The misinterpretation of evolution


New member
Feb 11, 2010
It's not enough to claim evolution is false. You have to provide an explanation, along with evidence, as to why your alternative theory has any merit whatsoever.

Even if evolution was false, it doesn't make your "theory" automatically correct.


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Mar 29, 2010
Vindictus said:
Intelligent design and Creationism do not belong in Science class. They're not proper theories, and there's no supporting evidence for them.

They belong in Religion class.

The thing that confuses me about the creationists is that they are only pushing for their (usualy christian) version, do they also support teaching the muslim version, hindu version, greek gods version, aztech version, Incan version, norse version, cherokee verion, zulu version and so on? I shall have to stop there because there are a lot more.

They are all as equaly valid as the pushed creationist christians, so would you support "teaching the controversy" when it comes to creation stories? Aferall there is no consensus at all, just go look up how many diffrent ones there are!

Clearly you would support teaching all of them and letting the kids decide which is correct aye?


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Nov 17, 2009
Tin Man said:
I don't think the odd misnomer of scientific terminology discredits otherwise logical thinking
Here's the thing: if someone hasn't done enough research to learn what the basic terms mean, then I have reason to assume they don't know what any of the more complex stuff means. Someone who thinks evolution can be disregarded as "just a theory" probably doesn't even know about (let alone understand)things like the Hardy-Weinberg Equation. Yet these people routinely get pissy when the people who HAVE done the research don't accept their arguments. They can't do the most basic research, but they want to be seen as experts on the subject. It doesn't work like that. When they can demonstrate that they know what they're talking about, then we can worry about how good their logic is.

But that may be just because that is one that I'm a bit guilty of... At least I admitted it!
And admitting it earns you huge bonus points. Of course, you didn't start out from the position of trying to discredit evolution, so it's not as surprising that you would admit to being wrong. It's the Creationists who seem incapable of acknowledging that they aren't experts on all things science-related.

Also, I honestly think you should pull out of this one if immature science discussion is going to actually piss you off rather then make you giggle...
I've done enough internet debating to know when to walk away, trust me. This is just something that's come up often enough to make me really want to know what the hell is going on inside these people's heads. I can't fathom how someone can be shown that they got basic facts wrong, but still think they know enough about the subject to say the experts are wrong.


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Sep 18, 2009
RedEyesBlackGamer said:
dantoddd said:
The escapist has turned into
How so? Because all I see is people being corrected and educated on what evolution is and how it works. You are implying anti-theistic behavior, right? Just so we are clear.
I'm referring to the rather large evolution vs intelligent design argument this thread has devolved into.


The Killjoy Detective returns!
Jan 23, 2011
dantoddd said:
RedEyesBlackGamer said:
dantoddd said:
The escapist has turned into
How so? Because all I see is people being corrected and educated on what evolution is and how it works. You are implying anti-theistic behavior, right? Just so we are clear.
I'm referring to the rather large evolution vs intelligent design argument this thread has devolved into.
That was inevitable. People who who don't know about evolution were bound to come into a thread titled: "The misinterpretation of evolution". Intelligent Design is viewed as a simpler and more religious friendly alternative to evolution. Insert conflict. Hopefully, a lot of users will leave more educated then when they came in. That is the most important thing. If that wasn't the goal, then this would just be pointless preaching to the choir.

Titan Buttons

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Apr 13, 2011
weker said:
Titan Buttons said:
weker said:
Titan Buttons said:
I'm not entirely sure about America but it may be the way in which children are taught, or possible not taught, about what the theory of evolution is because it confilcts with the religious beliefs of the parents. Also, what exactly is Intelligent design?
Intelligent design is the religious argument that something created everything the way its designed, such as the way we evolve and change as well as why we think this way and grow.
It is religion conforming partly to science and it is in the situation where science cannot comment, which is where I believe religion belongs.
I do agree with you about religion belonging where science cannot comment, while not disregarding science.
Now knowing what Intelligent design is, I find it to be a complete condradiction to Christianity, as it is a firm belief that God gave us free will. How can we have free will if our lives are planned out?
Well I am yet to find a Christianity who follows his religion in full (which from my understanding is a bit silly, your devoting your life to the religion to avoid going to hell and your doing PART of what is says, which would suggest you might still end up going their)

ID is the concept that a being created everything in the way it is, allowing Evolution to still be allowed.
In other words A being created us as organism which had the potential to become humans.
Yes I find that as well, I believe that it is because every individual has their own personal morals that confilct with the religions they are apart of. I am the same, I'm Chathiloic but I believe in evolution and do not agree with the belief that homosexuality is a sin. People cannot help the way they are bron.

Well that sounds quite open-minded for religion.


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Mar 6, 2009
matoasters said:
Creationism has absolutely no basis in fact, and should not be taught as such. It is the view of a religion, and thus should not be taught to kids as a scientific theory, but as a part of a religious history class, should they choose to take one.
Speaking as a Christian, I agree with this statement. Despite my religious views, I am also of the belief that the church and state should be seperate. Since creationism is deeply rooted in faith, it should not be taught in the classroom. The classroom is a place for science.


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Mar 6, 2009
Tin Man said:
tsb247 said:
matoasters said:
Creationism has absolutely no basis in fact, and should not be taught as such. It is the view of a religion, and thus should not be taught to kids as a scientific theory, but as a part of a religious history class, should they choose to take one.
Speaking as a Christian, I agree with this statement. Despite my religious views, I am also of the belief that the church and state should be seperate. Since creationism is deeply rooted in faith, it should not be taught in the classroom. The classroom is a place for science.
Fair play. This is a religious view that can ONLY get you respect in life. Take the pulpit, we need more religious people like you!
And there are plenty more, believe it or not. I developed this belief from my grandmother. She is one of the most devout people I know. She attends church regularly and teaches a Bible class every Tuesday, so I was a little shocked when she told me that creationism should be left out of the classroom, "Because it's not science." However, it makes sense. Schools are places for science, math, and reading/writing while churches are places of worship, meditation, and self-reflection. There's a reason they are (generally) two seperate entities with two seperate buildings. It bothers me when people try and merge the two in a public school setting; especially when I see so many who are resistant to it.

I take the position that other peoples' beliefs are their own and are not my concern whatsoever. I also believe that God would want people to believe because they want to; not because some fire-breathing lunatic on a pulpit screams and threatens them with doom and hellfire.


New member
Mar 14, 2011
Wow you are riding a pretty high horse... -__- I'm glad you have so much faith in evolution, but to go and say that its sad that only half the people of the US believe it is being very naive in my opinion. You do realize that Evolution is not a law right? That means it is not a 100% provable, It's only a theory so that means there is a lot of evidence for it, but still not fact. I believe in adapting to the environment to a certain point, but changing into an entirely different species is hard to believe and it is also hard to believe the evolution of sentience.


New member
May 27, 2009
Titan Buttons said:
weker said:
Titan Buttons said:
weker said:
Titan Buttons said:
I'm not entirely sure about America but it may be the way in which children are taught, or possible not taught, about what the theory of evolution is because it confilcts with the religious beliefs of the parents. Also, what exactly is Intelligent design?
Intelligent design is the religious argument that something created everything the way its designed, such as the way we evolve and change as well as why we think this way and grow.
It is religion conforming partly to science and it is in the situation where science cannot comment, which is where I believe religion belongs.
I do agree with you about religion belonging where science cannot comment, while not disregarding science.
Now knowing what Intelligent design is, I find it to be a complete condradiction to Christianity, as it is a firm belief that God gave us free will. How can we have free will if our lives are planned out?
Well I am yet to find a Christianity who follows his religion in full (which from my understanding is a bit silly, your devoting your life to the religion to avoid going to hell and your doing PART of what is says, which would suggest you might still end up going their)

ID is the concept that a being created everything in the way it is, allowing Evolution to still be allowed.
In other words A being created us as organism which had the potential to become humans.
Yes I find that as well, I believe that it is because every individual has their own personal morals that confilct with the religions they are apart of. I am the same, I'm Chathiloic but I believe in evolution and do not agree with the belief that homosexuality is a sin. People cannot help the way they are bron.

Well that sounds quite open-minded for religion.
Well I do personally thank you for your open beliefs I still find it counter productive to follow a religion to insure avoiding hell, yet don't follow it in full. I guess things like this must be a large question of beliefs.


New member
Feb 11, 2010
marfin_ said:
Wow you are riding a pretty high horse... -__- I'm glad you have so much faith in evolution, but to go and say that its sad that only half the people of the US believe it is being very naive in my opinion. You do realize that Evolution is not a law right? That means it is not a 100% provable, It's only a theory so that means there is a lot of evidence for it, but still not fact. I believe in adapting to the environment to a certain point, but changing into an entirely different species is hard to believe and it is also hard to believe the evolution of sentience.
Actually evolution *IS* a law, as far as you're concerned... The thing that explains HOW evolution happens, is known as "the theory of evolution" which explains HOW law of evolution works.


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Mar 12, 2011
Flac00 said:
I will start off by saying I am no scientist. However, I have noticed that almost everywhere (including here on the Escapist) many people do not understand evolution. This not just simple missteps like accidentally involving use and disuse into your arguments, but major misinterpretations. But this is not the problem, simple misunderstanding and misinterpretations are not somehow horrible offenses. However this has lead to a problem.
These misinterpretations have now lead to a whole culture of people who not only refuse to believe in evolution, but also use their misinterpretations to fuel their arguments. An example of this run amok by ignorants is "Social Darwinism" (which is an extremely annoying name as Darwin had nothing to do with "social darwinism"), which was really just and excuse to "prove" racism. A modern example is half the population of the United States (or less since I have not checked recent polls). That's right, around 50% of the population of the United States does not believe in evolution, and that is sad. Especially since the scientific theory has undergone so much criticism and a constant wave of evidence, that it has become almost completely infallible. And yet people still live ignorant of it as they have been misinformed about evolution.
This all comes down to a single point. Why and how is this happening? Is it because our media seems to commonly ignore facts? Is it because people jump onto bandwagons just to get away from the "norm" of evolution? Is it because our public schools have failed to teach adequate science in the classroom? Is it because of the rise of Creationism and Intelligent design (which are the same exact thing) has been corrupting our science classes and media? I would just like to hear other people's opinions on this.

Edit: Someone has kindly pointed out to me that it is instead "social darwinism" instead of just "darwinism". Also, to add a tad more context. Darwin specifically stated that evolution should not be applied to humans in that sense.
I blame religion.


The Tax Man Cometh
Mar 27, 2009
marfin_ said:
Wow you are riding a pretty high horse... -__- I'm glad you have so much faith in evolution, but to go and say that its sad that only half the people of the US believe it is being very naive in my opinion. You do realize that Evolution is not a law right? That means it is not a 100% provable, It's only a theory so that means there is a lot of evidence for it, but still not fact. I believe in adapting to the environment to a certain point, but changing into an entirely different species is hard to believe and it is also hard to believe the evolution of sentience.
And this, boys and girls, is why you should at least read the front page of a thread before replying: otherwise you'll look like a complete buffoon.

Titan Buttons

New member
Apr 13, 2011
weker said:
Titan Buttons said:
weker said:
Titan Buttons said:
weker said:
Titan Buttons said:
I'm not entirely sure about America but it may be the way in which children are taught, or possible not taught, about what the theory of evolution is because it confilcts with the religious beliefs of the parents. Also, what exactly is Intelligent design?
Intelligent design is the religious argument that something created everything the way its designed, such as the way we evolve and change as well as why we think this way and grow.
It is religion conforming partly to science and it is in the situation where science cannot comment, which is where I believe religion belongs.
I do agree with you about religion belonging where science cannot comment, while not disregarding science.
Now knowing what Intelligent design is, I find it to be a complete condradiction to Christianity, as it is a firm belief that God gave us free will. How can we have free will if our lives are planned out?
Well I am yet to find a Christianity who follows his religion in full (which from my understanding is a bit silly, your devoting your life to the religion to avoid going to hell and your doing PART of what is says, which would suggest you might still end up going their)

ID is the concept that a being created everything in the way it is, allowing Evolution to still be allowed.
In other words A being created us as organism which had the potential to become humans.
Yes I find that as well, I believe that it is because every individual has their own personal morals that confilct with the religions they are apart of. I am the same, I'm Chathiloic but I believe in evolution and do not agree with the belief that homosexuality is a sin. People cannot help the way they are bron.

Well that sounds quite open-minded for religion.
Well I do personally thank you for your open beliefs I still find it counter productive to follow a religion to insure avoiding hell, yet don't follow it in full. I guess things like this must be a large question of beliefs.
Your welcome I guess lol.
I do find it odd the way you say people follow their religion to avoid hell, while that is a large reason behind following ones beliefs, I have do it because it is what I faith in to be true, as well as, just being a good and kind way to live my life.
Me avoiding hell has never been my main reason for my faith or why I follow the teaching of my church, thought I admitt it is a reason I follow those teachings. Although, religious teachings can be wrong as in a section of the bible it actually says slavary is acceptable, but of couse it is wrong.


New member
Mar 12, 2011
marfin_ said:
Wow you are riding a pretty high horse... -__- I'm glad you have so much faith in evolution, but to go and say that its sad that only half the people of the US believe it is being very naive in my opinion. You do realize that Evolution is not a law right? That means it is not a 100% provable, It's only a theory so that means there is a lot of evidence for it, but still not fact. I believe in adapting to the environment to a certain point, but changing into an entirely different species is hard to believe and it is also hard to believe the evolution of sentience.
why is changing into a different species hard to believe?

Why is evolution of sentience hard to believe?

We are talking about millions of years here. Millions-of-years. Do you seriously believe that in that time, some drastical change is impossible to have happened?

If so, where the hell did all the animals come from, then?

Yes, Evolution may be a theory, but as far as I know, it's the most accurate and the one that has more factual evidence to back it up. If it is not "fact" yet it is because human life span is only a few decades long and we can't be sure 100% of what happened before that. But we are 99% sure and what I find hard to believe is that people find evolution hard to believe

People do not believe in evolution because "oh lolz it makez sense therefore it must be true lolol". No, people believe in evolution because it has been around for centuries and nobody has found a way to prove it may be wrong that didn't involve magical powers and talking snakes.

It is not "being on a high horse" to believe something that has been proved several times.