Airship Rising Dawn | Training Room: Constance, Cz, Jenny, Rugal, Slindis, Teri
It was the herculean strike from Hercules that compounded the problems for the Shadow as it could no longer focus its attention on its assailant in order to reflect the flurry of blows that it received back on its agressor, Hercules. Reeling from the assault, the Shadow found itself on the ground and nearly unable to move as most of its limbs had been rendered immobile by the icy attack.
Looking about for a source of life essence that could assist it in regaining its position in the battle, The Sorrowfeld Shadow saw that none of the Shadow Ninjas remained. Desperate, the Shadow risked aggrevating the wounds that it had sustained to move itself into a sitting position, its back against the wall farthest from where the crewmembers stood.
Seeking to press the advantage, Jenny the Gardevoir called out to the trapped Constance Sorrowfeld:
Before anyone could respond to the desperate speech that the Shadow gave, the Shadow shrieked as pain took hold over its body, causing the creature's back to arch backwards as far as it would go.
Shadow Constance's lips opened once again to speak but only a painful gasp of air could be heard as once again, pain took over, this time the cracking of bones and ripping of flesh could be heard.
"(N-N-No. T-this can't be!)" The Shadow said, its voice having been reduced to naught but a whisper of air.
"YES! YES IT CAN, YOU F***KING C**T!!" Came Constance's response as a bloody fist erupted from the sternum of Shadow Constance.
"I might be scared of what's to come but you're wrong if you think that I'm going to leave it to chance, that I'm going to leave it to others to take care of. I'm going to avenge the death of my family and I'm going to protect all three realms from the calamity that I've seen. I'm going to protect those I love and I'm going to do it not only to prove you wrong, you bag of hot air, but I'm going to do it so that even if I fail, I won't die thinking that I didn't do everything that I could to change fate.
With a final and explosive burst of energy, Constance Sorrowfeld emerged from the chest of her Shadow, her crimson eyes afire with the anger that she felt internally and as she turned to say a final word to her shadow before she finished it off, she found that it was gone.
"Wh-where'd it go?!" The Sorrowfeld vampire asked loudly, upset that she hadn't been able to rip the Shadow's heart out.
"(Closer than you think, wench.)" Bast said, her voice purred as she settled in for a nap deep within the dark corner's of the young vampire's mind.
bluecrimson said:[color=c200]"I have erred there. But do you think that means I'm content to merely give up? I feel that I know her; restricting her actions to a normal child's would cause a backlash on a massive scale, so the best I can do is be there for her should anything happen to her."[/color]
The Shadow Facsimile of Constance Sorrowfeld was forced back by the intensity of the combined assault that was unleashed upon it by the Rising Dawn's crewmembers as arrow after arrow struck home, freezing large patches of flesh, which began to crack and crumble under the remainder of the attack. Invisible fists, clad in ice and frost continued where the arrows had left off and though Shadow Constance was far taller than that Drow, the assault caused the Shadow's legs to buckle and give way. It was with her final strike that Slindis landed a blow to Shadow Constance's knee, her fist driving straight through the now delicate and fragile joint. The thunderous explosion created by the shattering of the Shadowy Feline's knee was followed by the chiming of crystalized flesh hitting the ground and bouncing.bluerocker said:[color=0E59E4]"NOT MY ELEMENTAL, YOU *****!"
"NOT MY ELEMENTAL, YOU *****!"[/color]
It was the herculean strike from Hercules that compounded the problems for the Shadow as it could no longer focus its attention on its assailant in order to reflect the flurry of blows that it received back on its agressor, Hercules. Reeling from the assault, the Shadow found itself on the ground and nearly unable to move as most of its limbs had been rendered immobile by the icy attack.
Looking about for a source of life essence that could assist it in regaining its position in the battle, The Sorrowfeld Shadow saw that none of the Shadow Ninjas remained. Desperate, the Shadow risked aggrevating the wounds that it had sustained to move itself into a sitting position, its back against the wall farthest from where the crewmembers stood.
Seeking to press the advantage, Jenny the Gardevoir called out to the trapped Constance Sorrowfeld:
"(Idiots!)" The Shadow Feline mocked with closed eyes, as if it was concentrating, "(You think that she'll take any letter of any word that to speak to her to heart? She's a coward through and through and you would have been better served being without her. You'll never be able to trust her to hold up her end of the fight. She wouldn't even fight for the survival of her mother, her father, her sisters and her brothers. She will not fight for the life of her future child nor will she fight to avenge its murder and she when the end comes, as it shall inevitably come, she will stand upon the parapets of Castle Sanctum and watch the world burn. This is her fate and the fate of those who choose to help her. Just - just give her to me and I'll make sure that none of this will ever happen."Diablo1099 said:"That's it! Keep Fighting! We're almost there, This will all be over soon! We'll get you home yet Constance!"
Before anyone could respond to the desperate speech that the Shadow gave, the Shadow shrieked as pain took hold over its body, causing the creature's back to arch backwards as far as it would go.
Shadow Constance's lips opened once again to speak but only a painful gasp of air could be heard as once again, pain took over, this time the cracking of bones and ripping of flesh could be heard.
"(N-N-No. T-this can't be!)" The Shadow said, its voice having been reduced to naught but a whisper of air.
"YES! YES IT CAN, YOU F***KING C**T!!" Came Constance's response as a bloody fist erupted from the sternum of Shadow Constance.
"I might be scared of what's to come but you're wrong if you think that I'm going to leave it to chance, that I'm going to leave it to others to take care of. I'm going to avenge the death of my family and I'm going to protect all three realms from the calamity that I've seen. I'm going to protect those I love and I'm going to do it not only to prove you wrong, you bag of hot air, but I'm going to do it so that even if I fail, I won't die thinking that I didn't do everything that I could to change fate.
With a final and explosive burst of energy, Constance Sorrowfeld emerged from the chest of her Shadow, her crimson eyes afire with the anger that she felt internally and as she turned to say a final word to her shadow before she finished it off, she found that it was gone.
"Wh-where'd it go?!" The Sorrowfeld vampire asked loudly, upset that she hadn't been able to rip the Shadow's heart out.
"(Closer than you think, wench.)" Bast said, her voice purred as she settled in for a nap deep within the dark corner's of the young vampire's mind.