SuperFriendBFG said:
Am I the only one who is disappointed that there is no keyboard on it? I mean let's be frank here, a keyboard on the PSP would be hella useful for some of the currently available applications and it would open the door for many others. Instead of putting the controls on that sliding part they should've retained the original design and put a keyboard on the sliding part.
There is no point for a keyboard on a gaming system (no don't bring up the systems other functions to argue that, it doesn't work), and besides, it already have the keyboard function program on it anyways. Yea for most people the keyboard function isn't all too great because they type things out slow or something but a keyboard is so unnecessary. Use the keyboard function on the current PSP enough and you type things up on it rather quickly, I mean it took me 2 minutes to get used to it...are people really that lazy and inconvenienced?
That mock design is also TERRIBLE. Can you imagine how uncomfortable that would be with the shoulder buttons up so high? Cmon E3 you get here already so you can laugh in the faces of all the gullible idiots who believed in these rumors.