The Shattered Elden Ring Thread: Tarnished Edition - (Shadow of the Erdtree p. 85)


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Yeah it would be nice to see melee not have to rely on them somehow, when you need to dodge at least. It’s been that way since the beginning aside from Sekiro though. I think that kinda proves the defense needs to have a more tactile element to it. In Elden Ring you can use shields really effectively with different ashes and affinities, which negate the need for iframes on defense. They are also mostly irrelevant for ranged spellcasters too as long as the enemy doesn’t close the gap or spam AoE attacks.
Here's something else....

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Jun 11, 2023
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Jun 11, 2023
United States

The last part is basically what every AAA publisher needs to hear about chasing infinite growth. Growth for the sake of growth isn’t growing a business, it’s killing it.
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Elite Member
Jun 8, 2015
So now im about 20 hours into the DLC.

The DLCs at first looked big, but I couldn’t really explore all of them as i kept running into clifs and was forced to find passages to go down. And i think that kind of goes against what made the base game great.

Take Caelid for example; You can either walk their, find the chest with trap teleportation, or use that portal behind the church to go to Beastial Sanctum, cross the bridge with the dragom, and then keep heading south to reach it. The base game always had these alternate paths you can take to reach certain areas.

Not in the DLC; it looks like they want us to follow a very specific path? If this was a non-open world souls games I wouldn’t have a issue with this, but having a specific paths makes it 1. Pointless to even have a big open areas and 2. It removes the unique experiences of players reaching the same destination. Granted I kinda hate sandbox-level of freedom when it comes to traversing (i.e. BOTW/TOTK), but i feel they could’ve gave us more room here.

As for the difficulty, i think the complaints are coming from how much damage the mons can dish out. There are ones with really annoying mechanics, but 90% of all the enemies ive came across (both bosses and regular mobs) had basic attacks, but dealing tons of damage.

It’s so weird, because Sekiro is an mechanically- difficult game, but it only had minor vocals on its difficulty. And most of the souls game always were this way, especially in NG+ runs where the enemies aren’t given new mechanics, but continues to deal more damage


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
The DLCs at first looked big, but I couldn’t really explore all of them as i kept running into clifs and was forced to find passages to go down. And i think that kind of goes against what made the base game great.
You will quickly find your ways into those areas and they are full of things to explore. Its only slightly more directed then the base game, still tons of freedom.
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Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Beat the messmer, he wasn't too bad, I had much more trouble with the damn flower.
Jun 11, 2023
United States
So now im about 20 hours into the DLC.

The DLCs at first looked big, but I couldn’t really explore all of them as i kept running into clifs and was forced to find passages to go down. And i think that kind of goes against what made the base game great.

Take Caelid for example; You can either walk their, find the chest with trap teleportation, or use that portal behind the church to go to Beastial Sanctum, cross the bridge with the dragom, and then keep heading south to reach it. The base game always had these alternate paths you can take to reach certain areas.

Not in the DLC; it looks like they want us to follow a very specific path? If this was a non-open world souls games I wouldn’t have a issue with this, but having a specific paths makes it 1. Pointless to even have a big open areas and 2. It removes the unique experiences of players reaching the same destination. Granted I kinda hate sandbox-level of freedom when it comes to traversing (i.e. BOTW/TOTK), but i feel they could’ve gave us more room here.

As for the difficulty, i think the complaints are coming from how much damage the mons can dish out. There are ones with really annoying mechanics, but 90% of all the enemies ive came across (both bosses and regular mobs) had basic attacks, but dealing tons of damage.

It’s so weird, because Sekiro is an mechanically- difficult game, but it only had minor vocals on its difficulty. And most of the souls game always were this way, especially in NG+ runs where the enemies aren’t given new mechanics, but continues to deal more damage
I’ve gotten into the area north and east of Ensis castle without beating the main boss (Rellana). Only discovered it trying to find a map fragment and looking for ways to get to it. That wrapped around and it led to the other side of the chasm with all the stone steps were that led down to the bottom of it. I think the main thing that’s different here is they traded the breadth of base game for more depth here. I’ve only played about five or six hours but it feels like I’ve covered a lot more ground that what is shown on the map, simply because it doesn’t show the layers very well. The rudimentary map style fits the game thematically but it would’ve been nice if this could’ve been shown better.
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Reactions: FakeSympathy
Jun 11, 2023
United States

Pinned by Zullie the Witch
@ZullietheWitch 1 hour ago (edited)
According to Miyazaki, Messmer's existence and the history of the Land of Shadow was written before development on the base game even started, still building off GRRM's writings. The idea the colosseums may once have foreshadowed the backstory of the DLC is both entirely possible and also somewhat staggering to think about, and then it's even more bizarre that they removed that little hint anyway.

The animation rig on this thing must’ve had FROM wishing they’d made a new game engine.
Jun 11, 2023
United States
I've not played the DLC much at all yet, so can't really speak to the validity of any of these points, and neither can I agree or disagree, but here ya go.

(And I checked this time, @hanselthecaretaker2; this one hasn't been posted yet!)

I'm nowhere near done yet either, but have put a few hours in and a handful of bosses. So far it's difficult in that I've saved a couple field bosses for later, and rebirthed for an easy win on a main boss. Most of what I've seen is like a continuation from late game, but I'm sure that will change at some point.

The biggest thing is a good amount of people seem to be expecting to instantly figure everything out to make things easier. It's an open world game with a ton of new stuff to try. In terms of challenge on late game bosses it's really not much different than fighting Sigrun in GoW who was tough even on normal but could be considered a nightmare on Challenge or GMGOW. People eventually learned. There's already videos of people getting no hit runs on every boss in the game, with different builds. The final boss is apparently resistant to magic but someone with an INT build was using one of the new shield weapons with the new deflect physik and Scholar's shield, almost playing it like Sekiro to good effect.

Granted there will probably be more patches as time goes on, but even when these games were simpler with easier tells they had parts that felt impossible until they weren't. It's more a matter of how much patience one has for this type of game, after seven of them now. I'm still enjoying it, but will surely welcome FROM doing something different in the future, and hopefully on a new engine.