rayen020 said:
What you mean aside from the multi-player challenges, interesting maps, great level design, Attention to detail, and story? What was broken?
And honestly the single player campaign is the entire game! it's an military FPS! If the Campaign is good, its a good game.
Multiplayer challenges aren't exactly new.
Interesting maps? Where? They're mostly asymmetrical campfests, with the worst spawnpoints I've seen in a long time.
Level design in the CoD games, even the good ones, is pretty bad. CoD4 had nice set pieces and CoD2 had fun bits, but the rest are god-awful. Any FPS game that has to funnel players through single corridors with infinitely-spawning enemies has failed at level design.
CoD's attention to detail and story...? Please tell me you're joking. The WWII CoD games revolve around WWII, and the modern-era ones are like straight-to-DVD action films. Bad story, bad writing, and so on.
The entire multiplayer is broken in MW2 and Black Ops. Balance is out of the window, as are connections, matchmaking, spawn systems, etc.
Simple FPS games like this don't survive because of the campaign, and it's rarely the strong point. If the whole game is good, the game is good. You don't call a meal good when you have an appetising steak and fecal matter on the same plate.
fingerbang143 said:
army of two 40th day, simply pathetic
I wouldn't go so far to say it's the WORST. At least it's somewhat funny when played with a friend, though the reason it's funny is because it's so ridiculously bad.
To whoever said it, thanks for reminding me - Perfect Dark Zero definitely rates highly among the worst games ever for me, as does Final Fantasy XIII. That game is fucking DIRE.