The misinterpretation of evolution


New member
May 27, 2009
kouriichi said:
created us through evolution.
And this would be why your not a creationist.
Creationism and Evolution are opposite beliefs and you cannot believe in both.
If you think something guided Evolution your still not a Creationist.

I don't mean to sound harsh by linking web definitions and would normally use a dictionary (to late sadly XD)

The belief that the universe and living organisms originate from specific acts of divine creation, as in the biblical account, rather than by natural processes such as evolution

the doctrine that matter and all things were created, substantially as they now exist, by an omnipotent Creator, and not gradually evolved or developed.

Creationism is the religious doctrine, opposed to naturalistic evolution, that life on this planet was created by a special, unique act of God. Creationism goes beyond this traditional religious belief, however, in asserting that this belief can be proven empirically and scientifically. (there is a second section to this definition however it is not nice for any believers so I left it out)


New member
Sep 5, 2010
cdstephens said:
kouriichi said:
renegade7 said:
kouriichi said:
Levski7 said:
kouriichi said:
I believe we were created by something beyond our comprehension.

I could call it "god" just as much as i could call it "fate", "luck", "metaphysical-aliens", or "The flying spaghetti monster".

The chances of our planet being in perfect distance of the sun to have constant liquid water on the surface, have life develop on it from thoughtless chains of atoms, to develop the perfect oxygen atmosphere and then on top of that, for us to NOT be destroyed by one of the countless (literally countless) meteors hurling through space is beyond the realm of "just happening".

And Creationism isnt the belief it happened in a matter of days. Its just that a supernatural being started it. And yes, "evolution" did most of the work after the foundation was laid.
Life gets wiped out pretty commonly on earth, and it's 'perfect oxygen levels' haven't always been here, only after a major extinction. The point is that the earth isn't and wasn't made for our perfect standards. It's literally a coincidence that the conditions were right for life to begin and adapt to the constant hazards. Do you really think that in the universe, with countless galaxies, unthinkable amounts of stars and mind-boggling amounts of planets that there wouldn't be at least one planet with the right requirements for life to evolve from nothing more than a chain of acids?
Lol. I mean for us to exist.
Yes, its all scientifically explainable.
But that doesnt make it anyless random. What are the chances we, HUMANS sit here to day?
The chances of life existing on a planet alone are so astronomical its not even worth knowing.

Its not that it all happened. Its that it all happened perfectly, for us to exist. If the planet were 10 degrees hotter when the protoplasmic creatures were first forming, we might not even exist. The evolution of them could be so radically different we wouldnt even resemble humans.

The "coincidence" of it all happening one after another after another for billions of years is what makes it so..... unbelievable. That everything is happened the way it should for us to be here now.
We exist BECAUSE of those circumstances, not in spite of them. True, it is random that they were like that, and the chances actually are higher than you'd think, but if they hadn't been like that we wouldn't be here to think about it.
Actually, theyre probably WORSE then i think. xD
What are the chances a planet is in the perfect spot to have liquid water without it instantly evaporating?
Now what are the chances that life forms on that planet?
Now what are the chances that something horribly catastrophic doesnt happen to said planet and all the life on it?

Yes, we exist because of those circumstances. I wont argue that. But i believe the chance of it happening is just TO random xD
If those things didn't happen, we wouldn't observe those things happening because we wouldn't exist.

It's only seen convenient because those are the requirements for us to exist.
Like i said. Im not going do argue with any science here, because my belief isnt scientific xD
I believe its just to much to happen randomly.
Even if i were there to sit and watch it all happen, i would still call it unbelievable. Because its so much chance to happen, i cant believe it.

I can understand it, but that doesnt make it any less amazing xD

Hides His Eyes

New member
Jul 26, 2011
kouriichi said:
Levski7 said:
kouriichi said:
Levski7 said:
kouriichi said:
Levski7 said:
kouriichi said:
Levski7 said:
kouriichi said:
I believe we were created by something beyond our comprehension.

I could call it "god" just as much as i could call it "fate", "luck", "metaphysical-aliens", or "The flying spaghetti monster".

The chances of our planet being in perfect distance of the sun to have constant liquid water on the surface, have life develop on it from thoughtless chains of atoms, to develop the perfect oxygen atmosphere and then on top of that, for us to NOT be destroyed by one of the countless (literally countless) meteors hurling through space is beyond the realm of "just happening".

And Creationism isnt the belief it happened in a matter of days. Its just that a supernatural being started it. And yes, "evolution" did most of the work after the foundation was laid.
Life gets wiped out pretty commonly on earth, and it's 'perfect oxygen levels' haven't always been here, only after a major extinction. The point is that the earth isn't and wasn't made for our perfect standards. It's literally a coincidence that the conditions were right for life to begin and adapt to the constant hazards. Do you really think that in the universe, with countless galaxies, unthinkable amounts of stars and mind-boggling amounts of planets that there wouldn't be at least one planet with the right requirements for life to evolve from nothing more than a chain of acids?
Lol. I mean for us to exist.
Yes, its all scientifically explainable.
But that doesnt make it anyless random. What are the chances we, HUMANS sit here to day?
The chances of life existing on a planet alone are so astronomical its not even worth knowing.

Its not that it all happened. Its that it all happened perfectly, for us to exist. If the planet were 10 degrees hotter when the protoplasmic creatures were first forming, we might not even exist. The evolution of them could be so radically different we wouldnt even resemble humans.

The "coincidence" of it all happening one after another after another for billions of years is what makes it so..... unbelievable. That everything is happened the way it should for us to be here now.
Yes it did. You're not actually making a point here, just reinforcing how baffled you are by the statistics and the odds. If the planet were ten degrees hotter, then life may not even still exist in this hypothetical earth by now, but the point is when you compare it to the astronomical, unimaginably horribly gigantic amount of planets in the universe, it seems more probable that we exist. No reason to run off needing a divine reason for it. We're the result of pretty much just physics.
Well thats the thing about it though. For us to exist, an uncountable amount of coincidences would have to occur. The odds of it happening are so outrageous, there is no number for it.

Forgive me for believing there is something more then "IT JUST HAPPENED". xD Like i said. Its not "god". Its not something i can comprehend. And thats why you can call me a "creationist".
You need a reason for it, so you're turning to creationism. Cool.
Well theres a reason for everything. Car crash, birds fly, music is vibration of sound, and Britney Spears shaved her head. All have reasons. To say, "this all happened for no reason other then chance", makes very little sense to me xD

And its less of "Im a creationist :D", as it is a "Creationist is the closest term". Im not a "creationist". I just believe the chances of it all happening the exact way it needed to for us to be here...... is not something so "random".
The reasons for those things you described happened due to physics and chance. Why can't you understand it?
Sigh. Its not that i DONT understand it. Its the CHANCES of it that i dont believe.
Even if life was bound to form somewhere, why HERE? On this planet. And then get wiped out, regrow, and eventually form Humans as we know them, without something horrible happening during that evolution time.

Its all too..... Convenient?
You don't understand it though. Why here? Why the hell not here? If it was bound to happen, it was bound to happen. Why in some other corner of the universe rather than here?


New member
Sep 5, 2010
weker said:
kouriichi said:
created us through evolution.
And this would be why your not a creationist.
Creationism and Evolution are opposite beliefs and you cannot believe in both.
If you think something guided Evolution your still not a Creationist.

I don't mean to sound harsh by linking web definitions and would normally use a dictionary (to late sadly XD)

The belief that the universe and living organisms originate from specific acts of divine creation, as in the biblical account, rather than by natural processes such as evolution

the doctrine that matter and all things were created, substantially as they now exist, by an omnipotent Creator, and not gradually evolved or developed.

Creationism is the religious doctrine, opposed to naturalistic evolution, that life on this planet was created by a special, unique act of God. Creationism goes beyond this traditional religious belief, however, in asserting that this belief can be proven empirically and scientifically. (there is a second section to this definition however it is not nice for any believers so I left it out)
"Creationism is the religious belief[1] that humanity, life, the Earth, and the universe are the creation of a supernatural being."

It is creationism.
Creationism doesnt dictate, "Poof humans existed". It dictates that through the supernatural beings power, humans exist, even if its through evolution.


New member
Apr 5, 2010
kouriichi said:
cdstephens said:
kouriichi said:
renegade7 said:
kouriichi said:
Levski7 said:
kouriichi said:
I believe we were created by something beyond our comprehension.

I could call it "god" just as much as i could call it "fate", "luck", "metaphysical-aliens", or "The flying spaghetti monster".

The chances of our planet being in perfect distance of the sun to have constant liquid water on the surface, have life develop on it from thoughtless chains of atoms, to develop the perfect oxygen atmosphere and then on top of that, for us to NOT be destroyed by one of the countless (literally countless) meteors hurling through space is beyond the realm of "just happening".

And Creationism isnt the belief it happened in a matter of days. Its just that a supernatural being started it. And yes, "evolution" did most of the work after the foundation was laid.
Life gets wiped out pretty commonly on earth, and it's 'perfect oxygen levels' haven't always been here, only after a major extinction. The point is that the earth isn't and wasn't made for our perfect standards. It's literally a coincidence that the conditions were right for life to begin and adapt to the constant hazards. Do you really think that in the universe, with countless galaxies, unthinkable amounts of stars and mind-boggling amounts of planets that there wouldn't be at least one planet with the right requirements for life to evolve from nothing more than a chain of acids?
Lol. I mean for us to exist.
Yes, its all scientifically explainable.
But that doesnt make it anyless random. What are the chances we, HUMANS sit here to day?
The chances of life existing on a planet alone are so astronomical its not even worth knowing.

Its not that it all happened. Its that it all happened perfectly, for us to exist. If the planet were 10 degrees hotter when the protoplasmic creatures were first forming, we might not even exist. The evolution of them could be so radically different we wouldnt even resemble humans.

The "coincidence" of it all happening one after another after another for billions of years is what makes it so..... unbelievable. That everything is happened the way it should for us to be here now.
We exist BECAUSE of those circumstances, not in spite of them. True, it is random that they were like that, and the chances actually are higher than you'd think, but if they hadn't been like that we wouldn't be here to think about it.
Actually, theyre probably WORSE then i think. xD
What are the chances a planet is in the perfect spot to have liquid water without it instantly evaporating?
Now what are the chances that life forms on that planet?
Now what are the chances that something horribly catastrophic doesnt happen to said planet and all the life on it?

Yes, we exist because of those circumstances. I wont argue that. But i believe the chance of it happening is just TO random xD
If those things didn't happen, we wouldn't observe those things happening because we wouldn't exist.

It's only seen convenient because those are the requirements for us to exist.
Like i said. Im not going do argue with any science here, because my belief isnt scientific xD
I believe its just to much to happen randomly.
Even if i were there to sit and watch it all happen, i would still call it unbelievable. Because its so much chance to happen, i cant believe it.

I can understand it, but that doesnt make it any less amazing xD
That reminds me of that one scene in Watchmen.

From the comic:

"Yes. Anybody in the world. ..But the world is so full of people, so crowded with these miracles that they become commonplace and we forget... I forget. We gaze continually at the world and it grows dull in our perceptions. Yet seen from the another's vantage point, as if new, it may still take our breath away. Come... dry your eyes, for you are life, rarer than a quark and unpredictable beyond the dreams of Heisenberg. Come, dry your eyes. And let's go home."


Answer Hazy, Ask Again Later
Jun 15, 2011
Delsana said:
Alright... I'll make this entirely simple.

A person adapts over time... and like a memory card that is written into their OWN DNA (not the strand theirs is based around) and that is of course saved and transmitted (if one of the successfully competing factors in the next child birthing process) to their offspring.

Adaptations occur very quickly, though not as quick as minutes or days or even months but quick in terms of the our lives.

As that adaptation settles it is saved just like our instruction manuals against diseases are saved.

Those are transmitted on and a thing called "resiliency" forms.

But that is adaptation or selective-evolution and very different than the theories you're trying to shove based on the evolutionary line and timeline of Humanity.

The Mitochondrial EVE dates back to the first, so by analyzing that genome we would obviously be able to then determine where IT first came from, and THAT has not been found in an indisputable manner as errors, gaps, and links of large or small size fail to connect and thus it is rendered implausible and time goes on.

THE GENOME has been mapped a long time ago, but the actual DNA extrapolation is something entirely different.
Er, no. What you just described is called 'Lamarckism', a model of evolution that has long since been replaced. Almost nothing you experience in your life will EVER cause heritable change in a given organism. Change that can be inherited happens overwhelmingly during the actual reproduction process as the genetic information in gametes is much more suceptible to transcription errors than the DNA of a fully developed individual (fun fact: the average human is born with 100 mutations not seen in either parent. The VAST majority of these mutations are benign with little noticeable effect in life).

While there is some resistance to disease that is based on genetics (CCR5-Ä32 being a very nice example, which grants resistance to Bubonic Plague and, ostensibly, HIV), the majority comes from the little detail that you shared bodily fluids and thus antibodies with your mother while in the womb conferring some of her resistance unto you. Even so, infants have a notably weaker immune system than almost anyone older than them. It's also worth noting that one of the simplest ways to boost an infant's natural immune system is to breastfeed them, which again shares the mother's antibodies with the infant.


New member
Sep 5, 2010
Levski7 said:
kouriichi said:
cdstephens said:
kouriichi said:
renegade7 said:
kouriichi said:
Levski7 said:
kouriichi said:
I believe we were created by something beyond our comprehension.

I could call it "god" just as much as i could call it "fate", "luck", "metaphysical-aliens", or "The flying spaghetti monster".

The chances of our planet being in perfect distance of the sun to have constant liquid water on the surface, have life develop on it from thoughtless chains of atoms, to develop the perfect oxygen atmosphere and then on top of that, for us to NOT be destroyed by one of the countless (literally countless) meteors hurling through space is beyond the realm of "just happening".

And Creationism isnt the belief it happened in a matter of days. Its just that a supernatural being started it. And yes, "evolution" did most of the work after the foundation was laid.
Life gets wiped out pretty commonly on earth, and it's 'perfect oxygen levels' haven't always been here, only after a major extinction. The point is that the earth isn't and wasn't made for our perfect standards. It's literally a coincidence that the conditions were right for life to begin and adapt to the constant hazards. Do you really think that in the universe, with countless galaxies, unthinkable amounts of stars and mind-boggling amounts of planets that there wouldn't be at least one planet with the right requirements for life to evolve from nothing more than a chain of acids?
Lol. I mean for us to exist.
Yes, its all scientifically explainable.
But that doesnt make it anyless random. What are the chances we, HUMANS sit here to day?
The chances of life existing on a planet alone are so astronomical its not even worth knowing.

Its not that it all happened. Its that it all happened perfectly, for us to exist. If the planet were 10 degrees hotter when the protoplasmic creatures were first forming, we might not even exist. The evolution of them could be so radically different we wouldnt even resemble humans.

The "coincidence" of it all happening one after another after another for billions of years is what makes it so..... unbelievable. That everything is happened the way it should for us to be here now.
We exist BECAUSE of those circumstances, not in spite of them. True, it is random that they were like that, and the chances actually are higher than you'd think, but if they hadn't been like that we wouldn't be here to think about it.
Actually, theyre probably WORSE then i think. xD
What are the chances a planet is in the perfect spot to have liquid water without it instantly evaporating?
Now what are the chances that life forms on that planet?
Now what are the chances that something horribly catastrophic doesnt happen to said planet and all the life on it?

Yes, we exist because of those circumstances. I wont argue that. But i believe the chance of it happening is just TO random xD
If those things didn't happen, we wouldn't observe those things happening because we wouldn't exist.

It's only seen convenient because those are the requirements for us to exist.
Like i said. Im not going do argue with any science here, because my belief isnt scientific xD
I believe its just to much to happen randomly.
Even if i were there to sit and watch it all happen, i would still call it unbelievable. Because its so much chance to happen, i cant believe it.

I can understand it, but that doesnt make it any less amazing xD

I'm done here.
Exactly xD I CANT BELIEVE IT. Im not saying my supernatural being EXISTS and DICTATES EVERYTHING.
Im saying i personally, cant believe it. We've been arguing that for whats going to 20 minutes.


New member
May 27, 2009
kouriichi said:
"Creationism is the religious belief[1] that humanity, life, the Earth, and the universe are the creation of a supernatural being."

It is creationism.
Creationism doesnt dictate, "Poof humans existed". It dictates that through the supernatural beings power, humans exist, even if its through evolution.
Can you find a non Wikipedia based quote please.

Levski7 said:
What are you, 12?

Get these fucking comics out of this discussion, you stupid fuck.
There is no reason to insult him, please remain civil or you could get targeted by the mods.


New member
Sep 5, 2010
cdstephens said:
kouriichi said:
cdstephens said:
kouriichi said:
renegade7 said:
kouriichi said:
Levski7 said:
kouriichi said:
I believe we were created by something beyond our comprehension.

I could call it "god" just as much as i could call it "fate", "luck", "metaphysical-aliens", or "The flying spaghetti monster".

The chances of our planet being in perfect distance of the sun to have constant liquid water on the surface, have life develop on it from thoughtless chains of atoms, to develop the perfect oxygen atmosphere and then on top of that, for us to NOT be destroyed by one of the countless (literally countless) meteors hurling through space is beyond the realm of "just happening".

And Creationism isnt the belief it happened in a matter of days. Its just that a supernatural being started it. And yes, "evolution" did most of the work after the foundation was laid.
Life gets wiped out pretty commonly on earth, and it's 'perfect oxygen levels' haven't always been here, only after a major extinction. The point is that the earth isn't and wasn't made for our perfect standards. It's literally a coincidence that the conditions were right for life to begin and adapt to the constant hazards. Do you really think that in the universe, with countless galaxies, unthinkable amounts of stars and mind-boggling amounts of planets that there wouldn't be at least one planet with the right requirements for life to evolve from nothing more than a chain of acids?
Lol. I mean for us to exist.
Yes, its all scientifically explainable.
But that doesnt make it anyless random. What are the chances we, HUMANS sit here to day?
The chances of life existing on a planet alone are so astronomical its not even worth knowing.

Its not that it all happened. Its that it all happened perfectly, for us to exist. If the planet were 10 degrees hotter when the protoplasmic creatures were first forming, we might not even exist. The evolution of them could be so radically different we wouldnt even resemble humans.

The "coincidence" of it all happening one after another after another for billions of years is what makes it so..... unbelievable. That everything is happened the way it should for us to be here now.
We exist BECAUSE of those circumstances, not in spite of them. True, it is random that they were like that, and the chances actually are higher than you'd think, but if they hadn't been like that we wouldn't be here to think about it.
Actually, theyre probably WORSE then i think. xD
What are the chances a planet is in the perfect spot to have liquid water without it instantly evaporating?
Now what are the chances that life forms on that planet?
Now what are the chances that something horribly catastrophic doesnt happen to said planet and all the life on it?

Yes, we exist because of those circumstances. I wont argue that. But i believe the chance of it happening is just TO random xD
If those things didn't happen, we wouldn't observe those things happening because we wouldn't exist.

It's only seen convenient because those are the requirements for us to exist.
Like i said. Im not going do argue with any science here, because my belief isnt scientific xD
I believe its just to much to happen randomly.
Even if i were there to sit and watch it all happen, i would still call it unbelievable. Because its so much chance to happen, i cant believe it.

I can understand it, but that doesnt make it any less amazing xD
That reminds me of that one scene in Watchmen.

From the comic:

"Yes. Anybody in the world. ..But the world is so full of people, so crowded with these miracles that they become commonplace and we forget... I forget. We gaze continually at the world and it grows dull in our perceptions. Yet seen from the another's vantage point, as if new, it may still take our breath away. Come... dry your eyes, for you are life, rarer than a quark and unpredictable beyond the dreams of Heisenberg. Come, dry your eyes. And let's go home."
You see a bee, i see "HOLY CRAP IM GUNNA DIE *rushes for epinephrine before im even stung*"


New member
Apr 5, 2010
weker said:
kouriichi said:
"Creationism is the religious belief[1] that humanity, life, the Earth, and the universe are the creation of a supernatural being."

It is creationism.
Creationism doesnt dictate, "Poof humans existed". It dictates that through the supernatural beings power, humans exist, even if its through evolution.
Can you find a non Wikipedia based quote please.

It's hard to get more authoritative than a dictionary.

"a doctrine or theory holding that matter, the various forms of life, and the world were created by God out of nothing and usually in the way described in Genesis"

Hides His Eyes

New member
Jul 26, 2011
Levski7 said:
cdstephens said:
kouriichi said:
cdstephens said:
kouriichi said:
renegade7 said:
kouriichi said:
Levski7 said:
kouriichi said:
I believe we were created by something beyond our comprehension.

I could call it "god" just as much as i could call it "fate", "luck", "metaphysical-aliens", or "The flying spaghetti monster".

The chances of our planet being in perfect distance of the sun to have constant liquid water on the surface, have life develop on it from thoughtless chains of atoms, to develop the perfect oxygen atmosphere and then on top of that, for us to NOT be destroyed by one of the countless (literally countless) meteors hurling through space is beyond the realm of "just happening".

And Creationism isnt the belief it happened in a matter of days. Its just that a supernatural being started it. And yes, "evolution" did most of the work after the foundation was laid.
Life gets wiped out pretty commonly on earth, and it's 'perfect oxygen levels' haven't always been here, only after a major extinction. The point is that the earth isn't and wasn't made for our perfect standards. It's literally a coincidence that the conditions were right for life to begin and adapt to the constant hazards. Do you really think that in the universe, with countless galaxies, unthinkable amounts of stars and mind-boggling amounts of planets that there wouldn't be at least one planet with the right requirements for life to evolve from nothing more than a chain of acids?
Lol. I mean for us to exist.
Yes, its all scientifically explainable.
But that doesnt make it anyless random. What are the chances we, HUMANS sit here to day?
The chances of life existing on a planet alone are so astronomical its not even worth knowing.

Its not that it all happened. Its that it all happened perfectly, for us to exist. If the planet were 10 degrees hotter when the protoplasmic creatures were first forming, we might not even exist. The evolution of them could be so radically different we wouldnt even resemble humans.

The "coincidence" of it all happening one after another after another for billions of years is what makes it so..... unbelievable. That everything is happened the way it should for us to be here now.
We exist BECAUSE of those circumstances, not in spite of them. True, it is random that they were like that, and the chances actually are higher than you'd think, but if they hadn't been like that we wouldn't be here to think about it.
Actually, theyre probably WORSE then i think. xD
What are the chances a planet is in the perfect spot to have liquid water without it instantly evaporating?
Now what are the chances that life forms on that planet?
Now what are the chances that something horribly catastrophic doesnt happen to said planet and all the life on it?

Yes, we exist because of those circumstances. I wont argue that. But i believe the chance of it happening is just TO random xD
If those things didn't happen, we wouldn't observe those things happening because we wouldn't exist.

It's only seen convenient because those are the requirements for us to exist.
Like i said. Im not going do argue with any science here, because my belief isnt scientific xD
I believe its just to much to happen randomly.
Even if i were there to sit and watch it all happen, i would still call it unbelievable. Because its so much chance to happen, i cant believe it.

I can understand it, but that doesnt make it any less amazing xD
That reminds me of that one scene in Watchmen.

From the comic:

"Yes. Anybody in the world. ..But the world is so full of people, so crowded with these miracles that they become commonplace and we forget... I forget. We gaze continually at the world and it grows dull in our perceptions. Yet seen from the another's vantage point, as if new, it may still take our breath away. Come... dry your eyes, for you are life, rarer than a quark and unpredictable beyond the dreams of Heisenberg. Come, dry your eyes. And let's go home."
What are you, 12?

Get these fucking comics out of this discussion, you stupid fuck.

Someone hasn't read Watchmen, clearly.


New member
Nov 17, 2008
People listen to what they hear, and unfortunately that spans out to idiots running a majority of things and who don't know any better. Hell a majority still believe we use 10% of our brains when, ah, no we've known we use 100% of our brain for a while now.

Well most of us do, those who scream racist things certainly must be a few braincells and genes short of a banana.

And honestly if you don't believe in evolution the plain fact is, there's proof of it, lots of it, there's no missing link we have everything down to the bones to show the progression and then some. So if you don't believe that's like saying I don't believe in oxygen. It's a fact and you're just trying to substitute it with something else. Did a God do it? Well who the hell knows, I don't believe it (I believe what I see) but am I saying impossible? No.


New member
Sep 5, 2010
weker said:
kouriichi said:
"Creationism is the religious belief[1] that humanity, life, the Earth, and the universe are the creation of a supernatural being."

It is creationism.
Creationism doesnt dictate, "Poof humans existed". It dictates that through the supernatural beings power, humans exist, even if its through evolution.
Can you find a non Wikipedia based quote please.
Creationism isnt just "OMG GOD MADE IT".
Creationism is viewed as a multitude of different beliefs.

I dont believe in the bible. So i cant believe god mad everything.
Im a creationist because i believe something we cant comprehend helped the universe along.


New member
Apr 5, 2010
Levski7 said:
Hides His Eyes said:

Someone hasn't read Watchmen, clearly.
I tried it, I hated it.

What can I say?
You could not insult people who read it?

kouriichi said:
weker said:
kouriichi said:
"Creationism is the religious belief[1] that humanity, life, the Earth, and the universe are the creation of a supernatural being."

It is creationism.
Creationism doesnt dictate, "Poof humans existed". It dictates that through the supernatural beings power, humans exist, even if its through evolution.
Can you find a non Wikipedia based quote please.
Creationism isnt just "OMG GOD MADE IT".
Creationism is viewed as a multitude of different beliefs.

I dont believe in the bible. So i cant believe god mad everything.
Im a creationist because i believe something we cant comprehend helped the universe along.
You can still believe God made everything without believing in the Bible. You'd just believe in a non-Christian God (or non-Judeo-Christian God if the Bible refers to all three religious texts).


Answer Hazy, Ask Again Later
Jun 15, 2011
kouriichi said:
Creationism is the religious belief[1] that humanity, life, the Earth, and the universe are the creation of a supernatural being."

It is creationism.
Creationism doesnt dictate, "Poof humans existed". It dictates that through the supernatural beings power, humans exist, even if its through evolution.
Er, no. If you believe that a supernatural power used evolution to make humans you believe in Theistic Evolution. As per the very wikipedia article you quoted, Creationism is defined by its opposition to evolutionary theory.