The Escapist Avatar Adventure: An Open RP (Now Re-Opened!)


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Rising Dawn: Training Room (Into the Shadow Realm) Slindis, Teri, Constance, Jenny, Cz, Rugal

[color=b05fe9]"You know, you're right! I mean, there's change and then there's a complete personality shift. It's really not that hard to see if you think about it, you know."[/color] Sadei was agreeing that Tama had a point? What, was the sky about to become green?

[color=c200]"Rugal, we don't need to encourage her too much more. Part of knowing how to fight is knowing when not to fight. Or have you forgotten that?"[/color] Yup, Slindis was still trying to find out exactly what it was that was happening here, although she couldn't quite place it.

Shadow Realm:
Devon, Garm, Ella, Cadolbolg, Annie, Yu

[color=00c863]"Annie, I really appreciate it, but I know where I'm needed. It's not on the bench, it's not on the sidelines, and it's certainly not in the Kirijo building like the rest of the ship's crew. So please don't tell me to sit down like a good kid, because I didn't get this blade for its looks."[/color] The stubborn streak she'd gained from Caim was certainly showing with how she was acting, even if it was still a really bad idea. Kid certainly had more guts than brains, but it did seem to be a common trait on the Rising Dawn.

As usual, Ella treated Cadolbolg with a nice pat on the head as he flitted around between herself and Ella. "Oh, that's just great, Cadol! I know we can all count on you, and don't be afraid to count on us." As for a response to Devon's statement? She merely nodded and gave a rather kind smile to Devon.

"Oh, okay. Go right ahead. I can't stop you, after all." In her mind, though, she was already thinking of various outfits that Devon would be wearing for the next day or week. After all, Devon was good with words, but Ella knew Devon was pretty bad at seeing through lies. She could think of something that would work.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Storm and near dead David.
Location: Rising Dawn | Med-bay (Private room).
The alarm soon died out, seeing how no one answered the Spartan presumed that everyone was out of the ship. This was worrying him greatly, sure the ship's defences were damn good, especially with his honey controlling the weaponry. Although the Spartan started to question the security of the ship, heck he wanted the job of "Head Security Officer". Focusing at the task at hand he stared at the silent David.

Then Alpha came wearing Storm's own clothing. Baffled at the site, she immediately ran over to the two. "He drank some cleaning fluid ... and I have no idea what to do!" Storm said with sweat trickling down his face, Alpha smiled and wiped it off with a nearby tissue. She did not want to worry her honey since he was going through this. "
Calm down, the chemicals have not settled in. We just need to get them out ... we have to make him throw up.
" Alpha said calmly.

The Spartan Storm nodded quickly and took in a deep breath, he made David lay on his side before he slammed his fist into the side-wards stomach of David. He made sure not to use enough strength to kill the man, just enough to make him throw up to the side. Just in case, the Spartan also grabbed a bucket from the closet and held it in front of the former cop's mouth.

Sp00ky Hospital.
Yu Narukami, Devon, Garm, Ella, Cadolbolg, Annie and etc.
Location: Shadow Zone
Yu's Music []

"I shall respect your choice then. Let us go ..." Yu Narukami said to Devon as he took his position at the front of the group before they moved into the dark corridors of the Hospital, inspired by the mind of this "Doctor S" Yu heard from Annie. In the corridors they could see multiple skeletons lay in the hallways, some people could even feel the hallow eyes burrow into them as if they were alive. At the very end of the very long of the hallway they could see a dim light, it was a sign labelled "Operation Theater".

If this did not scare them enough soon enough a burst of sound penetrated the silence.
Even the tone of the scream seemed to differ from a normal scream to a dark howl. Looking at everyone else, Yu dash forward taking on any normal shadows in the way.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Training Room/Shadow Realm Rugal Slindis, Teri, Constance, Jenny, Cz

"Are we really having an argument over this? She did something cool and I said "Wow! That was pretty cool!". She knows not to go around blasting down every locked door she finds. Sheesh..." Rugal remarked, shaking his head over how big of a deal she was making over this small topic.
Christ, is this what he puts up with? Heh, hope he's getting something out of it... He thought as he stopped his march.
"Christ, how hard is it to find one Shadow in here?..." He sighed, the lack of progress really starting to tick him off.

"You would be surprised. Not all Shadows are alike. We need to be ready for anything..." Jenny warned as they walked in the dark.
"Though I pretty sure that it'll confront us, it feels a need to prove itself. Just hope Constance is alright..."
"Well....If that's the case: I'M RIGHT HERE!....GO ON! TAKE YOUR SHOT!....Gah, This is pissing me the hell off..." He whined, all fired up for a fight but nothing to strike.

Storm and a somewhat alive David.
Location: Rising Dawn | Med-bay (Private room).
The effects of Storm's blow were clear as David jerked violently before leaning over the side of the table he was one and threw up the poison he had consumed.
I'm not going to go into detail there, but once it was over, he laid down in the Recovery Position while groaning in pain, both from what he drank and the large punch Storm gave him.
He was in pain, but there was no risk of him dying anymore.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Rising Dawn: Training Room (Into the Shadow Realm) Slindis, Teri, Constance, Jenny, Cz, Rugal

[color=c200]"It's called having the foresight to show restraint, but this Shadow is proving rather hard to find."[/color] She seemed on edge, but she wasn't going to lash out at things. Striking first gave the advantage to whatever she was facing, and there were enough factors against them.

Shadow Realm:
Devon, Garm, Ella, Cadolbolg, Annie, Yu

[color=00c863]"Ella, Yu, Annie, thank you, I really appreciate this. I don't want to keep you held up, and I'm sure I can still put a lot out there..."[/color] The stubborn streak she'd gained from Caim was certainly showing with how she was acting, even if it was still a really bad idea. Kid certainly had more guts than brains, but it did seem to be a common trait on the Rising Dawn.

Hmm... I'll have to ask Mitsuru about where some clothing stores and Salons are around here. Someone with her status has to know something there! Ooh, and a girl's night out with the rest of the ladies on the ship, Devon included. Yup, Ella's mind was already churning with ideas to make sure that Devon wouldn't ignore her again.

The combined scream led the couple to run forward to make sure that Yu would be assisted here, with Devon stabbing through the Tarot card to summon Mengde again. After all, they'd need some morale boosting even if she intended to take the front lines.

Medbay (Now with Frequent Injury Points! Get your card today!):
Storm, Alpha, Jenny, David, Melethia

After most of the ruckus had stopped, Mel dropped in through one of the vents with a good amount of dust on her. "I heard there was something going on here, but it looks like he managed to make it through. What was it, too much liquor?" It was a rough guess, although she wasn't aware of the Sniper's self poisoning at all.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Rising Dawn: Training Room (Into the Shadow Realm) Slindis, Teri, Constance, Jenny, Cz, Rugal

Toyotama laughed triumphantly, gesturing to Sadei's avatar in Teri's mind, [color=0E59E4]"See? Even Munchkin agrees with me on this one. Something smells rotten, and you're purposefully blinding yourself to the truth. Come'on, kiddo, I know you're smarter than this."[/color]
Teri sighed within her mind, and slumped, [color=0E59E4]"....You are right. If Sadei and you are agreeing with one another for once, there has to be something wierd going on. Like what you said earlier. Why didn't he mention the Shadow fight to me or Mum? She looks pretty confused by Dad's behavior too, so I doubt she knows anything about what he's been doing since Dad left."[/color]
Toyotama gave an approving nod at this suggestion, [color=0E59E4]"We could do the normal approach and just straight up talk to Dad when shit is said and done? I mean, we're all gonna be a bit wiped when we sort the trapped broad out, so maybe Our persuasive skills could get a bit of a boost? And, if not that, persistence has certainly shown to be an effective course of action. Look what we wormed out of the guy after repeatedly bugging him to tell the truth, right?"
"Did I hear that right? No violent course of action in mind at all?"
"Yes, you did. Now, for once, just listen to me and do somethin' bout this whole thing after we get the broad out. Munchkin's been ragging on me for a while bout this shit, but what she says is true. Even if I don't like being imprisoned in a weeny like you, if I let you or people around you stay A-Okay, it means I suffer too. So, just take my advice and use it right, you hear?"

As the Shadow gave her final "HMPH", Teri decided to stay quiet (and continue convening with her inner self/sentient staff) as her parents lightly disagreed) as she began pulling magical supplies of her satchel. A few pieces of parchment with holy words written upon them appeared after a bit of shuffling; prepared far in advance for any sort of violent encounter. Teri began to enunciate familiar sounding chants before the parchment disappeared, calling to Toyotama: [color=0E59E4]"Toyotama, ward our friend against harmful strikes, and bring her the Protection from the Lord."[/color] as her Persona placed an icy hand upon Jenny, being the first of the party to feel a shimmering field cover her.

Teri is beginning to cast Shield of Faith on the party members, starting with Jenny. Giving a +2 deflection bonus, this spell makes it harder for attacks to pierce those granted this protection. It will last for 8 minutes in game time.
30 seconds till the next casting of a 1st level spell.
Shadow Realm:
Devon, Garm, Ella, Cadolbolg, Annie, Yu

Cadolbolg smiled at the encouragement and fluttered along; pausing when Annie made her request, "You want me to sit on your head? Huh, that's new."

That in fact was true. Devon and Ella were gracious in letting him sit on their heads, but he was certainly aware that not all like his prefered perching. However, if Annie was offering, Cadolbolg was happy to oblige, "Fair warning, I might mess up your hair; as Friend Ella can attest."

As he landed and settled, however, the Doctor/Shadow's unholy cry filled the air, and the speed of his perch (as well as the others) increased, and he unknowingly adjusted accordingly. It was a good thing Annie was tough as nails, or else the nails of the little creature might have hurt when he dug them lightly into her scalp as a measure to hold on....

As for Garm, he moved to the front of the party at the sign of trouble, the horse sized wolf being able to easily outpace the group and growled; more than ready to protect his impromptu group.

Outside the Shadow Zone:
Mitsuru, Deadshot, Shadow Operatives

Mitsuru sighed again, and reiterated, [color=955555]"I said I was going to speak with the three of you about the entire incident, Deadshot; not pin the blame entirely on you. Each of you had your parts to play in all this, and I will address them accordingly when the time comes."[/color]

She paused for a moment, and smiled inwardly, as she got an idea. Deadshot seemed to really dislike any sort of implication that he was inadequate; or lacking.... If she could play on that, then the party could get a much needed second wind when aiding in getting the other trapped Dawn member out. Furthermore, it could reduce the causality to each current fighter, especially with what Shadow!Annie had done to them. With a clearing of her throat, she turned her back to Deadshot, and winked at the technicians nearby in an attempt to get them to play along, [color=955555]"You do not listen to the briefings that were given very well, seeing as what happened with the bar and the results therein. You also did not listen well enough to realize I was expressing that I have identified all the guilty parties, when you thought I was referring to you alone. On top of all of this, you run away from your squadron, on sole purpose of self interest when they do not appreciate the situation as much as you and are fighting for the same reasons.... I know not what your skills lie in, but when it comes to being a temporary Operative and a solider, you really are terrible at it. It makes me wonder why Philemon brought you with the party.. Perhaps your abandonment may come as a blessing, seeing as your ability to work with a team is fluctuating at best, and worthless at it's worst. So, when are you returning to your quarters? I have no need for dead weight here."[/color]

Mitsuru kept a hand near her rapier, should things turn grim; but silently prayed that her ploy would work (if her guesses proved to be in the right direction.)


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Outside the Shadow Zone: Mitsuru, Deadshot, Shadow Operatives

Deadshot was making his way out of the room when Mitsuru began speaking again.

[color=955555]"I know not what your skills lie in, but when it comes to being a temporary Operative and a solider, you really are terrible at it. It makes me wonder why Philemon brought you with the party.. Perhaps your abandonment may come as a blessing, seeing as your ability to work with a team is fluctuating at best, and worthless at it's worst. So, when are you returning to your quarters? I have no need for dead weight here."[/color]

Her words gave him pause and made him stop dead in his tracks for...some reason he was trying to figure out.
"Terrible Soldier. Abandoning your team. Worthless. It's as if she read the Wikipedia page of your life..." his other voice taunted as he began to pace over and back, as if unable to decide to stay or go.
...Yeah...I got that part...s-so?...
"Well, if you were any good, you wouldn't have let that little Mishap in Moscow happen, would you?"

While Mitsuru's attempt to rile him up was having a clear effect, what he started to do next began to question if that was good thing.
"...You can shut up now..." He said out loud, not knowing that he did.[
"Oh? Can I? Can I really? You know full well what happened there. And no amount of partying or booze-"
[color=955555]"Hm...lack of respect to superiors as wel-"[/color] Mitsuru started before both halves of the assassin shouted in an annoyed tone[footnote]Though Mitsuru couldn't hear the shadow[/footnote]:

He kept pacing as he began to argue with himself(?) starting to hold his head as he did.
"...Listen to me, There was nothing I could do-"
"-Except maybe grow a pair and admit you enjoyed it. Not like killing people is much of an issue for you."
"THAT! Was different!"
"IN WHAT WAY?! Snow, Ice, Blood, Bodies. Come on, you live for that shit!...Okay, P-Perhaps maybe...maybe not for the Snow and Ice..."

The pacing and arguing finally stopped when he let out a loud growl of anger, follow by a deep exhale.
Deadshot then doubled back towards the portal.
"...You there, Gimme your weapon." He ordered one of the more senior Shadow Operatives, despite being one of the ones that restrained him and being far larger then he was.
"W-What? No. You have the authority to ord-[sub]AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH![/sub]" The larger Agent went to say before his voice went up several octaves as the Assassin literally grabbed him by the balls and twisted, much to the discomfort of every man in the room.
"...Shoulda just gave it to me..." Deadshot sighed as he reached into his jacket and pulled out a handgun before letting go of his vice grip and letting him collapse to the ground in pain.

"Set the coordinates to their location, I'm going back in...
And someone get an ice-pack for that guy..."


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Training Room/Shadow Realm Rugal Slindis, Teri, Constance, Jenny, Cz

"What? Door was stuck, she broke it down, I fail to see the issue here." Rugal said as Teri began casting buffs on everyone.
"...Well ain't this something? All dressed and buffed up and nowhere to go...I Guess...*WE* should START walking back OUT of this ROOM..." He then loudly said in an attempt to draw out the Shadow.
"...Nah, it's not biting...Well, unless someone wants to make a campfire and sing Kumbaya..." He sighed as he saw something move.
"GOTCHA!" He then shouted as he pounced on what appeared to be a man wearing a tattered black robe.

Before he had a chance to land a hit, the figure seemingly melted back into the Shadows, causing Rugal to fall forward in his charge.
"[sub]No....It's not him...[/sub] Oh Well, Bastard's a Teleporter, Heads up! This gonna be good..." He gleefully shouted as he picked himself up and got into a stance, the excitement clear on his face.
It started to fade when another one of those figures showed up.
And another.
And another.
"...Oh? What? You all going to take it personally?..."
And another.
And another.
"...Huh...guess you are..." He then sighed as the figures poofed off again as they began their attack.

Like Ninjas, they vanished and re-appeared over and over, acrobatically jumping and rolling as they did, doing their best to keep the group guessing as they began using "Hit and Run" tactics on them.
They didn't hit hard all that, but it was hard to combat something that wasn't there.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Rising Dawn: Training Room/Shadow Realm Rugal Slindis, Teri, Constance, Jenny, Cz

At the sight of the ninjas, Dimitri spoke up, and began revving up Thoth's book/scanner: [color=3897E0]
"Initiating Program- Persona: Thoth! Commencing scan of enemy targets for weaknesses and resistances..."

[color=0E59E4]"Ah shit, shadow ninjas! Like that's a fricken thing?!"
"Calm your tits. I'll get the buffs going, and things'll smooth over just fine."[/color]

Even after working to buff the party thus far, Teri took the initiative and began casting a spell over Slindis, waving the hand with the cross wrapped around it over the drow before calling to her Persona, [color=0E59E4]"Toyotama! Cover her with winter's chill!"[/color]

The Persona obliged, and tapped Slindis' shoulder with the butt of her Trident, and the Paladin could see that a thin layer of ice began to cover her, cold emanating from where she stood; Teri phoning in over the rings, [color=0E59E4]"Anything within 5 feet of you is gonna start taking cold damage. Hope that helps."[/color]

Following that, the Cleric pulled out a water dropper and place a single drop on Sadei, encanting again. After putting away the dropper, she traced a palm from the place the water was dropped all the way to the end of the bow's shape, and enunciated, [color=0E59e4]"Toyotama, to me! Sorry if it's a little cold, Sadei, but we need to put these dudes on ice."[/color]
The Persona did a similar motion on her own trident, but Sadei was the one who was given a shimmering blue look to her; cool air surrounding the bow after the spell was cast.

After all the spellcasting, Teri assumed a defensive stance familiar to Rugal and Slindis, and nocked an arrow; ready to strike on the next offending Shadow Ninja. Toyotama took a similar looking stance with her trident, the sound of a haughty laugh whispering in the air as the icy Persona floated by her wielder.

Teri has cast Aura of Cold, Lesser [] on Slindis! This aura will last for 8 rounds, or 48 seconds. It deals 1d6 cold/ice aligned damage to those who stand within 5 feet of her!

Teri has cast Frost Weapon [] on Sadei! This effect will last 8 rounds, or 48 seconds! This gives Sadei the temporary ability of "frost", which does an additional 1d6 of cold/ice aligned damage to each hit Teri makes with her arrows.

24 seconds till the next 1st Level Spell
30 seconds till the next 2nd Level Spell
12 seconds till the next 3rd Level Spell
With Gear Equipped, the following happens:
Fire Stance -> Normal Stats -> Water Stance

Strength: 12 -> 10 -> 8
Dexterity: 13
Constitution: 11
Intelligence: 15
Wisdom: 20 -> 22 -> 24
Charisma: 14
Base Attack Bonus outside Fire Stance: +6/+1
Base Attack Bonus in Fire Stance: +6/+6/+11/+16

What happens with Fire Stance: Boost to Strength, reduces cooldowns to Ki attacks learned, such as the Reppuken. Reduces Wisdom. Channeling the aggression of her Shadow, and finally soaking in some of Rugal's teachings, Teri is able to tap into her natural fighting ability, rather than using her smarts as she usually does. As a result, she can attack far more accurately, even with a reduced Wisdom. Toyotama favors Teri using this stance, seeing as she's able to vent through it.

What happens with Water Stance: Gives a bonus to Wisdom (which ties into many of Teri's abilities), a bonus to dodging blows, and +3 to all of her saving throws (which allows her to resist more attacks). This allows Teri to keep a cooler head, and maintain accuracy through thought and analysis. However, her Strength is reduced. Sadei favors this stance, due to Teri keying attacks with her off of Teri's Wisdom, and the general calm disposition kept with it.

tldr: Water Stance for general out-of-combat casting and endurance, Fire Stance for kicking ass so hard Teri's victims taste her boot.

Outside the Shadow Zone: Mitsuru, Deadshot, Shadow Operatives

Mitsuru merely pointed at the transporter, giving Deadshot more than enough indication that going through that would take him back to where he lept out from, [color=955555]"I'll guide you back to the group from there. They're on their way to the other Shadow now, so make haste."[/color]

After Deadshot was through, she turned to the Operative with the wounded manhood and looked around to the others, [color=955555]"Well?! GET HIM AN ICE PACK! [small]I'm really sorry that happened to you; do know you will be properly compensated for damages done to you.[/small]"[/color]

Shadow Realm Hallway: Cadolbolg, Devon, Ella, Garm, Yu, Doctor, Annie

Cadolbolg gave a determined nod, "Okay!" and kept holding on tightly to Annie as the party made their way to the Doctor's Shadow. He had to be brave, just like Ella said.

Mitsuru's voice was next to come over the party's minds, [color=95555]"Do note, Deadshot is coming back your way to aide against this Shadow. I do not know how much that will be able to help you; but I thought it'd be best to avoid any surprises for the moment."[/color]

Blast Off To Titan

New member
Aug 15, 2013
Airship Rising Dawn | Training Room: Constance, Cz, Jenny, Rugal, Slindis, Teri

There were trace amounts of annoyance that made themselves known upon the Sorrowfeld Vampire's face as the Shadow Ninjas appeared within the confines of the room, however were anyone to have noticed, Constance's annoyance had climaxed at the point where Rugal and Slindis argued over whether it would be best to berate or compliment their child for breaking through a door that had been constructed to withstand the destructive forces that were unleashed within the walls of the Training Room, an annoyance that was fueled even further when the two adoptive parents decided to argue over the matter in front of their child.

"You two really don't have a clue how to act like parents do you?" The vampire stated bluntly from across the room, the expression of fear having been replaced with anger.

"You think that it's the smartest thing to argue in front of your daughter? REALLY? So - what - so she can feel like when you two separate that she's responsible. Really, you two are worse than this one is." The Faux Cat-Eared Vampire stated as more of the Shadow Ninjas teleported into the Training Room.

"Not only that, you're going to cause her to be question whether every decision she makes is the right one which'll get her killed, YOU STUPID PITIFUL EXCUSE FOR PARENTS!!!" Constance screamed, her eyes burning deeply with anger, glaring at the two parents before -

before she started smiling.

"Which is fine by me."

As the group fanned out to combat the Shadow Ninjas, Constance Sorrowfeld made no move to defend herself or flee the situation like she would have since appearing in the Shadow Realm. It also seemed that the group of Shadow Ninjas were going out of their way to avoid combat with the vampiress as well, the dark assailants jumping past her, some even using her as a springboard, enroute to face the assembled crew members of the Rising Dawn. Were it not for the Shadow Ninja assault that was occurring at that moment, the behavior of the Shadow Cloaked Assailants might have caused a momentary pause as the puzzle was pieced together.

Constance's Entrance into the Shadow Realm said:
The shapeless entity formed from the darkness of the Shadow Realm sensed the arrival of someone or something new even before it appears before the others assembled in Training Room #2 inside the Shadow Operatives Building. Not only did it sense the arrival of Constance Sorrowfeld into its home, it sensed the emotional turmoil that wracked the young vampire as she witnessed not only the destruction of her home time and time again but witnessed the death of her child at the hands of the very creature that had slaughtered her family.

Sensing the emanent arrival of the entity whose mind was bacon wrapped with despair, the Shadow pounced and intercepted the young black haired girl before anyone could register that she had arrived.

"(My my my, what do we have here?)" The Shadow as its body began shifting until it resembled the unconscious vampire that it had captured.
Realizing that in speaking for brashly about the two parents that it had betrayed itself as a facsimile of the true Constance, the Vampire girl's Shadow Self dropped the act that it had so enjoyed playing.

"(I guess it was bound to happen)" It said in a voice that was tinged with irritation as its form began to undergo a sudden and rapid change and where Constance Sorrowfeld's form once stood, a tall feline woman stood, its hands clad in both blood and fire, its mouth pulled back in a distainful smile as it looked at the assembled members of the Rising Dawn.

And just where was Constance Sorrowfeld whilst this act was being undertaken to undermine her in the eyes of the others? Looking at the belly of the Constance's Shadow, one could make out the struggling form of the Faux Cat-Girl Vampire.

"LEMME OUTTA HERE!! LEMME OUT!!!" Constance's muffled voice could be heard.


Power in Procedure
Sep 27, 2010
Location: Training Room | Shadow Realm | Rising Dawn
Rugal | Slindis | Teri | Constance | Jenny | Cz

Cz stepped into the room after composing herself. Her thoughts were slow and sluggish, and her legs felt as if they were made of concrete. Her heart fluttered sporadically and breathing made her feel light headed. It was all so strange. Cz tried to move forward again, a little closer into the shadow realm. And she managed to make it to. Another step, and another, she slowly made her way into the room and stood warily next to the others. She was silent not because of unsettlement nor pensiveness, but because she could not find the strength to will herself to speak.

She stood there and listened. Watching Rugal and the others talk. And when the dark shadows came leaping, Cz couldn't find it in herself to move and evade them. rather she let the blows strike her. They did not hurt overmuch, even on her sensitive skin. Little more than pricks, like cold needles rubbing up against her smooth pale flesh. Cz watched Teri work her magicks and altogether ignored what was going on.

That is until Veles decided to wake up on her own.

The giant butterfly-machina materialized above her head, red orbs beaming with light.

[HEADING=2]Initializing... Initializing... Activating Primary Weapons Systems.[/HEADING]

Veles promptly opened fire, filling the room with bright light. Slicing away at phantoms that were not corporeal. The machination deemed it logical that if there was no absence of light, then shadows could not exist. And set out to achieve her impossible goal.

Cz stood underneath Veles, swaying slightly. Now it was harder and harder to keep on her feet. Her left arm felt numb and her stomach was unsettled. What is this... she thought, vision becoming blurry between the punctuation of brilliant light. I feel... faint.

Veles let another lance fly into the shadows, illuminating the floor with a blinding white light before the shadows sweeped in and overtook it. Cz stumbled as she watched. Veles turned toward the Shadow that had once been Constance and let loose a single lance. Unspeaking, unthinking. With only one desire on its mind. Exterminate the threat.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Training Room/Shadow Realm Rugal Slindis, Teri, Constance, Jenny, Cz

"HEY! You try raising a kid and tell me how easy it is, you furry *****!" Rugal spat in annoyance, It was one thing to consume a member of the crew, but then she had to go and make it personal!
"Alright, time to give this bad boy a whirl!" He then said as he finally revealed the fruits of his labours as A Tarot Card appeared in his hand.
"Hercules...Little extra off the top if you wouldn't mind..." He commanded before crushing the card, causing a large metal claw to piece though the ground in front of him.

He smirked as he watched his Persona crawl out of the fiery it had cut out.
The 10 foot Being that crawled out and stood up seemed a little dazed as Rugal noted it's armor and blades were a strange tint redder then he remembered.
Despite it's summoner ordering so, it seemed confused, grunting and staring blankly at it's hands as if it had never noticed the massive claws on them before now.
"Oi! *Whistle* Lambs to the slaughter over there. Go slaughter them!" It heard it's owner say, instantly realizing who's voice it was.
Burning anger filled him, but before it could process what happened, Hercules found himself set upon by the Shadow Ninja's and began swiping with his claws, though it was clear he had no idea what he was doing...

Jenny meanwhile took cover while the more combat focused of her group spearheaded the assault.
It was then that she heard Constance crying out.
"...Is that-...CONSTANCE! DON'T WORRY! WE'RE GOING TO GET YOU OUT OF THERE! JUST STAY CALM!" She shouted over the Veles construct as it hovered overhead, taking down much of the Shadow's ranks.
"Dammit! We need to cut the stomach open, but be careful, you might hit her!" She pointed out to the others as Cz began to go faint.
Taking the young ones hand, she led her towards the main group, using it for cover from the teleporting ninjas.
Gah! This is exactly the sort of thing Hiryu said that training would help for, but Noooooooooooooooo... she cursed, wishing she had actually kept up with her training rather then ignore it.

Shadow Realm Clinic: Deadshot

"Terrible Soldier...I'll show her terrible, I'll fucking murder everything in this whole damn dimension! Fucking Stalin up in this shit!" Deadshot growled to himself as he was sent back into that crazy realm he worked so hard to get out of.
He spawned in a different part of the clinic to the others, but needless to say, he still heard the screams.
"Whoa...What the-...Wait, was that The Doctor?....This. I gotta see!" He quipped, eager to see the shoe on the other foot in relation to his tormentor.
Pulling out both his Handgun and his Evoker, he began to sweep though his side of the Clinic, using his tactical training to check out every room en route.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Airship Rising Dawn | Training Room: Constance, Cz, Jenny, Rugal, Slindis, Teri

Slindis kept her focus up as she was able to turn a good deal of the Shadow Ninja's attacks into mere grazes and scrapes - a good deal of it from her training in unarmed combat, but another good portion was from her experience in fights altogether. One didn't get to be on the Rising Dawn for as long as she had without having at least seen a good deal of fighting, after all.

Constance's talking and ridiculing of her brought a rather steely response from Slindis, though[color=c200]"It doesn't mean that it's not worth it to make an effort, though. And hearing that last shout for aid reminded me of one more thing: my main task was never being a parent. It was never being a knight in shining armor. It was never being someone that defied fate.

My job, shade, was and still is to rescue people from situations they are helpless to get out of. And let me tell you: I've never failed at that yet, and I don't intend to."[/color] Without even turning back to the others, she passed a few messages over the rings.

[color=c200]"Rugal, thin out the flankers. They'll provide too many openings against us if left alone.[/color]

[color=c200]Cz, watch it: you're overextending yourself with those attacks, and it's not a good idea. Pick a target, excise it, then move to the next.[/color]

[color=c200]Jenny, fight back if you can. I know you've not fought in a while, but we'll need everything we can get.[/color]

[color=c200]Teri, keep your space and circle the Shadow like we discussed in the training. If this Shadow shares the opening to silver that most vampires do, your bow should be effective against it."[/color] Although they were brief, the mental communication had the added side effect of keeping the plans concealed for now.

As for Slindis? She glared at the Cat woman down as her handwraps seemed to tingle in anticipation of the fight ahead and opened her attack with a single slashing with her gloved hand down her left sleeve. [color=c200]"Joanne, Tira, Empower my strikes!"[/color] A robed woman [] popped up for a moment and touched Slindis' hands with her staff, adding an oddly chill glow to them. After all, she'd meant to activate some Divine Might on the handwraps, not that! After that, the robed woman (Who was human-sized, oddly short compared to the others) began moving to the side to provide a flanking chance.

[color=c200]"We'll be done with this soon enough. They'll know who sent you down there, so you can save your breath."[/color] It felt odd for Slindis to outright taunt the Shadow, but she needed to get it focused on her.

Joanne has somehow managed to lock the elemental damage from Slindis' attacks to her own primary affinity: Ice. It'll only last for a short time (Two posts at the most), though.

Blast Off To Titan

New member
Aug 15, 2013
Airship Rising Dawn | Training Room: Constance, Cz, Jenny, Rugal, Slindis, Teri

bluecrimson said:
[color=c200]"My job, shade, was and still is to rescue people from situations they are helpless to get out of. And let me tell you: I've never failed at that yet, and I don't intend to."[/color]
"(HAHAHAHAHA!!!)" The Bastette laughed as she whirled her hands in an intricate pattern causing the flames that danced from her fingertips to build up into a greater ball of fire that radiated a heat so intense that it caused the very air that touched it to burn. The Shadow Spawned Abomination had not spent her time idly as she remembered that the Paladin was correct in that she had not failed to rescue any one person.

"(And yet you treat a stranger like a daughter more than your very own. You might find success rescuing fools who can't help themselves, but you and this little wench are failures as mothers.)" The Feline Bastard mocked as she hurled the intense ball of flame at the group, following up with a suicide charge at Hercules, allowing the behemoth to strike her and send her flying against a wall.

As Constance's Shadow impacted against wall, Rugal's own persona felt itself struck from both the front and the back.

As the battle progressed, the Artificial Intelligence in charge of the Training Room began scanning the Shadow, seeking more information about its powers and weaknesses.

"Scan complete. User Constance Sorrowfeld's Shadow displays strength against Fire and Wind and weaknesses against Ice and Electricity"
[/color] The A.I. states over the Training Room intercom.

"(No duh.)" The Shadow said as it hurled another series of flaming orbs at the intercom speakers.

Diablo1099 said:
"Dammit! We need to cut the stomach open, but be careful, you might hit her!"
"(Dammit! No you don't need to cut my stomach open. What are you a bunch of abortionists?!)" The Feline Shadow mocked as it poked at the still struggling form of Constance with a clawed finger, causing the young vampire to struggle even more furiously.

"(There there, my dear. It'll all be over soon and then you won't be scared anymore. You won't feel anything at all)"

The Shadow's gloating almost became its undoing as a strike from Joanne landed, causing the Shadow to screech in pain.

"(You'll pay for that!!!)" It yowled as it looked for a way to exact revenge against its assailant.

Waving its hands once again, the Shadow set a gust of wind filled with debris upon the group.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Sorry for the wait everyone, here is the post for the starting of the battle. If you would like a bit more time before it I can always take it down.
Same thing if you want me to change a few parts.

~ Shaun
Storm and a better David.
Location: Rising Dawn | Med-bay .
After having a sigh of relief, Storm placed the bowl near David just in-case. "David, keep calm you just drank poisonous cleaning liquid and we had to 'extract' it out of you. For now you should be okay but we should get someone to look at you in the near future." He said with a stern voice, making sure to keep David in the same spot. They would hate it if this happened again, so at one point in the near future, David will become lectured about the effects of both drinking alcohol and the poisonous liquid.

Looking towards Alpha she flew the air out of her mouth with relief too, but it turned to a smile, after all she did see her loved one save someone's life. After Mel had suddenly came out of the vent covered in the gray to silver-ish substance of dust. Storm was still checking a couple of things with David he did look over, ("What in God's name was she doing.") He only thought as he returned to his military checkup.

[color=nvayblue]"David drank some cleaning liquid, this required us to ... 'extract' it to say. I'm guessing this was because something happened to him or he got drunk![/color]
" She raised her voice a bit towards David before turning back with a smile. "
[color=nvayblue]Or both ...[/color]

Yu Narukami, Devon, Garm, Ella, Cadolbolg, Annie and etc.
Shadow Wanderer
Location: Shadow Zone | Operation Theater.
MOAR battle Music []

With the group easily plowing through the regular Shadows just like a skilled police task force, the group came closer together as they came to the door of the operation room. Along the walls there bodies, many, many bodies which varied in the ways they died. One was hanged, one stabbed, one crucified, one shot and so on until they had reached the main doors to the Operation Theater, by this time Deadshot had also caught up to them. No noise came from it, this worried Yu immediately which made him kick open the door.

The group could only see a pitch black room which only made them more cautious as they entered. Just as everyone entered the room, the doors slammed shut and locked themselves, this was a obvious horror cliche. Suddenly lights, far into the room were lights that were focused onto a operation table. By this time the group can just sense the size of the room, it was about the size of a musical concert and the Shadow of the Doctor was on the main stage with a microphone.

"Hello everyone, I welcome you to my humble abode." He said calmly on the microphone before taking a bow courteously. "My ass of a other side would do the same but he is ... tangled you might say. Hahahah!" The Shadow laughed as he raised his right arm, it looked like that metal chains came out from the dark fabric of his arms. The chains went along back to the table where all of a sudden they turned into red strings.

This didn't shock anyone until the strings started to bleed, only one part of the body could do this ... the veins of a body. The Shadow gave a cocky smile and gave a tug on his 'strings', a figure got up from the table. As everyone could guess, the one and only Doctor S or commonly known as The Lone Wanderer got up from the operation table. His face was clouded and unemotional as if he had been broken just like a torture victim.

"As much as I want to dilly-dally, I don't have time for this shit ... I just want to kill you all!" The Shadow instantly said and gave another tug. In the mind of the Doctor, more images of horror and torment blurred over his vision. This time it showed everything he did in the Wastelands of both DC and the Mojave and turned them to evil. It contain images of him nuking a city, to kill his friends and worst of all contaminating the water supply his father fought for. "No ... NO ... " He began to cower under all the fear, he was going to say the words to 'free' his Shadow.

Smiling evilly the Shadow awaited for his new power. "No, wait-"
The Doctor finally said, then the lights to the room came on as the darkness of the room started to twirl around the Shadow. Of course the Shadow itself was laughing like a maniac as it began to transform him.

"[HEADING=3]YES ... this is .. THIS IS POWER![/HEADING]" He said in a impressed tone as he marveled at his new body, then his dark glowing eyes looked upon his prey. "Now it is time for your execution ... but of course ... I have no sense of honor." The chains were still linked, once more they were given a tug. This time though, the Doctor started to behave like a Puppet on some strings. Pulling pistol and (super-heated) knife out of nowhere, the Doctor started to charge towards the group with speed.

It seemed that the dark chains had a infinite length as they shot out from the Shadow too, the question was that can they break. The strategy for the Shadow was to have his 'puppet' focus on the users and he himself would focus on the Personas.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Rising Dawn: Training Room/Shadow Realm Rugal Slindis, Teri, Constance, Jenny, Cz

[color=0E59E4]"WATCH YOUR ASS!"[/color]

Teri looked up and saw the oncoming shower of debris, and rolled out of the way before a particularly sizable piece landed right on on her. Giving a quick prayer of thanks to God for such an observant Shadow/Persona, Teri tapped a button on her Tablet to signal to Dimitri to enter the Tablet before the speaker was destroyed. Following that, she began to seek counsel with the Shadow in her mind to think of the best tactic (aside from the maneuvers already dictated by Slindis).

[color=0E59E4]"Oh, we're gonna give it to that ***** for talking shit bout Mum!"
"Now's not the time, Toyotama. Now, since we're in here, I realize that my Author Powers will be working properly; which reminds me that Vampires tend to have several weaknesses. Care to remember any at the moment?"
"Er...Lemme think... Okay, off the top of our collective think pan I got: Running water, silver, garlic, holy symbols, silver holy symbols and a stake to the heart. Maybe holy water?"
"Okay, so using an enchanted Silver weapon. That's a start. Dunno bout the rest of that stuff though. Establishing mental connection to Tablet.----Established. Dimitri, how's holy water made?"

As Teri continued dodging and attempting to shoot more of her icy arrows into the Shadow, Dimitri pinged over the Tablet's speaker, [color=3897E0]
"According to my databanks, and your spell list, there are two methods available to you. One, a spell in your repertoire, which is not currently allocated in your spell slots. From what I'm reading in the Folder: DnD_3.5, you will need an hour of quiet time and meditation to change that, so, not applicable to the current situation. The second, as far as Christian tradition goes, is a Catholic or Orthodox institution. You, Madam, are a Protestant. I don't believe the ritual will work for you. In short, I do not believe holy water is to be had at the current moment. Apologies."

[color=0E59E4]"DAMMNIT! Okay, thanks anyways. So, Toyotama, how about some Water Conjuration? I bet Squishy would be a big help here."
"Get casting. Also, drop some garlic on the *****. It's worth a shot."
"After the casting. Might as well work with the things that WILL work than run off on crazy ideas right away."

Following that, Teri began to motion with her hands and chanted, [color=0E59E4]"Toyotama! Quench the dry earth of this world! Call upon our allies of Water to aide!"[/color]
The Persona, on call, spun the trident, and then pointed to the floor in front of Teri, calling the necessary quantity into this world. She then raised the weapon slowly, Squishy the Water elemental rising from the puddle in time with the Persona's trident. As the elemental was sent to strike against the Shadow, Teri began to nock an arrow and wait for the proper moment to strike; hopefully before the icy enchantment on Sadei ran out.

Teri casts Create Water; calling 16 galleons of water onto the battle field. Teri will also make use of her daily ability to summon a medium water elemental to her aid. Squishy will remain on the field for 1 minute, and then disappear. Any more attempts to summon Squishy and/or his friends will start burning Turn Attempts.
Current Turn attempts:  7 Undead/5 Fire subtype creatures

12 seconds till the next 0 Level Spell
12 seconds till the next 1st Level Spell
24 seconds till the next 2nd Level Spell
6 seconds till the next 3rd Level Spell
Shadow Realm Clinic: Annie, Cadolbolg, Deadshot, Devon, Ella, Garm VS Shadow Wanderer

At the sight of the new Shadow, Cadolbolg took to the air and 'sent' mentally to the party, "This is the part where the lady in our heads does the scanning thing, right?"

[color=955555]"It is. Also, I see that Deadshot has arrived with you. Good. I wish you all the best in your battle. I'll let you know when I get the readings..."[/color]

Following that, Garm took to the front, barking out, [color=365D60]"Gelert! Bring him down!"[/color] as the armored Persona [] appeared, howling bitterly before launching the floating icicles around itself towards the Shadow as Gelert tried to latch onto a piece of chain. To the Shadow's surprise, as Garm's teeth sunk in, a bit of cold seeped in with the teeth[footnote]This is in reference to the ability [] of Winter Wolves to have a bit of cold damage with their bite attacks; also known as Freezing Bite. For the Purposes of the Persona arc, this effect won't kick in unless Garm's in the Shadow Verse and he's summoned Gelert.[/footnote].

With Garm leading the charge and Mitsuru's scan on the way, Cadolbolg tried his best to muster up the strength to call upon his Persona, crying out, "Lei Zhenzei, burn the mean guy's face off!"
True to his call, the draconic warrior [] appeared, and one of it's blades became aflame; to which the Persona swung and launched a stream of fire at the Shadow.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Training Room/Shadow Realm Rugal Slindis, Teri, Constance, Jenny, Cz

Rugal's standing became slightly uneasy as his Persona was hit, not really used to the concept of them sharing pain.
"Grrrr...COME ON! GET IN THERE! HOW HARD IS IT TO SLASH SOMETHING!?" He berated Hercules as he staggered from the hit.
As it attempted to regain it's bearings, Rugal focused on the Shadow Ninjas, sparring with a pair of them as they kept jumping and teleporting around him, doing his best to keep them off the rest of the group.
Hercules meanwhile had finally seemed to process the fact of who they were fighting and kept up the offensive, although it was jarring to see a man with a pair of claws like that attempt to use Boxing Jabs and kicks instead of them.

Jenny meanwhile was trying to think of what she could do when she remembered they were in the training room.
"Dimitri, can you turn on the turrets? Might be able to thin out their numbers then." She asked, wondering if they would even work with the Shadow Realm Emulator on.

Shadow Realm Clinic: Deadshot, Annie, Cadolbolg, Deadshot, Devon, Ella, Garm VS Shadow Wanderer

As the main fight was going down in the Operating Theater floor, Deadshot was able to sneak in though the observation deck, giving him a perfect line of sight for getting shots in.
Well Well Well...Doctor is an asshole, what else is new?
"...You are aware that will be you in, like, a few days?..."
Oh come on! He was a total prick who messed up our gig in San Fierro and spent every second since making our life hell! Let me have this, Please...
".....Eh, Fair enough. I'm guessing the chains is how he's controlling Wanderer?"
Think a 9mm will cut it?
"Try it. If it doesn't work, Bother [Null] some more."
Think Wanderer let me borrow one of his?
"Not willingly."

Once he was done bantering, he pulled out his hand gun and aimed for the Chains, a series of sparks marking direct hits as his shots impacted against the metal.
If he could get Wanderer free, he might be able to "Borrow" one of his Miniature Nuclear weapons or something.

Blast Off To Titan

New member
Aug 15, 2013
Airship Rising Dawn | Training Room: Constance, Cz, Jenny, Rugal, Slindis, Teri

bluerocker said:
[color=0E59E4]"Toyotama! Quench the dry earth of this world! Call upon our allies of Water to aide!"[/color]
With the crewmembers of the Rising Dawn on the offensive, the Shadow Sorrowfeld appeared to freeze as she considered her next step. Despite the fact that the Shadow understood how to work its powers, it was still as inexperienced in battle as its host, Constance Sorrowfeld. Turning its attention upon the summoned Water Elemental, Shadow Constance sent a pulse of magic into the very molecular structure of Squishy, transferring a large amount of energy into the molecules of the Water Elemental, causing the Water Elemental to start steaming as the very substance of its making began to boil.

Focusing on the Elemental was a mistake however as the Shadow cast Feline was struck in the thigh by an arrow, the impact of the enchanted missile causing a mass of ice to build up around the wound, slowing down the previously quick moving Shadow.

"(AUUUGH!!!!)" Cried the Shadowy Constance as she gripped her leg, plucking the arrow out despite its enchantment causing her hands to grow numb as well.

"(You're gonna pay for that you little *****!!!)" The Shadow screamed as it prepared to charge the Ship's Medical Officer and Cleric but found that the wounds to its leg greatly hampered it movement.

"(You're gonna pay for that as soon after I get my snack on!!!)" It corrected itself as he reached out and grabbed one of the Shadow Ninjas that had made the mistake of teleporting too close. There was a horrific snapping and crunching sound that reverberated within the Training Room as the Shadow Constance bit the Ninja's head clean off, absorbing whatever passed for life essense contained within the mook's body. As the Shadow Cat drank deeply, the wounds that it had suffered started closing up.

Diablo1099 said:
"Dimitri, can you turn on the turrets? Might be able to thin out their numbers then."
Reacting to the query, the turrets within the training room deployed themselves and unleashed a torrent of lead upon the Ninjas, causing many of them to fall as the smarter and faster ones moved to disable the automated projectile throwing buzzsaws. As they did, Shadow Constance followed suit, using her flames to melt the remainder.

As the smoke cleared from the flurry of battle, only 4 of the original score of Shadow Ninjas remained, flanking the enormous Shadow Constance.

"I SWEAR BY MY FAMILY THAT WHEN I GET OUT OF HERE, I'M GOING TO KICK YOUR ASS SO HARD YOUR BRAIN'S GOING TO SPLATTER ALL OVER THE WALLS!!!!" Came the muffled insult from where the real Constance was being held captive, the sound of the crew members coming to her aid worked to rally her spirits.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Rising Dawn: Training Room (Into the Shadow Realm) Slindis, Teri, Constance, Jenny, Cz, Rugal

[color=c200]"I have erred there. But do you think that means I'm content to merely give up? I feel that I know her; restricting her actions to a normal child's would cause a backlash on a massive scale, so the best I can do is be there for her should anything happen to her."[/color] The gust certainly knocked her back a ways, but the injuries that she took from the rubble seemed modest. They certainly didn't seem to deter her as she slashed at her sleeve again to summon her Persona [], and the solemn robed woman tapped Slindis on the shoulder with her staff to cause her to fade from view.

After that, Slindis did her best to try and move for another Flanking position with the aid of her temporary invisibility. If the Shadow didn't like the cold, then she'd use the last bits of the cold around her hands and the aura to put her on ice. I regret nothing!

Shadow Realm:
Devon, Garm, Ella, Cadolbolg, Annie, Yu

[color=00c863]"Heard, understood, acknowledged."[/color] Devon could clearly hear the gunfire, and she knew that Deadshot was quite near. However, she also knew that the team was getting worn down through all this. The defensive style would only prolong the fight, and risks had to be taken if they wanted to get out of here without anyone dying.

With that, she stabbed the arcana card to summon Mengde as she barely tumbled past the Doctor, getting just close enough for her to pull out some spells.

[color=00c863]"Mengde, TOSS A FLASHBANG!"[/color] In response, the persona (Which took a rather nasty slash from the Shadow in the process of getting near) grabbed a loose chunk of rubble in the area and tossed it at the Shadow and shouted, creating a glittering butst of light and an earsplitting BANG. Luckily, Cadolbolg and Garm's eyes weren't focused on the spot, so the flash of light wouldn't outright blind them.

With a good bit of luck, determination, and suicidal recklessness, Devon gets close enough to the Shadow to cast Shout and Glitterdust! There's a burst of wind damage, but more importantly [b]there's a chance to blind and/or deafen the Shadow temporarily[/b].

Time until next level 2 spell: 12 seconds
Time until next level 3 spell: 18 seconds
Is Devon really doing this? Oh dammit, she IS doing this. And here I was thinking of going easy on her! When we're done here, I'm calling Teri, Jenny, and Annie. Devon won't be mistaken for any kind of guy for a long time. I wonder what would look good on her? Ella was thoroughly Irate, but she knew there was the far more important task of keeping the Doctor occupied without killing him.

"Yu, let me work over the Doctor! I'll keep the heat off of you two for now." With that, she grabbed the hapberd with one hand to swat away the attacks, although it was more than difficult with the speed the Doctor was going...

The combined scream led the couple to run forward to make sure that Yu would be assisted here, with Devon stabbing through the Tarot card to summon Mengde again. After all, they'd need some morale boosting even if she intended to take the front lines.

Medbay (Now with Frequent Injury Points! Get your card today! [small]Seriously, it's a good deal.[/small]):
Storm, Alpha, David, Melethia

Melethia murmured to herself after hearing the details before responding with a somewhat split focus. "Wow... David, you need to be more careful from now on! It's lucky they got to you in time, after all." That statement was punctuated by the young elf dusting off, and she actually thought a bit higher of David in her mind. After all, he did have the fortitude to survive all of those poisons.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Airship Rising Dawn | Training Room: Constance, Cz, Jenny, Rugal, Slindis, Teri

Squishy the Water Elemental had lived a decent life up to this point, having served a foolish Druid previously (who had met a sticky end that wasn't the elemental's fault at all) and had grown to serve a kind and understanding water Cleric as his existence went on. He had even growing in size as his time under her service grew! However, that service of being employed a guardian had not prepared the Water Elemental for the sensation of feeling like he was being boiled alive. The elemental writhed in pain as it felt itself slowly began to steam up; letting out a blubbering cry in Aquan, seeing as that was all he could do at the present moment.

Teri, who was getting ready to drop some garlic on the Vampire as Toyotama had advised, found her attention snapped in the direction of Squishy, and then the Shadow. With a growl in her throat, she readied the bow again, and readied herself for a maneuver she had practiced a few times with Slindis. For once, her thoughts and Toyotama's were the same, as both intoned to the Shadow:

[color=0E59E4]"NOT MY ELEMENTAL, YOU *****!"
"NOT MY ELEMENTAL, YOU *****!"[/color]

Before Teri pulled an arrow from the quiver and shot with close precision to Constance's Shadow. Which would have been laughable, considering it was one arrow. But it was followed by another. And another, and another. A flurry of arrows had implanted themselves in the Shadow, 5 in total; the painful chill of ice beginning to seep into the Shadow's wounds again. After firing the volley, Teri nocked another arrow, looking ready to start the volley again after a moment's rest. If the yell wasn't readily apparent, the expression on the Cleric's face was clear enough. She was PISSED.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Training Room/Shadow Realm Rugal Slindis, Teri, Constance, Jenny, Cz

Doing his part to take down as many Shadow Ninjas as humanly possible, Rugal was glad to hear the guns on their side.
"Ahahahahah! BEHOLD THE GLORY OF SUPERIOR FIREPOWER! AHAHAHAHAHAH!" He boasted as he pressed on though the battle field, jumping and rolling out of the way of incoming debris as he tried to get up close and personal with Constance's Shadow.
While poor Squishy was getting boiled, all he was focusing on was how she was able to regenerate.
"So that's your gimmick, Huh?...Hercules! Attack the Shadow Directly. These guys are mine." He ordered his Persona before engaging the last 4 Ninjas, showing off by parrying several of their attacks before countering with a few of his own.

Hercules meanwhile reluctantly did as he was told, roaring at the Shadow Vampire before charging at it, having gotten a feel for his claws now, Swinging and Slashing while hoping to cut Constance free without harming her.

All the while, Jenny was just watching, ducking the odd stay projectile while trying her best to reach out to Constance.
"That's it! Keep Fighting! We're almost there, This will all be over soon! We'll get you home yet Constance!"

Rising Dawn: Medbay (Eh, gimme one): David, Melethia, Storm, Alpha

Away from the battle, David was starting to re-animate some more, although he had the MOTHER of all stomach aches as well as Lemon and Lime scented breath.
"...urggghhh....ohhhhhhhhh...maaannn...I need to find new hobbies...." He groaned as he sound himself someplace he didn't recognize, but that happened EVERY time he went on a bender.
Reaching into his jacket, he pulled out his wallet and flashed his ID to the group, Upside down.
"David West...Agent of UNIT....Report to your CO and ask him....[sub]I'm just going to lay down here for a while...[/sub]" He managed to say, thinking he woke up in the drunk tank again.