The Escapist Avatar Adventure: An Open RP (Now Re-Opened!)

Blast Off To Titan

New member
Aug 15, 2013
Med Bay: Slindis, Teri, Jenny, Constance, Cz
Diablo1099 said:
"Constance! It's okay! We can change all that, just let us help!"
bluecrimson said:
[color=c200]"I'm following her. I won't ask any of you to join me, but I won't let that thing take over her."[/color]
The voices of the Rising Dawn crew Members faded in the distance as Constance, harried by the panic she felt in her bones, rushed blindly down the halls, her mind absent of thought as it was consumed by the all encompassing fear and shame that she felt.


A thick metal barrier crashed in front of the fleeing Vampire, still clad in the clothing that she had wore the night that her family had been slain, still wearing the cat ears and tail that had given the Onyx Fist soldiers pause long enough for her to have been saved by Som. Looking into the polished metal of the barrier, Constance saw her distorted reflection and lashed out at it, causing sparks to fly as her claws knicked the surface.

Seeing that she was blocked off, she turned around and headed toward an open corridor, the voices of the Crewmembers closing in.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!!" The Faux-Neko screamed as she ran, still blind to the destination that she was being lead as more and more barriers fell in place and herded her towards one of the many training rooms located in the ship.

While Constance fled the scene of her shame and guilt, her Shadow did not as it responded to the challenge that had been issued by the insolent voice inside of the Medical Officer's mind.

bluerocker said:
[color=0E59E4][HEADING=3]"You put one more finger inside this mind again, you basic, Janky-ass, *****, I'll show you who the motherfucking Queen of this mind REALLY is!"[/HEADING][/color]
"(My, aren't we the petulant one?)" The voice purred as it seemed stretch in a relaxed fashion.

"(To think that someone who has sworn herself to uphold the Laws and Traditions of a God would have such a childe inside her mind, I wonder how her Lord feels about his Follower having such a worm inside the fruit of his labors.)" The voice continued in a fashion reminiscent of a cat playing with its dinner.

"(Tell me, little mouse, what gain does you mistress have by helping this foolish girl who abandoned the defense of her home, who does not seek direct vengeance upon those who have wronged her? What should you and yours choose to face me, how will you fair against Fires far hotter than that of the Blessed Sun and against she who revels in the slaughter of her enemies?)" The feline voice continued challengingly.


Constance burst through another door and found herself in one of the training rooms. Turning around, she saw that the way back was trapped by the approaching crew members that had given chase from the Medical Bay.

Pulling her shotgun out, Constance Sorrowfeld loaded a single Pulse shell as she slammed the door shut and locked it before blasting the electronic panel, locking the door for quite some time.

"*huff huff huff huff huff*" The Sorrowfeld Vampire huffed as a sheen of blood sweat coated her skin.

"Safe - at last." The girl murmered, unaware that something lurked within the darkness of the Training room, something that stalked her and prepared to pounce.

"(You would think that wouldn't you little vermin.)" The voice in the back of Constance's mind said as the Vampire's Shadow appeared behind her, a facsimile of the Vampire in all ways save the blood stains that covered her mouth, hands and forearms.

Training Room: Som, Angelus
bluerocker said:
"The situation behooves me to do so. And I'd rather not have to deal with your cheek while I work with what I have."
Standing off to the side, having checked to see that his weapon was in worthy condition, the Hunter made a flicking motion with the dagger, causing the blade to extend until it was the length of a long sword, as he turned to face the practice dummy that had been moved into place by the Air Ship's Arificial Intelligence when it sensed another presence within the Training Room.

"I believe that the situation would behoove us all if all you can do is knick a wooden doll with that Rat Stabber." HUnter Waterford stated as he lashed out with his weapon, the quickness of his movement causing a streak of silver around him as it severed the wooden practice dummy twain.

"Are you so reliant on your magic that you cringe at the thought of being unable to defend yourself without it?"


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Med Bay: Slindis, Teri, Constance, Cz, Jenny

*Huff Huff* "Why...Did she...Have to Run?..." Jenny cringed, the pokemon not exactly designed for such pursuits as she followed the path that the AI's lead Constance.
By the time she had reached the enterance to the Training Room, she felt like her sides had been torn open as she panted and gasped for air.
"Ahhhh...ahhh...*Sniff* Okay..."Game Face"...Hoo boy..." She said as she entered the Training room-


...Least she would have if it wasn't for the fact that Constance had shorted out the lock for the door.
"Damn it!...wait....The Vents!" She exclaimed, remembering the numerous times resident lockpick Melethia used them to get around the ship during attacks.
Moving away from the door, She went to the nearest access panel and began trying to pry it open with her bare hands, biting her lip in pain from pulling at the metal.
Still, She was able to get it open before crawling inside, leaving the path clear for the others to follow if they so wished.
Right...just hang on Constance... she thought as she hit the first snag in her plan: Unlike her, Melethia actually knew where most of these vents went.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Rising Dawn: Rugal's Room: Rugal, Dimitri

"Of course sir. Is there anything else you will require of me at the present moment, or shall I leave you be?"

In Pursuit of Constance: Slindis, Teri, Jenny, Constance, Cz

Toyotama shrunk back in light of Sadei's presence, and muttered back, [color=0E59E4]"Sorry, Munchkin. I don't take kindly to invaders..."
"Just warn me next time?"
"If that's an invitation to let me do it again, you got it."
"Okay, with all that out of the way, the moment we hit the Shadow Zone, Sadei, if you would be so kind, it'd be wonderfully helpful if you became your bow self."

After dealing with the varying voices in her mind, Teri followed after Constance, Slindis and Jenny; silently giving a prayer to God in thanks for giving her some semblance of quick thinking. After they reached the broken door with Slindis and Jenny, Teri froze when she heard the Shadow's voice worm her way into her mind again, feeling the tiny ounces of doubt in her mind.

And that was when Toyotama gave a snort in her Host's mind, and then another, and then burst into a cacophony of laughter, pointing in the Cleric's headspace to the direction she heard the Voice coming from, and answered back (via rings again) [color=0E59E4]"Oh wow. OH WOW. Man, I knew Vampire Bitches got shitty lines, but man, by far are you the weakest of em all. Dude, me and my Hostess here have gone over the religious righteousness shit before and again already."[/color]

[color=0E59E4]"Compared to dudes like the Crusaders, Inquisitors, or them Angels, we're motherfucking Saints! Made a personal vow to take as few lives as possible and shit, and to be as good as we possibly fucking can via healing the sick, talking shit out before pulling out the fisticuffs and so on. Sure, I live up in here, but you know what that means? I'm the hard edge, I'm the steel hidden in the silk. I'm what keeps my softy of a Hostess from keeling over. In short, I'm what anime protagonists are made of. And hey, I'm a badass muthafucka, but I'll willing admit I'm not perfect. Kiddo here ain't perfect. We never will be, but that's what makes us human. And last I checked, it's the "consistently working at being good" thing that God really cared about, so go shut your haughty ass, uncle-fucking piehole before you try to school me on Our religion."

"Besides, Dude-*****, if I got as much free reign as I wanted, PLENTY more would be regretting they crossed Our fine ass. But lemme tell you something, be motherfucking grateful. Praise whatever god you love that Our God-loving and fearing ass is the one coming to deal with you, because We could be SO much worse. In fact, We don't get any sort of intrinsic benefit to helping out your hostess; aside from the fact that it's the right thing to do. My Scaredy Cat Hostess might be a wimp, but I'll give her this: She don't give up on her principles, and We're gonna love and tolerate the hell out of you, ************. Come on, Kiddo. Flurry the shit out of that door. Let's save dumb broad from herself. [small]And, if you wanna be super awesome, quote Dio for me, will ya? It kinda fits with the situation[/small]"


Not even considering how little her hands had healed, Teri assumed the Fierce (Fire) Stance she had learned from Rugal, took in a deep breath, and began uttering a phrase, low at first, but it grew in intensity as the Cleric began to punch and kick the wall at an increasing rate, the phrase's [] repetition increasing as well before the Cleric finally drew her fist back and gave the wall one final blow, knocking the door down after it had been weakened by the others.

Slindis, being one of the two who had overseen Teri's training in the past week, recognized the behavior immediately. Why her student thought saying that a bunch of times aided in concentration, the Drow had no idea.

Training Room: Som, Angelus

Angelus gave an angry growl in Som's direction, and desperately wished she had her fire on her at that very moment, because she would have wiped that smug expression off of the Hunter's face, "You calling it mere 'magic' cheapens what the Fire is to me, human. The Fire is a part of me. It is as much 'me' as Breathing is to you, as flying is to the bird."
[small]"It is as wallowing in filth is to of your kind."[/small]

Ah, that drated voice again. Angelus did as she could to block it out, pointing the blade in angry acknowledgement at Som, a gesture she was unintentionally miming from seeing many times in Caim's stead, "To mock it is to mock me. If we are to deal with Shadows alone, then I will be more than able to fend them off with myself and my Flames. This blade I will learn simply for the sake of defending against others like you, should that come to pass."

She put the blade away, and made a move to the door, "I, however, will move to a place where my mind can have peace, instead of continually bearing by your ignorant tongue."

Ah, the mark was sorely hit.

Shadow Realm:
Devon, Garm, Ella, Cadolbolg, Annie, Deadshot, Yu
This sort of song is good for Shadow Fights too []

Effects and who has 'em.

Inspire Heroics: Until the fight is over, the group is more accurate, a little bit more durable and agile, more skilled, and unshakable in their resolve.

Who has it: Devon, Ella, Garm, Deadshot, Cadolbolg.

Ironskin Chant: Bolsters the defenses of his allies in the area. It won't outright stop more serious attacks, but they can sure take a beating.

Who has it: Devon, Ella, Garm, Deadshot, Cadolbolg, Yu

Inspires Courage: Causes allies to hit a lot harder, and makes them hold fast against any sort of fear effects.

Who has it: Ella, Garm, Cadolbolg, Yu.
Upon seeing Devon's last push to help the gropu, Garm's ears stayed perfectly up, bared his fangs, and barked at Yu, [color=365D60]"Heal her. NOW! I will draw the beast's attention."[/color] before taking a firm and grounded stance in front of Annie's Shadow. His hackles raised, the wolf (and now fading Persona) readied himself to begin tanking whatever blows were going to come in Devon and Yu's way. Yu was almost reminded of his old friend Kanji Tatsumi when he saw how the wolf stalwartly and selflessly allow his body to become a shield for others.

Cadolbolg, on the other hand, was in the same camp as Ella, and feeling the fires of rage in his belly when he saw his bardic friend fall, "Devon! NO!"

Where he felt weak before, Cadolbolg did not care. As his Persona faded into the Aether again, the turtle dragon baby readied his blade-like tail over the Shadow's neck, and brought it down; wanting to cut the one who harmed the closest thing Cadolbolg had to an older brother.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Vs Titan Shadow.
Yu Narukami, Devon, Garm, Ella, Cadolbolg, Annie and Deadshot.
Location: Shadow Zone
Yu's Music []

Seeing how everyone was on full attack on the Titan Shadow, Yu nodded to them. Running over to the unconscious Devon he began to drag the girl away from battle, Izanagi was defending the two while pointing his giant blade towards the Shadow just in-case it tried something. "Dia." He said calmly, Izanagi waved his blades again and a healing spell was placed on Devon. Facing towards the Titan and battle, Yu called out to them. "I think it is time we ended this!" He said as another Arcana card appeared into his hand, crushing it once more Yu called to his persona.

"Izanagi, Tarukaja!" He said loudly, Izanagi waved his blade once more and a aura of enhanced damage flowed through everyone. A third card appeared and in the burning eyes of Yu, it was a attack. He was not going to allow this Shadow to hurt anyone no more.


Another Zio attack, except this time it came more from heart and with the increased damage of his previous spell, it turned this attack into a big one. Hoping for everyone else to end it, Yu stabbed his katana into the ground before tending back to Devon. "Finish it." He calmly said, he did not know if the Shadow had another trick up it's sleeve, but Yu had faith in his new found friends.

(Note: Izanagi has a strength for electricity and a weakness for wind.)

and a very drunk David.
Location: Rising Dawn | Medbay (Private room).
With the situation going from bad to worse, Storm regretted not telling Alpha to lock the door, now the drunken and depressed David West was resting upon his very so naked lover. David's speech was all slurred and Storm barely manage to understand much of it, but caught onto the part about "Angels", did David still think that Storm was an Angel? Sure he was working under them, but he wasn't an Angel himself.

Looking to the side of the room where the small bathroom was, Storm could see the clothes they had left behind during their 'moment'. With his mind in overdrive which was not good since he was still resting and all, Storm heard some things outside, so he decided to make David go outside. "David I know you have been through a lot, but I still think you should lift your chin up. There are many-" Storm started to talk but Alpha was poking him below.

"*Ahem* things you can do on here to make yourself happy. Also I think something is happening outside and they called your name ... I think somebody needs you." He smiled towards the drunken man. Hopefully he would leave and they can lock the door behind him.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
In Pursuit of Constance: Rugal, Slindis, Teri, Jenny, Constance, Cz

"Nah, I'm good. Thanks for asking though." Rugal answered as he stepped out of the shower as the AI delivered both the medical equipment and the hair Bleach on his desk.
a few bandages and needles later, he got to doing his hair to reflect the "New" him.
Once he was done, he looked at the results with a satisfied smirk.
"Ahhhh...Perfect..." he said before changing into a new suit, though omitting the shirt and jacket.
"Sir, my counterpart has informed me of a possible Shadow attack in the Training room-"
[/color] Dimitri then chimed, causing Rugal to freeze.
"Oh shit!" He then said before running off without so much as asking whom was being attacked.
Oh no you don't, I just got into this body... He thought as he made his way down there, seeing Teri attacking the door with her bare hands before breaking though it.
...Huh....Guess she did learn something after all... He mused as he walked into view, laughing and clapping his hands.

"Ahahahahahah....Now THAT! is how you fight! From now on, THAT'S HOW YOU FIGHT! YEAH!" he yelped with joy at his daughter's fighting prowess as the Drow showed up.
"Nothing in this world like seeing the fruits of your labor, eh Love? Alright, Teri, take a minute to heal up, you don't just punch down a metal door then act like it was nothing, least at first. Slin, with me." He said before entering the training room and the Shadow Realm.
"Alright, show yourself you little bastard..." He spoke, seemingly to the Shadow haunting Constance, least as far as they knew...

Jenny meanwhile was talking the longer, dirtier, harder and smellier away in, unaware that Teri was unable to break the door she couldn't get past.
Covering her mouth and nose as she crawled though the cramped vents, she kept trying to find a way in, wondering how the hell Melethia did this every day.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
and a very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very drunk David.
Location: Rising Dawn | Medbay (Private room).
The attempts to get David away from them weren't going very well as he wiped his tears off the quilt, pulling it ever so slightly over to him as he did.
"ahhhhh they kdon't pneed me. sure, what can i do that dyou can't? hell, what do i do here? ei just paid as wan envoy for Richie in UNIT and that's alll i do. fuck, Jenny sedo fuckuing more then ii do around e.h..e.r." He slurred more as he took another swig of his drink, spilling it down his neck in the process.
"Storm!....Stormy, Stormy, Stormy..." He started up again as he placed his hand on what he thought was Storm's knee, though the twitch and suppressed yelp on Alpha's part showed it was someplace else entirely.
"never....alnd vi pmean never! leqt anyvone taek uaway wahlt czha yba gtot mnan. in our lnnie ovf wodrk, o1 of 3 tnhigs can happen.
1. ye die!

2m. yoe becotme van tontal wasshole

or 4r. ycou nned up fading into insignificance . Like meh...." He spoke, revealing how much the former cocky Sniper had fallen, reduced to a sobbing drunken wreck with a HORRIBLE sense of timing.
"htere, hold ethis, i need to go Strain the Spuds." He finished as he handed Storm the bottle of...whatever the hell he was drinking (It was most likely from that broom closet he was in) before wandering off, barely able to stand upright.

It looked like it was over, that they would be able to get out of this situation before it got any worse, but unluckly for Storm and Alpha, "Strain the Spuds" was slang for taking a shit and thus, David wobbled into the Bathroom, locking it behind him as he did.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Rising Dawn: Med Bay: Slindis, Teri, Constance, Jenny, Cz

[color=c200]"Just because I'm willing to forgive you doesn't make you immediately atoned, Rugal. Don't forget that."[/color] For some reason, Rugal felt off - and not because of the hair. There were more important things to focus on, though.

Meanwhile, Sadei's response to Teri and Tama was brief as usual.. [color=b05fe9]"Should work, Tama, and I'll change into that form when we get to the Shadow Zone."[/color]

Shadow Realm:
Devon, Garm, Ella, Cadolbolg, Annie, Deadshot, Yu
This sort of song is good for Shadow Fights too []

Effects and who has 'em.

Inspire Heroics: Until the fight is over, the group is more accurate, a little bit more durable and agile, more skilled, and unshakable in their resolve.

Who has it: Devon, Ella, Garm, Deadshot, Cadolbolg.

Ironskin Chant: Bolsters the defenses of his allies in the area. It won't outright stop more serious attacks, but they can sure take a beating.

Who has it: Devon, Ella, Garm, Deadshot, Cadolbolg, Yu

Inspire Courage: Causes allies to hit a lot harder, even if it's bullets..

Who has it: Devon, Ella, Garm, Cadolbolg, Yu

To say that Ella was thoroughly done with this shit was an understatement, especially when it came to Cadolbolg being put in danger. "Didn't I tell you already, you dimwitted stripper?" Ella did another jump to catch Cadolbolg in her hair and pulled the trigger to that blasted Evoker to bring Ishtar forth again, but this time it responded with a blast of kinetic energy directed at the Shadow's arm.

"I'M who you should be focusing on. Guess I need to etch it in some of those muscles." Aiming to make her statement true, she thrust her halberd at the damaged Shadow's legs.

Finally, Yu saw Devon wake up again, and the first thing she did was reach for some of the rubble. [color=00c863][small]"Didn't you hear me, Yu? Get Annie out of there. I'll even make sure her Shadow isn't able to see her......"[/small][/color] With that, Devon staggered onto her feet as Mengde scowled, causing the rubble which seemed to burst into a shower of blinding golden lights.

Devon casts Glitterdust! It makes it nearly impossible for Annie's Shadow to hide, and there's another chance of blindness for the Shadow. Not really her day, is it?

Time until next level 2 spell: 30 seconds. Not much luck with those spells, huh?


Power in Procedure
Sep 27, 2010
Location: Training Rooms | Rising Dawn
Rugal | Slindis | Teri | Jenny | Constance | Cz

Cz caught up with the rest of the group a little bit after the door had fallen. She walked slowly not because she was trying to act cool, well some of it was, but because she couldn't actually manage a pace more intense than that. The world was a bit fuzzy, and the incessant ringing in her ears were grating her nerves. How could it be that her ocular and auditory sensors gave away at the same time. It had been hundreds of years since her last maintenance it nothing like this had ever happened, or even showed signs of happening.

She stalked up behind Teri as Rugal went into the training room, his macho gusto sending an aura of intensity through the air around him. Cz scowled, "The vampire girl... Constance... she's in there?" Cz pointed into the training room. There were bad vibes coming off of the area, she didn't need any sensors to tell her that. Simple logic processes sufficed.

She walked in after Rugal, "What is this whole thing about... this world is nothing but a whole heap of trouble."


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
In Pursuit of Constance: Rising Dawn Training Room Slindis, Teri, Jenny, Constance, Cz, Rugal

Although pleased about making her father figure proud, Teri couldn't help but let out a hiss of pain as she took off the gloves to inspect the damage done to her hands. After peeling off the gloves, she found that the bandages she had placed went right with them, exposing the already wounded knuckles to those who cared to look. Taking a deep breath, Teri walked in, answering Cz as she did, [color=0E59E4]"We're about to fight one of the Shadows of our group members. It'll be tough, but we'll get through it."
"Actually, in all honesty, I'm a little scared. I haven't been in a fight without Garm in a long time."
"Pfft, we got Mum, Dad, Jen and this kid; not to mention your's truly, Munchkin and Dimitri. We'll be fine. Now, you gonna whine, or are you gonna get in there and make Mum and Dad even more proud? Summon me, and let's kick some ass!"[/color]

After walking into the zone, Teri called out, [color=0E59E4]"Toyotama-hime, come."[/color]
A Tarot Card [] descended in front of the Cleric, to which she punched, and her Persona [] descended upon the group in a thin cloud of mist. The familiar sensation of Teri's healing Aura washed over the group as Toyotama floated behind her user, her grip tight on the trident in anticipation of what was to come (even ).
[color=0E59E4]"Get them gloves on quick. Shit's gonna get nasty before it gets better."[/color]

Shadow Realm:
Devon, Garm, Ella, Cadolbolg, Annie, Deadshot, Yu
This sort of song is good for Shadow Fights too []

Effects and who has 'em.

Inspire Heroics: Until the fight is over, the group is more accurate, a little bit more durable and agile, more skilled, and unshakable in their resolve.

Who has it: Devon, Ella, Garm, Deadshot, Cadolbolg.

Ironskin Chant: Bolsters the defenses of his allies in the area. It won't outright stop more serious attacks, but they can sure take a beating.

Who has it: Devon, Ella, Garm, Deadshot, Cadolbolg, Yu

Inspires Courage: Causes allies to hit a lot harder, and makes them hold fast against any sort of fear effects.

Who has it: Ella, Garm, Cadolbolg, Yu.
Cadolbolg clung to Ella's head, quailing from his near death experience as Ella continued summoning her Persona; unable to concentrate on anything but holding on for dear life. Even as a hardened warrior, nearly losing the life of himself and his Pact Partner's in one fell swoop had rendered him terrified.

Garm, seeing that Yu had left Annie's Shadow next to incapacitated, and the possessor of Shadow about to get ingulfed, called to his Persona once more, [color=365D60]"Get back! Gelert, keep it at bay!"[/color]

With the collar Evoker activating, the armored Persona appeared once more, and launched it's ice shards at the Shadow's face while the wolf did his best to drag Annie away from the Shadow.

Outside the Shadow Zone: Mitsuru, Deadshot, Shadow Operatives

After Deadshot exited the portal, he found himself dog-piled by a group of Shadow Operatives, each trying to hold back a limb as Mitsuru walked forward, the frown on her face evident before speaking in harsh tones, [color=955555]"So, Deadshot, I do hope you're happy with yourself. In abandoning your comrades, you have condemned three of them to near death, and ALL of them: mortal injury and possible psychological fracture, including two who reasonably counts as a MINORS. What have you to say for yourself?"[/color]


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
and a very X100 drunk David.
Location: Rising Dawn | Med-bay (Private room).
After the drunkard David walked into the private room's bathroom, the couple gave a sigh of relief. Yet they needed a plan so they would not be discovered. Alpha jumped out of the bed due to anxiety or a hint of anger towards David for getting drunk again, she knows what he does and so does every other AI on this ship. "
I swear if he touches me again and I'll have every turret on this ship aimed at his ... his ... nether regions!
" She said in a very annoyed voice but in the tiny volume of a whisper.

It seemed she was angered at David for ruining the good moment. Storm was the same but on a lower scale, sure he was annoyed that David ruined this moment, but he feels sorry for the guy since he knows his past and background from various of dossiers by Angel spies. Yet, Storm figured that something bad happened during this port and he would not find out due to not being in a hundred percent condition and also that he was not involved in this at all.

Making up a plan, Storm threw the sheet towards Alpha. "
What is this for?
" She asked with interest, Storm smiled a tad before reverting to more of a serious facial expression. "Hide yourself with this and run down to the room, I'll gather your clothes later and bring them to you." The injured Spartan said to the AI. "
But ... but, there might be people around.
" She said in embarrassment as she lowered the caught sheet which drew Storm's attention to another place.

Turning away quickly, the Spartan began to put on his patient gown which laid on the floor. "Well ... it is either that or stay here with him and listen to his ramblings." He whispered back with a impish smile. Growing red, Alpha admitted her defeat before opening the door. The Med-Bay was actually empty, she was sure that she heard some voices outside earlier. Focusing on the task at hand, she gave a blow kiss to the Spartan as she made her quick escape, she went as far as to even temporarily turn off some of the ships cameras so she can avoid all shame.

Arriving to their room she opened it quickly, closed it, locked it and hid under their queen sized bed's sheets due to embarressment. The Spartan on the other hand has to do the same run, except with the patient gown, although being an honorable soldier he is, Storm decided to lay back on the bed and waited for David to finish. The bad thought of what would happen if Storm wasn't their came into mind.

Vs Titan Shadow.
Yu Narukami, Devon, Garm, Ella, Cadolbolg, Annie and Deadshot.
Location: Shadow Zone
Yu's Music []

Walking over to the slumped Annie on the floor, Yu looked at the fading card. "That is a Persona, not just any Persona, but it is your Persona. Take care of it and use it for the purposes you stand up for. Just remember that a shadow still lurks in all of us, but remember that we all have friends that support us." Yu said as his own Persona Izanagi faded away from behind him. Turning around he began to examine the scene, surprisingly this place actually did not turned into a different environment.

Remembering a fact that somebody mentioned, a dark feeling overwhelmed Yu about the last person who they had not found yet. "Kirijo-san, we have finished our battle here with the Shadow but we still have not located the last member of the group who came here ... I still have a bad feeling that there is another shadow lurking in him." He called out into nothing, hoping that Mitsuru would say something.

Little did they know that he was right, another shadow was in the area. It was the shadow of the Doctor, and it was a smart one, it awaited for it's victims. Picking up his double handed katana, Yu Narukami looked forward into the darkness of this place, another enemy awaited for him.

The Lone psycho Wanderer.
Location: Shadow Zone (?)
A couple of minutes have forwarded after the first illusion assault the Shadow caused. "Why ... why do you want to do this!?" The Armoured yet helmet-less Doctor called out to his clone of a Shadow behind him. "It's simple, I just want to kill everyone in horrible ways ... just ... like you." The Shadow cackled behind him, the real Doctor could feel the Shadow's smile burrow into him. The Shadow itself could feel that the main group had finished their battle with another Shadow, soon his plan would come into action.

"No, I'm not like that ... you are not-GAAAAH" The Wanderer was trying to say the magic words when more mental images assaulted his brain, they were images of his own death, ways that he could not possibly imagine. "Uh, uhh, uhhh ... it is not time to say the magic words." The Shadow spoke again, the real Doctor was practically broken by now, he had fallen under the will of his captor and danced like a puppet on the strings of his evil side. Soon the man and Shadow came up to a different looking part of this weird world, it began to look like an abandoned hospital with beds, gowns and equipment littered everywhere ... even some bodies lied on the floor.

"Where are we?" The Doctor asked in a pained voice before being kicked from behind. "Silence dog ... we are in the world created by your nightmare ego, this is MY world! Now my love, I shall soon give you the most lovely death." He stroked the Doctor's chin before pushing him violently and once more yelling at him. The Shadow was both in love with his host and yet wanted to kill him, it was insanity. The two were actually walking towards the Operation Room of this weird hospital world.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Training Room/Shadow Realm Rugal Slindis, Teri, Constance, Jenny, Cz

"Well, If that's the case, then I better get to work on that, eh?" Rugal winked towards the Drow, cementing the fact that something was rather off about the Captain.
"Heed Teri's words Cz, Ain't no way in hell this Shadow is getting off the hook..." He then added as he confidently strided though the darkness, unfazed by it.
".....Well!?....Aren't you going to greet us?!....Or would you rather hide in the darkness like the coward you are!?" He shouted provokingly at the darkness, prompting the sound of crashing metal nearby.
"There we go..." He chuckled elderly as he jogged over to where the sound came from.
Didn't get the hint the first time, did ya?...*I'M* in control... He thought as he found a pile of metal panels on the floor.
Kicking them over, he found Jenny underneath them, coughing from the stench in the vents.
"You?...Goddamn it...Grrrr, Stick close...It's still in here..." He coldly said as the Pokemon picked herself up.
"H-how did you guys get in?..." She asked confused as she dusted herself off a little from the dirty vent she used to get into the training room.

Outside the Shadow Zone: Mitsuru, Deadshot, Shadow Operatives

"Oh Thank be to fucking Christ above!" Deadshot shouted as he re-entered reality, leaving the darkness of the Shadow Realm behind.
Only to be instantly dog-piled by a bunch of suit wearing linebackers.
"Owoowo-Hey-get your hands off m-OW! Arms don't bend that-OWWWW-OKAYOKAYOKAYOKAY-MERCYMERCY, SUBMIT AND....shit..." He cried in pain as his handlers kept him in place for Mitsuru to chew him out.
[color=955555]"So, Deadshot, I do hope you're happy with yourself. In abandoning your comrades, you have condemned three of them to near death, and ALL of them: mortal injury and possible psychological fracture, including two who reasonably counts as a MINORS. What have you to say for yourself?"[/color]
"A few things actually.
1. One of those minors turns into Godzilla....just saying.
2. Said minor was an asshole who wanted to kill off the human race. Like ALL of it. She wasn't even getting paid to do so, just doing it for kicks! So fuck her, I mightn't be a nice guy, but I'm not THAT bad.
3. I wouldn't really call them "comrades", hell, a week ago, we were trying to kill each other. I'm only here because I was their POW.
4. ...How the fuck do you fit into that Catsuit?..."
Deadshot then asked, clearly starting at Mitsuru's choice of attire.

"I mean, On a drunken bet once, I tried to get into one of those suits, nearly lost my damn leg due to the lack of circulation. I mean, DAMN, I can't even see a zipper anywhere! Do you just, like, do one of those trippy Magical Anime Girl suit up montages every morning or do you just show up to work naked and they just paint it on?..."
Needless to say, everyone in the room was staring at Deadshot now.
"...What?...We're all fucking thinking it! Sheesh, where is your damn Y Chromosome, guys?..."


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Outside the Shadow Zone: Mitsuru, Deadshot, Shadow Operatives

Mitsuru shook her head, [color=955555]"I don't know the pasts each of you share with one another, Nor what each of you have done to get upon the Rising Dawn. All I DO know is this, Philemon brought you here to help us with this problem, and you're not leaving this world till it's fixed. Shadows, even those from people you don't particularly like or agree with, are part of that problem; and that's not even barring the sickness that you've originally brought to aid against! Regardless of what she has done, you abandoning those people to die by her Shadow's hands is reprehensible too."[/color]

She paused for a moment, and took in the fact that A) Deadshot had made mention of being a POW and B) He was throwing lewd comments her way. Choosing to ignore the second, she decided to focus upon the former:

[color=955555]"Well, Deadshot, I don't know what you've done to be held as a prisoner, but I think it's safe to say that the people inside of that zone right now are a bit more heroic than you've been in this night alone. I watched as they charged in after the three of you without so much as batting an eyelash; when they were originally there to investigate the zone! I've been watching the whole of that battle, and while I don't approve what Annie has done, at the very least I can see an acknowledgement of the sin, and a will to atone - even should it take the entirety of her life. Now, what have you done? You buggered off when things looked grim, while they fought a battle that nearly killed them. I don't want any playing of the 'victim' card from you.

I've received reports about what you, the aforementioned Annie, and a 'Doctor' have done tonight... And frankly, if that's your version of a drunken night on the town, I can only imagine what you would do on a much larger scale. Also, this brings into question one more thing. There was a civilian with you. Where is she?"[/color]

Oh, the leader of the Kirijo group was angry, but the only thing showing it explicitly was the frown on her face. However, that frown deepened when she closed her eyes, signalling to Deadshot that she was getting another transmission from the party.

Shadow Realm:
Devon, Garm, Ella, Cadolbolg, Annie, Deadshot, Yu

[color=955555]"Right, The Doctor. Devon, Narukami, are you able to heal yourselves properly before his rescue? If so, then do. Narukami's suspicions are right. I can sense another Shadow on your floor of equal strength to the one you've dealt with. And I'm going to guess you're going on ahead with his rescue? If so, do be careful. I'll be here."[/color]

When Annie's Shadow disappeared, Cadolbolg crawled down Ella's shoulder and rubbed against the succubus' face in a small gesture of trying to calm himself down, "Man, that was scary! I thought I was a goner for sure! Oh, I hope Friend Ton Ton didn't notice... He couldn't right? I can't hear his voice in my head when we're not in the Shadow places..."
Ella could feel Cadolbolg was still shaking from the ordeal; and if anything, it was comforting to know that the little turtle dragon baby did indeed feel safe with her and Devon.

As for Garm, he, like Yu, was on high alert for the whole sitution, and kept an eye out, shouting over his shoulder,[color=365D60]"Is everyone alright? That battle was particularly nasty..."
"I also hope my Pup has fared well without me... She is wont to get into trouble easily..."[/color]


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Outside the Shadow Zone: Mitsuru, Deadshot, Shadow Operatives

Deadshot merely looked annoyed as Mitsuru spoke to him, the same speech he heard countless times, Coward, Reprehensible, Nearly ever negative thing he had ever heard, usual shit.
"Hmmm...I wonder where we heard this before?..."
Shut it.
"Still, you did kinda have a point on the catsuit, I mean, she most likely spent, like, an hour or 2 getting into that thing the first time around."
Totally...And why do I have a voice in my head?
"Remember what Annie was going though? That basically...Look forward to working with ya..."
....Oh fuck me...
He thought as he realized what had happened to her was going to happen to him, right as Mitsuru asked about his "Date".

"Oh yeah...Her...Name was Izami, Goth teenager, tagged along with us...Once we..."Entered" the "Afterlife...Place...Thing", She didn't make it out in time and it swallowed her up,...Yeaahhh..." He admitted, awaiting another rant for her death as well.
"...For record, that time, I DID try to save her...Tch, look what difference that made..." He sighed afterwards before looking to the goons that were holding him.
"...You going to let me go now?..."


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Rising Dawn: Med Bay: Slindis, Teri, Constance, Jenny, Cz

[color=c200]"Teri, what did I tell you about lashing out like that? Those kinds of attacks are only going to do more damage to your hands than they will to the wall without more training!"[/color] Again, Slindis was feeling very much not at ease with Rugal's grandiose and somewhat cocky statements. It felt different for some reason, and not at all like how she knew him.

Keeping that in mind, she responded to Jenny. [color=c200]"We got in through Teri breaking down the door. I see you took some of Melethia's unused vent paths? The dust is the easy giveaway."[/color]

[color=b05fe9]"Okay then, let's do this. Just have to keep a level head, not do anything too crazy, and we should be fine."[/color] Perhaps it wwasn't the most reassuring statement, but Sadei was hoping to temper Tama's enthusiasm with some caution.

Shadow Realm:
Devon, Garm, Ella, Cadolbolg, Annie, Yu

To say that Ella was thoroughly done with this shit was an understatement, especially when it came to Cadolbolg being put in danger. "Annie, get on your feet. We need to get out of here, but we're going to have to get another one of those shadows out of the way first." Although she did seem more than a bit unhappy with both Cadolbolg and Devon nearly being killed to save Annie, it was clear she wanted to put that behind her for now. There were more important things that needed to be done, and she didn't want to test her luck much more.

"You can tell him about it later when we get back, okay? We have a little bit more to do here, unfortunately, so just keep being brave for the both of us."

[color=00c863]"Sorry about getting hit like that, Ella and Cadolbolg. I swear that I didn't mean to make you worry, and I'll be more careful up ahead. I know that you'll have a really hard time forgetting and trying to change, Annie, but it doesn't mean you'll be without support. it's better that you found out now instead of later on when it's too late, after all. Just... go easy on the destroying of hometowns and kicking into walls, okay?"[/color] Devon still looked rather shaky as she gave Mengde a small rest, but it was clear she was going to keep pushing on.

"Damn straight you're going to be more careful! Didn't you forget how you were tired coming in here in the first place?! It'll be a cold day in hell before I let you go off and let that happen again. Never mind that you want to charge in like the damn hero for someone we know even less than Annie, and let me tell you, that's a feat in itself!" Yup, Ella was still mad at Devon.

[color=00c863]"Who else is going to do it? Tell me that. All of the others are at the building sleeping like nothing's happening, after all."[/color] It was clear that Devon was clearly worn down, but she was just going to keep on going.

[color=00c863]"Understood, Mitsuru. Just need a minute or two to stop remembering the white light at the end of the tunnel, though. Turns out being kicked into a wall is rather painful and has a side effect of doubling said pain when the Persona goes through it as well."[/color] After that last message, Devon turned to Narukami after another Cure Serious Wounds to patch herself up.

[color=00c863]"Are you ready for this next one? I know it's tiring facing two in one night, but it's not like we can turn back. After all, Deadshot might already be fighting it.

Where did he go, if anyone knows? It's odd that he seems to have vanished, after all..."[/color] Silly Devon: Deadshot had left a while ago.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Staining the Studs
and a very X100 drunk David.
Location: Rising Dawn | Med-bay (Private room).
While Alpha was easily able to sneak back to their room, Storm found himself waited for what felt like an hour for David to finish.
What was strange though was that there wasn't so much as a peep coming from there, nor the sound of a flush, what was taking him so long?
It was then he looked at the bottle that David was drinking in closer detail: Floor Cleaner, with dozens of warning labels on them.
And David had drank 3/4ths of it.

Speaking of David, he was laying face down on the ground, staring into space and twitching from the poison he had consumed...


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Storm and a almost dead David.
Location: Rising Dawn | Med-bay (Private room).
Seeing the floor cleaner, the Spartan's eyes opened up wide. This situation was not so silly anymore, someone could die. The horror was spread across his face where his white bangs hung. "Oh shit ... " He simply said as he got up from his bed immediately and started to bang the door lightly. "David, David, David!" He yelled with force, his bangs on the door got even heavier by the second.

Not receiving a response, the Spartan did the only thing he could do. With a little kick, the door easily flung open wide. Revealing the twitching David lying on the floor in a almost lifeless state, "Fuck ... FUCK!" He yelled, it was his worst fear. Picking up David quickly and placing him in the more public medical bay on a bed he checked the pulse. Confirming it was weak and growing more faint with each and every second, even Storm knew that the technology here and his little medical skill could save the former cop.

Noting that the Doctor was not here, only one other person could help Daivd ... the Cleric Teri who had saved him and helped him many times before. Walking away from the bed quickly, he spotted the emergency button on the wall and looked up to the nearest camera. "Someone get some fuckin' help!!!" He yelled to the Camera and to the AI, even without them the ship system started to shout alarms everywhere with. "
" It spoke with a loud volume and began to repeat.

Storm could only look at David with desperation and horror as he awaited some help.
Meanwhile Alpha got up from the covers and wandered if something went wrong, yet she had no clothes on.
With the mention of the Medical Bay, he eyes widened as well ... something could have happened to her beloved.
Still having no clothes, she put on some of Storm's over-sized shirt and trousers on as well as a pair of her own panties and began to run to the medical bay with speed.

To rescue a Doctor.
Yu Narukami, Devon, Garm, Ella, Cadolbolg, Annie and Deadshot.
Location: Shadow Zone
Yu's Music []

Yu's face twisted for a brief second, another Shadow was here. It was probably the Doctor's judging by the situation, Yu had no idea who this man was or how this fight would go. Narukami did know that he was even more tired then before this whole event, yet nodding to himself his determination would allow him to go on. "Okay got that, we shall leave when everyone has got the chance to heal." Yu said to Mitsuru as he walked to Devon. "You took a heavy hit in that battle ... feel free to take a breather, but we need someone to heal some of us, and I wish to save my energy to battle this next Shadow. It is your decision to make though ... think about what you want to do." He patted Devon on the shoulder before making his way back to Annie.

"Good ... saving your friends is a important source of determination." Yu gave a calm smile and nodded. "Oh ... sorry, with this situation I could not introduce myself. I'm Yu Narukamai, a natural Persona user just like yourself now." Yu introduced himself, but his attention was being focused onto the hallway out of the current room and towards the darkness. It was like it was trying to suck him in both mentally and physically.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Training Room/Shadow Realm Rugal Slindis, Teri, Constance, Jenny, Cz

"Slindis, Darling, She just punched down her first wall. Let her have this much at least." Rugal sighed in relation to the Drow's complaints.
Jenny meanwhile was picking up the same off vibe that Slindis was about the Captian before she said "Well...Yeah. I must say, I don't know how your daughter gets around in those things..."
"The fact she actually knows what she's doing *MIGHT* have something to do with that." Rugal snarked, getting slightly annoyed with how hidden this Shadow was.
"Rugal to Dimitri, Start placing some markers from leading from the exit to our location. We might need to do deeper into this Realm and if we do, I want an exit route." He spoke into his PDA, hoping they could get this all wrapped up before any "Unwelcome Guests" showed up.

A bit shaken from Rugal's sudden remark, Jenny elected to stick in the middle of the group, knowing her combat skills had a lot to be desired.
"I hope Constance is okay...Damn this shadows and their constant harassment!" She spat, knowing full well what they could do as she rubbed a old looking burn on her arm.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Location - Shadow Realm: Annie, Yu, Cadolbolg, Devon, Ella, Garm

Devon gave a reassuring nod as the group began making their way down to the lower floor. [color=00c863]"Good idea, Annie. Just don't do anything I wouldn't do, alright?"[/color] Devon was still catching her breath after the attack, a fact that wasn't helped with the bends in her glamered full plate. Said bends were slowly mending, but she'd feel them until they were fixed.

Ella certainly heard that phrasing, though, and she had some rather strong words of her own to put in."How about anything Devon SHOULDN'T be doing, since we both know she's going to end up doing stupid things even with the whole near-death thing." Although it wasn't too easy to tell, Ella was still far more angry with Devon's reckless tendencies.

[color=00c863]"I appreciate the offer, Yu, but I really should keep up with everyone. After all, I can do more besides some single person healing; I can improve everyone offensively and defensively with even a little wind magic thrown as well. I would also hope that I can use a blade with how much I've trained with it."[/color] She certainly looked like hell from the aftermath of the attack, but she still wasn't going to take a knee even if she was a bit short of breath. After about 5 minutes, the group was all reasonably (but not fully) healed even with the delays of the Cure Serious Wounds spells.

Before they really got deeper in to the Doctor's newly created halls, Ella grabbed Devon by the collar."You're not going anywhere near the front lines this time, understood? Listen to your breathing; I'm surprised that you can move after that. We can handle the front lines, so you'd better not unless you really want me to start choosing some outfits for you to wear, Missy!" It was odd hearing the two bickering like a couple, but it was clear that Ella was the one in control between the two of them.

Rising Dawn: Training Room/Shadow Realm Rugal Slindis, Teri, Constance, Jenny, Cz

[color=c200]"Rugal, even with her training, she's still a cleric. She's not a Dungeoncrashing Fighter, so she really does have to keep that in mind."[/color] The constant uses of phrases like Darling were also making her rather uneasy. If he was trying to flatter her, she certainly wanted no part of it. As she thought the whole chain of events out more, she responded to Jenny's complaints about Melethia.

[color=c200]"She's done a lot more than that... honestly, she's nearly impossible to keep tied down. You wouldn't believe some of the places she's gone, Jenny."[/color] The tone in her voice made it rather clear that Slindis wasn't too proud of this particular skill Melethia had, though, and who would be? Kids deserved to be kids, not be trap experts on the Rising Dawn!


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Rising Dawn: Training Room (Into the Shadow Realm) Slindis, Teri, Constance, Jenny, Cz, Rugal

[color=0E59E4]"Gotcha Munchkin, but that don't mean I won't try to get a stab in at least once..."
"And, I'm sticking to the bow form for a moment. So long as Toytoma's in reach, it shouldn't be too hard to get spells out. Also, keep alert for an Ice Weapon spell heading your way. I'm just warning you ahead of time, if you feel the cold."

Dimitri fizzled in over the Tablet for a moment, speaking clearly through it as he let Rugal know the full capabilities of Thoth, [color=3897E0]
"But of course, sir. Also, I have detected that with the EVOKER.DRIVER installed into my mobile aparatus, I have gained something of an ability to scan enemy Shadows, and determine the strengths and weaknesses they possess. Do feel free to call upon me should my services should need to be rendered."

After the conflicting messages of scolding and admiration for the deeds with the wall, Teri focused her energy on casting, waving her hands in a circular fashion before saying aloud, [color=0E59E4]"Toyotama, I could use your help patching up my hands."[/color] before the Persona gave a confident smirk and placed a clawed finger on the affected spot, healing the hands to where they looked like nothing had happened.

Teri shrugged after that and added, [color=0E59E4]"I understand why Mum's upset, Dad. I haven't had as much training as you two have with doing that stuff. But, as shameful as it is to admit, I kinda get a rush when I do a flurry..."[/color]

As she said this, Toyotama's voice entered her mind, mentally nudging her, [color=0E59E4]"Yo. Something's up. Don't you notice it?"
"You're talking about Dad, aren't you? Yeah, he's kinda acting funny. I don't remember him being this chipper. Or calling Mum pet names in public."
"Come on, this dudebro alpha shit is totally not like him and you know it! Dad is usually far more cautious than this, and you think he'd be even moreso, after going off and dealing with the Shadow thing too... Which reminds me, where'd the headaches go? You think there'd at least be some mention of his Shadow being brought down a peg.
"You just don't want to believe that something might have changed. Who knows, maybe he's acting a bit brighter to try to patch things up with Mum?"
"Munchkin, back me up on this one. Our host here is deluding herself. I think someone just wants to believe things are alright when they obviously don't look okay at all.... I think something's off, and you really should believe me."

Shadow Realm:
Devon, Garm, Ella, Cadolbolg, Annie, Yu

Garm moved to the group's aide, taking to the front, [color=365D60]"I am ready whenever you and the rest are. I think I should take front; and be ready to shield from any surprises. Some of you are still a bit hurt after all."[/color]

Although the statement might have sounded a bit demeaning, the wagging tail from the wolf indicated that Garm meant nothing but the best when he gave his intentions.

Cadolbolg gave Ella one more friendly cheek rub, and became airborne, giving a little loop de loop before adding, "Of course, Ella! I'll be brave for the both of us, just you see!"

The turtle dragon baby, with a strengthened resolve, fluttered over to the rest of the main party and asked, "So, are we gonna go get them or not? I mean, if more healing stuff needs to be done, it should be; but the longer the other guy is stuck with his Shadow thingy, the worse for him, right?"

Cadolbolg wasn't really too much to talk either. As much as he was trying to be brave for himself and Ella, he looked a bit battered too, no doubt on account of the squeezing earlier.

Outside the Shadow Zone: Mitsuru, Deadshot, Shadow Operatives

The leader of the Shadow Operatives shook her head gravely, [color=955555]"Yet another life lost from this night... Bars can be paid off, wounds healed. But lives, not so easy to replace. I would say something to you about her death, but I'm not too sure how much you'd take to my words, save for thinking of this as a lesson in Temperance, and not letting your passions get someone else killed."[/color]

She then thought about the request to be released for a moment and sighed, [color=955555]"So long as you don't run off again, I don't see why not. But do know I'm going to have a talk with the three of you when all this is over. I do recall you were the one who asked me about being low key in this city. I find it kind of funny and sad you were the first to break that, especially after having what you thought was forbidden to be confirmed."[/color]

She waved off her fellow Operatives, who began to ease off of Deadshot, and letting the man breathe properly since he got out of the Shadow zone.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Training Room/Shadow Realm Rugal Slindis, Teri, Constance, Jenny, Cz

"All I'm saying is usually you complement someone when they do something impressive. I mean, That drunk David can't even use those doors right, let alone break one down barehanded." Rugal added as he kept walking, looking over his shoulder constantly, It was as if he was expecting to be jumped at any moment.
"Nice one Dimitri. For now though, work on those markers and see if you can get a few motion sensors or something of that nature down here. Would hate to get flanked." He spoke to the AI as a small trail of bright blue LEDs lit up on the Training room floor.
When Teri herself spoke up, He smirked as he put a hand on her sholder and said "Don't worry, that's just the endorphin's speaking. Run for a few miles and you'll get the same rush. It's nice ain't it? Wait until you start doing weights. ~Woo!~"
Brief Father/Daughter time over, he marched on, looking all around the darkness for his target
"...What?!...Make a big song and dance and then run!?...Remind me how you are the supposed better?!...Tsh, Shadows..." He shouted, clearly trying to provoke it.

Jenny meanwhile kept looking around, his Realm looked more like some of the darker minds she delved into back at her Clinic and that wasn't a good thing...

Outside the Shadow Zone: Mitsuru, Deadshot, Shadow Operatives

Deadshot dusted himself off once he was unhanded, although from the cuts and bruises he had picked up as well as that healed burn on his back, it did little to fix his appearance.
"Mind if I re-count MY version of tonight's events before you go back to your paperwork?
1. Yes, We went to a club. Had some drinks, got into a fight or 2. I don't know what the culture here is like, but that's pretty routine shit in bout Europe and American. Hell, I bet you can get some of that in France too!

2. A pair of people going out on the piss and getting into a bit of hassle with the locals is a LOT different then deploying special operations in civilian settings with big black SUVs.

3. It was all going well until that Psycho Doctor showed up and trashed the place. Check the footage, I wasn't the one who fucking rammed a Semi Truck in there. Sure, I made an escape with it soon after but seeing how that man carries around weapons that could level this whole building, I think I'm in the right there. He was also the one that caused us to crash into that Shadow Zone as well as cause that girls death.

I know it's easy to say it was all my fault, but just because the situation went to shit doesn't instantly make me the bad guy. When it's REALLY is my fault, I'll be the last person to deny it."
Once he was done with his rebuttal, he began to leave the room as his voice spoke up again.
"Not bad, Not bad, you almost sounded like you actually have some sort of a moral code."
I take it you missed the part where I told you to shut up?
"Knowing and caring are 2 competely different things...
Hey, we're hungry. Want to raid the Vending machine?"
....Eh, why not? Going to hell anyway...