The misinterpretation of evolution


Fall in line!
Jun 16, 2011
AMMO Kid said:
Are you seriously trying to imply that Creationism has any scientific support at all, let alone anywhere near the amount that evolution has? Are you saying that with a straight face over there?


Answer Hazy, Ask Again Later
Jun 15, 2011
Mimsofthedawg said:
Ummm... no... it kinda doesn't? But there's no sense in arguing with you. If that's what you wanna think, that's ok. It don't bother me.
You sure you aren't thinking about Theistic Evolution rather than Intelligent Design? Because it kinda sounds like it.


The Killjoy Detective returns!
Jan 23, 2011
dantoddd said:
The escapist has turned into
How so? Because all I see is people being corrected and educated on what evolution is and how it works. You are implying anti-theistic behavior, right? Just so we are clear.


New member
Jun 27, 2008
Its funny how when experts are divided on an particular topic its the ones that disagree with your opinions that must be wrong or uneducated.

This isnt highschool science we're talking about here this is the real deal. Im not gonna go all out because this is a public forum but if you wanna argue your point then back it up. Just parroting 'its already been proven' or 'everyone believes in it' isnt gonna make it true. You need legitimate experimental evidence found in journal articles not wikipedia websites.

Ill get you started. Explain to me how the process of glycolysis came about through darwinian processes. Try & consider the massive hurdles involved.
Oh & dont give me just so excuses. Only Creationists can use miracles as a valid explanation in accordance with their paradigm.


New member
Apr 3, 2010
darkstarangel said:
Its funny how when experts are divided on an particular topic its the ones that disagree with your opinions that must be wrong or uneducated.

This isnt highschool science we're talking about here this is the real deal. Im not gonna go all out because this is a public forum but if you wanna argue your point then back it up. Just parroting 'its already been proven' or 'everyone believes in it' isnt gonna make it true. You need legitimate experimental evidence found in journal articles not wikipedia websites.

Ill get you started. Explain to me how the process of glycolysis came about through darwinian processes. Try & consider the massive hurdles involved.
Oh & dont give me just so excuses. Only Creationists can use miracles as a valid explanation in accordance with their paradigm.
Experts are not divided on Creationism and Evolution. Wikipedia is a fine source of information, so long as it lists references.


The Last Albino
Aug 30, 2010
JamesWebber said:
Fbuh said:
First of all, your run on sentences make an extremely incoherent argument. Second of all, you seem to have some of your facts bass-ackwards. You seem to believe that evolution was the lead idea the whole time, and that these filthy newcomers of Intelligetn Design are invading. It is actually quite the opposite. Evolution is an idea that is barely even a hundred years old, while Creationism has had free reign for thousands of years.

I think that it is fair to say that you seem to need to brush up on some things first before you go crying wolf on other people. Also, it is fair that if one idea is taught in the classroom, then another idea must be taught as well. People need to see all of the choices, and then decide for themselves what they want to believe is true. There is no reasone why Creationism nor evolution can be taught simulataneously.
if think this list and and its top item explain it well enough
Minus the whole 'there's no proof and we might as well start teaching the other side of EVERYTHING that doesn't have facts to back it up'.

After all, it's only according to SOME that The Holocaust happened - there' still a theory out there that it was all an elaborate hoaxes.

We should teach both sides, just to be fair.


New member
Apr 3, 2010
Intelligent design and Creationism do not belong in Science class. They're not proper theories, and there's no supporting evidence for them.

They belong in Religion class.


The Killjoy Detective returns!
Jan 23, 2011
tanis1lionheart said:
JamesWebber said:
Fbuh said:
First of all, your run on sentences make an extremely incoherent argument. Second of all, you seem to have some of your facts bass-ackwards. You seem to believe that evolution was the lead idea the whole time, and that these filthy newcomers of Intelligetn Design are invading. It is actually quite the opposite. Evolution is an idea that is barely even a hundred years old, while Creationism has had free reign for thousands of years.

I think that it is fair to say that you seem to need to brush up on some things first before you go crying wolf on other people. Also, it is fair that if one idea is taught in the classroom, then another idea must be taught as well. People need to see all of the choices, and then decide for themselves what they want to believe is true. There is no reasone why Creationism nor evolution can be taught simulataneously.
if think this list and and its top item explain it well enough
Minus the whole 'there's no proof and we might as well start teaching the other side of EVERYTHING that doesn't have facts to back it up'.

After all, it's only according to SOME that The Holocaust happened - there' still a theory out there that it was all an elaborate hoaxes.

We should teach both sides, just to be fair.
You might like this:
Because geocentricism deserves equal time, dang it!
Anywho, it isn't supporters of evolution who need to pony up evidence. They have, a lot of it. Isn't it your turn, ID supporters? And don't try to poke holes in evolution. That does nothing to prove your idea.


New member
Jun 28, 2011
as an agnostic i agree with the bunch of people that say there could be a god behind it but there is proof of evolution and all that so no big deal. i also spend a good ammount of my time being an unemployed lazy person arguing with religious wingnuts and the idea i get from how they understand evolution is what i call the "pokemon evolution" the idea that one day a bunch of monkeys just transformed into humans. and there is a dent in my table from the ammount of times i have had to explain that it would take millions of years


Answer Hazy, Ask Again Later
Jun 15, 2011
darkstarangel said:
Its funny how when experts are divided on an particular topic its the ones that disagree with your opinions that must be wrong or uneducated.

This isnt highschool science we're talking about here this is the real deal. Im not gonna go all out because this is a public forum but if you wanna argue your point then back it up. Just parroting 'its already been proven' or 'everyone believes in it' isnt gonna make it true. You need legitimate experimental evidence found in journal articles not wikipedia websites.

Ill get you started. Explain to me how the process of glycolysis came about through darwinian processes. Try & consider the massive hurdles involved.
Oh & dont give me just so excuses. Only Creationists can use miracles as a valid explanation in accordance with their paradigm.
How about this, instead of giving the old run-around of "Prove this and now this...and when you're done prove this this this and that too", the lack of any of which would only show an area that needs further study rather than an actual contradiction (On a tangent it's worth noting that the phrase "we don't know" doesn't mean something "can't be explained", it means "we don't know", nothing more, nothing less, so the old 'you can't explain X' line is rather pointless to begin with) why don't you go ahead and tell me which of the following statements you disagree with?

1) Every species is fertile enough that if all offspring survived to reproduce the population would grow (fact).
2) Despite periodic fluctuations, populations remain roughly the same size (fact).
3) Resources such as food are limited and are relatively stable over time (fact).
4) A struggle for survival ensues (inference).
5) Individuals in a population vary significantly from one another (fact).
6) Much of this variation is inheritable (fact).
7) Individuals less suited to the environment are less likely to survive and less likely to reproduce; individuals more suited to the environment are more likely to survive and more likely to reproduce and leave their inheritable traits to future generations, which produces the process of natural selection (inference).
8) This slowly effected process results in populations changing to adapt to their environments, and ultimately, these variations accumulate over time to form new species (inference).


Fall in line!
Jun 16, 2011
darkstarangel said:
Its funny how when experts are divided on an particular topic its the ones that disagree with your opinions that must be wrong or uneducated.

This isnt highschool science we're talking about here this is the real deal. Im not gonna go all out because this is a public forum but if you wanna argue your point then back it up. Just parroting 'its already been proven' or 'everyone believes in it' isnt gonna make it true. You need legitimate experimental evidence found in journal articles not wikipedia websites.

Ill get you started. Explain to me how the process of glycolysis came about through darwinian processes. Try & consider the massive hurdles involved.
Oh & dont give me just so excuses. Only Creationists can use miracles as a valid explanation in accordance with their paradigm.
Before I potentially waste any time on it, what is your position and are you willing to accept evidence or will you just move the goal posts?


New member
Sep 2, 2008
darkstarangel said:
Its funny how when experts are divided on an particular topic its the ones that disagree with your opinions that must be wrong or uneducated.
Unless you can show some concrete evidence against the theory of evolution: yes. You are.

This isnt highschool science we're talking about here this is the real deal. Im not gonna go all out because this is a public forum but if you wanna argue your point then back it up. Just parroting 'its already been proven' or 'everyone believes in it' isnt gonna make it true. You need legitimate experimental evidence found in journal articles not wikipedia websites.
Wikipedia is a good enough source for when people know nothing at all about the subject at hand, which is very much the case here. Not perfect, but good enough.

Ill get you started. Explain to me how the process of glycolysis came about through darwinian processes. Try & consider the massive hurdles involved.
No. Because even if I or somebody else would explain it, you'd just go to the next pathway which you don't understand. I'm a scientist; 'we don't know yet' is a perfectly valid answer. This is a major argument from ignorance.

Oh & dont give me just so excuses. Only Creationists can use miracles as a valid explanation in accordance with their paradigm.
Derp. If you really think 'god did it' is a valid scientific explanation (good luck testing that one!), everyone debating with you is wasting their time.


New member
Oct 22, 2008
Fbuh said:
First of all, your run on sentences make an extremely incoherent argument. Second of all, you seem to have some of your facts bass-ackwards. You seem to believe that evolution was the lead idea the whole time, and that these filthy newcomers of Intelligetn Design are invading. It is actually quite the opposite. Evolution is an idea that is barely even a hundred years old, while Creationism has had free reign for thousands of years.

I think that it is fair to say that you seem to need to brush up on some things first before you go crying wolf on other people. Also, it is fair that if one idea is taught in the classroom, then another idea must be taught as well. People need to see all of the choices, and then decide for themselves what they want to believe is true. There is no reasone why Creationism nor evolution can be taught simulataneously.
you think it is a good idea to tell a 4 year old that a magic man in the sky will judge him when he dies and choose if he is saved or burns in hell for all eternity?

Dark Knifer

New member
May 12, 2009
kouriichi said:
Just some food for thought, not trying to offend.

OT: For me personally, I rarely hear arguments for creationism outside of the internet. I checked the numbers for how many people belief in evolution here in Australia and almost 80% go with evolution. So I don't hear it much but intelligent design and evolution can co-exists peacefully honestly. One's science and one's a belief so you can't compare something so different like that.


New member
Apr 17, 2009
hannan4mitch said:
Which "misinterpretation" are we talking about? Evolution looks easy when viewed at a metaphorical distance, but upon closer examination, is quite baffling and complex enough to merit it's own sub-discipline of Biology. As previously stated, average/above average joe's (like everybody here, including me, who isn't a Biologist) aren't going to understand the entirety of Darwin's work unless they actively study or research into it. That is why many people "misinterpret" evolution.
I'm doing BioInformatics (in the context of evolution) at Uni and to put it nicely it is a MASSIVE *****. The Computer Science and Algorithm Design is complex, nasty and ugly let alone trying to teach us the Biology of it all.

TBH, anyone who comes on a forum and spouts about how wrong people are about evolution is probably wrong themselves.


I think most people choose to misunderstand evolution, because its not "complete" so to speak.