The moment your childhood died


New member
Mar 7, 2009
Me? I watched my closest friend kill herself at the end of year 8.
Then 6 other friends died due to murder, cancer, different kinds of murder, and accidents like getting hit with a car.


New member
Aug 21, 2010
I'd have to say... when my mom and my (1st) stepfather split up 13-ish years ago. My mother, younger brother and I had to travel from the Bay Area (California) to the tristate area (PA, NJ, NY), just so my mother could be "close" to (biological) family on the east coast she's fairly rueful of anyway. One of the worst things about it was that it seemed like nobody in my part of town had even heard of "MtG" or "manga", so I was officially one of nerd-freaks from middle-thru-high schools. Getting assaulted, harassed, & pitied @ the same time... good times... ...

Ahem... But seriously, it sucked uber-balls when I realized the practice of "feminism" (the contemporary "American" interpretation, apparently) meant that (most) women get to have their cake(s) & eat them too. Looking back, I could even get physically picked on by chicks, & when I'd get fed up and go to finally retaliate, I'm the misogynist-throwback-shitforbrains who needed counseling (& maybe some jailtime w/ some occasional sodomy stew, some said). This broke the proverbial camel's back for me. Equal rights indeed, ladies...


New member
Aug 4, 2010
When I accidentally searched a disney movie on google images with the search filter off.

Though I'm not the kind of person who can't enjoy anything that is made for kids/families/UknowwhatImean. Hell, Wall-e is one of my favorite movies.


New member
Oct 18, 2008
When the second season of Pokémon came and introduced hundred more pokemons to capture.
I had just captured/collected them all. I hate that shitty candy to get those little figures, I played the old pokemon game for HOURS, then they just make up another hundred.

I wouldn't say my childhood got ''killed'', it did however suffer a major blow.


New member
Dec 7, 2007
Well, I've had lots of pets die, but I got used to it.

I think it was probably the first time I got suspended from school for doing something I thought was right.


Jan 15, 2009
The SWAT Team busting down the door to raid my dads meth lab when I was 3 and when he got out of jail time that I had spent with him.

Duck Sandwich

New member
Dec 13, 2007
When I became overwhelmed with fear, knowing that eventually, I will die. When I was around 12, I used to lie awake at night often, trembling with fear, feeling trapped inside my own body, inching closer and closer to death and never being able to go back.

Or possibly it was when I realized that I would hardly get to see my friends anymore outside of high school. All of my friends were either living out of town, or constantly busy with their jobs/sports/hanging out with other friends. I spent most of my high school years being very lonely and bitter.


New member
Jun 1, 2009
I think I'm another one who doesn't understand what this thread is about. Some point in life up to which the world seemed great? I don't think I had any opinion on that when I was little. That seems kinda abstract.


New member
May 15, 2010
I don't really think I had a childhood to begin with. I tried to end my life at age 6 by drowning in a pool due to dealing with bullying and being transgender. Right before this moment, at a daycare I was tied up with jump rope and locked in a closet by the staff for playing with girl toys.


New member
Aug 20, 2009
That one time my step-dad pulled off his belt with the freaking rodeo buckle and...

needless to say I have some scarring.

I was also 6.

Of course, then my mom and my grandpa (who was the closest to a real dad I ever had) died, by murder and cancer respectively, and I turned emo for about 5 years. Hard habit to kick...


New member
Sep 11, 2007
Rylot said:
Finding out Santa wasn't real, realizing my parents sucked at being parents and when they divorced all took a toll on my childhood but I'd always had a special place of nostalgia to fall back to, at least until I saw Spider-Man 3. That was the final nail in the coffin of my childhood.
Murais said:
Probably the time that my Kindergarten teacher yelled at me for coloring my T-Rex red, and my stegosaurus blue. She told me that it was all wrong because dinosaurs were only earth tones, like brown and green, and that coloring them red and blue was downright stupid and childish. I got so angry at her that I screamed "BUT LAVA'S RED!!!", and she got pissed and held me in from recess for the rest of the week.
WTF? Since when is it a teacher's responsibility to crush children's imagination and creativity?
The irony? I wrote a dramatically-voiced narration of the incident in my senior year of high school as an entrance piece for a short story contest. I won first place. ^_^

Her staunching my creativity only saw forth to nurture it. So, piss on her.


New member
Feb 3, 2010
Probably in fourth grade. You see in grades three and before I always had a good two or three really good friends in my class to hang around with, in fourth grade that number dropped to zero. Sure there were a couple of nice kids, but they already had their groups of friends and didn't want anyone to join their groups (cliques suck). Things were only worse when you put in the kids who weren't really nice, and tended to bully me.

Sure it wasn't the worst year of school in my life (puberty sucks) but it was definitly the time I lost most of my innoncence.


New member
Apr 2, 2010
My childhood is still in me, but there were definitely times which made life a lot less innocent.

TheYellowCellPhone said:

Don't go googling up the term "Toon Families". Clicking the "I'm Feeling Lucky" button or the first link on the list is suicide.