The most awful thing you've ever actually done to someone during online play


New member
Sep 13, 2008
deliberately waiting for a medic to get full ubercharge and then stunning him the sandman, oh the sweet sweet cries of rage.

One guy called me a noob for playing pyro, I then axed him to death 3 times in a row (He was a heavy) My personal favourite was when he tried to jump in 2 forts water, but I got there first with my axtinguisher.

being a demoman, wearing ali babas shoes, the axe and the sticky launcher. I decapitated ALL the things yay random crits


New member
May 13, 2010
In TF2, when there are more snipers than I deem needed. I choose a pyro and just blast fire and jump infront of their scopes.




This place still alive?
Apr 23, 2009
Mega Messiah said:
This wasn't me, but my friend who I played WoW with for years tells me he was in a pug for Underbog back when Burning Crusade was relevant, and they had a paladin tank, I believe, who he says was just absolutely dismal. Could not hold aggro, keyboard turning, slower than molasses, just abysmal playing.

So, fed up with having this guy make his run take hours, at the end of the run my friend decides to go to town on him because his mood had soured, barraging him with an onslaught of insults, ranging from, "You are the worst fucking paladin I have ever seen in my entire life," to "You should literally delete the character, because it is so worthless." Having vented, he decided to friend the guy's character later to apologize that he lost his cool.


Poor bastard deleted his character because of my friend.
You get the same response if the person you try to friend has you on his Ignore List. Not saying that's the case but, still.

Exius Xavarus

Casually hardcore. :}
May 19, 2010
I went on a PK spree in ConquerOnline, several years ago, with a character the guards couldn't kill. Racked up maximum PKP and was never jailed. Most of the people I PK'd were simply those that were there. Which included several low level characters.

That was only one time, though. I tend not to be evil or a jerk, in an MMO.


New member
Jun 29, 2008
In GTA Online, I take personal vehicles from people who have pissed me off and push them into the ocean or put them on top of a building using the Cargobob.


New member
Mar 1, 2010
I once was lend a rare druid unique diablo 2 helmet and simply never spoke to the guy again. so you yeah stealing pretty much


New member
Nov 14, 2012
One time on a huge match on CS Source I threw a flashbang up the stairs and started shotgunning my team while they were blinded. it was on the office map playing CT about 3 years ago.

Do I feel bad? Not at all. It was a large scale game rather than a tournament or anything serious. Would I feel bad if someone did that to me? Not at all. I love a good bit of trollocking.


New member
Jun 9, 2010
Corpse camping in WoW, just so much corpse camping. I played a rogue so between being invisible, sprint, and Vanish if need be, the character is just ideal for corpse camping. Now, every time you kill someone quickly after a rez the time they have to wait increases. This is obviously annoying to them, but to the camper it means that you can't quickly calculate how long until the rez (based on distance from graveyard and rez time). So you end up just waiting there. I didn't care. I had my coffee and my smokes and I was willing to wait as long as need be. I chased one guy around Felwood, killing him 10 times before he logged off. You may ask why he would wait to be camped 10 times before logging off in anger, and the answer is that I would let him think that he was out of harm's way. I would literally stalk this guy until he tried to do anything important like kill a mob, and then I'd stab him in the back and stunlock him till death. It was an amazing hour or so.

Another time I was in Netherstorm, I juggled 3 different guys. I didn't corpse camp as much as fly around the sub-area I knew they were in for 2 hours doing nothing but hunting them down (something that I also did with my Hunter because track Humanoids is just so much fun).

By the way, in all of this we were close enough in level for me to gain honor points, I am not a ganker.


Lord of the Salt
Mar 29, 2012
A friend and I were playing coop SR3 and while in our skyscraper, he shot one of the gang members. I said, "Stop that" to which he replied by shooting me with his pistol. He did not realize that I had my grenade launcher equipped until he was cartwheeling through the air, unable to open his parachute because he was cartwheeling. As he respawned at the hospital, he said, "That was a dick move" to which I replied, "No, this is." As he looks up, I open fire on him from my hover bike, chasing him through the city until he got too close to a car that exploded. I then accepted his earnest apologies.

That was not the worst thing I've done online, that was just last sunday.

The worst thing I did was in WoW. I was leveling a alt with a friend(pre-WOTLK) and in scarlet monastery armory. We beat the boss and the last piece of mail that my friend needed to complete his set drops and is given to a paladin too high to still be using mail. Having been grinding the dungeon over 10 times just for that piece, I was understandably annoyed, the paladins abuse of the English language just made my decision justifiable. I friended him.

Then, whenever he logged on his character, I would switch to the druid I had leveled with the sole purpose of ganking a friend who was leveling alts(It was a guild game, never more than 3 ganks a day and you had to be in vent before you killed them, for taunting purposes) and would hunt him like a dog, murdering him and camping his corpse. The most fun was when his friends would show up, because they couldn't keep me from killing him and then getting away. I eventually removed him from my friends list when he hadn't logged back on in 2 months. There was no anger, it just helped pass the time between raids, besides, people that use "txt speak" don't deserve human rights. >:D

Captcha: learn, succeed.
That's right captcha, I'm an educator.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
Hitting on little boys playing Call of Duty. No wait, it shut the little buggers up so it was a good thing.


New member
Apr 30, 2011
Xcell935 said:
Dark Souls, where being awful is a part of the game.

I spent a whole 3 hours invading Anor Londo as a low level siver knight.
You all know that infamous part in Anor EVERYONE on the Escapist talks about right?
Yes, I'm talking about the legendary Anor Londo rafters with the 2 silver knight archers.
I became the 3rd. For 3 hours.
Awful yes, but the hate mail was glorious. Definitely going to Undead hell though... :3
The evil of this is beyond imagination.

Recently on ghosts, I played against a clan doing usual douchey effective clan stuff, like all camping a house together. My friend was split screening with me, so we use kestalt grenade launcher to just ruin them. Just shoot them into the house, throw grenades, not care if we died. Screams over the headset and curses made it worth it.

Back in vanilla WOW my Undead lock were fight bitterly in Stranglethorn vale, hunting down alliance players and killing them over and over.

Favorite part was making a paly bubble hearth to get away.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Can't think of anything. I'm usually the noob in the games I play, I don't do much preying. Come think of it I've never even preyed on with the exception of this one time on MU online (a Diablo knock-off). My online experience is notably plain.


New member
May 23, 2012
Nikolaz72 said:
Mega Messiah said:
This wasn't me, but my friend who I played WoW with for years tells me he was in a pug for Underbog back when Burning Crusade was relevant, and they had a paladin tank, I believe, who he says was just absolutely dismal. Could not hold aggro, keyboard turning, slower than molasses, just abysmal playing.

So, fed up with having this guy make his run take hours, at the end of the run my friend decides to go to town on him because his mood had soured, barraging him with an onslaught of insults, ranging from, "You are the worst fucking paladin I have ever seen in my entire life," to "You should literally delete the character, because it is so worthless." Having vented, he decided to friend the guy's character later to apologize that he lost his cool.


Poor bastard deleted his character because of my friend.
You get the same response if the person you try to friend has you on his Ignore List. Not saying that's the case but, still.
I added the guy after he told me what had happened and the same thing. No character found. I wasn't in his group either, so it had to have been a deletion.


New member
Sep 9, 2013
Suitcase turret at my back, railgun to my front, Perfect Dark multiplayer in a nutshell.

My friends still remind me to this day what an asshole I was.

Jamieson 90

New member
Mar 29, 2010
Back when I was playing Enemy Territory Quake Wars I often played as the medic class as seen below.

One of their main objectives is to revive downed teammates with the defibs, but the defibs also do 10 damage to enemy players (Players have at least 100hp so this is nothing), so it's really hard to land a hit against an enemy that's shooting at you and even harder to actually kill them with it, but it's like the ultimate humiliation, and since I was a good player (Competition level) I'd often go around wasting people with them for fun.


Dec 3, 2010
Friend and I took an evening of ganking "n00bs" in WoW. I didn't care much for it, but he thought it was tons of fun. We raided one guy so badly he made a horde character just to scream at us for a while, then he logged out.

Generally I try to treat people online like I want them to treat me. If I'm not first to a resource node or to a quest mob I'll let the other guy have it and wait for my turn. Unfortunetly being polite in online games is unicorn-level rare. LOTRO had by far the most mature community, but after they went F2P and mob tagging for all(just do one attack to get full exp/loot) people quickly started showing their dark side.


New member
Jul 4, 2008
I played EVE online as a pirate for years, I could name so many mean spirited things I've done to so many people I can't even begin to count, everything from organizing suicide ganking ops on expensive, cargo laiden freighters, to just generally stealing ore from people and blowing them up when they try to fight me... Also, well, all sorts of underhanded trickery and theft from corporations, spying, all sorts of "fun".

In other games though, well I tend to keep my griefing to a minimum, but every now and again, if it's possible I'll get people killed on my team in various ways, or train mobs onto people in various MMORPGs.

An example of this from way back, I was playing Deus Ex multiplayer, and I kept lighting a stealthy sniper team mate on fire, now, the fire didn't hurt him, but it lit him up for all to see, both on thermal scans, and straight visuals.

Still, lately, most of the mean spirited trickery I cause in games, are more just intentionally playing terribly in such a way that it doesn't hurt my score much, but ruins other people's team experience enough that they get angry at me and leave... Maybe I have social issues, or something, but really, it's not as if I harass anyone or follow someone to another server, or anything, mainly it's short bursts, and very convenience dependent griefing.
