The Thousand Dollar Steampunk Memory Stick


Apr 28, 2008
MGlBlaze said:
AC10 said:
So WHY is it so much money?? Because it has a heatsink or because it comes in a box?
In a memory stick, 64Gb is actually quite a feat. However, at that price, it would be far, far cheaper to just get a bunch of smaller memory sticks. Or an extra hard drive. Or an external hard drive.

Or a new computer, complete with a quad-core processor and a high-end graphic card.

Okay, that last option might not be cheaper depending on your build preferences, but it'd be much better value for money.
I dunno, I have a 32GB stick and it was $100 bucks. Also, OCZ makes a 64 gig stick for $225 CAD ( But yeah, you're right. It's just expensive lol.


New member
Oct 28, 2009
AC10 said:
MGlBlaze said:
AC10 said:
So WHY is it so much money?? Because it has a heatsink or because it comes in a box?
In a memory stick, 64Gb is actually quite a feat. However, at that price, it would be far, far cheaper to just get a bunch of smaller memory sticks. Or an extra hard drive. Or an external hard drive.

Or a new computer, complete with a quad-core processor and a high-end graphic card.

Okay, that last option might not be cheaper depending on your build preferences, but it'd be much better value for money.
I dunno, I have a 32GB stick and it was $100 bucks. Also, OCZ makes a 64 gig stick for $225 CAD ( But yeah, you're right. It's just expensive lol.
In that case, I have absolutely NO idea why it's so expensive. They probably decided to crank up the price for the craftsmanship even though only the most avid steam-punk fan would even consider paying that much.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
vivaldiscool said:
AceDiamond said:
gmacarthur81 said:
Being made of brass and copper with some non-functional gears tacked on does NOT make this thing Steampunk.

It makes it a really expensive poseur.
This. Plus it's expensive beyond any logical belief. You could buy a 1TB external hard drive for less. Hell you could buy two 1TB external drives for less.

and yet a bunch of trendy celebutards would probably buy one.
Actually you could buy about 8 TB drives with that.
you do realize, the hardrives with a 1+ tb break pretty easily,
the larger the hardrive, the more easily it breaks. then you just lost 1+tb of memory


<(^.^<) <(^.^)> (>^.^)>
Nov 13, 2009

Non-functional Steampunk

Functional Steampunk

Also non-functional but very Steampunk and very cool.

Lord Krunk

New member
Mar 3, 2008
If they sell it at a reasonable price ($100 at the very most), I would seriously get this.


New member
Apr 5, 2009
Looks... I don't know. I just don't like it. My Shark pendrive is better (for me of course)


Sometimes known as CaitieLou
May 27, 2009
WrongSprite said:

$45 dollars for 64gb?? Even if it was an ordinary memory stick it'd be much more than that!
64 Gigs? Never mind, I guess about $120 would be a bit more more accurate :p Serves me right for not reading the entire original article, I guess.

Asehujiko said:
Lilani said:
features a unique "cooling system" of pipes and manifolds to ventilate the enormous memory.
Flash memory needs cooling?

While you are at it, here's some all natural snake oil at just $500 a bottle.
What? I never said that. Unless you are referring to the price I offered, in which case my response is the same one as before.

US Crash Fire

New member
Apr 20, 2009
That looks like hot garbage! seriously, I think I could make that in an hour with gold spray paint and old watch parts. If you pay $1000 for it you are retarded.


New member
Aug 30, 2009
I don't think its all that good looking but $1000 bucks for something like that when I can pick up a greater quantity at pretty much any electronics store...but then again they don't have a "custom" style and velvet box! OR ventilation system and glowing red light!


Digital Wizard
Dec 17, 2008
As much as I love anything steampunk, this doesn't come close to cutting it. I don't particularly like the look of it, and I don't care if it's one-of-a-kind, handcrafted, genuine copper and brass, and comes with a case I'll never use, it's not worth $1000. I might have to take up steampunk mods as a hobby, because there seems plenty of room for undercutting.


Elite Member
Nov 6, 2008
Wow... that's really pretty and it's got a lot of storage on it. If I had 1000 bucks to spend willy nilly, I would buy that in a heartbeat. I'm a sucker for steampunk.

Darth Rahu

Critic of the Sith
Nov 20, 2009
What's next? Steampunk Jet Skiis? *watches Avatar Abridged* 0_0...dear god what have they done!?


New member
May 25, 2008
Credge said:
Doesn't look good at all, not even in a steampunk way. Just not attractive.

Waste of 'months of research'.
No it isn't. he design may be lacking appeal but you have to admit that cooling system will come in extremely handy in developing flash drives with larger capacities.

Maybe next someone could design an alien model, I bet those cooling pipes would look pretty damn cool on a sleek, outer space design. Pretty lights on it, too.. granted it wouldn't be a work of art but it would be a hell of a lot less expensive than a thousand dollars.


New member
Jan 16, 2009
More Fun To Compute said:
Paying ten times too much for a memory stick doesn't sound very punk to me.
AC10 said:
So WHY is it so much money?? Because it has a heatsink or because it comes in a box?
More Fun To Compute said:
Paying ten times too much for a memory stick doesn't sound very punk to me.
MGlBlaze said:
AC10 said:
MGlBlaze said:
AC10 said:
So WHY is it so much money?? Because it has a heatsink or because it comes in a box?
In a memory stick, 64Gb is actually quite a feat. However, at that price, it would be far, far cheaper to just get a bunch of smaller memory sticks. Or an extra hard drive. Or an external hard drive.

Or a new computer, complete with a quad-core processor and a high-end graphic card.

Okay, that last option might not be cheaper depending on your build preferences, but it'd be much better value for money.
I dunno, I have a 32GB stick and it was $100 bucks. Also, OCZ makes a 64 gig stick for $225 CAD ( But yeah, you're right. It's just expensive lol.
In that case, I have absolutely NO idea why it's so expensive. They probably decided to crank up the price for the craftsmanship even though only the most avid steam-punk fan would even consider paying that much.
vivaldiscool said:
From his site:
I apologize in advance for the high price, this is my favorite drive now and I just don't want to give it up.
This is a signed, one of a kind work of art, I will not make another exactly like it.
It's priced so high literally because he doesn't want anyone to buy it. Kinda like when artists at galleries price that insignificant little canvas or photo for $3000. They'd rather keep it unless someone was willing to pay through the nose for it.

reposting, since apparently many of you fools lack reading comprehension.
Fucking damn it why can't you people read?

tthor said:
vivaldiscool said:
AceDiamond said:
gmacarthur81 said:
Being made of brass and copper with some non-functional gears tacked on does NOT make this thing Steampunk.

It makes it a really expensive poseur.
This. Plus it's expensive beyond any logical belief. You could buy a 1TB external hard drive for less. Hell you could buy two 1TB external drives for less.

and yet a bunch of trendy celebutards would probably buy one.
Actually you could buy about 8 TB drives with that.
you do realize, the hardrives with a 1+ tb break pretty easily,
the larger the hardrive, the more easily it breaks. then you just lost 1+tb of memory
I meant eight separate 1TB drives.