Rising Dawn: Hallway: Rugal, Dimitri
Dimitri was a little flabbergasted at Rugal's chipper new attitude, especially with the heaping of praise that was (albiet deserved) dropped on him. The display containing the Butler's avatar beamed for a moment before returning to it's normal ambiguous smirk, his voice ringing over the intercom as Rugal made his way down the halls, [color=3897E0]
"Thank you, sir! Truly, you flatter me. As for your query, I believe she commented on feeling 'lighter', as you have just now, as well as a heightened reaction to emotional stimuli; but very tired. I advise you rest yourself. These Shadow encounters are rather draining upon those who have them, especially for the bearer of the burden."
And with that, the display containing the AI returned to normal, and Dimitri closed Thoth's book. Although the details remained within it, the AI was next to certain he wouldn't need them at the present... Furthermore, with the new programming added to the ship, it was one less detail that'd be necessitated by the Shadow Operatives. Good thing they didn't know the AI had lifted it at all.
Training Room: Som, Angelus
Angelus scoffed, and gestured to her mortal form,
"Perhaps you did not hear Philemon properly, but our powers are locked; save for when we have our Personas on hand. As much as it irritates me to have to fight in this form, with this weapon,"
[small]"Blasted God of mortals cursing Us. He should pay for his insolence."[/small]
Angelus winced faintly before loostening her grip on Kingsblood [http://lparchive.org/Drakengard/Update%2037/21-incest28.jpg], seeing as she wasn't training at the exact moment. It was a large black dagger about the length of her forearm, and shone in her hand as she spoke,
"The situation behooves me to do so. And I'd rather not have to deal with your cheek while I work with what I have."
Yup, even on the Rising Dawn, the dragons were nice and prideful, just like how Som remembered them. Funny, did the dragon wince mid sentence?
Med Bay: Slindis, Teri, Jenny, Constance, Cz
Sensing the unwanted and, frankly, unwelcome voice in her hosts' mind, Toyotama's attention was fully grasped; and she was not happy. Turning her helmeted head to the source, she briefly assumed her Shadow form [http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/072/f/e/ice_dragon_kupello_by_zendar13-d3blfd4.jpg] and roared a challenge in response, broadcasting herself loud and clear over the rings to get her barbed words to Constance's Shadow, [color=0E59E4][HEADING=3]
"You put one more finger inside this mind again, you basic, Janky-ass, *****, I'll show you who the motherfucking Queen of this mind REALLY is!"[/HEADING][/color] The outburst caused the Cleric to hold onto the bed to stabilize herself as Constance began to run out. Toyotama's decision to be relatively demure as of late had made Teri forget how loud the Shadow could be when she really wanted to, even if this time it was in defense. Realizing Constance was getting away, Teri shouted, [color=0E59E4]"Dimitri, block her off! We need to get that Shadow under control!"[/color]
To her surprise, however, Vermilion was the one to answer instead, [color=FF5349]
"Dimitri is a tad occupied at the moment, but I can easily do the same. If you like, I could direct her to a training room, seeing as Dimitri has recently installed some programming to the training rooms, as per our Captain's request. They will be able to simulate the conditions of the Shadow Operative's training rooms, with one of us AI operating it..."
Shadow Realm:
Devon, Garm, Ella, Cadolbolg, Annie, Deadshot, Yu
This sort of song is good for Shadow Fights too [http://endlessvideo.com/watch?v=2nCI5sLXfQY]
Effects and who has 'em.
Inspire Heroics: Until the fight is over, the group is more accurate, a little bit more durable and agile, more skilled, and unshakable in their resolve.
Who has it: Devon, Ella, Garm, Deadshot, Cadolbolg.
Ironskin Chant: Bolsters the defenses of his allies in the area. It won't outright stop more serious attacks, but they can sure take a beating.
Who has it: Devon, Ella, Garm, Deadshot, Cadolbolg, Yu
Mitsuru's voice finally rang in each of the Party's ears, declaring, [color=955555]
"Sorry that took so long, but the Shadow is Strong against Ice, and Weak to Dark aligned magical attacks! I really hope one of you has those..."[/color]
Following that, Deadshot heard the Kirijo woman in his, and his mind alone, [color=955555]
"First, you are a coward, and I am incredibly upset at you for attempting to abandon them. And that's not accounting for the reports I have received about your night on the town, I'm not surprised you've been held in a citizen's arrest. However, I will address you and those involved at another time regarding that incident.
Second, I cannot pull you out of there unless you find one of my machines [http://lparchive.org/Persona-3/Update%206/37-Persona3-5-091.jpg] scattered in there. The one I have out here projects into a Shadow zone, so I can nab you out. And, if what I'm seeing is correct, your Persona is still fighting. If it dies, you do too. Good luck finding it with Shadows on your tail, your Persona abandoning you and the cries of your allies in your ears."[/color]
And with that, Mitsuru turned her attention back to the main party still dealing with the Shadow.
Cadolbolg cried out in pain as one of the shards of ceiling landed on him, the exhaustion from that lightning attack rendering him oblivious to the attack from above. As he struggled to get airborne again, Cadolbolg saw [Null] attack at the neck, as well as Narukami's brave display, and muttered to himself,
"The neck... But I don't feel so good."
Lei Zhenzei's voice echoed quietly in Cadolbolg's mind as he considered his options, trying to give his stout hearted user a boost,
"You must be brave, son of Caim and Angelus. How will you make them proud if you back out now?"
"You're right. I gotta help my friends!"
Giving a little nod, Cadolbolg forced himself up on his legs, wincing as he called out,
"Lei, Zhenzei, I need your help again. Get the neck!"
The Draconic Warrior appeared once more at the call, and instead of setting his blades on fire or crackle with lightning again, it brought the both of them down onto the neck and tried to cut a chunk of flesh out.
As for Garm, he found Ella perfectly capable in her climbing of the Titan, and sped his way to Narukami, providing both as a shield, and a distraction, [color=365D60]"I will guard you, Strange helping boy. Now, allow me to do what I do best! GELERT!"[/color]
Giving a harsh bark in Annie's direction, and the Armored Persona appeared, giving a bestial roar as it brought it's armored paws and sharped head guard against the second eye.