The Escapist Avatar Adventure: An Open RP (Now Re-Opened!)

Blast Off To Titan

New member
Aug 15, 2013
Airship Rising Dawn | Training Room: Constance, Cz, Jenny, Rugal, Slindis, Teri

bluecrimson said:
[color=c200]"I have erred there. But do you think that means I'm content to merely give up? I feel that I know her; restricting her actions to a normal child's would cause a backlash on a massive scale, so the best I can do is be there for her should anything happen to her."[/color]
bluerocker said:
[color=0E59E4]"NOT MY ELEMENTAL, YOU *****!"
"NOT MY ELEMENTAL, YOU *****!"[/color]
The Shadow Facsimile of Constance Sorrowfeld was forced back by the intensity of the combined assault that was unleashed upon it by the Rising Dawn's crewmembers as arrow after arrow struck home, freezing large patches of flesh, which began to crack and crumble under the remainder of the attack. Invisible fists, clad in ice and frost continued where the arrows had left off and though Shadow Constance was far taller than that Drow, the assault caused the Shadow's legs to buckle and give way. It was with her final strike that Slindis landed a blow to Shadow Constance's knee, her fist driving straight through the now delicate and fragile joint. The thunderous explosion created by the shattering of the Shadowy Feline's knee was followed by the chiming of crystalized flesh hitting the ground and bouncing.

It was the herculean strike from Hercules that compounded the problems for the Shadow as it could no longer focus its attention on its assailant in order to reflect the flurry of blows that it received back on its agressor, Hercules. Reeling from the assault, the Shadow found itself on the ground and nearly unable to move as most of its limbs had been rendered immobile by the icy attack.

Looking about for a source of life essence that could assist it in regaining its position in the battle, The Sorrowfeld Shadow saw that none of the Shadow Ninjas remained. Desperate, the Shadow risked aggrevating the wounds that it had sustained to move itself into a sitting position, its back against the wall farthest from where the crewmembers stood.

Seeking to press the advantage, Jenny the Gardevoir called out to the trapped Constance Sorrowfeld:

Diablo1099 said:
"That's it! Keep Fighting! We're almost there, This will all be over soon! We'll get you home yet Constance!"
"(Idiots!)" The Shadow Feline mocked with closed eyes, as if it was concentrating, "(You think that she'll take any letter of any word that to speak to her to heart? She's a coward through and through and you would have been better served being without her. You'll never be able to trust her to hold up her end of the fight. She wouldn't even fight for the survival of her mother, her father, her sisters and her brothers. She will not fight for the life of her future child nor will she fight to avenge its murder and she when the end comes, as it shall inevitably come, she will stand upon the parapets of Castle Sanctum and watch the world burn. This is her fate and the fate of those who choose to help her. Just - just give her to me and I'll make sure that none of this will ever happen."

Before anyone could respond to the desperate speech that the Shadow gave, the Shadow shrieked as pain took hold over its body, causing the creature's back to arch backwards as far as it would go.

Shadow Constance's lips opened once again to speak but only a painful gasp of air could be heard as once again, pain took over, this time the cracking of bones and ripping of flesh could be heard.

"(N-N-No. T-this can't be!)" The Shadow said, its voice having been reduced to naught but a whisper of air.

"YES! YES IT CAN, YOU F***KING C**T!!" Came Constance's response as a bloody fist erupted from the sternum of Shadow Constance.

"I might be scared of what's to come but you're wrong if you think that I'm going to leave it to chance, that I'm going to leave it to others to take care of. I'm going to avenge the death of my family and I'm going to protect all three realms from the calamity that I've seen. I'm going to protect those I love and I'm going to do it not only to prove you wrong, you bag of hot air, but I'm going to do it so that even if I fail, I won't die thinking that I didn't do everything that I could to change fate.

With a final and explosive burst of energy, Constance Sorrowfeld emerged from the chest of her Shadow, her crimson eyes afire with the anger that she felt internally and as she turned to say a final word to her shadow before she finished it off, she found that it was gone.

"Wh-where'd it go?!" The Sorrowfeld vampire asked loudly, upset that she hadn't been able to rip the Shadow's heart out.

"(Closer than you think, wench.)" Bast said, her voice purred as she settled in for a nap deep within the dark corner's of the young vampire's mind.


Power in Procedure
Sep 27, 2010
Location: Shadow Realm | Training Room | Rising Dawn
Constance | Cz | Jenny | Rugal | Slindis | Teri

Veles' internal logic circuits ran short, she detected that none of the threats that had existed mere minutes before continued to exist. Yet her ambient sensors dictated that there was still a great deal of potential danger to be had. Veles floated above Cz, keeping stable in the air, her weapons had ceased for the time being. Veles did a quick scan of her allies and concluded none of them were the threat. Then it did a scan of the Sorrowfield Vampire and concluded a low level of ambient threat. Then, finally, out of options, Veles scanned Cz and detected a large amount of ambient threat. Particularly, Cz's nervous system had begun to shut down. Her muscles were in remission causing her blood pressure to drop dangerously low. A combination of malnutrition, exhaustion, dehydration, and strenuous activity had nearly destroyed her now decidedly human body.

The butterfly machination decided to dematerialize herself and place herself back into phase space to attempt to conserve what little energy her primary governing body retained.

Cz was a little worse for wear however. She was still standing by sheer miracle, or perhaps her legs had just locked themselves into that upright position. Her eyes were open, but saw nothing, and her mouth was as dry as cotton. Everything felt numb, where once sharp pricking pains tore at her skin, now only a cold numbness remained. The room was bright. Too bright. She closed her eyes and kept them shut. The energy to open her eyelids too much for her to muster.

Tired. Tired... Cz thought before she lapsed into full unconsciousness and collapsed onto the floor. But I'm glad that episode is over little vampire.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Training Room/Shadow Realm Rugal Slindis, Teri, Constance, Jenny, Cz

"WOOO! YEAH! FATALITY! *THAT'S* HOW IT'S FUCKING DONE! AHAHAHAH!" Rugal celebrated as Constance managed to tear her way out of the Shadow that had swallowed her in a rather brutal fashion as Jenny ran over to the Catgirl to give similar praise.
"Top Grade everyone! Cz, *LOVED* the killer butterfly robot, I have GOT to buy a few of those. Teri, Good work, See what I mean about using Anger constructively for deconstruction of your enemies. Dimitri, Thanks for the assist and Slindis...*Whistles* Just love watching you go to work, Perfect as always." Rugal complemented everyone present for their efforts in a way that seemed VASTLY out of character for him, it was as if he mentally became 20 years younger.

"Yes! I knew you could do it!" She shouted with glee as she went to hug the Vampire, stopping awkwardly at the last moment, after all, she had just clawed her way out of the internal organs of her Shadow.
"Just...Lets get you cleaned up. God, I was so worried, but the important thing is that you are okay." She finally settled, offering Constance a shoulder to lean on, Imagining that she might be tired after her fight.
Then it turned out that Cz was in-fact the one that needed a hand, collapsing from exhaustion and causing panic and urgency to re-enter the Pokemon's system.
"Cz!" She then exclaimed as she rushed over, quickly checking her vitals.
"Her persona must be extremely taxing for her. Come on, let's get back to the Med-Bay." She said before picking the little one up in her arms.

All the while, Hercules stood towering in the distance, glaring at his master as he mingled with the crew.
He realized wasn't going to get another chance bar this as he extended his claws and began marching over, giving off a low growl as he did.
"...Hm?...Oh, you still here? It's okay, it's over, you can go back to...where-ever it is you come from..." Rugal dismissively said as he looked at his Persona marching towards him, staring at him though that helmet it was wearing.
"...Teri, how do you "De-Summon" these things? Do I just will him away or do i-..."
[HEADING=3]"GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWRRRRRR!"[/HEADING]Hercules took a massive swing at his master, Rugal barely copping on and dodging as a claw raced towards him, barely avoiding it as it took off a piece of his long blonde hair.
"SONOFA-DIMITRI! KILL THE POWER! NOW! Heel Hercules! Heel!" He pleaded as his Persona seemed dead set in gutting him.

Blast Off To Titan

New member
Aug 15, 2013
Airship Rising Dawn | Training Room: Constance, Cz, Jenny, Rugal, Slindis, Teri

Guilt. The emotion was hit the Raven Haired Vampire like a metric ton of bricks when she witnessed her fellow crewmate, Cz, fall to the ground and into the arms of unconsciousness. The emotion was furthur punctuated when she stood there and watched as Jenny hauled the unconscious girl out of the Training Room to the Medbay. Running after the two, Constance could think that she and she alone would be responsible for anything that happened to Cz since it had been her Shadow that had caused Cz to over extend herself.

As Constance ran through the corridors of the Airship, she wondered if there was anything that she could have done differently to avoid this outcome.

"(Second guessing yourself again, huh? Am I sensing a trend?)" Came Bast's mocking voice from the back of the Vampire's mind.

"[small]Shut up. I mean it shut - your - mouth[/small]" The Young vampire muttered aloud as she stopped in front of the Medical Bay to compose herself before entering.

To her relief, Constance found that Cz had already been placed on one of the medical beds, the automated machines were in the process of scanning the unconscious crewmember's body and diagnosing the multitude of issues that the young girl was suffering from.

"(Jeez, you'd think a Guardian of the World would know that she needed to eat and rest.)" Bast's voice chimed in once again.

"I SAID SHUT UP!!" Constance yelled, her voice shattering the quietness of the Medical Bay.

"Sorry." She apologized as she pulled a chair up next to Cz's bed. Looking at the growing list of problems that plagued the young one, Constance decided that if she was the one responsible for putting Cz in the state that she was currently in, it would be Constance that helped her recover.

"(Hmm. That's quite the interesting thought.)" The Feline Voice said from within the dark recesses of Constance's mind. This time, however, the voice did not contain the mocking notes that had dripped from each word as before. This time, the voice sounded like it approved of the idea.

Giving Bast a mental nod, Constance settled into the chair and began the long process of waiting for Cz to recover and as she did so, she began pulling up the various personel records of the crew members of the Rising Dawn, pausing the longest to read the biographical details of Slindis, Methethia, Devon and Teri, each of which had each of which had the common trait of having either lost loved ones or their homes.

Looking back to Cz, Constance placed her hand upon that of the unconscious girl.

"I hope you can forgive me." Constance said before resuming her vigil.


Meanwhile in a Training Room not far from where Constance and the Crewmembers of the Rising Dawn had overcome Bast's trickery, Som Waterford was weighing his options.

1) Stop the Dragoness and ask her if she would continue training with him
2) Stop the Dragoness and ask her if she would like to share a meal with him
3) Stop the Dragoness and throw another barb in her direction.

And as he went over each scenario in his mind, he came to the realization that each one would like result in him being burnt to ash. [footnote]This section was written purely for humor's sake and is not meant to be actually part of anything that is actually occurring[/footnote]


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Storm &
Location: Rising Dawn | Med-bay .
After hearing David talk senseless to the group, Storm shook his head in a disappointed way. He looked towards Melethia with concern. "That ... and I think we should do something about his drinking problem. I would hate to see what happens if we would not be here ... maybe we should consider getting a ship therapist or something to help David get over his alcohol problem. I mean I have no idea if he would want that, but drinking does many bad things to the body ... I haven't even tried a drop of the stuff, it might have some pretty bad consequences for something like me." Storm said but was suddenly caught in thought, maybe he should ask the Doctor to investigate his body a bit further. Although the Doctor probably already has.

We should leave him here for now ... he has a lot to think about.
" Alpha's voice ran cold as ice as she began to walk to the door, still in the baggy and over-sized clothes of Storm. "Ah yeah ... I wish to check out too." He muttered back as he walked by her side. "We'll see you later ... Melethia. Just call us when you need us." He called back and then waved, Alpha turned around too and gave a quick bow before the two left the room. Along the walk on the way back to their room, Storm kept looking at Alpha.

"You look good in those clothes." He muttered in a embarrassed tone, he almost flinched just in-case he was going to be hit again. Except a light pat hit him in the stomach instead, Alpha's fist was their but it wasn't a full-power punch. "Just promise me that you won't do anything like that again ... and thank you." She said with embarrassment and a blushing face. Alpha obviously mentioned the battle with the Titan Annie and how he got hurt in the first place.

"Whatever you desire my hime-sama~" He gave a formal bow just before picking her up in the Princess position too. "
Wha-what are you doing!?
" She asked quickly and stuttering. "Hmm? Isn't that obvious, if you are my Princess, I am your Knight." He smiled gently, after that the two were silent until they reached the room.

Yu Narukami, Devon, Garm, Ella, Cadolbolg, Annie and etc.
Shadow Wanderer.
Location: Shadow Zone | Operation Theater.
Strong/resistant: Darkness.
Weak against: Light

Dark battle Music []

The Shadow was in a good mood as the two attacks were launched towards him. With one slash of one sword it eliminated most of the projectiles, but with a satisfied "crimson" one of the projectiles impacted the Shadow's shoulder which he turned to break with his other sword. The Shadow had damage dealt to him but he wanted to become hit so he could show off one more feature of the battle. The pain was represented by black flames which happened to go along the chain towards it's target, that target was the Doctor.

With the black flames travelling along the 'strings' it came to the veins connected to the Wanderer, it connected and soon the Doctor let out a cry of anguish which sent him into a frenzy of madness. Another attack was launched onto the chain by two participants, yet the chain could only remain after all attacks and all effects on the chain went directly both two the Shadow and Wanderer. The Shadow did not budge and the Doctor went more mad. "Fools, you should all know that you can never sever a connection between light and dark of a person!" the Shadow mocked as the next attack was launched by Cadolbolg.

Being on the defense again, the Shadow matched the attack with his swords in a double crossed blocking stance. The flames were roaring to get over him, some even began to hurt him, once more this trailed back to the Wanderer as well which surprisingly set him partially on fire, mostly the arms and legs. Pain or more power, this was uncertain for the Wanderer who still fought the users. Devon whom launched a flashbang at the Shadow was most effective, with the light shining brightly the Shadow tried to cover his eyes but it seemed it began to sizzle his black flesh for a while. A dark howl filled the room, the Shadow decided to return a attack with two swings of his swords black flames were sent towards his close attackers.

When the flashback hit, it actually did not damage the Wanderer, but instead it returned his normal personality for a couple of seconds. At that moment he had switched his weapons for two of his .45 Auto submachine gun which he opened fire on Ella, when he came around to see the room he could see Annie above him talking about the things he talked about before. "Remember Revelations .... Doctor S. Remember what you stand for in this world and yours back home." is what she said in front of him.

Those lines got a brief smile out of the Doc before he turned with a serious face. "The only way to truly save me is by beating him ... do not care about me for now, just take him down enough so I may face him myse-" He was cut off, again his eyes faded back to the blackness he had before. Jumping off the ground and onto his legs, he decided to change his weapons once more. With a agile jump he was further when he pulled out a rather large grenade machinegun.

Without a second thought he began to unload into the people in front of him and Deadshot. Luckily enough, one figure ran behind him in a incredible dash. It was Yu who caught up to the people who were fighting the Shadow instead. Coming in just before the black flames, Yu summoned his Persona instantly, it was a spell and it gave more defense to all allies for the incoming attacks.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Rising Dawn: Training Room/Shadow Realm Rugal, Slindis, Teri,

Because I can. []

Once Constance was dragged out of the Training Room, Teri gave a friendly salute to Squishy, who looked reasonably less boiled than before. The elemental gave a shivering "thanks" before disappearing onto the ground again; leaving Teri alone with her- "SONOFA-DIMITRI! KILL THE POWER! NOW! Heel Hercules! Heel!"

Without a thought to the contrary, Teri shouted, [color=0E59E4]"TOYOTAMA, PROTECT DAD!"[/color]
and her Persona flung itself in front of Hercules, bringing the Trident up to block the next strike of Hercules' claws. A resounding *CLANG* rang through the air as the two weapons met, leaving the two Personas in a stare off before Dimitri's voice spoke over the Tablet again, [color=3897E0]
"Procedures to cease Shadow Emulator initiated. We will return in 3...2...1..."

With that, the colors and Personas faded away, and a semblance of normalcy took over the room. Teri sank to the floor after the Personas disappeared, clinging to her arms in pain. It didn't look like much when Toyotama first blocked the blow, but Teri could feel the amount of exertion her Persona had to use to keep Hercules back; and even then, she was more than certain that if Hercules had put more strength behind his blow, Toyotama could have taken much worse damage. As the Cleric tried to tough through her current condition, her Persona shouted in outrage:

[color=0E59E4]"Son of a cocksucking whore! Fucker almost broke my trident with that attack! WARN ME before we start doing suicidal, dumbass, stunts like that again! We're lucky Dimitri was already on the helper side of things, or else the both of us would have gotten fucked up bad. Anyways, I'm gonna take a nap for a while. We can talk more about Dad's personality shift later, that shit at the end wore me out; and I need to work on fixing up my trident. Don't do anything stupid while I'm asleep."[/color]

Location - Shadow Zone's Operation Theater: Wanderer, Yu, Deadshot, Ella, Devon, Cadolbolg, Garm, Annie
Gotta stick with the source material, man~! []

[color=955555]"I got it! It's Strong to Darkness and Weak to Light! Best of luck!"[/color]

Yep, in seeing the fight begin to unfold, Mitsuru had unraveled the sneaky Shadow's scheme.

That all being said (and Annie's Persona blocking the attack), Cadolbolg focused his attention on the chains this time, and called to his Persona, "Lei Zhenzei! Blast those chains to oblivion!"

After said stream of attacks, however, Cadolbolg slumped a little in the air, feeling himself drained after pulling off that maneuver again. It seemed to be the strongest lightning attack that Lei Zhenzei could do, but it really took a lot out of the turtle-dragon baby.

With another of the shocking attacks launching at the chains, Garm had to let go to avoid being hit by the lightning (something he sensed he REALLY didn't want coming his way). After Cadolbolg's attack, however, Garm attacked the chains again with his cold teeth, and bit down hard to try to get some sort of effect on them; the cold from his bite continuing to seep in as he struggled with the structure.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010

Storm &
Location: Rising Dawn | Med-bay .
"He's experienced enough to kill, he's experienced enough to drink whatever the hell he can handle. Sure, he messed up with some of the drinks, but he's still alive." she gave plenty of time for David to be more coherent, but Melethia's face was easily recognizeabe to mist people. Seeing it might sober David up, depending on how fast he could recover...

SHe could hear the frantic steps of someone making their way over, but she wasn't all that concerned at this point since they didn't sound like her sister's steps.

Yu Narukami, Devon, Garm, Ella, Cadolbolg, Annie and etc.
Shadow Wanderer.
Location: Shadow Zone | Operation Theater.

Perhaps it was the boost from Yu or maybe it was the fact that she'd skirted dying only a few minutes ago, but the blades didn't hurt all that much. [color=00c863]"It's my only one, Annie, and it's not made for that... I'll need a second, but until thenpush hard and cut through!"[/color] Devon's melodic tone was punctuated with a cry from Mengde, and the rallying effects could be felt through the whole group.

Devon has Inspired Courage in her group! All attacks barring spells have their damage increased for the next chunk of time, and they're braver as well.

Bard Songs left: 12
A glance was shot back to see Ella moving to work in tandem with Garm, and Devon had a thought run through her head to push it on further. [color=00c863]"Okay, it's time to make this work!"[/color] A bold cry from Mengde had a rather strong effect on our Bard; her movements became fairly fluid as her attacks began to be swung at the Shadow with a very unexpected timing.

To finish it on her end, Devon begins the Snowflake Wardance to become far more dangerous in a fight! Until the end of the fight, Devon's attacks are more accurate and damaging at the expense of complete fatigue when it's done.

Bard Songs left: 11
This passion to get up close wasn't lost on Ella, though, and she knew that Devon was going on again with that macho 'let me take the front lines' bullshit. I'm going to need some good help with these outfits I'm getting for Devon tomorrow... Her thought was stopped as she got caught in the shockwave, smashing the butt of her Halberd into the Wanderer's pinky toe in the Process

Rising Dawn: Training Room/Shadow Realm Rugal Slindis, Teri, Constance, Jenny, Cz

Luckily, it seemed that Teri had the situation covered, so Slindis took some time to process what she'd seen through the fight. Wasn't his Persona supposed to be tamed? Its actions were far too erratic... [color=c200]Too much is off... talking with Rugal might just tip him off too soon, so I need to find more facts here before I show my hand here. Bringing it up now might just give him time to make lies to cover himself.

"Rugal, I need to check on Constance. After all, she did just take a beating. Teri, I'm guessing you're well?"[/color]


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Training Room/Shadow Realm Rugal, Slindis, Teri

Hercules froze in horror as Tomoyama blocked his attack, realizing both that his only real chance to get Rugal was gone and all he succeeded at was hurting Teri.
He let off a low growl of despair before the Training room reverted to normal and he faded away, knowing Rugal would never let him out again.

"....Fucking Hell...I don't understand. I beat my Shadow...Why is it still acting up?..." Rugal asked in confusion as if he didn't already know why that happened.
Guess I won't be calling you out again... he thought as he saw Teri in pain.
"Thanks...I owe you one..." He merely said as Slindis confronted him.
Even now, he is still a massive pain in my ass... He thought as he went to check up on the Cleric.
"You okay Sweetheart?"

Deadshot, Devon, Garm, Ella, Cadolbolg, Annie, Yu
Shadow Wanderer.
Location: Shadow Zone | Operation Theater.
Deadshot was annoyed that his 9mm didn't seem to have enough kick to sever the Chains connecting Wanderer to his Shadow, but he couldn't help but whistle with impress as Wanderer pulled out a Mini-Gun that shot freaking grenades!
"...I have GOT to get me one of those..." He mused from his perch as the Doctor began to open fire.
"Quickfire round! DRAW!" He shouted as he loaded a fresh clip into his handgun and took aim.
What Wanderer saw was his grenades harmlessly exploding in midair before they could hit their marks as Deadshot shot down his projectiles, rendering his attack rather ineffective.
"YEAH! Bet David West can't do that shit! Woo!" He taunted as he aimed to draw Wanderer's fire, seeing how he had the skill to make his bombs harmless.

As he reloaded, he Evoked [Null] who walked over out of the Shadows beside him, still annoyed at the Assassin for running off last time, still baring cracks in his mask and tears in his suit.
"You again?...You going to stick around this time?" it asked until for once Deadshot was the one pointing a gun at IT'S head.
"Shut up, Mr. Big Shot. Get a rifle and Set up on the far side, Mirror my position and aim for the Shadow." He commanded as he finished his reload and saw the other's attacks and how the only one seeming to get hurt was Wanderer.
"....Second thought, I have an idea. Set up, but aim for Wanderer, shoot him in the leg. See if this Pain Link works both ways." He then ordered as he got ready to shoot down the next volley of grenades.

His logic was that if the Shadow passed it's pain and suffering onto Wanderer, then maybe harming Wanderer might do the Reverse, making it easier to take down the Shadow.
David West, Melethia, Jenny, Constance, Cz
Location: Rising Dawn | Med-bay.
After Storm and Alpha left, David sat up, somewhat annoyed of the outcome of his sudden bender.
"Christ above...It ain't even the weekend...Ew...Mouth tastes like a janitor's closet" He groaned as Melethia entered his view.
"...Mel?....Oh god, Don't tell me-!!!" He panicked as he realized he just had a Major Bender on the Rising Dawn.
For David, there was 2 modes of Drinking: Standard was just him on a daily basic while Bender was saved for special events and was FAR more intense, more like something Deadshot would do.
"...Ohhh mannn...I'm never gonna hear the end of this...Okay....Break it to me straight...What did I do?" He asked the elf as he held his head, the embarrassment and guilt starting to sink in.
At least I didn't wake up in my underwear again...

Before she could answer, Jenny, Cz and Constance arrived, The pokemon laying Cz down on one of the other beds while Constance seemed to be talking to herself.
"Constance, It's okay...Don't worry, she'll be just fine. All she needs to do is learn her limits." She explained to the Vampire as she used her limited medical knowledge (Secondhand stuff she learned from Slindis and Teri) to help Cz recover.
"As for Forgiveness, I already have..." she then smiled, letting Constance know she wasn't in trouble in the slightest.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Rising Dawn: Training Room/Shadow Realm Rugal, Slindis, Teri

"You okay Sweetheart?"

Teri looked up to Rugal and gave the smallest of nods, and winced again when she pushed herself up, slinging Sadei's bow form over herself after doing so, [color=0E59E4]"Feels like the first time I ever tried a flurry on a wall; like my arms are gonna fall off. Toyotama's pissed at me for trying that at all; said it almost broke her trident."[/color]

She moved her arms a bit to try to loosen them up, but the fact was obvious: it hurt her greatly to do so. As the Cleric tried to get some of the soreness out, she asked her staff, [color=0E59E4]"I didn't think Personas attacked their wielders... I thought all that was taken care of? You're the one who's been agreeing with Tama, Sadei, what do you make of it?"[/color]


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Training Room/Shadow Realm Rugal, Slindis, Teri

"I'm sorry that happened. It's strange, I confronted my Shadow and yet..." Rugal mused as he helped Teri up.
"Still, Your alright and that's the important thing. She's fine Slindis, You go check up on Constance." He said to the Drow as the trio left the Training Room.
"Right, I dunno about you, but I could do for something to eat. Slindis, want me and Teri to bring you down something?"" He asked, pretty relaxed after that engagement.


Power in Procedure
Sep 27, 2010
Location: Med Bay | Rising Dawn
David West | Melethia | Jenny | Constance | Cz

What do machines dream of? The simple answer, is that they do not. They do not dream. But Cz, being no longer a machine, dreamed. And she dreamed brightly and vividly, as if she had the greatest practice in the art of dreaming. Yet, not all well dreamed dreams are mirthful. No. Her dreams were well dreamed dreams of darkness and fear. In other, more less delicate words; her dream was a nightmare.
There was a woman in front of her, looking about her early twenties. Bright red hair and a single emerald eye peering out of a cracked yellow mask locked into a grotesque painted grin. Beneath her bangs shone a star and moon, shimmering like a pool of molten gold. She looked sad. She was standing upon a sea of infinite darkness, stretching from horizon to horizon. A place of absolute emptiness. Yet it was filled with souls. Cz knew this. But she also knew she was not here. Rather she was witnessing something occur, something astral. Not unlike the phase space representation she used to hide away her real body. There was another form in the Darkness. A blonde haired boy, no older than his teens standing opposite to this red haired woman. His sapphire blue eyes glared deep into her emerald eyes. Both of them were cold and dead. Unfeeling and uncaring. Behind the woman was yet another shape, and another. A man with long airy white hair, clothed from head to toe in luxurious crimsons. He held a wooden staff in slender delicate fingers, nails manicured to reflective perfection. He smiled, his eyes shining a brilliant emerald green. Yet, they were filled with life. A strange, mad, cackling life almost akin to fire. Two women were behind him, holding each other tentatively. Their faces were shrouded in darkness, but their eyes were definite in the pool of uncertain shadows. One a bright blood red, and the other a deep enchanting brown. Cz turned around and took another look at the boy, and found that he had people behind him too. There was a tall fiery orange Knight astride a massive flaming horse. Flames trickled out of his visor and into the void around them. Leaning against the horse was a small waif of a girl. No more than fourteen, sharing her looks with the man in red. She cast a knowing smile at Cz.
You! Cz shouted. Yet in her sleep she could only mumble out, "Ti...tan...ia..."
Titania tipped her hat to cover her face, but Cz could still tell that she was smiling maliciously at her. Titania pointed up, as if to say there was one more person for her to see. And there was.

Above all of them, a creature that defied description. Something so foul that it shouldn't, or rather, could not come into existence in any other plane than one of ephemeral Darkness. A shadow that lived and breathed, writhing and extending tendrils that had no definite shape. They did not move as did regular creation moved. It was utterly alien. And for the first time, it struck Cz with an overwhelming sensation of fear. This creature... whatever it was, it was all consuming. Having stretched its dark influence into each of these people. Slowly corrupting them and changing them into itself. Consuming their souls, thoughts, likeness, and abilities. Becoming more and more powerful. A consumer. A predator. Something that could not be captured with words alone. Cz felt her heart stop, she wanted to scream, but could not find the breath. She wanted to cry, but had forgotten how to shed tears. She fell to her knees, weak. Unable to understand.

The existence expanded outward, shedding a terrible evil light upon the world around them. It was not darkness that held the plane eternal, but rather was a infinite world of madness. Impossible, alien geometries, creatures that should not exist, and were terrifying and unsettling just to know existed. It would drive a man mad for years and years to come, and follow him into death. Yet nothing in this world of madness compared tot hat primordial creature of Darkness that lay above it all, like some dark god. Titania had vanished, but Cz did not notice. She could not notice. The completeness of her being had been consumed by the Darkness. And the Darkness had but only one name. It could only have one name. Something to describe the absolute evil cold that existed before her. A Heart of Absolute Blackness... BlackHarte.
Cz woke up, her head pounding. Constance and Jenny were next to her, but she bolted up right anyhow. The IV drip almost fell out of her arm. Her body had been treated for malnutrition and dehydration, but the machines could no thing for her mental health. Cz screamed uncontrollably, shivering, her entire body shook without need. Her long raven hair fell down around her like a veil of darkness. Her eyes were open wide, darting from corner to corner, searching for signs of that horrible thing from her nightmare. Cz gasped when she ran out of breath and choked down a few mouthfuls of air.

"Where... where.. where is Cz?" she said suddenly. That's not what I want to say. Cz looked up and Constance, her eyes still wide in fear. "I... I... I is scared!" Cz looked at the hands reaching out toward Constance. They were smaller and thinner than she remembered. These are not my hands. No, they were far too childish to be Cz's hands, who had been a woman grown when she entered the Training Room. Then it hit her. Compressed form. Something put me into compressed form without my permission. And out of the corner of her eye she saw a black spot slither across the ceiling vents. She felt a shiver run down her spine. Little Cz jumped up and grabbed onto Constance crying. "I is scared! I is scared!" While her compressed form could handle logic processes of her full personality with ease... this underdeveloped human body had less ability. it could only process the basest of Cz's new instincts. And right now, there was only fear. Even Veles, deep inside Cz, felt unsettled by that dark presence in her dream, for it was far too real.

After all. Machines do not dream.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Med Bay: David West | Melethia | Jenny | Constance | Cz

While Cz's reawakening took her by surprise, her outburst was competely unexpected as Jenny jumped in her skin.
Acting fast, she did the one thing she could: Attempt to console the frightened Cz.
"There there, it's okay. It's Jenny, Remember? You're okay...Shush shush shush..." She said in a soothing matter as she gently placed her hands on the sides of Cz's head in order to get her to look at her face.
"It's okay...You're safe. Everything is alright..." She repeated, focusing on calming her down before she attempted to ask what had scared her so much.


Power in Procedure
Sep 27, 2010
Location: Med Bay | Rising Dawn
David West | Melethia | Jenny | Constance | Cz

Cz turned her head toward Jenny, but kept her eyes searching the room. Constantly she would catch glimpses of darkness that sent shivers down her small frame. "Is is scared," she sputtered, trying to wrench free of Jenny's grasp. The more time that seem to go on, the more terrified she seem to become. Her eyes were darting across the room feverishly, and her entire body was shaking. "Not safe! Not safe!"

This feeling... that creature... it was a proxy. But a proxy made of what?

Cz started to cry, tears streamed down her face. "Dark. Dark. Cz no want to see Dark! Cz no want to be near dark!" This time Cz grabbed Jenny and buried her face in Jenny's skin. There was some comfort in staring intently at the pale white sheen of the Gardevoir. Cz refused to blink, afraid that she might find the same black beast within the dark of her lonely head.

Is this how a human feels in our presence? Adult!Cz thought quietly. Is this how they feel when we turn them into proxies? Adult!Cz shivered at the thought. But she was now trapped inside her own mind. Locked away, ironically, by the childlike Persona of Siz. And even deeper in her mind was her "Persona" Veles, or in actuality, the artillery unit CZ.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Med Bay: David West | Melethia | Jenny | Constance | Cz

The Hug was unexpected, Jenny avoided it after remembering how she reacted the last time she hugged her, after the Battle in Las Venturas.
Still, now knowing that it wasn't taboo, she gladly held the shaking Cz, doing her best to calm her down.
"There, there. It's okay. You don't have to be in the dark if you don't want to. I'm here. It's okay..." she calmly repeated as she sat down on the end of the bed.
"Now then...Why don't you tell me what scares you about the dark?..." she then asked as she reached over for a tissue to wipe Cz's tears away.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009

Yu Narukami, Devon, Garm, Ella, Cadolbolg, Annie and etc.
Shadow Wanderer.
Location: Shadow Zone | Operation Theater.
I still like this one. []

Seeing all or most of his shots being blocked or destroyed by Deadshot, his Persona, Annie and her Persona. The Puppet Wanderer sneered, this was also reflected upon his Shadow. Both the Shadow and Wanderer was thinking about attacking Annie and Deadshot head on, but then another attack was launched against the two. Yet as the Shadow said, the link between light and dark in a person cannot be shattered ... at least by others.

The chain was attacked again by the wolf and ... dragon turtle thing ... combo. A strong combo came from Cadolbolg's persona, this did attack the chain and once more it did not work on the chain, but it did work on the Shadow and Wanderer themselves. Both small and giant figure were overcome by the lightning going along the chain, the Wanderer actually started to look charred and the Shadow began to sizzle again, right until Garm used a freeze attack on the chain which cooled them down.

[EDIT]The Wanderer did not flinch with pain as his pinky toe was presumably smashed by Ella and then shot by [Null] in the leg[EDIT]. Little did they know that the true Wanderer on the inside was screaming due to the pain. The Shadow decided to do the unthinkable, he was going to use the Wanderer as a weapon, literally. Lifting up his arm with the dark chain attached to it, he began to wildly flail it, this was to try and get Garm off, but the Wanderer was began thrown around too.

Switching his weapon to his flaming sword (Shishkebab), the Wanderer was being thrown around at hoping that Garm will get off and to hit a target. The Shadow then made a whipping motion with his arm which made the chain with Garm and the wanderer suddenly launch down toward the ground with a lot of momentum. The worst part is that Devon was right in the way of the path of the chain with the Wanderer at the end. The puppet Wanderer saw this to his advantage and pointed his nice sword at him.

With both and the Wanderer slowly dying or getting weaker, Yu was staying back with amazement, he did not know what to do, he did not want to hurt this man, but he wanted to beat him up. After hearing the Wanderer speak for a first time, he knew what to do. Yu had to attack the Shadow and try to weaken him so that the bond between light and dark will be severed. Since they are connected it would work both ways, if the Shadow weakens it would free the Wanderer and if the Wanderer is weakened it would free the Shadow.

It was a lose-lose situation for the group's enemy.
Why would he do this?
Did the Shadow actually want to die?
Did it want the group to kill him?
These were questions that would never be answered.
Yu tired to think, but ended up launching another spell towards everyone in the group to raise defense once more.

The Shadow also gave a few swings of his blades which launched flames, not just to the front group, but black flames began to consume the whole room.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Deadshot, Devon, Garm, Ella, Cadolbolg, Annie, Yu
Shadow Wanderer.
Location: Shadow Zone | Operation Theater.
"...Huh...Guess that didn't work..." Deadshot mused, not really to bummed that his plan didn't work (After all, he got to shoot Wanderer).
Still, [Null] was in a good spot to take aim at the Shadow and hammer it with Ice elemental bullets from that Platinum Rifle of his.
Aside from that, from what Deadshot was seeing, this fight wasn't going to end until either the Shadow or Wanderer was down for the count.
Seeing as Wanderer was being used as a weapon, he smirked as he got another excuse to shoot at the Doctor, aiming for center mass this time around.
"I could get used to this..." He smiled as he sent another hail of lead towards Wanderer's torso.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010

Melethia, David, Jenny, Constance, and Siz.
Location: Rising Dawn | Med-bay .
"You ended up drinking some poisons. Got lucky with surviving after that, but I don't think anything else happened there. Mind if I say that surviving all of that was really impressive? Although she kept it to the point, Even the semi-sober David could only hear a bit of awe in the elf-s voice. Not exactly something that was worthy of awe, for sure, but Melethia always had odd ideas of what to be impressed by.

Siz's arrival brought in more than a bit of concern for Melethia, though. After all, that human was far too weak. Didn't they know she'd need training to not hold them back? Still, they'd have to keep the frightened kid safe somehow. "Jenny, give me some time and we could try setting up light sources in here so the trainee can at least rest well. Just some in the corners and near the beds could work, but they don't have to be that bright.

How does that sound?"

Yu Narukami, Devon, Garm, Ella, Cadolbolg, Annie and etc.
Shadow Wanderer.
Location: Shadow Zone | Operation Theater.
[b]Buffs, wonderful buffs!

Inspire Courage: Damage, accuracy, and morale increase.
Everyone in the group has it. It won't boost damage from Spells, though.[/b]
Perhaps it was the boost from Yu or maybe it was the fact that she'd skirted dying only a few minutes ago, but the blades didn't hurt all that much. [color=00c863]"Thanks for the cover, Annie... I'll pay you back. This should patch you up!"[/color] Mengde's firm hand was placed on the Titan, making her feel invigorated again and healthier as well. In addition, the healing bounced back to Annie to make her feel better as well.

Devon casts Cure Serious Wounds on Annie! Pretty straightforward: Heals  her for a good chunk of health.

24 seconds before the next level 3 spell
Devon was getting ready to rush in and attack the Shadow more, but Annie's cry of pain drew her attention to the more important fact of the fire to her attention. More important, the gout of fire that was far too close to Annie [color=00c863]"That'll take her right out... I worked way too hard to make sure she lived for that to happen!"[/color] Perhaps it was from the surprise factor or the timing, but Devon was easily able to tackle Annie out the way of one of the dark fire blasts. From the cry of pain, though, it was clear that it was rather painful. As a matter of fact, from the way she and Mengde both collapsed, it was clear that she was seeing the light at the end of the tunnel for the second time in an hour.

Devon is now taken out of the fight again. Luck isn't smiling on out bard, is it?
This passion to get up close wasn't lost on Ella, though, and she knew that Devon was going on again with that macho 'let me take the front lines' bullshit. Damnit, AGAIN?! What is she trying to prove?! Why does Devon want to act like some knight in shining armor?! Doesn't she know what would happen to those around her if she did die!? In a moment of focused clarity, she pulled out her evoker and squeezed the trigger to summon Ishtar.

"Tesla that nomad, Ishtar!" I response, the persona winked at [NULL] as it blasted the Wanderer's back with a strong bolt of lightning, giving Ella the time needed to barely leap over some of the Hellishly hot flames and deliver a leaping slash to the Shadow's left arm to try and cut it off and the chain in the process.

Rising Dawn: Training Room/Shadow RealmSlindis, Dimitri

After leaving, Slindis made her way to the area of the ship that held Dimitri and checked on him. [color=c200]"Dimitri, would you mind aiding me in some studies? There's been some oddities I want to look into, and you're the only one I can trust."[/color] She wasn't exactly explicit, but it was clear she had good reason for keeping this discreet.

Meanwhile, Sadei confirmed the suspicions with Teri. [color=b05fe9]It's been way too odd how this has all happened, but I have to agree with Tama. It's just way too crazy how he's been acting, although I wish I knew why...[/color]


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Melethia, David, Jenny, Constance, and Siz.
Location: Rising Dawn | Med-bay
"...Yeah...Freakin' A..." David sighed, seemingly disappointed with the fact he was still alive.
Sheesh...Can't even kill myself right... He thought, Sucide being on the mind more often then he would let on.
"Uhhh...Just man...I need to find better tasting poison next time..." He coughed before spitting out a wad of soapy spit into one the sinks in the Med Bay.
"So is that all I did or is that all you KNOW I did?" He then asked, hoping that his drunken attempt at Hara-Kiri was the LEAST of his concerns.


Power in Procedure
Sep 27, 2010
Location: Med Bay | Rising Dawn​
David West | Melethia | Jenny | Constance | Cz

Cz grabbed harder onto Jenny and stared at Melenthia. "The dark. Dark is everywhere..." her words were a little more than a whisper. They were cold, but carried a great sense of urgency. Still exhausted after spending the better part of four days running on empty, Cz settled back into her cot, overcome by weariness again. The irrational frightfulness had left her body for now.

But Cz knew in the back of her mind, that the fundamental wrongness still existed. That evil which she saw in her nightmare. How such a creature had gone unnoticed for so long, and had been able to consume so many people was baffling. That thing which called itself BlackHarte did not belong in the world. It belonged nowhere in any realm of existence where reason ruled over madness.

"Please." Was all Cz could say before she closed her eyes again. Anticipating the sudden chill when her eyes came shut. "give Cz light."


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Med-bay: David West, Melethia, Jenny, Constance, Cz

Jenny was starting to worry with how frightened Cz seemed to be, This wasn't like her.
"...Yeah, if you wouldn't mind Melethia. Not too bright mind, don't want to blind her." She said to the Elf as she began to set up a series of lights to keep Cz's cot lit up.
Jenny meanwhile turned on the bedside light before softly brushing her hair back.
"Okay...Cz, your energy levels are low so what I want you to is just get some rest and then eat something. You can't live of fresh air...Least...I don't think you can..." She said with uncertainty.
Knowing the endless amounts of Pokemon back in her world, there was bound to be at least one that could live like that.
Seeing how Constance seemed okay for now, she sat down on a chair beside Cz and watched over her, still trying to figure out what had her so scared.