The misinterpretation of evolution


New member
Sep 24, 2008
cdstephens said:
Levski7 said:
MysticToast said:
This thread is a perfect example of why I have a hard time believing in evolution- most of you can't even agree on what we're supposed to believe!

I was raised as a Christian and still believe all that stuff but I've seen more and more evidence that points to evolution being something that may have happened. One thing I've never understood is why people don't believe God could have guided evolution; or at least played a part in it.
Evolution in itself goes against the sayings of all religions, eg, the world was not made in seven fucking days, nor is it 4000 years fucking old. So, to believe in a god associated with any religion and believe in evolution is contradictory.
Many people hold a non-literalist view of the Bible.

For example, I think that most people during the time Genesis was written by whoever wrote the Torah (Moses?) would be more likely to believe a creation myth that most everyone in the world believed than a theory on evolution, no? It's just a demonstration of God's power with lessons like "It's our own damn fault we're evil."

As another example, there are a few people, Judaists and Christians alike, who believe that Job did not exist.
I'd love to see the debate between these competing groups. I bet you it would be filled with lots of science, rational thought, and bucketloads of evidence.


New member
Sep 5, 2010
Delsana said:
kouriichi said:
Delsana said:
kouriichi said:
Delsana said:
kouriichi said:
Let me wrap this whole thing up in burritos. (thats right, im gunna wrap it like a burrito, with burritos.)

Sheep are Stupid.
Sheep are part of a flock. ((Unless theyre black sheep. Then its a Murder of Sheep))
The sheep will listen to whatever the dogs bark loudest. This is learned from an early age, because of the sheep doesnt listen, they get bit.
The dogs like to keep order, and control the flock ((or murder)) of sheep. So they bark loudly.

Now if you didnt get that analogy, let me explain it.

People are stupid.
People are part of religions. ((Unless theyre black sheep. Then its Atheism))
The people will listen to whatever their leaders/parents/priests ideas are. This is learned from an early age, because of the person doesnt listen, they get punished.
The leaders/parents/priests like to keep order, and control the people. So they force their ideas.

Roughly 50% of Americans dont believe in evolution.
Roughly 76% of Americans identify themselves as christian.
Christians are told from an early age, "God made man".
Because they are "brainwashed" (for lack of a better term) to believe what is RIGHT and WRONG, they never read in depth "theories" like Evolution.
Yes, this means many Christians are able to see past their "brainwashing" (again, for lack of a better term), but it also means many are blind, and dont WANT to see past it.

See how it all fits together? Most people who dont believe in evolution, are Christians. Anyone else is well.... an idiot. (Not in the insulting way. I mean "uneducated". And not in a bad way)
Because the large majority of people were told from childhood, "God is always right, never question him, he made the world and everyone on it", they dont believe in evolution.

Im not saying religion is bad. But there is a pretty large correlation between Religion, and the halt of scientific progress.

Please note: I am not saying anyone else has to believe this. This is just my belief. This is MY take on the situation and reason behind evolution being such a misinterpreted subject. If i offended you, sorry. It was not my intention.
So your belief is that Evolution is obviously the "intelligent" side.

Interesting, though I know numerous intelligent Christians that are far more capable than either of us and they wholeheartedly explain, and defend Creationism.
No, evolution isnt so much the "intelligent" side, as it is the "knowledgeable" side.
((I know people who you would call "intelligent", but they cant even change a flat tire))

And personally, i believe in creationism. But the thing is, Evolution is a fact. Why do you think the common cold is such a problem? Because its constantly evolving. Its always changing its form c. We can never cure it, because of its rapid evolution.

Or the experiment of increasing the lifespan of a fly.

Evolution is one of the few things we can actively PROVE. xD
It is very naive, immature, juvenile, and "unknowledgable", for you to believe you know who "I would call intelligent".

Again I state they are more capable than EITHER OF US (and I have a high capability) and that includes changing tires, but they are smart, intelligent, and wise, far be it for both of us.

The ability to adapt to environments is a written code within us based on outlying factors, EVOLVING is an entirely different concept.

It should be stated though that until you can find the missing mitochondrial eve link for evolution you can't prove ANYTHING, and everyone knows that.
This is what i hate about topics like this. One person you meet devolves into insults and semantics.

And we can prove evolution.
Its as simple as looking at the human races, spread out across the planet. We all have different skin color. Why? Because certain skin colors are more favorable in different environments. Humans werent just made all different colors.

Hell, you can see evolution in a hospital. By looking and babies and their parents. A baby wont be an exact copy of 1 of the parents. But a combination of the two, gaining traits from both parents.

What about all the different viruses and diseases. Did they all just EXIST from the beginning of time? How do we keep getting sick if they never evolve to bypass our immune system?

xD the idea that Evolution NEVER happened/happens is a laugh.
You just used so many inaccuracies...

You forget that those are merely adaptations based on our current genetic instruction manual and capability of our body (DNA).

They are not evolutions they are the result of combinations and randomizations based on the male and female input of DNA through sperm and seed that result in that and those are based on the adaptations and modifications that the body gave as protection or advantage throughout their entire family lines.

Skin darkens based on light absorbance and focus... over time it becomes darker, they move, maintain the same skin, but it becomes lighter for some and slowly begins to change back to those that are not in the sunlight that often.

The same for numerous situations... appearance is based on randomization based on those two input factors.

You are arguing semantics based on something you have mis-defined.
"Evolution (or more specifically biological or organic evolution) is the change over time in one or more inherited traits found in populations of individuals.[1] Inherited traits are distinguishing characteristics, for example anatomical, biochemical or behavioural, that are passed on from one generation to the next. Evolution occurs when there is variation of inherited traits within a population over time." There is the definition.

And African people dont GET their skin darkened, theyre born with it. (like i was)
xD Because of melanin. With is a product of what? Evolution.
Its an acquired trait of people who lived in an extremely sunny area. And the act of the skin changing color to something that ISNT dark through generations of breeding, is also PROOF of evolution.

Im sorry, but your the one who is "mis-defined".


New member
May 27, 2009
kouriichi said:
Its not "god". Its not something i can comprehend. And thats why you can call me a "creationist".
Sorry but from my knowledge the belief in creationism means you think god created us as we are, and doesn't agree with evolution, therefore wouldn't that make you not a creationist?


New member
Apr 5, 2010
kouriichi said:
Delsana said:
kouriichi said:
Delsana said:
kouriichi said:
Delsana said:
kouriichi said:
Let me wrap this whole thing up in burritos. (thats right, im gunna wrap it like a burrito, with burritos.)

Sheep are Stupid.
Sheep are part of a flock. ((Unless theyre black sheep. Then its a Murder of Sheep))
The sheep will listen to whatever the dogs bark loudest. This is learned from an early age, because of the sheep doesnt listen, they get bit.
The dogs like to keep order, and control the flock ((or murder)) of sheep. So they bark loudly.

Now if you didnt get that analogy, let me explain it.

People are stupid.
People are part of religions. ((Unless theyre black sheep. Then its Atheism))
The people will listen to whatever their leaders/parents/priests ideas are. This is learned from an early age, because of the person doesnt listen, they get punished.
The leaders/parents/priests like to keep order, and control the people. So they force their ideas.

Roughly 50% of Americans dont believe in evolution.
Roughly 76% of Americans identify themselves as christian.
Christians are told from an early age, "God made man".
Because they are "brainwashed" (for lack of a better term) to believe what is RIGHT and WRONG, they never read in depth "theories" like Evolution.
Yes, this means many Christians are able to see past their "brainwashing" (again, for lack of a better term), but it also means many are blind, and dont WANT to see past it.

See how it all fits together? Most people who dont believe in evolution, are Christians. Anyone else is well.... an idiot. (Not in the insulting way. I mean "uneducated". And not in a bad way)
Because the large majority of people were told from childhood, "God is always right, never question him, he made the world and everyone on it", they dont believe in evolution.

Im not saying religion is bad. But there is a pretty large correlation between Religion, and the halt of scientific progress.

Please note: I am not saying anyone else has to believe this. This is just my belief. This is MY take on the situation and reason behind evolution being such a misinterpreted subject. If i offended you, sorry. It was not my intention.
So your belief is that Evolution is obviously the "intelligent" side.

Interesting, though I know numerous intelligent Christians that are far more capable than either of us and they wholeheartedly explain, and defend Creationism.
No, evolution isnt so much the "intelligent" side, as it is the "knowledgeable" side.
((I know people who you would call "intelligent", but they cant even change a flat tire))

And personally, i believe in creationism. But the thing is, Evolution is a fact. Why do you think the common cold is such a problem? Because its constantly evolving. Its always changing its form c. We can never cure it, because of its rapid evolution.

Or the experiment of increasing the lifespan of a fly.

Evolution is one of the few things we can actively PROVE. xD
It is very naive, immature, juvenile, and "unknowledgable", for you to believe you know who "I would call intelligent".

Again I state they are more capable than EITHER OF US (and I have a high capability) and that includes changing tires, but they are smart, intelligent, and wise, far be it for both of us.

The ability to adapt to environments is a written code within us based on outlying factors, EVOLVING is an entirely different concept.

It should be stated though that until you can find the missing mitochondrial eve link for evolution you can't prove ANYTHING, and everyone knows that.
This is what i hate about topics like this. One person you meet devolves into insults and semantics.

And we can prove evolution.
Its as simple as looking at the human races, spread out across the planet. We all have different skin color. Why? Because certain skin colors are more favorable in different environments. Humans werent just made all different colors.

Hell, you can see evolution in a hospital. By looking and babies and their parents. A baby wont be an exact copy of 1 of the parents. But a combination of the two, gaining traits from both parents.

What about all the different viruses and diseases. Did they all just EXIST from the beginning of time? How do we keep getting sick if they never evolve to bypass our immune system?

xD the idea that Evolution NEVER happened/happens is a laugh.
You just used so many inaccuracies...

You forget that those are merely adaptations based on our current genetic instruction manual and capability of our body (DNA).

They are not evolutions they are the result of combinations and randomizations based on the male and female input of DNA through sperm and seed that result in that and those are based on the adaptations and modifications that the body gave as protection or advantage throughout their entire family lines.

Skin darkens based on light absorbance and focus... over time it becomes darker, they move, maintain the same skin, but it becomes lighter for some and slowly begins to change back to those that are not in the sunlight that often.

The same for numerous situations... appearance is based on randomization based on those two input factors.

You are arguing semantics based on something you have mis-defined.
"Evolution (or more specifically biological or organic evolution) is the change over time in one or more inherited traits found in populations of individuals.[1] Inherited traits are distinguishing characteristics, for example anatomical, biochemical or behavioural, that are passed on from one generation to the next. Evolution occurs when there is variation of inherited traits within a population over time." There is the definition.

And African people dont GET their skin darkened, theyre born with it. (like i was)
xD Because of melanin. With is a product of what? Evolution.
Its an acquired trait of people who lived in an extremely sunny area. And the act of the skin changing color to something that ISNT dark through generations of breeding, is also PROOF of evolution.

Im sorry, but your the one who is "mis-defined".
I think it might be best to ignore him....


New member
Sep 5, 2010
Levski7 said:
kouriichi said:
Levski7 said:
kouriichi said:
Levski7 said:
kouriichi said:
I believe we were created by something beyond our comprehension.

I could call it "god" just as much as i could call it "fate", "luck", "metaphysical-aliens", or "The flying spaghetti monster".

The chances of our planet being in perfect distance of the sun to have constant liquid water on the surface, have life develop on it from thoughtless chains of atoms, to develop the perfect oxygen atmosphere and then on top of that, for us to NOT be destroyed by one of the countless (literally countless) meteors hurling through space is beyond the realm of "just happening".

And Creationism isnt the belief it happened in a matter of days. Its just that a supernatural being started it. And yes, "evolution" did most of the work after the foundation was laid.
Life gets wiped out pretty commonly on earth, and it's 'perfect oxygen levels' haven't always been here, only after a major extinction. The point is that the earth isn't and wasn't made for our perfect standards. It's literally a coincidence that the conditions were right for life to begin and adapt to the constant hazards. Do you really think that in the universe, with countless galaxies, unthinkable amounts of stars and mind-boggling amounts of planets that there wouldn't be at least one planet with the right requirements for life to evolve from nothing more than a chain of acids?
Lol. I mean for us to exist.
Yes, its all scientifically explainable.
But that doesnt make it anyless random. What are the chances we, HUMANS sit here to day?
The chances of life existing on a planet alone are so astronomical its not even worth knowing.

Its not that it all happened. Its that it all happened perfectly, for us to exist. If the planet were 10 degrees hotter when the protoplasmic creatures were first forming, we might not even exist. The evolution of them could be so radically different we wouldnt even resemble humans.

The "coincidence" of it all happening one after another after another for billions of years is what makes it so..... unbelievable. That everything is happened the way it should for us to be here now.
Yes it did. You're not actually making a point here, just reinforcing how baffled you are by the statistics and the odds. If the planet were ten degrees hotter, then life may not even still exist in this hypothetical earth by now, but the point is when you compare it to the astronomical, unimaginably horribly gigantic amount of planets in the universe, it seems more probable that we exist. No reason to run off needing a divine reason for it. We're the result of pretty much just physics.
Well thats the thing about it though. For us to exist, an uncountable amount of coincidences would have to occur. The odds of it happening are so outrageous, there is no number for it.

Forgive me for believing there is something more then "IT JUST HAPPENED". xD Like i said. Its not "god". Its not something i can comprehend. And thats why you can call me a "creationist".
You need a reason for it, so you're turning to creationism. Cool.
Well theres a reason for everything. Car crash, birds fly, music is vibration of sound, and Britney Spears shaved her head. All have reasons. To say, "this all happened for no reason other then chance", makes very little sense to me xD

And its less of "Im a creationist :D", as it is a "Creationist is the closest term". Im not a "creationist". I just believe the chances of it all happening the exact way it needed to for us to be here...... is not something so "random".

Hamish Durie

New member
Apr 30, 2011
well since being atheist and therefore knowing about creationisim but not having anybody forcing me to accept it I but still being curious I watched a thing and then stuff made alot mor sense


New member
Feb 9, 2011
kouriichi said:
Levski7 said:
kouriichi said:
I believe we were created by something beyond our comprehension.

I could call it "god" just as much as i could call it "fate", "luck", "metaphysical-aliens", or "The flying spaghetti monster".

The chances of our planet being in perfect distance of the sun to have constant liquid water on the surface, have life develop on it from thoughtless chains of atoms, to develop the perfect oxygen atmosphere and then on top of that, for us to NOT be destroyed by one of the countless (literally countless) meteors hurling through space is beyond the realm of "just happening".

And Creationism isnt the belief it happened in a matter of days. Its just that a supernatural being started it. And yes, "evolution" did most of the work after the foundation was laid.
Life gets wiped out pretty commonly on earth, and it's 'perfect oxygen levels' haven't always been here, only after a major extinction. The point is that the earth isn't and wasn't made for our perfect standards. It's literally a coincidence that the conditions were right for life to begin and adapt to the constant hazards. Do you really think that in the universe, with countless galaxies, unthinkable amounts of stars and mind-boggling amounts of planets that there wouldn't be at least one planet with the right requirements for life to evolve from nothing more than a chain of acids?
Lol. I mean for us to exist.
Yes, its all scientifically explainable.
But that doesnt make it anyless random. What are the chances we, HUMANS sit here to day?
The chances of life existing on a planet alone are so astronomical its not even worth knowing.

Its not that it all happened. Its that it all happened perfectly, for us to exist. If the planet were 10 degrees hotter when the protoplasmic creatures were first forming, we might not even exist. The evolution of them could be so radically different we wouldnt even resemble humans.

The "coincidence" of it all happening one after another after another for billions of years is what makes it so..... unbelievable. That everything is happened the way it should for us to be here now.
We exist BECAUSE of those circumstances, not in spite of them. True, it is random that they were like that, and the chances actually are higher than you'd think, but if they hadn't been like that we wouldn't be here to think about it.


New member
Sep 5, 2010
weker said:
kouriichi said:
Its not "god". Its not something i can comprehend. And thats why you can call me a "creationist".
Sorry but from my knowledge the belief in creationism means you think god created us as we are, and doesn't agree with evolution, therefore wouldn't that make you not a creationist?
No, creationism doesnt mean, "i believe in god making humans".
It means i believe a supernatural being created everything, including humanity.
I just believe the supernatural being ((something i/we cannot comprehend)) created us through evolution.


New member
Apr 5, 2010
kouriichi said:
Levski7 said:
kouriichi said:
Levski7 said:
kouriichi said:
Levski7 said:
kouriichi said:
I believe we were created by something beyond our comprehension.

I could call it "god" just as much as i could call it "fate", "luck", "metaphysical-aliens", or "The flying spaghetti monster".

The chances of our planet being in perfect distance of the sun to have constant liquid water on the surface, have life develop on it from thoughtless chains of atoms, to develop the perfect oxygen atmosphere and then on top of that, for us to NOT be destroyed by one of the countless (literally countless) meteors hurling through space is beyond the realm of "just happening".

And Creationism isnt the belief it happened in a matter of days. Its just that a supernatural being started it. And yes, "evolution" did most of the work after the foundation was laid.
Life gets wiped out pretty commonly on earth, and it's 'perfect oxygen levels' haven't always been here, only after a major extinction. The point is that the earth isn't and wasn't made for our perfect standards. It's literally a coincidence that the conditions were right for life to begin and adapt to the constant hazards. Do you really think that in the universe, with countless galaxies, unthinkable amounts of stars and mind-boggling amounts of planets that there wouldn't be at least one planet with the right requirements for life to evolve from nothing more than a chain of acids?
Lol. I mean for us to exist.
Yes, its all scientifically explainable.
But that doesnt make it anyless random. What are the chances we, HUMANS sit here to day?
The chances of life existing on a planet alone are so astronomical its not even worth knowing.

Its not that it all happened. Its that it all happened perfectly, for us to exist. If the planet were 10 degrees hotter when the protoplasmic creatures were first forming, we might not even exist. The evolution of them could be so radically different we wouldnt even resemble humans.

The "coincidence" of it all happening one after another after another for billions of years is what makes it so..... unbelievable. That everything is happened the way it should for us to be here now.
Yes it did. You're not actually making a point here, just reinforcing how baffled you are by the statistics and the odds. If the planet were ten degrees hotter, then life may not even still exist in this hypothetical earth by now, but the point is when you compare it to the astronomical, unimaginably horribly gigantic amount of planets in the universe, it seems more probable that we exist. No reason to run off needing a divine reason for it. We're the result of pretty much just physics.
Well thats the thing about it though. For us to exist, an uncountable amount of coincidences would have to occur. The odds of it happening are so outrageous, there is no number for it.

Forgive me for believing there is something more then "IT JUST HAPPENED". xD Like i said. Its not "god". Its not something i can comprehend. And thats why you can call me a "creationist".
You need a reason for it, so you're turning to creationism. Cool.
Well theres a reason for everything. Car crash, birds fly, music is vibration of sound, and Britney Spears shaved her head. All have reasons. To say, "this all happened for no reason other then chance", makes very little sense to me xD

And its less of "Im a creationist :D", as it is a "Creationist is the closest term". Im not a "creationist". I just believe the chances of it all happening the exact way it needed to for us to be here...... is not something so "random".
Er, just so you know, with the advent of quantum mechanics "random chance" is now a viable reason for some phenomena. Physics isn't deterministic anymore on small scales.


New member
Sep 5, 2010
renegade7 said:
kouriichi said:
Levski7 said:
kouriichi said:
I believe we were created by something beyond our comprehension.

I could call it "god" just as much as i could call it "fate", "luck", "metaphysical-aliens", or "The flying spaghetti monster".

The chances of our planet being in perfect distance of the sun to have constant liquid water on the surface, have life develop on it from thoughtless chains of atoms, to develop the perfect oxygen atmosphere and then on top of that, for us to NOT be destroyed by one of the countless (literally countless) meteors hurling through space is beyond the realm of "just happening".

And Creationism isnt the belief it happened in a matter of days. Its just that a supernatural being started it. And yes, "evolution" did most of the work after the foundation was laid.
Life gets wiped out pretty commonly on earth, and it's 'perfect oxygen levels' haven't always been here, only after a major extinction. The point is that the earth isn't and wasn't made for our perfect standards. It's literally a coincidence that the conditions were right for life to begin and adapt to the constant hazards. Do you really think that in the universe, with countless galaxies, unthinkable amounts of stars and mind-boggling amounts of planets that there wouldn't be at least one planet with the right requirements for life to evolve from nothing more than a chain of acids?
Lol. I mean for us to exist.
Yes, its all scientifically explainable.
But that doesnt make it anyless random. What are the chances we, HUMANS sit here to day?
The chances of life existing on a planet alone are so astronomical its not even worth knowing.

Its not that it all happened. Its that it all happened perfectly, for us to exist. If the planet were 10 degrees hotter when the protoplasmic creatures were first forming, we might not even exist. The evolution of them could be so radically different we wouldnt even resemble humans.

The "coincidence" of it all happening one after another after another for billions of years is what makes it so..... unbelievable. That everything is happened the way it should for us to be here now.
We exist BECAUSE of those circumstances, not in spite of them. True, it is random that they were like that, and the chances actually are higher than you'd think, but if they hadn't been like that we wouldn't be here to think about it.
Actually, theyre probably WORSE then i think. xD
What are the chances a planet is in the perfect spot to have liquid water without it instantly evaporating?
Now what are the chances that life forms on that planet?
Now what are the chances that something horribly catastrophic doesnt happen to said planet and all the life on it?

Yes, we exist because of those circumstances. I wont argue that. But i believe the chance of it happening is just TO random xD


New member
Sep 5, 2010
Levski7 said:
kouriichi said:
Levski7 said:
kouriichi said:
Levski7 said:
kouriichi said:
Levski7 said:
kouriichi said:
I believe we were created by something beyond our comprehension.

I could call it "god" just as much as i could call it "fate", "luck", "metaphysical-aliens", or "The flying spaghetti monster".

The chances of our planet being in perfect distance of the sun to have constant liquid water on the surface, have life develop on it from thoughtless chains of atoms, to develop the perfect oxygen atmosphere and then on top of that, for us to NOT be destroyed by one of the countless (literally countless) meteors hurling through space is beyond the realm of "just happening".

And Creationism isnt the belief it happened in a matter of days. Its just that a supernatural being started it. And yes, "evolution" did most of the work after the foundation was laid.
Life gets wiped out pretty commonly on earth, and it's 'perfect oxygen levels' haven't always been here, only after a major extinction. The point is that the earth isn't and wasn't made for our perfect standards. It's literally a coincidence that the conditions were right for life to begin and adapt to the constant hazards. Do you really think that in the universe, with countless galaxies, unthinkable amounts of stars and mind-boggling amounts of planets that there wouldn't be at least one planet with the right requirements for life to evolve from nothing more than a chain of acids?
Lol. I mean for us to exist.
Yes, its all scientifically explainable.
But that doesnt make it anyless random. What are the chances we, HUMANS sit here to day?
The chances of life existing on a planet alone are so astronomical its not even worth knowing.

Its not that it all happened. Its that it all happened perfectly, for us to exist. If the planet were 10 degrees hotter when the protoplasmic creatures were first forming, we might not even exist. The evolution of them could be so radically different we wouldnt even resemble humans.

The "coincidence" of it all happening one after another after another for billions of years is what makes it so..... unbelievable. That everything is happened the way it should for us to be here now.
Yes it did. You're not actually making a point here, just reinforcing how baffled you are by the statistics and the odds. If the planet were ten degrees hotter, then life may not even still exist in this hypothetical earth by now, but the point is when you compare it to the astronomical, unimaginably horribly gigantic amount of planets in the universe, it seems more probable that we exist. No reason to run off needing a divine reason for it. We're the result of pretty much just physics.
Well thats the thing about it though. For us to exist, an uncountable amount of coincidences would have to occur. The odds of it happening are so outrageous, there is no number for it.

Forgive me for believing there is something more then "IT JUST HAPPENED". xD Like i said. Its not "god". Its not something i can comprehend. And thats why you can call me a "creationist".
You need a reason for it, so you're turning to creationism. Cool.
Well theres a reason for everything. Car crash, birds fly, music is vibration of sound, and Britney Spears shaved her head. All have reasons. To say, "this all happened for no reason other then chance", makes very little sense to me xD

And its less of "Im a creationist :D", as it is a "Creationist is the closest term". Im not a "creationist". I just believe the chances of it all happening the exact way it needed to for us to be here...... is not something so "random".
The reasons for those things you described happened due to physics and chance. Why can't you understand it?
Sigh. Its not that i DONT understand it. Its the CHANCES of it that i dont believe.
Even if life was bound to form somewhere, why HERE? On this planet. And then get wiped out, regrow, and eventually form Humans as we know them, without something horrible happening during that evolution time.

Its all too..... Convenient?


New member
Apr 5, 2010
kouriichi said:
renegade7 said:
kouriichi said:
Levski7 said:
kouriichi said:
I believe we were created by something beyond our comprehension.

I could call it "god" just as much as i could call it "fate", "luck", "metaphysical-aliens", or "The flying spaghetti monster".

The chances of our planet being in perfect distance of the sun to have constant liquid water on the surface, have life develop on it from thoughtless chains of atoms, to develop the perfect oxygen atmosphere and then on top of that, for us to NOT be destroyed by one of the countless (literally countless) meteors hurling through space is beyond the realm of "just happening".

And Creationism isnt the belief it happened in a matter of days. Its just that a supernatural being started it. And yes, "evolution" did most of the work after the foundation was laid.
Life gets wiped out pretty commonly on earth, and it's 'perfect oxygen levels' haven't always been here, only after a major extinction. The point is that the earth isn't and wasn't made for our perfect standards. It's literally a coincidence that the conditions were right for life to begin and adapt to the constant hazards. Do you really think that in the universe, with countless galaxies, unthinkable amounts of stars and mind-boggling amounts of planets that there wouldn't be at least one planet with the right requirements for life to evolve from nothing more than a chain of acids?
Lol. I mean for us to exist.
Yes, its all scientifically explainable.
But that doesnt make it anyless random. What are the chances we, HUMANS sit here to day?
The chances of life existing on a planet alone are so astronomical its not even worth knowing.

Its not that it all happened. Its that it all happened perfectly, for us to exist. If the planet were 10 degrees hotter when the protoplasmic creatures were first forming, we might not even exist. The evolution of them could be so radically different we wouldnt even resemble humans.

The "coincidence" of it all happening one after another after another for billions of years is what makes it so..... unbelievable. That everything is happened the way it should for us to be here now.
We exist BECAUSE of those circumstances, not in spite of them. True, it is random that they were like that, and the chances actually are higher than you'd think, but if they hadn't been like that we wouldn't be here to think about it.
Actually, theyre probably WORSE then i think. xD
What are the chances a planet is in the perfect spot to have liquid water without it instantly evaporating?
Now what are the chances that life forms on that planet?
Now what are the chances that something horribly catastrophic doesnt happen to said planet and all the life on it?

Yes, we exist because of those circumstances. I wont argue that. But i believe the chance of it happening is just TO random xD
If those things didn't happen, we wouldn't observe those things happening because we wouldn't exist.

It's only seen convenient because those are the requirements for us to exist.

Hides His Eyes

New member
Jul 26, 2011
I think the main thing to understand about evolution is that, like any scientific theory, it hasn't been "proven". You can't prove a scientific theory the way you can prove a mathematical one. But you can, in theory, disprove it. The longer a theory goes without anyone disproving it, the better a theory it is.

Biologists, archeologists, palaeontologists and so on have had literally millions of chances to disprove the theory of evolution, and no one ever has. And after all this time, it's still the theory that best fits the facts and explains the most things.


New member
Sep 5, 2010
cdstephens said:
kouriichi said:
Delsana said:
kouriichi said:
Delsana said:
kouriichi said:
Delsana said:
kouriichi said:
Let me wrap this whole thing up in burritos. (thats right, im gunna wrap it like a burrito, with burritos.)

Sheep are Stupid.
Sheep are part of a flock. ((Unless theyre black sheep. Then its a Murder of Sheep))
The sheep will listen to whatever the dogs bark loudest. This is learned from an early age, because of the sheep doesnt listen, they get bit.
The dogs like to keep order, and control the flock ((or murder)) of sheep. So they bark loudly.

Now if you didnt get that analogy, let me explain it.

People are stupid.
People are part of religions. ((Unless theyre black sheep. Then its Atheism))
The people will listen to whatever their leaders/parents/priests ideas are. This is learned from an early age, because of the person doesnt listen, they get punished.
The leaders/parents/priests like to keep order, and control the people. So they force their ideas.

Roughly 50% of Americans dont believe in evolution.
Roughly 76% of Americans identify themselves as christian.
Christians are told from an early age, "God made man".
Because they are "brainwashed" (for lack of a better term) to believe what is RIGHT and WRONG, they never read in depth "theories" like Evolution.
Yes, this means many Christians are able to see past their "brainwashing" (again, for lack of a better term), but it also means many are blind, and dont WANT to see past it.

See how it all fits together? Most people who dont believe in evolution, are Christians. Anyone else is well.... an idiot. (Not in the insulting way. I mean "uneducated". And not in a bad way)
Because the large majority of people were told from childhood, "God is always right, never question him, he made the world and everyone on it", they dont believe in evolution.

Im not saying religion is bad. But there is a pretty large correlation between Religion, and the halt of scientific progress.

Please note: I am not saying anyone else has to believe this. This is just my belief. This is MY take on the situation and reason behind evolution being such a misinterpreted subject. If i offended you, sorry. It was not my intention.
So your belief is that Evolution is obviously the "intelligent" side.

Interesting, though I know numerous intelligent Christians that are far more capable than either of us and they wholeheartedly explain, and defend Creationism.
No, evolution isnt so much the "intelligent" side, as it is the "knowledgeable" side.
((I know people who you would call "intelligent", but they cant even change a flat tire))

And personally, i believe in creationism. But the thing is, Evolution is a fact. Why do you think the common cold is such a problem? Because its constantly evolving. Its always changing its form c. We can never cure it, because of its rapid evolution.

Or the experiment of increasing the lifespan of a fly.

Evolution is one of the few things we can actively PROVE. xD
It is very naive, immature, juvenile, and "unknowledgable", for you to believe you know who "I would call intelligent".

Again I state they are more capable than EITHER OF US (and I have a high capability) and that includes changing tires, but they are smart, intelligent, and wise, far be it for both of us.

The ability to adapt to environments is a written code within us based on outlying factors, EVOLVING is an entirely different concept.

It should be stated though that until you can find the missing mitochondrial eve link for evolution you can't prove ANYTHING, and everyone knows that.
This is what i hate about topics like this. One person you meet devolves into insults and semantics.

And we can prove evolution.
Its as simple as looking at the human races, spread out across the planet. We all have different skin color. Why? Because certain skin colors are more favorable in different environments. Humans werent just made all different colors.

Hell, you can see evolution in a hospital. By looking and babies and their parents. A baby wont be an exact copy of 1 of the parents. But a combination of the two, gaining traits from both parents.

What about all the different viruses and diseases. Did they all just EXIST from the beginning of time? How do we keep getting sick if they never evolve to bypass our immune system?

xD the idea that Evolution NEVER happened/happens is a laugh.
You just used so many inaccuracies...

You forget that those are merely adaptations based on our current genetic instruction manual and capability of our body (DNA).

They are not evolutions they are the result of combinations and randomizations based on the male and female input of DNA through sperm and seed that result in that and those are based on the adaptations and modifications that the body gave as protection or advantage throughout their entire family lines.

Skin darkens based on light absorbance and focus... over time it becomes darker, they move, maintain the same skin, but it becomes lighter for some and slowly begins to change back to those that are not in the sunlight that often.

The same for numerous situations... appearance is based on randomization based on those two input factors.

You are arguing semantics based on something you have mis-defined.
"Evolution (or more specifically biological or organic evolution) is the change over time in one or more inherited traits found in populations of individuals.[1] Inherited traits are distinguishing characteristics, for example anatomical, biochemical or behavioural, that are passed on from one generation to the next. Evolution occurs when there is variation of inherited traits within a population over time." There is the definition.

And African people dont GET their skin darkened, theyre born with it. (like i was)
xD Because of melanin. With is a product of what? Evolution.
Its an acquired trait of people who lived in an extremely sunny area. And the act of the skin changing color to something that ISNT dark through generations of breeding, is also PROOF of evolution.

Im sorry, but your the one who is "mis-defined".
I think it might be best to ignore him....
I considered that a while ago xD
But its fun to argue with pigheaded.
Its not "trolling" if your point is valid and your position on the matter is a sturdy platform to stand on. So i think i'll debate with him for a bit longer if he replys.