Due to 3 unused trademarks, Volcanion, Diancee and Hoopa, there's technically 721 Pokemon. if the rumor of 800 pokemon due to Serebii having placeholder images (though they might be honeypot images for Bots) that might in fact be something for Pokemon Z/XY2.
Dianshii - Unused, presumably westernized into Diancee.
Hariboogu - Quilladin
Gekogashira - Frogadier
Borukenion - Unused, but due to B's turning into V's and K's into C's, it's Volcanion. (ke-, in kenion is pronounced as KAY, hence the Canine in the english name)
Dedenne - Dedenne
Horubii -Bunnelby
Nyaonikusu - Meowstic
Burigaron - Chesnaught
Jigarude - Zygarde
Mafokushii - Delphox
Fuupa - an oddity, for some reason it's Hoopa...Fuu is usually used for Wind, maybe it's AZ's Floette?
Gekkouga - Greninja
Torimian - Furfrou
Teerunaa - Braixen
A common thing with all those names, is that they've been used for Corocoro reveals, Legendaries gets a free pass since every game since G/S/C has the same name in all countries, this justifies why the Legendary Birds were named Fire, Thunder and...Freezer.
AZ's Machine killed all life around it to bring Floette back to life, indirectly either making both of them Immortal or at least longlifed or even Mutated them
It's possible that the backstory meant that over 50 Species of Pokemon became extinct, or perhaps they'll slowly come back into circulation with the Zygarde plot. Or if you want to be skeptical, possibly internal data placeholders for Mega forms, and for Pokemon who later gained individual data tables for alternate formes such as Unown, Castform and Rotom.
On the topic of the comic. Let's hope professor Oak doesn't get a trash can and place it ontop of the Rattata and use a lighter on it...like in a certain film. (wasn't it 2 Fast 2 Furious?)