Shadow Realm: Nice to see the little party together
Annie, Deadshot, Wanderer, Devon, Garm, Ella, Cadolbolg, Android
Bit more fitting for the mood []
The Android winced in pain as she was hit by the shots, and the smoke appeared again as she called out, [color=7476A9]"B-Bellona! Initiate: Agi! Target: [Null]'s User!"[/color]
It was at this point Garm, Cadolbolg and Ella charged in to aid, as per Devon's orders. Garm was the first to call for aid, barking his Persona's to ward the blow, [color=365D60]"Protect us, Gelert!"[/color]
True to the Wolf's calling, the disembodied armor [] appeared to take the column of fire meant for Deadshot, giving a whine of pain as Gelert disappeared. After a few heavy breaths, he asked, [color=365D60]"Are you alright? I did not have ammunition for your weapon, but I will protect you from her assault."[/color]
The heart was certainly there, but it sounded a bit more confident than what the wolf's posture gave off. Like the Android with the Lightning attacks, Garm looked distinctly shaken by the fire attack hitting his Persona.
Cadolbolg, on the other hand, took the offensive, the collar around his neck working it's magic as he cried out, "Lei Zhenzei, Show her who's boss!" The human shaped dragon appeared again, and the twin mixture of fire and lightning being shot at the robot from it's blades. The Android winced again from the lightning strike, but didn't seem to mind the fire nearly as much, to Cadolbolg's disappointment as the Persona disappeared.
Looking among the group, the Android backed away with a shaken step, clearly battered by all the Persona users attacking her, [color=7476A9]"This is not the end, Shadows. I will return yet."[/color] and began to run off. Following that, Mitsuru's voice entered the party's minds, [color=955555]"Good, you found them. I'll try to get an extraction point going on this floor. Just look around until you can find it. And no, Deadshot, you're not dead. You and your group has been transported to the Realm of Shadows. Now, where did the doctor go? I know he was among your number..."[/color]
Rising Dawn: Med Bay Rugal, Teri, Sadei
Teri frowned, knowing full well Rugal was lying, and in a way she was familiar with: changing the subject. Crossing her arms, she kept her gaze locked with Rugal's as she spoke, [color=0E59E4]"I'm not stupid, Dad. I've used that tactic before, changing the subject. You're lying to me again. Not to mention you already said that this started happening a week ago, with the voice you seem so adamant about not telling me a thing about!"[/color]
She paused, not sure if she should mention her suspicions about what was coming to pass, and heard her own Shadow sneak into her mind, [color=0E59E4]"Gonna tell him about me? You think that will help your case?"
"I dunno. He might just use that against me. I don't know how he'll react. Do you feel okay with me mentioning you?"
"You're asking my permission? That's new! Go on ahead. I like people acknowledging me. Makes me feel special."[/color]
Teri swallowed again, and continued, [color=0E59E4]"I...I have an idea of what this is that's bothering you, because I- I sort of went through the same thing. What I mean is, if this started a week ago, then I think that points to the obvious, doesn't it? It started after what happened with Annie, right? And... you feel guilty for what's happened, and a voice in your head is beginning to berate you for every little thing that you've done wrong, right? It's a Shadow. It's every bad you had, and it makes you feel terrible for existing! Sometimes you want to die because of how cruel it is. Mr. Narukami mentioned them at the meeting, and Philemon mentioned em too. I know all this because, not just cause I'm an Author but-"[/color]
She paused again, afraid of spilling the truth completely but forged on ahead, [color=0E59e4]"I don't have to use an Evoker to summon my Persona, because I have a Shadow in my head right now. She talks to me every day. She started talking to me during the Angel Wars, because I enjoyed killing the Angel forces with my powers and the guilt nearly drove me crazy. It's the same for you, isn't it? Because of the things you've done to Annie, you have a Shadow too."[/color]
After admitting her line of thought, as well as the fact that Toyotama was a constant in her mind, Teri tensed up faintly, not quite sure what to expect next.
Training Room Slindis, Angelus
Angelus stewed in her rage after Slindis left, and yelled out, "FINE! I didn't need the blasted training anyways. When we're fighting Shadows, I'll have Tiamat on my hands... This blasted condition is temporary anyways. Once we find what we need to, I'll go back home and be myself, right?"
Leaning against a wall, the dragon sighed as she tried to think things through, that familiar tiny voice in the back of her mind, "You don't need a human invention anyways. You never have. Your fires are all you need, even in this strange world. Forget what the Paladin said, she needs her puny swords and fists to get by. You're a dragon, not a mortal. Well, perhaps not at the present moment, but that's not what matters, right? Then again, you're missing your fire... Are you even a dragon anymore?"
"SILENCE!" Of course, Angelus realized that she was shouting at thin air. But the voice had a point... Was she still as she claimed to be? Shaking her head at the ridiculous notion, the dragon simply turned her attention to a dummy and began the motions taught. She'd show that Paladin she had learned something, if only to spite her new teacher...