-succubus readied her halberd as she got ready for her first flanking moves and shouted out to Devon. "You know you're insane, right?! What on earth will you be doing here?" The first swipe from the Titan came far too close to her as she had to leap back to avoid most of the damage from the blow, and she looked over to Devon and Mengde.

[color=00c863]"It'll take me some time to really get a good idea for how we can really slow it down, but for now we need to keep going. She needs us, damnit, and we aren't going to fail her!"[/color] Perhaps it was due to the sheer conviction in her voice, or maybe it was because of Mengde glowing and pointing his blade at Annie's Shadow, but the others all felt the call to greatness. This was one fight that they couldn't give up on for anything.

Yes, even Deadshot felt this call to glory. Funny how Bards worked, huh? She must be killer at Karaoke.

Devon has Inspired Heroics in the group! Until the fight is over, the group is more accurate, a little bit more durable and agile, more skilled, and unshakable in their resolve.

Bardic Songs Left: 14.
After the rather bold statement, Devon tried her best to focus and see if Mengde could give an idea of what this Shadow's weak spots could be. It wouldn't be too easy, though, so she'd have to keep that group going at their peak.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Rising Dawn: Med Bay: Slindis, Teri, Rugal

[color=0E59e4]"Ooooh- fuck all kinds of duck. It's Mum!"[/color]
Teri blanched further upon seeing the Paladin pop in the Med bay, and right in Rugal's path, knowing full well that relations between the two weren't on the best term quite yet.
[color=0E59E4]"Calm your tits, Toyotama, and let's see if I can pull of the same kinda miracle I just did with Dad. Mum's gonna be a bit harder to appease than Dad though..."[/color]
So, the Cleric cut between the two and spread her arms out, hoping the surprise would push both back, rather than brute force before she spoke (and heard one last comment from the peanut gallery in her mind),
[color=0E59E4]"Ah shit, you're sounding like me now!"
"Only because of the desperation of the situation. You know I curse only when I'm particularly upset. Now let me try to work my mojo, and you kindly shut the fuck up."
"Heh Heh Heh, only cause you asked so eloquently~! Damn, I like Us mad!"

Taking a deep breath, the Cleric hastily said to the two adults, [color=0E59E4]"Okay, before anyone tries to kill each other: Mum, I just had a talk with Dad. He's probably gonna repeat what I said anyways, but I might as well say it. He told me he was sorry for taking some Evil actions and being a general crazy man for the past couple of days. He's also got a bit of a problem in the noggin like I do. You know, the one where you and Lucifer had to cut in? That one. And yes, Dad, I know you wanted to keep that hush hush, but you really need to be a bit more honest with this family, Mum and Me especially. All that being said, we're gonna work to fix some of that, right, Dad? Atonement, and reigning in that Shadow, and all that good stuff. Now, since I've explained some things, I think you were about to give Mom an apology? And Mum, please don't try to kill Dad and be a bit willing to hear him out? I know you're upset but- please?"[/color]

There was a cackle in the back of Teri's mind after all that, Toyotama rolling with laughter in her Wielder's mind, [color=0E59E4]"Dude, I had no idea you had the balls! This is gonna be good!"[/color]

Shadow Operative Warehouse: Border of Shadow Zone Yu Narukami, Mitsuru Kirijo

After Yu landed flat on his rear next to Mitsuru, the Kirijo leader barely batting an eyelid at the Fool's sudden appearance. In a serious tone, she pointed to the inside of the warehouse and said, [color=955555]"There are several members of the Rising Dawn inside of there, and their currently facing a Shadow like the ones you've described to me before. It would do them some good to have additional reinforcements. I can guide you along, but hurry if you intend to help them! We cannot spare a moment where these sort of things are concerned."[/color]

((Just auto along Yu in his next post and he can arrive on the battle site.))

Shadow Realm:
Devon, Garm, Ella, Cadolbolg, Annie, Deadshot
The REAL mood music for this battle. :p []

Mitsuru's voice echoed in each of their minds after Devon's considerable display with Bardic Music, her voice giving away how serious she took the whole situation, [color=955555]"Understood! Also, Narukami literally landed on my doorstep. I'm sending him in to help you. It'll take him a minute or so, but with the path you've carved, I can give him a nudge in the right direction. Let me know if you need me."[/color]

Garm felt his wounds from the fire earlier begin to sting a bit less, and stood tall, [color=365D60]"You are right, Devon. We must help our pack, even if they're less than perfect! Gelert, to me! Ella, please mooove as I attack!"[/color]

The Evoker around Garm's neck set of, and the Armored Persona appeared, giving a bestial howl before the icy shards floating around it shot at the Shadow, attempting to pierce the Shadow's hide with them as it gave Ella the chance to maneuver around the Shadow.

Cadolbolg, in the meantime, took to the skies, and maneuvered to be at eye level (In terms of height, not closeness) at the beast before shouting, "Hey, you big meanie! Take this! Lei Zhenzei: Burninate!"

At the call, the draconic warrior appeared, and one of his swords lit aflame. With a sweep not unlike what Caim was partial to, the Persona launched a single large fireball at the Shadow before disappearing from view.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009

Prefers the title "The Wild Card"
Yu Narukami.
Location: Shadow Operative Warehouse: Border of Shadow Zone
Noting the urgency of this event, Yu immediately nodded and ran off into the dark corridors of the Warehouse.
With Mitsuru guiding him, Yu easily managed to run towards the battle quickly. If it was the Shadows he knew about, it was obviously someone's own Shadow.
Yu kept running with speed and pulled out his two-handed katana presumably from his coat, ready to slash at minor Shadows.

A couple of minutes of running and slashing.

Soon enough Yu was on the edge of the battle, entering the ring with everyone else he gave a nod to each member as he noted their opponent.
A giant, weird enough it looked like a skinned human. Pushing the image aside he readied his weapon but asked for some information.
"Who's shadow is that!? We need to weaken it and then hope that they can accept it." Yu said to the others on the field, but he has the feeling that some know this information already.

Summoning his own Persona, a card formed in Yu's hand and he instantly crushed it while saying ...
Soon enough his coat-cladded Persona was summoned in front of him, yet it still it could not match the giant's size.
"Zio!" He commanded Izanagi and a second after a bolt of lightning went forth to strike the large Shadow.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Location - Shadow Realm: Deadshot, Wanderer, Annie, Android, Garm, Devon, Ella, Cadolbolg

".....Uhhhhh....O.....okay...I-....Huh...." Deadshot mumbled as Annie's Shadow ripped into her, his lack of knowledge of Annie's past, history, how shadows worked and basically everything that had happened to them since the truck crashed left him standing there confused.
"...Am...I the only one here not really getting what's happening here?...." He rudely asked as the two sides yelled about how Annie was going to kill off all of humanity in their home realm.
"Wait-WHAT?! Whoa...Dude! You were going to do that?! ALL of Humanity?! The Fuck, Annie!? Who fucking does that!? I mean...Christ! Killing a few thousand people for a buck, That's one thing, But fucking EXTINCTION!?! What ARE you?! Some fucking...alien....planet killing....*****!?" He finally snapped, Sure, he wasn't a saint and he would Genocide large amounts of people, but killing off the entire human race was something he drew the line at. (I mean, Who would pay him then!? O.O)
"Christ...I fucking took a Flamethrower and nearly got invited into Baron Von Murderlust's (Rugal) Torture Camp for you! Hell, he even had the right fucking idea...You know what? You! Nega-...Bizzaro-...WHAT EVER THE FUCK YOU ARE!...You can have little miss Hitler here. I'm fucking out...Christ damn..." He stated before he start walking away from the group and went looking for the exit, disgusted at the fact he even associated with her.

".. Tch!" Annie snared, her eyes beaming with fueled angry towards this girl. Annie sprung up and did a low kick, but the Shadow Annie knew this. Then again, she knew everything about Annie so she countered with an elbow to Annie's face making her fall back again. "Hahaha!! HAAahhaaaa hhaaa!! That's cute, Annie!"

Annie was on fours, spitting some blood before looking up and yelling, "You- YOU ARE NOT ME!!"

The second she said those words, Deadshot felt the entire ground shake as a large shadow cast over him as the realization set in.
"...Other Annie can also do that Godzilla thing too, can't she?..." He closed his eyes and cringed as The Shadow Titan ate Annie and went to finish the rest of them off.
".....Ahhhhhhh....Piss..." He finally said before sprinting out of the open and into cover.
"ALRIGHT EVERYONE! STAY CALM!....I'LL COVER THE REAR!" He shouted as he revealed his inner coward.
"...Seriously?....Thi-this is what we're are doing?...Hiding while everyone else fights?..."
What?! I'm out of Ammo and she's like 40 feet tall, what do want from me?!
"...*Sigh*...Just use the fucking Evoker..."
A Voice inside him said before he saw Annie had dropped hers.
"...oh yeah...[Null], Yer up!" He remarked before he summoned his Persona, not paying any heed to the guy who told him to do so.

A quick shot later....
"....Annnnnnnnnny time now..." The Assassin whined before his Persona stepped out of the Shadows again.
"Christ?! What takes you so lon-" He asked before getting a Gun Barrel shoved in his face
"Shut it. I have other concerns you know." [Null] answered before he pulled out his Platinum Handguns and opened fire, Aiming for the Titan's eyes and face.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Med Bay: Slindis, Teri, Rugal

Rugal stopped dead in his tracks at the fact Slindis turned up right in front of him.
"Ah...Slindis. I'm sorry, can I borrow you for a mo-" He started before Teri preempted him and said very fast.
[color=0E59E4]"Okay, before anyone tries to kill each other: Mum, I just had a talk with Dad. He's probably gonna repeat what I said anyways, but I might as well say it. He told me he was sorry for taking some Evil actions and being a general crazy man for the past couple of days. He's also got a bit of a problem in the noggin like I do. You know, the one where you and Lucifer had to cut in? That one. And yes, Dad, I know you wanted to keep that hush hush, but you really need to be a bit more honest with this family, Mum and Me especially. All that being said, we're gonna work to fix some of that, right, Dad? Atonement, and reigning in that Shadow, and all that good stuff. Now, since I've explained some things, I think you were about to give Mom an apology? And Mum, please don't try to kill Dad and be a bit willing to hear him out? I know you're upset but- please?"[/color]
Once she was done, Rugal bit his lip and looked at her with an annoyed face as she basically said everything he was just about to say.
[color=0e56e4]"...[sub]I'll leave you two alone[/sub]..."[/color] she meeped, realizing she might have said too much before leaving the Med bay, though standing outside and listening closely.

"...*Sigh*...God, Life was much simpler before the Angel war..." He sighed as he sat back down on one of the beds.
"...What Teri said is true. Over the last week, I've been suffering from a Shadow attempting to drive me insane."
"Wanting more then being a lowsy captain isn't insanity!"
"...I think....What happened with Annie...Might have...Triggered it...I still haven't answered for that, have I? I know this isn't an excuse, but...Remember that new Member I told you about? S'zami? Well...When Annie raided our ship, She managed to use a poisoned blade on her. While we were engaging her in her Titan form....S'Zami succumbed to that poison. I then found her dead the hallway, Body was still even warm...

Melethia met her first, did the introductions, offered to...heh, make her some enchanted necklaces...I was the one who invited her on board...I'm the reason she's dead...And...Just the fact...That..."Woman" could so easily have hit Melethia Or Teri or even you?...That...I couldn't stand for...At first...I was just going to do it for Information, Find out why she attacked us...By the end of it, I felt like...I was back in my Cartel....

...I promised you I would change....And I've failed...I know it doesn't justify what I did, but....I wanted you to understand why...."


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Rising Dawn: Med Bay: Slindis, Teri, Rugal

[color=c200]"You know, I really shouldn't forgive you with your violent tendencies. After all, you've proven yourself to be hotheaded more often than not, and sometimes it's hard to see why you'd want to change.

The fact is, you're still seeing this and you're trying to get better. That's the important part. None of us have gone this far without doing something we aren't proud of. Trying to do better is what's important. And as long as you're still truly willing to do that, then I should at least grant you that hance. After all, you've likely got darker demons than most anyone on this ship."[/color]

It wasn't a complete pardon, but Rugal was going to at least have some kind of chance.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Med Bay: Slindis, Teri, Rugal

"...Amazing...Even after all this..." Rugal smiled, not thinking he was going to be forgiven so easily.
"I assume she was talking about me in that last sentence?...You know, you never introduce me to any of your "Friends"...
Though I'm starting to see why you switched sides...Those robes really show off her hips. *Tiger Growl*"

His face soured as the pain returned though the haze of those painkillers, making him dread what it would have felt like without it.
"She's just our type, Experienced and yet just still innocent enough to put up with us. Aged, yet looks not a day over 20. God, I can't wait to finally be in control and just absolutely Ruin her all night long...Hehehahahahah..." His other-side taunted, being the straw that broke the camels back.
"...That's it..." He said out-loud prompting a [color=c00000]"...Excuse me?"[/color] before he marched out of the Med Bay, nearly knocking Teri out with the door as he stormed out.
"Dimitri. I want a Private Training Room, Cross reference the specs with the ones used in the Shadow Operation's Simulators and apply them to our own."
[color=c00000]"Where are you going?"[/color]
"To kick my own ass!" He shouted without shame or context down the hall as he made his way towards the training room.
"Oh about fucking time. So what Rules we using? World Warrior? Mortal Kombat? Art of Fighting? Traditional KOF?..."
...None of them...
"Ohhhhh...Look at Mister Hard Man over here. You know where to find me..."