The Escapist Avatar Adventure: An Open RP (Now Re-Opened!)


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Rising Dawn: Med Bay: Slindis, Teri

Teri moved out of the way as Rugal burst out of the Med-Bay, thanking her lucky stars that she had paid attention to Slindis when it came to dodging blows. Still, the way Rugal was making his way to the training rooms, Teri was under the suspicion that things didn't go very well. However, upon hearing: "To kick my own ass!", the Cleric found her curiosity piqued. Did Rugal intend to face the Shadow now? She considered chasing after him, but considering that Slindis was still in the Med Bay and probably wanting her attention (as well as Rugal adamantly stating he wanted to go it alone), the Cleric wandered back into the Medbay cautiously, and cleared her throat, [color=0E59E4]"So... Before that happened, you were looking for me?"[/color]

Hallway Rugal, Dimitri

As Rugal made his way down the halls, Dimitri's voice crackled in on the intercom: [color=3897E0]
"Sir, if I may. What you're asking of me is incredibly dangerous, moreso than the usual training methods. What will literally occur in that room, should I go through with this, will open a portal to that realm. Keep in mind I hear everything that Tablet does. I know full well what you are intending to do... Are you certain you want to go it alone? If what I understand is correct, that would be ill advised..."

A single glare to the camera was more than enough confirmation for Rugal's desires, and the AI sighed, [color=3897E0]
"Very well. Commencing configuration of settings to Training Room 1011. You need to enter it before I can finish it and begin the safety procedure. Locking down the room before the portal is closed and all that."

Blast Off To Titan

New member
Aug 15, 2013
The Airship Rising Dawn | Airship Mess Hall (Canteen): Som Waterford

"Hey guys, Didnt mean to interrupt, but I just wanted you guys to know that we have opened a omnicross-dimensional Pub for any and all, you should come check it out when you have the time. First round is on us!" A strange voice cut through the air of the empty, discounting the eternally toiling Imps, Airship Mess Hall, waking the slumbering hunter, who was still seated at the table where he and the Airship's Medical Officer had last spoken, his fingers curled around a bottle of "teh-kill-yah." If there was one thing that one should never do unless one was feeling rather suicidal, it would be to startle a slumbering Hunter.

As the woman disappeared into whatever dark realm she came from, the Hunter was already in motion, his right hand had already drawn the firearm from its holster and his finger had already pulled the trigger a number of times, sending a volley of silver tipped slugs towards the unknown assailant.


The bullets impacted against the thick glass of the view ports, causing cracks in the material to spider outwards from the point of impact.

"Damn." Som Waterford cursed as he realized that he had totally missed his intended target before he realized that all eyes, counting the Imps, were fixed upon him.

"Time to train." The Hunter muttered as he found himself in a rather fowl mood at having been woken by what he would later be informed as spam and by the fact that his attack salvo had missed.

Standing up, the Leather Clad Hunter walked towards the Training Section of the ship and opened a door at random and found that he was not the only one in the mood to train as evidenced by the dragon female located in the room he had chosen.

"Pardon. I did not know that the room was occupied." The Hunter stated before starting to leave.


The Airship Rising Dawn | Enroute to the Airship Medical Bay: Constace, Cz and Jenny

The Airship Medical Bay was the only logical place to store an unconscious Sorrowfeld Vampire that had passed out after giving the Gardevoir a glimpse as to what Constance bore witness to each and every time she disappeared into the ethers. Despite having broken the blood link that had allowed Jenny to see Constance's vision, the visions did not stop for Jenny as she and Cz dragged the Cat Ear Vampire towards Medical assistance.

Fir | Haven Rock | The Great Hall said:
Some say that the process that created the Great Hall of Haven Rock, capital City of Fir, took the lives of one thousand Firians and one thousand years to complete. Others say that it was through luck that the Revered Mother found an empty magma chamber floating in the midst of the Red Seas and shaped it into the place that it was today.

The Great Hall was as vast as one could imagine, having the ability to fit every member of every tribe that comprised the Firian Kingdom and it was the only place in Fir where Firians could drop their shells and reveal their true form.

On this day, the Great Hall rumbled with the cheer of all Firians that had gathered within its walls as they observed the battles that raged in the arena like structure that had been erected in the middle of the Great Hall. While there had originally been one thousand and one contestants that had started in the clash, each one of the thousand representing the house of one of the Firian crafters that had helped create the Great Hall, only two remained. The match would go down in lore as the first time that a shell-walker had been allowed to compete for the right to mate with the Revered Mother and it was this shell-walker that was one of the two remaining combatants.

Watching from behind the silk veil that concealed her from the eyes of all her children, the Revered Mother watched the Shell Walker known as Malys easily deflect the multiple fire strikes that his opponent had unleashed upon the frail looking human, a move that won approval from the gathered audience. As his opponent gathered his strength to unleash yet another flaming torrent, Malys took the initiative and charged his larger opponent, unleashing a flurry of strikes that rained down upon his opponent, causing his focus to faulter.

Seeing that his opponent had been stunned by the attack, the human pressed forward and pointed towards the ground beneath his opponent's feet at the same time as Malys' opponent completed his spell.

"AAAAAAAUUUUGH!!!" The scream of pain that passed through the human lips echoed through the now silent chamber as the magically fueled fire appeared to consume the human. It was joined a moment later by the pained screams of his opponent as he was impaled upon a stone pike that had errupted from the ground.

"A draw?" The Revered Mother asked herself as she watched the Firian Combatant spasm and die, sure that the human had already met his fated end and had been consumed by fire.

"No. The human lives." She continued as she watched the charred humanoid form that was Mayls begin to move and stand on his two feet, a feet that must have taken a tremendous amount of will power.

The assembled audience thundered their approval at the human's display before a silence settled over the Great Hall.

"Mayls. There as never been a shell-walker that had dared to enter the Great Hall of Haven Rock nor has there ever been one that has competed for the right to be my mate. You have done both and have proven yourself worthy." The Revered Mother said as the silk veil was removed, revealing her for all to see.

She was the most beautiful of their race and standing there, Mayls understood why so many would compete for the right to mate with this "woman." However the smile that he displayed was not the smile that one gave at the completion of a goal, it was the knowledge that a piece of the larger picture had just been moved into place.

The door to the Medical Bay was pushed open as Constance placed into a bed, the machines automatically detecting her vital statistics and recording her brain activity. Strangely, the machines showed that there was absolutely no activity within the confines of the Vampire's mind. It was as the old saying goes "The lights were on but no one was home."


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Melethia (Andras) []:

Strong against Dark
Weak against Light

[color=c200]Slindis[/color] (Joanne) []:

Strong against Ice, Wind
Weak against Electric, Dark


[color=00c863]Devon[/color] (Mengde) []:
Strong against Fire and Wind
Weak against Electric and Ice.


Ella (Ishtar) []:

Strong against Electric
Weak against Wind

Rising Dawn: Med Bay: Slindis, Teri, Constance

Slindis stretched and grumbled, certainly showing the patience that had been wearing thin throughout the day. [color=c200]"I've already found what has to be the most thickheaded student in ages on this ship, so I had hoped to work with someone that was actually willing to learn. I'm admittedly a bit concerned about Rugal's state of mind, though I will admit there's some parts that I don't know. COuld you tell me if you know anything more while we see how this girl's doing?"[/color] Almost on cue, she began examining the young vampiress as if it was part of her normal routine.

Shadow Realm:
Devon, Garm, Ella, Cadolbolg, Annie, Deadshot, Yu
The REAL mood music for this battle. :p []

Effects and who has 'em.

Inspire Heroics: Until the fight is over, the group is more accurate, a little bit more durable and agile, more skilled, and unshakable in their resolve.

Who has it: Devon, Ella, Garm, Deadshot, Cadolbolg.
Although Devon was still concerned with what Annie's Shadow had said, she certainly seemed to not show it all that much when she called out to the injured Deadshot and Narukami. [color=00c863]"Deadshot, we can talk with Annie about what happened after we get her out of there. Can't really help for your ammunition situation, so do what you can with your Persona and I'll keep us going...

Yu, that's Annie's Shadow. If Izanagi can go and blast the Shadow with sound bursts like that last one, that'd hit it where it hurts."[/color] It was odd how taking the reins had become so natural to the Bard, but she knew that someone had to keep the group bolstered here. Heck, it was what she'd trained with the Cutie Bruisers to do!

Devon leapt out of the way of the attack with a well-timed dodge, although the earsplitting screech gave her a good idea of what her Shout Spells must feel like on the other end. Taking a second to get up, she contacted Mitsuru. [color=00c863]"I need some info on this thing if you can give it. I'd try myself, but my way of doing it's not always been reliable. Not to mention I need to keep the others going here, so there's a split focus as-is."[/color]

Unfortunately, Ella was only able to dodge the kick itself... some stones that were launched up from the force of it managed to clip her leg, creating what would be an extremely nasty bruise. If her reflexes hadn't been any better, she'd be having to deal with a broken leg. "Gah! You've got it, Garm. Narukami, I'll have Ishtar work with Izanagi when I get her out." To punctuate that, she pulled out the evoker (She still wanted to punch the smartass that made it Silver) and pulled the trigger to have Ishtar launch another forked bolt of lightning at the Shadow's arm.

After recovering from the earlier attack, Devon did her best to explain important factors to Narukami, [color=00c863]"Narukami, if past experience is true, the Shadow should have a large healing factor. It's going to be tough to crack. Now we have to stay calm... Mengde, let's show this Shadow that no matter happens, none of us will break! "[/color] As usual, Mengde scowled before letting out a resonating chant to punctuate Devon's words. It was hard to describe, but it felt like all of Devon's allies were hardier or could at least take more hits. It certainly helped Cadolbolg brush off the shards of stone that had been sent his way from the kick.

Devon and Mengde have sung an Ironskin Chant, further bolstering the defenses of his allies in the area. It won't outright stop more serious attacks, but they can sure take a beating.

Bardic songs left: 13


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011

Angelus (Tiamat) []: Fire/Ice

Cadolbolg (Lei Zhenzei []): Fire, Lightning/Wind, Ice

Caim (Cael) []: Physical/Wind

[color=3897E0]Dimitri[/color] (Thoth) []: -/- (Is a passive anyways)

[color=365D60]Garm[/color] (Gelert) []: Physical, Ice/Fire, Lightning

[color=0E59E4]Teri[/color] (Toyotama-Hime) []: Ice/Dark

[color=15650D]Ton Ton[/color] (Galahad) []: Light/Dark

Blast Off To Titan

New member
Aug 15, 2013
The Airship Rising Dawn | Enroute to the Airship Medical Bay: Constace, Cz and Jenny

As the Drow examined the Vampirette that lay on the observation table, Slindis noticed that there was not a hint of a wound anywhere upon the body, a strange thing given the patient's state. Yet the vampire still lay motionless upon the table, the EKG readouts displaying no brain activity.

All of a sudden there a gasp for air as COnstance's essence returned to her body from where ever it had traversed to in order to bring the information that had been plaguing her.

"What? Whe-where am I?' Constance asked as she looked as she spotted the medical equipment and began to relax, at least she would have were it not for the voice appearing in the back of her mind once again.

"(Pathetic! You fainted over another one of your visions. Why don't you just let one of the Shadows in this world consume you?"


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Med Bay: Slindis, Teri, Constance, Jenny

Jenny had struggled with the constant visions, just the experience of your mind being in one place and your body in another was extremely taxing on her.
After all, try carrying an unconscious woman across several dozen hallways when all you can see is a Great Hall where males fought to the death for the right to sleep with a Royal.
There are somethings I'll just never understand about Men... She thought as she bumped into yet another wall.
A LONG time later, she and Cz managed to lay the Vampirette down in a Med Bay bed before the Pokemon slumped into a chair and took a nap, Dreaming of the visions that Constance was giving her.

When Constance began to panic, she stirred as she saw Slindis and Teri standing over her.
"oh-*Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn* Sorry, must have dozed off..." She said sleepily as she got up and walked over.
"She passed out back in the Shadow Operative building, I brought her hear. She has Visions of her own Realm, of it being destroyed..." She explained to the two doctors.

Shadow Realm: Devon, Garm, Ella, Cadolbolg, Annie, Deadshot, Yu

"JUST SAYING! I STILL THINK SHE'S A TOTAL *****!" Deadshot shouted as he kept summoning [Null], much to the Persona's annoyance.
"You know, There are actual paying clients I could be seeing to..." He sighed as he brought up a briefcase from the shadows on the ground beside him.
Kneeling down and unlocking it, the Suited Hitman then pulled out yet another Platinum Gun, this time a AK-47 Assault Rifle
"Okay, where the fuck do you get those?" Deadshot asked before getting another gun barrel pointed in his face.
"I go to a man and give him vast amounts of currency. If you actually had any currency, you might be able to afford one. Now keep your head down and let the professional do his thing." [Null] Answered before peppering the titan with lead, something it wasn't so used to back in it's home realm.

Rising Dawn: Training Room: Rugal

"Lock down all access to this room. No Video or Audio." Rugal finally ordered as the room began to darken as the AI set the stage for the battle ahead.
A Purple Hue filled the room as he entered the Shadow Realm, the effects on his other side being clear.
"Ohhhhhh yeaaahhh..." Chuckled a voice a thick red fog flowed from the ground before a Man jumped out of it.
"Ahhhh...Feels good to FINALLY be out of that thick skull of yours."
"Not as good as the feeling of Dead Weight leaving my head."
"Ahhhh...I see what you did there. So what, Last man standing?"
"Would I have it any other way?"
"Would we have it any other way? And the Prize? Unlimited access to that sweet blue ass of Slindis?"
"Shut it! Like I would ever let that happen."
"Uh...Still have one Rage Button left. Good. That is very good! Was starting to think you were going soft without me to guide you!"
"I don't need you anymore."
"Hm...I wouldn't be so certain. Someone has to keep you focused, keep you fit and strong and full of anger. You owe your very goddamn EXISTENCE to me. Heh, I mean, Without the Training I made us do, You wouldn't be alive. Without my Wisdom, you would still be eating out of trashcans on the streets. Without my Charm, you wouldn't even have a family. Face it Rugal. I'm not some corny Shoulder Devil speaking in your ear or some agent Nyarlathotep planted in your mind as part of some stupid "Take over the Universe" Scheme. I AM Rugal Bernstein. All you are is just the Vessel though which I dictate our actions."

Clearly having heard enough, He went into a combat stance, one mirrored by his Shadow.
"You. Can NEVER hope to be me."
"That's because I already am...Heheheheheh-AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH!"
And then the two sides fought, but only one would leave this room...


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009

Prefers the title "The Wild Card"
Yu Narukami, Devon, Garm, Ella, Cadolbolg, Annie and Deadshot.
Location: Shadow Zone
"[color=00c863]past experience[/color]"

Another trigger word which echoed inside the mind of Yu, shaking free from that distraction he heard everyone talking to him. Nodding towards them, they needed to weaken the massive Shadow, more importantly they needed to free the host of the Shadow so that they can this. "I suggest that we have two groups, one working on freeing the host and another focusing as a main attraction to the Shadow." Yu said back to Devon, he had no idea what the suspicious girl wanted to do.

"I'll give another attack, but it seems that some of you guys need this." The former Leader said as another card appeared in his hand and he crushed it with force.


With his Persona already out, Izanagi leapt behind it's master and swung it's weapon and cast a spell on all allies on the field. It was a spell that would heal all of them, hopefully it would help the people on the battle who were injured. The Shadow could see that Yu made another card appear, intent to cast a offensive attack once more. The intention Yu had was to stun the Shadow so that may do an "All-out" attack.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Rising Dawn: Med Bay: Slindis, Teri, Constance, Jenny

Teri gave Slindis a small sigh regarding her question with Rugal, and shook her head, tapping the ring for a moment, [color=0E59E4]"When the rooms have a few less ears, certainly."[/color] giving a small motion of her head towards Jenny and Constance. Of course, discussing such things around a mind reader mightn't be the best of ideas.

Of course, this was before the Vampire awakened from her seemingly death-like slumber, something Teri was beginning to chalk up as the classic vampiric mode of rest. Weren't they already dead anyways? Then again, considering Constance also liked eatting food, how similar she was to the vampires the Cleric was familiar with was up in the air. Either way, Jenny's words seemed to be a cause for concern, [color=0E59E4]"A destroyed dimension? "[/color]

She shook her head with a small sigh. The destruction of one's home dimension seemed to be something of a common factor for Rising Dawn occupants, didn't it? Looking back to Constance, Teri gently asked, [color=0E59E4]"How are you feeling, Ms. Sorrowfield? Your readings were a bit worrying when you were out of it. Also, I'd like to give you a basic checkup, if you feel up to it. Seeing as the EKG was a bit wonky, it'd be good to check your nervous system for proper responses."[/color]

Training Room: Som, Angelus

Angelus turned to Som with an equally irritated looking glance, and shrugged, the non-chalant tone clashing with the expression the dragon was making, "I care not, so long as you stay well out of my range. The room is more than large enough to accommodate for the both of us."

These things were indeed true, but from what Som could see, the dummy that Angelus had taken to practice upon with Kingsblood had seen better days. It looked almost like she had been going at it for a while. If anything, the persistence was admirable, but the drive to keep doing an exercise like that was disconcerting...

Training Room: Rugal, Dimitri

Before the battle began, Rugal could hear the faintest strains of Dimitri's voice in the air, [color=3897E0]
"Best of luck to you sir."

Meanwhile, in the Mainframe of the Rising Dawn, Dimitri had established a connection with his mobile unit (the Tablet) begun using the driver currently located in it to activate Thoth's appearance again; and began a readout on the Shadow itself. As he began getting the information from the Book of Thoth, he murmured to himself, [color=3897E0]
"I will not allow myself or Her Ladyship to be ill prepared should your foolish choice lead you to devastation, Captain Bernstein... At the very least, Her Ladyship cannot blame herself or me for not warning you..."

Shadow Realm: Devon, Garm, Ella, Cadolbolg, Annie, Deadshot, Yu
This sort of song is good for Shadow Fights too []

Garm winced as the Shadow's foot was brought down heavily upon his Persona, Gelert fading away after the impact. However, unlike the fires from earlier....The pain didn't last for very long. (At least, not nearly as long as the ringing in his ears from the Shadow's screaming did) Garm noted this and thought to himself, [color=365D60]"I can block for those who can't handle attacks like that..."
"Ella, stick close to me! My Persona can take hits a bit better than your's can; so use me as cover!"[/color]

Following that, the wolf found himself ghosting Ella's movements, a combative measure the Succubus had seen the wolf taken around Teri before. He was definitely serious about using himself as a meat shield... And with the Media Narukami gave the party, Garm felt more than able to fulfill that role.

Mitsuru answered in over their minds next, [color=955555]"I'll do what I can! Give me a moment to concentrate..."[/color]

As for Cadolbolg, he joined in on the lightning use after zooming in the air around Annie's Shadow like a fly, sending a message over the rings, "Friend Devon, I dunno how well she takes to fire, but I can try shocking her too!"
"Lei Zhenzei, let's get cracking!"

The dragon-warrior Persona appeared again, and electricity danced on one of the blades before the Persona unleashed it's strike:

As Cadolbolg's Persona began to fade away, the tiny turtle dragon baby felt a pressure beginning to build in his head, not unlike a headache. That particular brand of electrical discharge seemed to take more out of Cadolbolg, probably on account of not using his lightning powers for nearly as long as his fire.
"I'll have to practice more with it... Ugh..."

Blast Off To Titan

New member
Aug 15, 2013
Rising Dawn: Med Bay: Constance, Cz(?), Jenny, Slindis, Teri

bluerocker said:
[color=0E59E4]"How are you feeling, Ms. Sorrowfield? Your readings were a bit worrying when you were out of it. Also, I'd like to give you a basic checkup, if you feel up to it. Seeing as the EKG was a bit wonky, it'd be good to check your nervous system for proper responses."[/color]
"E-EKG?" The Dazed Sorrowfeld vampire asked as she tried to sit up, only to tumble back onto the medical cot, her crimson eyes rolling back into her head slightly as the world seemed to go dark around the edge of her vision.

"I-I don't know what happened?" She continued, her voice growing weaker once again as whatever was causing her to dip in and out of consciousness, this time manifesting itself in a pulse of light and radiated outward to envelop everyone in the medical bay.

"(Don't you even pity this pathetic little girl. She let her family die when she could have helped them. She hid under the bed like a worm rather than die with them. Don't you even try to help her. She's weak and pathetic, like the rest of you.)" Said a voice that felt like an itch in the back of everyone's mind.

"(She's going to allow this to happen to our world and rather than take responsibility for it, she's going to get others to take on the responsibility.)" The voice that sounded like Constance's continued before it showed them the things that were to pass.

Mir | Castle Sanctum said:
The Omian Harvesters had done their work and had atomized every usable piece of matter into its base molecules. What remained of Castle Sanctum, capital of the Mirian Empire, would be atomized in a matter of moments. After the last of the great shell had been consumed, the Omians would continue their work by Havesting the useful materials from Fir, the molten realm that lay beneath Mir.

The Omian Observer, Ma'sheb, placed her Harvester in hover, pausing in her work to look at the one of the last few small patch of earth that remained. Upon it had been planted a wooden marker and had been enscribed with an epitaph.

Hope Sorrowfeld - Last Daughter of the Sorrowfeld Family - Blessed be that you were too young to understand the horrors of the world.​

Watching as the Harvesting machine worked to break down the patch of earth, the body of the Hope Sorrowfeld was revealed to be a tiny bony wrapped in a swatch of cloth. Ma'Sheb regarded the child's body as it too was consumed, the carbon of its body would later serve as part of the Chassis of the great World Ship that the Omians sought to consume.

The observation was suddenly broken by a blast of light.

Turning, the Omian Harvester saw the first of the many behemoth meteors smash through the ring shaped Omian Realm.

"Too soon. It was not to come for another 10 days." Ma'Sheb said as a chorus of other voices joined hers in the Omian mindlink before the central communications hub was destroyed, taking all those who were linked to it.

"He lied." Ma'Sheb managed to say before she was consumed by a wall of flame.

Training Room: Som, Angelus

bluerocker said:
"I care not, so long as you stay well out of my range. The room is more than large enough to accommodate for the both of us."
Looking about, The Hunter nodded in agreement with the Dragoness, though he did not feel like being in the same area as the Dragoness, he begrudgingly obliged, taking time to examine his dagger as he drew it from its scabbard.

"I did not know that Dragons needed to train in such a manner." Som stated, his tone indicating that what he thought of a dragon's reputed superiority complex. For the Dragoness to stoop to such a level would have been laughable in Mir.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rugal : Hercules
Strong: Dark
Weak: Light

David West : Apollo
Strong: Fire
Weak: Ice

Deadshot : [Null]
Strong: Ice
Weak: Fire

Jenny : Corvus
Strong: Dark, Lighting
Weak: Light, Fire

Rising Dawn: Med Bay: Slindis, Teri, Constance, Jenny

Jenny froze when the Next Vision took place, much like the ones before it.
With a silent sigh, she then said "...See, that's what I was talking about...Poor thing..." as she sat down beside Constance on the Medical Bed.
"Once we are done here, I hope you don't mind if we see if we can do anything to help her home. I doubt a detour would be any different from our usual travelling norms." She then added, knowing full well the history both women had on this same issue.

Rising Dawn: Training Room: Rugal

Dimitri watched the pair of Vital Signs go at it, each one spiking and normalizing as they fought.
While he knew that Rugal was a skilled fighter, he did grow concerned as the fight dragged into it's 3rd hour with neither side seeming to let up.
Then out of the blue, both Vitals Crashed as seemingly both Rugal and his Shadow died on their feet.
After a few brief seconds of panic as the AI went to contact the Medical Bay, both Vitals normalized again, though the Shadow's one was more fitting a man that had be on the receiving end of Rugal's fist.
This was followed by the lockdown being lifted as a giddy looking Rugal walked out of the Training room, unfazed by the fact he had looked like he just got ran over by a ride-on lawnmower, bloody and cut.

"...Sir?...Are you okay?"
"DIMITRI! How the hell are you?! God, I'm glad to see you! Man...*Sniff*...Ahhhhh...You smell that?..."
"...Oxygen, Body Sweat and Pollution from the city?..."
"Damn Straight...Smells like...Paradise...Oh wow...." The Captain squeed, as if all these were new and foreign concepts for him.
"Just...Awwww, Feels like...Like...A great weight has been lifted...or-or-or a Raging Fire finally put out. Just....Pure....Fucking...Peace...God Above, Did Teri feel this good when she fought her Shadow? Man, I should have gone this YEARS ago. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Hehehehahaha!" He shouted like a hyperactive Glenn Beck as he waltz over to the computer Dimitri was housed and closed the link to the Shadow Realm.
"Just Dimitri...I...I honestly can't thank you enough...You saved my life more then once, you are one of the most loyal members this ship has and that is before we get into detail of all you've done for my little girl. Just...Kudos to you. And...I mean this...Thank you." He then said, genuinely nearly breaking into tears, to the AI before bowing in respect and walking down the hall.

"NOW LETS SAVE THIS REALM FROM THE FORCES OF EVIL! YEAH!" He wooped as he walked away, not bothering to get those wounds looked at.


Power in Procedure
Sep 27, 2010
Avatar Adventure
Location: Med Bay | Rising Dawn
Cz | Constance | Jenny | Teri

Cz backed up and closed her eyes. Her eyes were tired again, her body heavy. She sighed and her entire body shivered, Cz's long raven hair bounced slightly with her minor movement. "What a perplexing girl." The Peacemaker took another step back and shifted her weight around, trying to get comfortable in her standing position.

She muttered to herself, "It is as if there is a duality in her mind. Of course this is just speculation. My biometric sensors are completely broken as of now." Cz placed her hand on her forehead and brushed back her bangs. "Still, what a cruel world this place can be."

Cz was used to mind links, in fact they were the general method of communication that Peacemakers employed. Talking ate up too much precious time and often carried the risk of miscommunication. She knew enough that whatever sub-unit within Constance was malicious, and all of its words and images were part of its ploy.

Then finally Cz hazarded a guess addressing both Teri and Jenny, "Is it her 'persona' that's acting up? I do not believe this to be a standard expression of survivor's guilt by any stretch of the definition." There was an annoying high-pitched ringing in Cz's ear that starte. She couldn't seem to wave off.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Med Bay: Slindis, Teri, Constance, Cz, Jenny

Jenny was so wrapped up in the business of Constance's realm that she competely overlooked the fact that there was a Shadow in her mind.
"...No, That's not a Persona..." She corrected as she went to use her Telepathic powers, forgetting that they were limited in this realm.
"Damn it! If it wasn't for the limits on our powers, I might be able to get in there and do something to help her..." She sighed, feeling that she couldn't help the Cat-Girl in anyway.
"...So Tell me this "Shadow", What makes you so special then?" She spat, confronting Constance's demons directly.

Shadow Realm: Devon, Garm, Ella, Cadolbolg, Annie, Deadshot, Yu

Deadshot kept hiding as the Titan didn't seem to suffer from their constant barrage.
"GAH! THIS IS POINTLESS! WE SHOULD JUST GET AN EVAC AND GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!" He shouted to the others, having lost enough gigs to know when he was on the losing side.
It was then that his own Persona was struck by the Titan, the impact knocking the wind out of him as [Null] was smashed into a gooey mess of black sludge.
"THAT'S IT! YOU ASSHOLES ARE ON YOUR OWN!" He added before fleeing from the battle like a true coward.
After all, It was one person he REALLY grown to dislike fighting everyone else he happened to dislike, Who was he to stop them from offing each other?
Firing off one last Summon of [Null] to cover his escape, he then sprinted into the hallway where he fought the android shouting "HEY! HEY! RED HEAD FRENCH LOOKING LADY! (Mitsuru) 1 TICKET TO ANYWHERE BUT HERE! HEY! COME ON! I'M A P.O.W. OF THE RISING DAWN! I KNOW MY RIGHTS TO A SAFE AND TIMELY EXTRADITION! GIMME A GOD DAMN PORTAL!" hoping to catch the attention of the lady from the meeting.

[Null] meanwhile respawned from that nasty hit he took, his Mask was now slightly cracked and his suit was messed up
The Businessman's Assassin simply shook his head in annoyance as his wielder let him and everyone else down yet again.
Shaking it off, he got his twin handguns once again and aimed for the eyes and neck, anything he could do to slow the Shadow Titan down before his time was up.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Rising Dawn: Med Bay: Slindis, Teri, Constance

Constance's SHadow was met with a rather blunt rebuttal from the paladin, and she was already thinking of the ways to combat it. [color=c200]"You know, I've had my fair share of extraplanar or otherwise powerful creatures trying to intimidate me. Yourself? Not nearly as impressive. If you actually want to say something meaningful instead of wasting everyone's time with your babbling on about the mistakes that she made, then I'll listen. As for yourself? I'll just leave it at this: I'm not so tied to my extra abilities that I couldn't provide more than a fair match.

Would you like to go on, or do you want to move to the section where you see what decades of fighting against the worst a plane has to offer results in?"[/color]
The images from the dying world were a bit reminiscent of her home, but only in the most cursory way. Too bad for Constance's Shadow that the sights only made Slindis more determined to finish this.

Shadow Realm:
Devon, Garm, Ella, Cadolbolg, Annie, Deadshot, Yu
This sort of song is good for Shadow Fights too []

Effects and who has 'em.

Inspire Heroics: Until the fight is over, the group is more accurate, a little bit more durable and agile, more skilled, and unshakable in their resolve.

Who has it: Devon, Ella, Garm, Deadshot, Cadolbolg.

Ironskin Chant: Bolsters the defenses of his allies in the area. It won't outright stop more serious attacks, but they can sure take a beating.

Who has it: Devon, Ella, Garm, Deadshot, Cadolbolg, Yu
The shards from the impact pelted Devon and Ella, although the Ironskin Chant made the attack hurt a good deal less than what it normally would. That's the good thing about keeping defensive songs up: Although they weren't as earthshattering, the small bits of protetion could layer together to make the group a lot stronger.

Although Devon was still concerned with what Annie's Shadow had said, she certainly seemed to not show it all that much when she called out to the injured Deadshot and Narukami. [color=00c863]"Sounds good, Yu, and thanks for the pick-me-up there. Cadol, back me up here if you can. You both know how the others manage here..."[/color] Dollowing that statement, Devon unsheathed her shortsword to defend herself as she heard Mitsuru's communication.

Since she was getting ready to head up the combat here, her response back to Mitsuru was kept brief. [color=00c863]"Sooner you can get that, sooner I can get something worthwhile set up here. As I said, my own way of scanning's failed on me before."[/color] Following that, a knowing glance was shot over to Ella.

Since Ishtar had already faded away after the one Evoking, Ella was instead trying to move around to the back of the legs with her halberd to get some extra stabbing on."Devon, you're still insane, you know that? I mean, any of us could probably do better than you at what you want to do there... Would've helped a lot more if Deadshot would have stayed here, but I can see why he'd leave..." She certainly seemed a bit amused at what Devon was doing, but decided to keep any harsher words to herself as a stab was made at the leg.

[color=00c863]"You two remember how fighting it earlier went, right? Might be a bit different, but I'm willing to wager that this Shadow's about the same where it comes to its weak spots...

HEY, UGLY! YOUR FOE IS RIGHT HERE!"[/color] Devon's shout seemed to resonate with a earsplitting noise from Mengde as she targetted the SHadow's Arms and face again with her Shout spell. After all, the crystal from earlier hadn't taken too well to the blast, so she was sure that the Shadow would focus on her.

Devon casts Shout! You emit an ear-splitting yell that deafens and damages creatures in its path, with more damage being dealt to crystalline objects. In addition, if Annie's especially unlucky, there's a chance for her to be temporarily deafened.

Time before the next level 4 spell: 30 seconds or 5 posts.

Blast Off To Titan

New member
Aug 15, 2013
The Medbay: Constance, Cz, Jenny, Slindis, Teri

Diablo1099 said:
"...So Tell me this "Shadow", What makes you so special then?"
bluecrimson said:
[color=c200]"Would you like to go on, or do you want to move to the section where you see what decades of fighting against the worst a plane has to offer results in?"[/color]
Within the blood colored aura that radiated outward from the slumped form of the young vampiress, a pair of feline eyes regarded the pathetic group that dared to address her with idle threats and prattling barbs. The eyes that looked at each of the crewmembers of the Rising Dawn with a expression that spoke of deep satisfaction, satisfaction in the knowledge that should they fight for the Young Vampire that dressed like a Neko, they would only be proving the Shadow's point. They would prove that Constance Sorrowfeld was weak and undeserving of the assistance of the crewmembers that had allied themselves with such a cowardly whelp.

"(Your boasts and prattling only serve to bore me and to defeat me will only prove my point. Know this, Crew of this Ship of Fools, if you fight for her, she will never change. She will continue to be cowed by her own fears. Do you know what this cowardly child will do? She will hand the very key that her family died to protect to the one that slaughtered them like cattle. She will watch from afar as her child is held hostage and ultimately sacrificed by the same bastard that seeked an end to her world. She will never know what she is capable of nor exult in the glories of victory. She shall be relegated to the shadows, incapable of helping those that depend on her. This is the prophecy I foresee for does she not travel with one who would rather see her dead? Would this Som Waterford have slain her long ago were she not useful to him?)" The voice that was Constance's and yet not said.

"(Even now, she would let you die for her while she pretends to be unconscious.)" The voice observed, its eyes looking at the medical displays that were still running scans of the Vampire's vital signs. Looking at the displays showed that the seemingly unconscious Vampire's brain was reacting to the sights and sounds within the room, something that would not have been possible were she truly unconscious.

"I - I - STOP IT!!!" Constance screamed as she started ripping the leads from her arms and started running for Medical Bay's exit.

Satisfied that her point had once again been proven, the feline eyes and voice disappeared.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009

Vs Titan Shadow.
Yu Narukami, Devon, Garm, Ella, Cadolbolg, Annie and Deadshot.
Location: Shadow Zone
Taking the field once again, Izanagi jumped back in front of Yu, taking a majority of the shards, Narukami could easily feel them but he simply shrugged it off with his neutral front. "No problem." The Natural user said back to Devon as the card floated in his hand. Yu was thinking, he turned to the group of allies, "Weak spots ... if it has any special weak points, that would be helpful. I'm sure if we combine that with it's Persona weakness surely we will have enough time for a agile Persona to get in there and rescue the host." Yu Called out to them, if this would work it would take a short time to get the information from a analytic Persona.

"Stunning it would work for a bigger attack of all of us!" He once more shouted over the carnage, it was his turn to attack once more. "Persona!" He yelled and the card was crushed into shards, just like glass. Izanagi thrust his airs towards the Titan Shadow directly synchronized with his Host, Yu. Another electrical bolt launched forward to the Titan. His next attack would be a physical one, with not just his Persona but also his two handed Katana, it was time he put his life on the line.

An awkward situation.
Storm &
Location: Rising Dawn | Medbay.
During the time of this whole ordeal the injured Spartan Storm-1788 has been in the medical bay for most of the time. The combination of both Teri's magic and his own regenerative powers has helped him greatly and has healed him quickly. Right now his body would be up to 80% rebuilt of taking that huge boot to the stomach by fighting the Titan Annie, yet his ribs still feel sore and probably weak. The bandages wrapped around his head and body were probably not needed but the couple did not want to take the risk.

Speaking of couples, his beloved partner was right beside him all of this time. Alpha performed her daily duties of checking weapons in the physical world and AI world but due to Storm being injured she seemed more disconnected from everyone. The only times she actually talked were when she passed people quickly or for needed work. Apparently the cause of this attack came by with the Good Doctor S, the Doctor came by to check the previously unconscious Spartan out but had no need to worry, yet they were quickly kicked out when Alpha recognized Annie ... Alpha even went as far to threaten her with the Spartan's energy sword.

Right now at this very moment, things were a little more then awkward seeing how over in the corner of the curtained off medbay the two were clothe-less and naked except the cover of the thin white sheet of the bed. They were keeping quiet whilst being beet red, they had no idea what they were talking about, "Shadows" and "Personas". The two would keep out of this. "We ... should stay out of this. I would hate if we were discovered." the Spartan whispered to Alpha who was hiding under the covers just in case they came in. "
[color=nvayblue]Oh ... would you really?[/color]
" She teased as she held a impish smile on her face. His blush growing even more he closed the covers of her, "Shut up ... " Storm pouted.

They still kept quiet, hoping they would leave soon.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Med Bay: Slindis, Teri, Constance, Cz, Jenny

"Constance! Wait!" Jenny pleaded as she raced after her, not caring what the Shadow has said, knowing full well how they twisted the truth to spite their owners.
Thus, she did her best to keep up with the much more agile Cat-Girl.
"Constance! It's okay! We can change all that, just let us help!" She shouted after her as she tried to catch up though the hallways of the Airship.

((Shakes Magic 8 Ball of Writers Block))


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009

Vs Titan Shadow.
Yu Narukami, Devon, Garm, Ella, Cadolbolg, Annie and Deadshot.
Location: Shadow Zone
Yu's Music [].

Seeing the attack coming straight at him for speed, Yu smiled.
"Izanagi defend me!" His voice spoke with power, in a split second his Persona reappeared but directly in front of the attack, the Persona known as Izanagi braced himself as he suddenly grasped the speedy attack attack, Yu could feel the direct pain coming from his Persona as Izanagi was being forcefully pushed forward by speed.

Luckily this saved Yu's life but he spat up a little bit of blood, it had injured him in the process. Placing his plan in action but his experience carried him on, Yu jumped onto the stopped and ran directly up to the face in which he decided to give one swipe of his katana to the Shadow's eyes. Hoping it was stunned for long enough, Yu jumped down and another card appeared within his hand. "Heavy Cleave!" He spoke, this attack was suppose to be three strikes against one foe. Letting go of the foot Izanagi prepared his giant blade for attack and moved forward launching three heavy melee attacks before jumping back to protect his host.

The group could go for an all-out attack if the Titan was stunned for long enough.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Rising Dawn: Hallway: Rugal, Dimitri

Dimitri was a little flabbergasted at Rugal's chipper new attitude, especially with the heaping of praise that was (albiet deserved) dropped on him. The display containing the Butler's avatar beamed for a moment before returning to it's normal ambiguous smirk, his voice ringing over the intercom as Rugal made his way down the halls, [color=3897E0]
"Thank you, sir! Truly, you flatter me. As for your query, I believe she commented on feeling 'lighter', as you have just now, as well as a heightened reaction to emotional stimuli; but very tired. I advise you rest yourself. These Shadow encounters are rather draining upon those who have them, especially for the bearer of the burden."

And with that, the display containing the AI returned to normal, and Dimitri closed Thoth's book. Although the details remained within it, the AI was next to certain he wouldn't need them at the present... Furthermore, with the new programming added to the ship, it was one less detail that'd be necessitated by the Shadow Operatives. Good thing they didn't know the AI had lifted it at all.

Training Room: Som, Angelus

Angelus scoffed, and gestured to her mortal form, "Perhaps you did not hear Philemon properly, but our powers are locked; save for when we have our Personas on hand. As much as it irritates me to have to fight in this form, with this weapon,"
[small]"Blasted God of mortals cursing Us. He should pay for his insolence."[/small]

Angelus winced faintly before loostening her grip on Kingsblood [], seeing as she wasn't training at the exact moment. It was a large black dagger about the length of her forearm, and shone in her hand as she spoke, "The situation behooves me to do so. And I'd rather not have to deal with your cheek while I work with what I have."

Yup, even on the Rising Dawn, the dragons were nice and prideful, just like how Som remembered them. Funny, did the dragon wince mid sentence?

Med Bay: Slindis, Teri, Jenny, Constance, Cz

Sensing the unwanted and, frankly, unwelcome voice in her hosts' mind, Toyotama's attention was fully grasped; and she was not happy. Turning her helmeted head to the source, she briefly assumed her Shadow form [] and roared a challenge in response, broadcasting herself loud and clear over the rings to get her barbed words to Constance's Shadow, [color=0E59E4][HEADING=3]"You put one more finger inside this mind again, you basic, Janky-ass, *****, I'll show you who the motherfucking Queen of this mind REALLY is!"[/HEADING][/color] The outburst caused the Cleric to hold onto the bed to stabilize herself as Constance began to run out. Toyotama's decision to be relatively demure as of late had made Teri forget how loud the Shadow could be when she really wanted to, even if this time it was in defense. Realizing Constance was getting away, Teri shouted, [color=0E59E4]"Dimitri, block her off! We need to get that Shadow under control!"[/color]

To her surprise, however, Vermilion was the one to answer instead, [color=FF5349]
"Dimitri is a tad occupied at the moment, but I can easily do the same. If you like, I could direct her to a training room, seeing as Dimitri has recently installed some programming to the training rooms, as per our Captain's request. They will be able to simulate the conditions of the Shadow Operative's training rooms, with one of us AI operating it..."

Shadow Realm:
Devon, Garm, Ella, Cadolbolg, Annie, Deadshot, Yu
This sort of song is good for Shadow Fights too []

Effects and who has 'em.

Inspire Heroics: Until the fight is over, the group is more accurate, a little bit more durable and agile, more skilled, and unshakable in their resolve.

Who has it: Devon, Ella, Garm, Deadshot, Cadolbolg.

Ironskin Chant: Bolsters the defenses of his allies in the area. It won't outright stop more serious attacks, but they can sure take a beating.

Who has it: Devon, Ella, Garm, Deadshot, Cadolbolg, Yu
Mitsuru's voice finally rang in each of the Party's ears, declaring, [color=955555]"Sorry that took so long, but the Shadow is Strong against Ice, and Weak to Dark aligned magical attacks! I really hope one of you has those..."[/color]

Following that, Deadshot heard the Kirijo woman in his, and his mind alone, [color=955555]"First, you are a coward, and I am incredibly upset at you for attempting to abandon them. And that's not accounting for the reports I have received about your night on the town, I'm not surprised you've been held in a citizen's arrest. However, I will address you and those involved at another time regarding that incident.

Second, I cannot pull you out of there unless you find one of my machines [] scattered in there. The one I have out here projects into a Shadow zone, so I can nab you out. And, if what I'm seeing is correct, your Persona is still fighting. If it dies, you do too. Good luck finding it with Shadows on your tail, your Persona abandoning you and the cries of your allies in your ears."

And with that, Mitsuru turned her attention back to the main party still dealing with the Shadow.

Cadolbolg cried out in pain as one of the shards of ceiling landed on him, the exhaustion from that lightning attack rendering him oblivious to the attack from above. As he struggled to get airborne again, Cadolbolg saw [Null] attack at the neck, as well as Narukami's brave display, and muttered to himself, "The neck... But I don't feel so good."
Lei Zhenzei's voice echoed quietly in Cadolbolg's mind as he considered his options, trying to give his stout hearted user a boost, "You must be brave, son of Caim and Angelus. How will you make them proud if you back out now?"
"You're right. I gotta help my friends!"

Giving a little nod, Cadolbolg forced himself up on his legs, wincing as he called out, "Lei, Zhenzei, I need your help again. Get the neck!"

The Draconic Warrior appeared once more at the call, and instead of setting his blades on fire or crackle with lightning again, it brought the both of them down onto the neck and tried to cut a chunk of flesh out.

As for Garm, he found Ella perfectly capable in her climbing of the Titan, and sped his way to Narukami, providing both as a shield, and a distraction, [color=365D60]"I will guard you, Strange helping boy. Now, allow me to do what I do best! GELERT!"[/color]

Giving a harsh bark in Annie's direction, and the Armored Persona appeared, giving a bestial roar as it brought it's armored paws and sharped head guard against the second eye.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Hallway: Rugal, Dimitri

"No need Dimitri, I feel like I could take on this entire goddamn realm! BAM! Hahahah!" The "New" Rugal chuckled as he marched back into the Captain's quarters, quickly stripping out of his bloody and tattered suit and started running a shower.
"Quick Shopping list though: White Hair Bleach, Feel like going for the whole "Old Man" look, Age gracefully and all that. Second, a Doctor's Bag, Going to clean the wounds first before I sew them up." He said as he checked himself out in the mirror, flexing a few times to stroke his self esteem.
"Sir, wouldn't you rather have Her Ladyship tend to them?"
"Nah, Save her the work. Back in the forests of Thailand, where I trained with a master of Muay Thai, I had to use Sticks and Leafs for Splints and Bandages. I mean, Someone had to patch me up back then!" He joked before hoping into the Shower, letting the warm water wash off most of the blood from his wounds and clean himself up.
Heheheheh...I hope that bastard is still screaming... He thought, enjoying his new lease on life.

"Hey, stick on "Give me the Prize." would ya?"

Shadow Realm: Devon, Garm, Ella, Cadolbolg, Annie, Deadshot, Yu

"YEAH! YEAH! YEAH! I GET IT! I'M AN ASSHOLE!" Deadshot shouted as he kept running from the battle as [Null] and the others kept fighting.
Sprinting down the insane dark halls, he kept branching from one hallway to another in a bid to find the machine.
"Yes, because lord forbid if she could actually tell me where one is." He whined as he kept searching for the exit.
"She has a point you know..."
About what?! I know I'm a rotten asshole, what's the point of her saying so?
"And the part about you being a coward? About being Spineless?"
Oh well excuse me for deciding I'd like to die someplace else at a later period of time.
"Annie risked her life for yours."
Well fuck that Hitler-aping *****! And who the fuck are you!?
"I'm you, Shit head!"
Then who the hell am I then!?
"A Coward?"
Alright, shut up! Sheesh...

Fighting his new inner monolog, Deadshot managed to find one of those weird devices before jumping though it, unaware of where he was going to end up.

[Null] Meanwhile cringed as he realized his typing wasn't much help here but kept firing until his time was up, leaving the rest of the team to face the Titan alone.

Kids these days...
David West, Storm &
Location: Rising Dawn | Medbay.

After Melethia left to work on his gun, David found himself alone with his thoughts, the thoughts that were telling him about how meaningless his life was and giving him an entire list of reasons why he should just kill him-
"Fuck this, I'm getting drunk."
And so it was, It was as if dozens of liquor bottles cried out...and were silenced.


As Storm and Alpha waited out the crowd in the front of the Medical Bay, sounds of rattling could be heard from the Storage Locker nearby.
[color=nvayblue]"...What was that?"[/color]
The AI panicked, regretting her joke mere moments before, Sure, there was a trill in the risk of getting caught, but the fear of ACTUALLY getting caught outweighed that.
"Uh...Uhhh! Hide!" Storm fretted as he pulled up a thick sleeping blanket that they discarded before the festivities as Alpha hid underneath it, laying on top of the Spartan in an attempt to hide the fact their quilt was covering 2 people.
The Rattling got louder as the door opened.

"-and i'm teljling dyou, setven segal douwld wkick bdruce willis'us ass!" David seemingly shouted at the broom in there as he wobbled over, seeing Storm in bed.
"storm! ddink't know you werre awak.e lisjten...i just want to say....that vi'm sorry....i'm sorry for atll the rihroble tlhings i sanid apbout anmgels behind yotur back. just bi nonw wonk tsaht those murdirnseg bastards...were....15 timues the man i" He slurred as he sat down on a chair beside him, pouring his drunken heart out to the spartan, unaware of just how awkward this scene was.

"and man, i don't blame ya fgor wanting tso kill all us humans. we'rke notmhing. i'm nothing but a child among gods. mewlethia could...could tear my barm off with her mind as shec....shoots....with the gun.......k
i am la mess of depressinon, pain and sadnessg." He finally said as he buried his face into Storm's midsection and began crying his eyes out, unaware his head was in fact resting in the small of Alpha's back a few inches away from her rear end as he did.

Captcha: I like Turtles


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Rising Dawn: Med Bay: Slindis, Teri, Constance, Jenny, Cz

After hearing that last statement, Slindis made sure to let the others know she'd made her decision. [color=c200]"I'm following her. I won't ask any of you to join me, but I won't let that thing take over her."[/color] She ran outside the room immediately after, leaving the pair to decide what they would do.

Meanwhile, Sadei responded rather loudly to Tama. [color=b05fe9]"I know you and Teri are sharing the body, but acting like that isn't going to help anyone! Do you know nothing about timing and when to do things, Tama?"[/color]

Shadow Realm:
Devon, Garm, Ella, Cadolbolg, Annie, Deadshot, Yu
This sort of song is good for Shadow Fights too []

Effects and who has 'em.

Inspire Heroics: Until the fight is over, the group is more accurate, a little bit more durable and agile, more skilled, and unshakable in their resolve.

Who has it: Devon, Ella, Garm, Deadshot, Cadolbolg.

Ironskin Chant: Bolsters the defenses of his allies in the area. It won't outright stop more serious attacks, but they can sure take a beating.

Who has it: Devon, Ella, Garm, Deadshot, Cadolbolg, Yu
Seeing the injured Narukami, Devon began running over to the injured man. [color=00c863]"Okay, Yu, I'll be there to patch you up, just hold on for a-[sub]oh man this is gonna hurt[/sub]"[/color] Unfortunately, this was the worst place for Devon and Mengde to be as it placed the two right in line of the Shadow's attack.

That's the funny thing about being a Bard; even though it makes you a great backup to the party, it doesn't really bring the health needed to be a true frontline distraction. The crater in the wall left by Devon and her Persona were clear evidence that the songs were probably the only thing that had kept her alive.

It was a shame that Mitsuru's message had come in almost too late, but Devon made sure to get the word out even as she felt the compacted metal of her Full Plate making it rather hard to breathe. [color=00c863][small]"okay ice, use dark, and get annie out of there... remember, never give in until we finish this...-"[/small][/color] That was about the most she could get out before losing consciousness. However, she was able to get off one last bout of inspiration to the whole group.

With her final waking words, Devon Inspires Courage in the group! Her allies can now hit a lot harder until the end of the fight.

Bardic Songs left: 12
Ella was understandably mad at the deafened and blinded Shadow after what it had done to Devon, and she responded completely within reason. "Oh HELL no! Devon busts her ass to make sure that you'll get out of here safe and yet you do that? It's on, she-*****, and I ain't stopping until you're dropping! ISHTAR, GET ME TO THE NECK!" The trigger of that damnable Evoker was pulled yet again with a good deal of force, and Ella leapt in the air with her Persona in a bit of adrenaline filled rage to try and impale that base of the neck with her halberd.

"Nobody's making me lose her again... once was enough. I'm not letting my mom see her any time within the next century.

Ishtar, blast that gut."
After a rather close landing, Ella begin stabbing at the nape of the neck while Ishtar blasted Shadow Annie's gut with a fierce blast of lightning.