The Escapist Avatar Adventure: An Open RP (Now Re-Opened!)


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
The Truth.
Yu Narukami, Devon, Garm, Ella, Cadolbolg, Annie and etc.
Shadow Wanderer.
Location: Shadow Zone | Operation Theater.
Final battle []

Taking more attacks to his own body, the Wanderer was stunned due to the pain of his body stuck in deciding if the lightning or rain of bullets was worse in the pain section. This was obviously tracked back to the Shadow who knew what pain his counter-half was going through, yet no joy came from that ... it was the possibility of the emotion of sadness. Then suddenly two attacks struck the Shadow himself, once more connected back to the Wanderer who fell but got up with a large amount of falling to the floor.

The Wanderer stretched his arm out as if he was going to grab something, then a rather large weapon fell into his hands. This weapon was well known to Deadshot, it was the Fatman that Deadshot came to know well with his last 'adventure' with the Wanderer. Back to the Shadow's point of view, the large punch of Annie's Persona shattered his black mask surrounding his face. The Shadow did not have a face in this form, but his eyes jut screamed pain, he even took a knee. Looking up he saw the Persona with broken hands in front of him. Did the user suffer the same pain just like his counter-part.

Right now the Shadow was thinking more then ever before in his life, he did not have the urge to kill, but his determination to finish his mission was still there. His mission was to end all bad life on Earth, the true mission of the Wanderer. The truth of the Wanderer. The Shadow was the true self, the self that the host did not want anyone to see. The Wanderer had a fear, he had a urge to kill and to kill more to make the world a better place. He did not want anyone to know this so he hid this intention by doing other good tasks by being a Doctor and all around good guy.

Yet his urge to kill was still there, and it branched to the little of tasks which probably included everyone here. Everyone here was a target for him, yet the strong fact that this was not his world hit him. This was not his world, not everyone was bad, even if there was bad it was not the bad that existed in his world. The Wanderer was scared, scared of this world and yet jealous of everyone. There were too many faults in the Doctor that he did not want to admit, yet he had to. Not to stop the pain for everyone else, but to stop the pain for himself.

The Shadow got up, exhausted of all this battle and pain for himself and his now insane light side. The Wanderer part of himself actually had a weapon posed to take out the man shooting him. The Shadow quickened his pace, it seemed everyone prepared for a attack as well, but instead they could only hear a gasp.


The Shadow yelled with all of his dark might. Yu was about to launch a electrical attack from Izanagi, he held the card in his hand yet it faded away just as he heard the Shadow yell for everyone to stop. At the back of the room where the Wanderer was he froze and turned to his Shadow. The dark chain broke and the veins that hung from the Wanderer faded back into his body. The Fatman fell to the ground and faded away too which probably made Deadshot have a sign of relief from not becoming BBQ-ed once again.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010

Melethia, David, Jenny, Constance, and Siz.
Location: Rising Dawn | Med-bay .
"It's all that you did, from what I know, And honest? There's lots worse things you could have tripped on while drunk. Just don't go looking for them, since they're all pretty miserable ways to die." Blunt as always, Melethia seemed to let David know in her own way that she was concerned with her as she began making small marks on the wall for added night-lights.

"I'll try to do all I can here for those lights, but I think she could also use some food. Jenny, could you please try finding Siz something to eat? No matter what, she'll need something to keep her going..."

Yu Narukami, Devon, Garm, Ella, Cadolbolg, Annie and etc.
Shadow Wanderer.
Location: Shadow Zone | Operation Theater.
If Devon was conscious she would have been touched by Annie's taking her off to the side, but she was unfortunately still on that threshold. The stopping of the combat for a bit, though, gave her a small chance to start recovering.

Ella'd thoroughly had enough, though, and she went to contact the only other person she could readily trust over the rings: Teri."Teri, are you busy tomorrow? When we get back from this last fight, I want to talk to you about something involving replacing Devon's wardrobe with one that DOESN'T encourage bullshit macho headlong charges." It may be catching Teri at a bad time, but she needed to work this out NOW. She wasn't about to let this happen a third time, and Ella watched Ishtar go away as she held her halberd in a defensive position. After all, there could be a chance that this was done with.

"Annie, would you mind helping repay Devon's favor tomorrow night? It won't be too much." Her walk led her back to near where Annie and Devon were, hoping to keep the pair defended. Unlike Yu, Deadshot, Cadolbolg, and Garm, these two were hardly in a position to move around.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Deadshot, Devon, Garm, Ella, Cadolbolg, Annie, Yu
Shadow Wanderer.
Location: Shadow Zone | Operation Theater.
"And there's the Safeword..." Deadshot cooed as he climbed down from his Sniping Spot as [Null] left to rejoin the Darkness.
A quick few vaults over chairs and audience barriers, he had rejoined the rest of the Crew, Citing "See...This is why I always need Ammo in fights..." as he marveled at the number of hits he scored on Wanderer, If it wasn't the for the face he was a freaky ass mutant, he would have been dead by now.
He also ignored the presence of Annie for the most part, giving her the cold shoulder treatment.

"Alright Doc, Get facing your Inner Demons before I give you a Prostate Exam with this thing..." He threatened as he motioned to this gun, kinda hoping he could use this as a chance to get a few more shots in on the man who more or less stopped him from getting his paycheck for San Andreas.
David West, Melethia, Jenny, Constance, Cz
Location: Rising Dawn | Med-bay.
"Yeah, they usually are..." David remarked as he poured cold water on his face to wake him up a little as Mel got to work.
"Here, I'll make the lunch run. Who wants what?" He then asked as Jenny answered "I think there are some High Calorie Rations in the back of the pantry in the kitchen. Mightn't be the tastiest, but they'll work wonders."
"*Shudders* God I remember those from Boot Camp...ewwww...And yourself?"
"Just a Poffin or two, bring one for Cz, if she doesn't have the Ration, she can have that."
"Fair enough. Mel, Constance, Want anything?" David then asked before he set out.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
To make oneself equal.
The Lone Wanderer, Shawn Vs Shadow Shawn.
Location: Shadow Realm, Operation Theatar.
Sad music to fit the theme. []

The room's lights came on and the atmosphere began to feel a lot lighter to everyone else. The Wanderer started to walk back to his Shadow, he knew what was happening since they were linked. Still everyone was cautious but as the Wanderer walk past them still heavily bleeding, his glowing eyes were clear just like the blue sky of the Wastes where the two travelled in one body. When the Wanderer was on stage he coughed a bit, blood included.

"Stop ... stop fighting. This now is my battle." The Wanderer spoke with honesty towards the crowd in front of them. The Shadow's body began to fade away into black smoke and all there stood was a clone of the Wanderer. "I am the Shadow ... the true self." The Shadow said to his lighter half, the Wanderer smirked back at him. "Yeah ... I knew that from the beginning. We have a mission, a mission to make our world a better place, this lead to killing many people and soon this was the choice we took most. We masked it with good deeds and this make us the 'Messiah' of area. Yet soon we began to have a urge just to kill ... soon we killed people who did small tasks such as robbery. Yet that was our world, everything bad was met with force. When we came here we were scared just like the people back home, we wanted to kill bad people just like in our world. But one thing we must admit is that this isn't our world, this world is different and not all people are bad ... and with that we can learn to not kill them." The Wanderer and the Shadow looked towards Deadshot, the crew captured them and not killed them.

This was not the best thing about capturing Deadshot, the Wanderer did have an urge to kill him, yet they resisted, they forgot that they proved to themselves that they can resist this urge, thanks to a promise. "But we resisted this urge thanks to a small, single promise." The two looked towards Annie next. "I do admit that I have the bad habits from our world ... and I'm scared of this world all the more, but we can learn, we can improve just like before. We can be good, we can be the Alpha, we can be bad, we can be the Omega ... but only according to this world. Mercy is something we must grip more ... and as usual, we must learn more about this world." The Wanderer and Shadow looked at each other just like a mirror.

"That is the truth ... scared, angry, paranoid, we can learn to live with this and now in the way we know how." The Wanderer's smile grew and the Shadow nodded with him. "You are all of this, and I accept that. Together we can become a better person and protect the world once more, just like what Dad would have wanted ... what'cha say partner?" Wanderer thrust his hand out and the Shadow smirked evilly, but not too evilly. the two shook like honest men.

Finale music. []

Yet the most unexpected happened at that point, the two figures began to step back while still facing each other. "Still ... we have to play by the rules of the wastes in this special circumstance. I must serve justice and you must survive." The two took a barehanded fighting stance. "We must fight to truly end this nightmare!" The Wanderer called out. "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, known by many titles ... but the true name is Shawn Pitt! We must fight!!" The Wanderer called and the two ran at each other.

Their movements were mirrored perfectly as two fists flew past each other's heads. Taking this chance the Shadow immediately made his other fist fly towards the Wanderer, but there are differences in their fighting styles. The Shadow represents the urge to kill and survive, his movements consist of energy and pure adrenaline, while the Wanderer had more control over his movement and had heightened reflexes and control over his fighting. With this the Wanderer used the momentum to push the fist somewhere else and then began to unleash a flurry of attacks on the Shadow.

With five successful hits on the Shadow's torso and head, the Shadow simply smiled as black blood ran down his face. Yet a combat knife appeared in his hand and quickly took a swipe at the Wanderer, it was successful as it cut his cheek and another for his arm. The Wanderer smiled too seeing his desperate side fight. Jumping back with a handstand and multiple athletic maneuvers the Wanderer had thrown multiple throwing knives at the Shadow whilst doing this.

Seeing the knives the Shadow dodged with speed, but without control some hit him directly in the legs, arms and torso. Shortly after the knives faded away back into their invisible inventories. The two then pulled out two pistols onto each other, giving a sly wink the Shadow began to fire away, but it was an easy task for the Wanderer to mirror the shot projectiles, the bullets flew into each other and bounced off in multiple directions. More bullets flew as the speed of the fight picked up.

They began to use many weapons from their giant stockade, from machine guns to as massive variety of melee weapons, changing to grenades and mines. At the end they were firing laser pistols and miniguns at each other. The two were huffing and puffing as they saw many cuts and wounds scatter on the body. Bones were broke and bullet holes bled, even critical damage was scored on each other with burnt facial flesh and brain matter scattered over the operation stage.

Still, they smiled at each other impressed with the other half. It was as if their fighting was a intense argument unfolding in front of the rescue/rescued crew. Knowing the last weapon that they had they looked at each other and gained their fighting stance once more, but both side had the intention to finish it. "The end is here" They said at the same time, they lifted their Pipboy's and began to doing multiple button presses.

With on button push it looked like that multiple portals had opened up around the two figures.
Was the two words the two yelled at each other, soon all the weapons in their invisible inventory began to fire out of the portals in a seemingly infinite amount. The two figures could not be seen as bullets, grenades, spears, swords, knives and all the ammo and weapons they seemed to have just flew into each other but disappeared as it hit where the other stood.

Then suddenly silence.
Two figures still stood.
Each had many holes and weapons sticking out of each other.
When the weapons began to fade the bodies fell to the ground.
Blood began to pour onto the stage but it was attracted to each other and met in the middle.
The two knew that each other was still smiling. Though a sudden light filled the stage as the Shadow smiled and began to fade into a blue light. The Wanderer looked up as the light moved over him, it was a single card, the Wanderer did not know what the card meant, but it spoke to him. It was the Justice arcana. With the card hovering over him it spawned a rather large being over the body of the wanderer.

Looking at it in amazement the Wanderer saw the Gundam fade into the card which slowly drifted into the Wanderer's hand. He had accepted himself, finally. It felt warm. Closing his palm the card was gone and the light faded away.
Was a loud laugh that emitted from the Doctor as he stared at the ceiling with a smile.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Deadshot, Devon, Garm, Ella, Cadolbolg, Annie, Yu, Wanderer
Location: Shadow Zone | Operation Theater
"...Okay, that's my dose of weird for the day..." Deadshot mused, not really sure what the hell Wanderer just did, but it seemed to work.
Considering that Mission Compete, he said "Hey! French Red Wine! (Mitsuru) Mission Compete, now get us the hell out of here!".
After sending that order, he then hung back away from the group, not really knowing what mood they were in after he more or less left them to die.
"Hey, Wanderer, When you are done, The Tranny (Devon) could use a hand and seeing how you were the one who put him there..." He then snarked, doing his best to kill his enemy's Buzz.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009

Yu Narukami, Wanderer/Shawn, Deadshot, Devon, Ella, Cadolbolg, Garm and Annie.
Location: Shadow Realm, Operation Theatar.
Looking back to see Deadshot making fun of the Wanderer, he remembered that Deadshot did run away and cause more problems for Mitsuru and the Shadow Operatives. "If anyone caused a problem it was you." He gave the coldest stare to Deadshot. "You weren't injured at all, in fact in the last battle you ran away ... if anyone needs to do something it is you." Yu called him out, Izanagi faded out behind him and Yu placed his double-handed Katana in a more relaxed position.

"Beside ... your face said that you enjoyed shooting him, but look at him, even after all of that and that last battle. He is tough and I haven't seen much from you. It even seems your Persona wants to kill you." Yu tried to burn him more deeper as he walked slowly to the Wanderer to see if he was alright, but he saw everyone else tend to Devon. Yet the Wanderer was on stage, with a strange syringe in him and began to move. Blood was a puddle deep around him.

"What are you doing?" Yu asked with concern and the Wanderer shook his head. "Ah ... I'm fine, I just need to stay still for a minute or two ... " His face then twitched with pain. "Stay still, I'm sure you will be find." Yu said with a calming smile. "Thanks ... the name is Shawn Pitt by the way ... just call me Wanderer or ... Doc S." He stretched a bloody hand to Yu, in which Yu shook. "Yu .. Yu Narukami, nice to meet you. Yu said and sat beside Wanderer ... mostly away from the pool of blood.

The Wanderer himself felt like kicking Deadshot in the balls ... with the "Bloody mess" perk activated. Yet the only thing that came into his mind was the name of his persona. "Kannon ... huh. Lets ... do ... great things, together." He said as his eyes closed.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010

Melethia, David, Jenny, Constance, and Siz.
Location: Rising Dawn | Med-bay .
"Oh, I'll take the same thing as Jenny if that's okay."Like it or not, she did need a bite to eat and David was offering. And as David left, Melethia quickly got the night-lights set up in the room. They weren't extravagant, but they ensured there was at least a bit of light in the whole room.

"So Jenny, are you feeling okay here? I mean, most of my compounds don't quite seem as strong, but it's nothing compared to you losing your more esoteric talents." Again, there was that odd way of her showing concern.

Yu Narukami, Devon, Garm, Ella, Cadolbolg, Annie and etc.
Shadow Wanderer.
Location: Shadow Zone | Operation Theater.
Deadshot's comment didn't go unheard, and he was met with a rather pissed-off Ella. "Deadshot, could we make it rather clear before we have to go to violence that you need to pick a better name for her? Last I checked, that wasn't any choice that she made, and she did patch your hide up when we first got to you. Hell, if it wasn't for her, we would have just left you in here for the night." At the end of that statement, there was a bit of stirring over near Annie...

Lo and behold, Devon's luck seemed to finally pull through, although it was exceedingly clear that even with healing that having her in any fight would be a horrible idea. There's only so much someone can get attacked like that, you know?

[color=00c863]"Okay... maybe I should try to be a bit tougher...I know I could have made it if I had more stamina..."If I just had the balls to shrug it off...[/color] It was hard to tell from people that weren't too familiar to Devon, but she was on a turning point in her mentality. After all, the only thing that was making her at least part of a man was how she acted, and she was trying her best to keep that going. Too bad for her Ella already had some plans to change that before the Bard went for a hat trick on dying tonight.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Deadshot, Yu Narukami, Wanderer/Shawn, Devon, Ella, Cadolbolg, Garm and Annie.
Location: Shadow Realm, Operation Theater.
"And There it is: The Reason I actually wanted to go to Prison. Fan-fucking-Sastic..." Deadshot rolled his eyes as Yu and Ella began to berate him for desertion and his choice of words for describing Devon.
It was then that Annie made a stand for him in a bid to maybe win him back(???).
"Hey Annie!...If I want your fucking opinion, I'll ask for it. Look, you guys do whatever. I'm just going to find the portal I used to get back here. Good night." He then said before turning his back on the crew for the second time that night as well as violently rejecting his former friend.
"Well, There goes any chance for Backup or Emotional support."
Ahhh...Still knocking about in my head, huh?
"You know it. They could help you, you know. Hell, Annie needed Help, Wanderer needed Help..."
And I need it?
"It helps."
Didn't help in Moscow, did it?...

Thus Deadshot started to backtrack to the Portal Mitsuru set up for him to get back here.

Rising Dawn: Canteen: Rugal, Jake, Akane, Imps

"Alright, Be right back." David said as he got his list of orders and went down to the Canteen, letting out a large depressed sigh once he was out in the hallway.
Floor Cleaner...what was I thinking?...Shoulda went with Varnish... He thought as he turned the corner and entered the canteen.
"-So there I was, Covered head to toe in Mud and Pigshit and surrounded by, like, 20 South African police guards. And The CO walks over to me right and is all like *Ahem* "Rugal Bernstein, I place under arrest.".
So then I say "Yeah, And I'll place MY Foot up your ass!" And even though I'm covered in Mud and shit, He STILL let me off without so much as ticket. God I love Africa!"
Rugal loudly laughed as he talked to the Imps about his exploits before joining the Rising Dawn.
"Well, you sound cheery." David remarked, this having been the first time he met up with Rugal since the two of them faced their Shadows.
"Loving Family, Good Company, saving the world, what's not to be happy about? Heheheh..."
"...Yeah...yeah indeed...." the Sniper moped as he went to get the food for the Medical bay.

Before Rugal could start another zany story, He saw a pair of the Ship's regulars enter.
"JAKEY! AKANE! God, how the hell are ya?! Man, Feels like forever! Hey, Scorch, get the high flying Duo here a drink and a bite, huh?" Rugal loudly shouted as the Pilot and the Kitsune entered before offering the pair of them a seat.
Right from the get-go, they noticed that Rugal wasn't...well, Rugal.

Rising Dawn: Medbay: Jenny, Melethia, Cz, Constance

Jenny was at first confused, but soon copped on to what Melethia was saying.
"Oh, you mean my powers? Well...Truth be told, I haven't really noticed..." She said, avoiding disclosing the fact that she hadn't even seen her Persona yet.
"Besides, I'm not really a "Front Lines" sorta gal anyway so it doesn't really affect me..."


New member
Jul 19, 2010
OOC said:
Rising Dawn: Canteen: Rugal, David, Jake, Akane, Imps
Jake put his glasses back on after rubbing his eyes. Either he had been dreaming a really long time, Or Rugal was changing powerlevels again with his now white hair. Turning to Akane, she merely shrugged.

"G'day Rugal? You bleaching ya hair or did ya go supersaiyin or somethin'? And feels like forever? It has been forever if me watch and PC ain't lyin'. I'm debatin' going after Red Mage and killin' him, again just for mixin' our worlds up and fuckin' with me head. So, ya still a good guy then eh? Give us a rundown on who's who in tha zoo, and tha bad guy of the week eh? Oh yeah, bottle of sake fer us I guess." He said as he jumped on a stool and placed his hat on the bar.

Akane sat beside him, her head hanging low. She still felt empty, she had no clue where her knights were.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Canteen: Rugal, David, Jake, Akane, Imps

"Yep, Still Good and Just Bleached, Figured if I'm going to go Grey, I might as well do it now then later, you get me?" Rugal joked as the Imps brought over a nice warm bottle.
"Besides, our powers went to our Personas. Granted, I could still beat a man to death, just without my Ki skills. You guys get yours sorted yet?..." He asked as he poured them all a shot of Sake.
"To Health!" He proclaimed before knocking it back, letting out a sigh of pleasure afterwards.
"Ahhh...Ain't Red wine, but it doesn't have to be. Say, were you even with us when we met with Philemon's people?" He then asked before refilling his own glass.


New member
Jul 19, 2010
Rising Dawn: Canteen: Rugal, David, Jake, Akane, Imps


Jake and Akane both toasted as they downed their shots as well. Jake was the first to speak and in a tired and defeated tone.

"Mate, you are far too happy to be Rugal Bernstein. Dafuq happened? As for us... We both pretty much just came to in my room, Akane in the bed and me taking a dirtnap on the floor with a blanket and not much else. We both agree that I'm not the highest tier of Author out there, to which I owe Red Mage another fucking beatdown, and explains our absence. Now then, Persona... Videogame series, Japan, bad guys are the evil side of yourself known as a shadow, gotta "kill" yourself to summon your own persona to kick the shadows arse... Nope. Count me out, I've done enough of that shit fightin' me own shadows and those of others. I remember that friggin' temple, I ain't goin' down that road again. If I gotta fight, I'll have to bullshit something with me Author powers."

"Matakun... Jake is right. I've got enough on my mind without fighting myself. Have you heard from the Order or Aftan or Gabrielle? Anything?" Akane asked sadly.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Canteen: Rugal, David, Jake, Akane, Imps

Rugal chuckled slightly as he sipped his second shot.
"You're right, I am too Happy to be Rugal Bernstein. See, Rugal Bernstein was able to FINALLY put down the parts of his mind and soul that stopped him from being "Happy". And I'm loving every second of it. Like I was born again." He answered as he leaned back in his chair.
"Still, It's annoying but the "Killing" yourself thing isn't too back. It's literally just pointing a toy gun to your head. Ain't nothing special. As for Shadows, We're more about prevention then sure. Someone made a Virus that turns normal into Shadow Demon, we're going to help find that person and...Well, you know yourself. Heheheh..." He coyly laughed as he took another sip.

"Still, I know Teri and Devon were having a hard time summoning anything with their Author Powers, outside of a Shadow Realm at least. Just stick close and keep a gun handy and you'll be Graaaaaaaaaaand." He explained as he thought about the Order.
"Nah, still haven't heard anything from them. All I know is after we captured Deadshot and a Woman named "Annie" nearly destroyed Las Venturas, we were brought here." He added, leaving out the part where he brutally water-boarded the latter.


New member
Jul 19, 2010
Rising Dawn: Canteen: Rugal, David, Jake, Akane, Imps

"Soka..." Akane said sadly, downing another shot of sake. She jumped as Jake placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Oi, don't be so down. We'll find 'em eventually. We'll help out here then drag the crew to help us, Gods know it's about time we lead a friggin' quest fer once." Jake said to the Kitsune. She sighed.
"I know. It just feels like loosing home again..."
"Oh cool, we captured Deadshot? Pity I stand by the Geneva convention, I'd love to kill that bastard... Right then Mr Happy Rugal, who tha fuck are on the crew this time round?"


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Canteen: Rugal, David, Jake, Akane, Imps

"Yeah...Damn Geneva Convention, takes all the fun out of war..." Rugal cursed, clearly seeing that Jake didn't know of what he did with Annie and that can of Petrol (bit of reading if you are up for it).
"Well, now that I think about it, Philemon DID mention granting us all a single wish once this was all over. Seeing how he was able to bring us here, I can't imagine finding your "Bedmates" would be too much trouble for him." He then said to Akane, remembering his own Endgame in the process.
"As for Deadshot, I think he might also have been recruited as part of Philemon's effort. He just got dragged along while we were trying to get him to UNIT so...just keep that in mind. If you do take a shot at him...Well...Accidents do happen..." He smirked, it seemed like "Happy" Rugal wasn't too hung up on the Rule book...


New member
Jul 19, 2010
Rising Dawn: Canteen: Rugal, David, Jake, Akane, Imps

"Heh, well funny thing 'bout that, technically I'm a merc at the moment, a vigilante, so Geneva don't apply to me if I get caught. Still, got my morals..."

Akane let her glass hit the bar hard. "A wish? Where is this Phile-" She started, fire in her voice until Jake suddenly cut her off.
"Do you forget just who I am?" he said coldly. "An Author of the Avatar Adventure. I wrote you, I created you. No. I will not let you face your Persona. DO you know what would happen? You would be beaten certainly by her grief and wrath. Whose daughter are you? Huh? You think I would let your wrath, that of the daughter of Jack, Grim Reaper and SIN OF WRATH free after your world was destroyed by your hand, and your knights lost by your inaction? This world, and the next, and the next, and every world after would BURN in your search after it consumed you. I will not-"

The sound of the slap echoed through the Canteen as Jake was sent sprawling to the ground. Akane stood over him, tears welling up in her eyes as she held a flaming hand aloft.

"I can't. I... Can't. They are locked to me, I can't just summon them out of thin air. I need Dissie. They're his characters." Jake said, defeated.

Akane let the fire die out from her hand and slumped back onto her seat, sobbing. As Jake got to his feet he sighed. "Take solace in the fact you found someone. I highly doubt I'll ever find love again. I'll be on the bridge if anyone wants me."

Akane turned to the bottle of sake and started drinking as Jake stormed out of the room.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Canteen: Rugal, David, Jake, Akane, Imps

...He Honestly found THESE people better then the members of the Cartel?...Tsh, I'm starting to wonder if he got hit in the head too many times...
Rugal thought as he shook his head as Jake stormed off, leaving him with Akane.
"...If it's any help, He has no idea what he is talking about. Just letting Emotions get in the way. Shadow Fights aren't that bad, provided you know what you are going up against. Hell, look at me." He said, making the case for Akane competely disregarding Jake's advice.
"And even better, All we need to do is just find out who was making that Virus and Philemon will have to follow though on his offer. And on top of that, Just use an Evoker. Persona in a Can. Get the facts before you make a decision. It's clear he didn't..." He added as he took another sip, seemingly slightly smug about knowing more then Jake did.

"...You really miss them, don't you?..."


New member
Jul 19, 2010
Rising Dawn: Canteen: Rugal, David, Akane, Imps

Akane dried her tears on her sleeve. "I do miss them. They are the first people I opened up to since I was rescued by Jack... When I caused the destruction of my world. Jake's not wrong you know. We both had bad fights in the Angel War... The shadows in the Temple of Light forest... I don't know. I will have to think about it all. And to top it all off, we've just been floating because of another level of author above us. It's just not fair..."


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Canteen: Rugal, David, Akane, Imps

....Hm...I don't think I'm needed for much tonight... Rugal thought as a plan formed in his mind, seeing how he was finally in control, he might as well make the most of it.
And seeing how Slindis was still mad at him for his actions with Annie, Akane would have to do.
"...Indeed...Such a insane world, isn't it?...Must be hard, being without someone to bare though it with..." He started as he refilled Akane's Sake before doing the same to his own.
"....Heh...Wouldn't think you walked among us for 6 centuries...would you?..." He complimented before brushing part of her hair behind her ear as he looked into her.
"While Aftan and Gabrielle mightn't be here, you shouldn't dwell on it so much. Does that mean you stop looking? Of course not, but I think I would speak for them when I say that they wouldn't like to see you like this, in a near constant state of despair."

He then placed his hand on top of hers and added "If you'd like, I do believe I could help you with that." before smiling and tapping his glass with hers.
Her years of experience allowed her to see what was going on: Rugal was hitting on her.


New member
Jul 19, 2010
Diablo1099 said:
Rising Dawn: Canteen: Rugal, David, Akane, Imps

Akane looked down at Rugal's big hand covering her own. She looked back up at him, letting the sadness fall from her face into a mischievous smile. She winked before leaning in close, letting her lips brush his ear tantalizingly. "Ara ara~... You are different Rugal-kun~! But you made 3 mistakes... 1, I'm not that old! 2, I'm not looking or you would have known and 3, I'm not alone. Jake always looks out for me, even in his odd ways. I am a Kitsune, a trickster goddess of love, so they'll understand of course, but right now, do you really want to go through with this~? Are you man enough to handle even just one of my tails~?" she purred, sweeping a fluffy golden tail across his face as she pulled back, never letting her hand move from underneath his. A second and third tail coiled around his legs, working their way up, teasingly warm...

Maybe too warm. Rugal could feel the heat in his hand as well, but was slightly more worried about the two tails rising towards a certain delicate spot...


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Canteen: Rugal, David, Akane, Imps

Beats Hookers in Shanghai, that's for sure. Rugal smirked as the foreplay began.
Sure, the heat was tough to bare, especially with Akane's application.
"1. My Statement still stands. 2. That's still not a No. 3. You definitely won't be tonight..." He said as he stoked one of her many tails, Never breaking eye contact and his expression not changing in the slightest.
"Finally, you assume that you are talking to a mere man but..." He said before gripping one of her tails firmly and tugging on it, just enough to give her a jolt and take her out of her comfort zone.
"...{You are actually talking to a King.}" He finished, adding a little Japanese to the end for the Culture Bonus before he finished his drink and sat up.
"[sub]If you think you are up for it, you know where to find me.[/sub]" He finished before walking away from the Kitsune, intent on playing the role of "Hard to get".

The second he was out of sight however, he let out an amused gasp at how those tails just where to go.
hoooooooolllly shitttt.... He silently stuttered as he returned to his room, shaking his hand from how hot that Tail was.
All the while, he felt his head begin to hurt slightly...