The Thousand Dollar Steampunk Memory Stick


New member
Jan 19, 2009
I love steampunk but this I find kind of ugly, I definitely don't think it's worth the price tag.


New member
Jul 28, 2008
That thing is almost a quarter the size of my hard-drive! Still, it cost twice as much as my new gaming PC...


Elite Member
May 28, 2009
There is absolutely nothing I can say that hasn't already been said at least three times before me. It's awesome but certainly a waste of money. Doesn't stop me from wishing I had one though.


New member
Apr 8, 2008
nilcypher said:
The Thousand Dollar Steampunk Memory Stick

Punch cards? Totally passé. Handcrafted USB sticks that cost $1000? That's the way of the future!

At over $15 a gigabyte, the Pocket Memory 5 does not exactly represent great value for money, but when you take a look at the custom made 64Gb memory stick, it's hard not to feel a little tempted by it. The drive was created by Will Rockwell [], a steampunk artist, and is built out of brass and copper, with a glowing jewel at the end.

In Rockwell's own words "This enormous drive is the culmination of months of research into the design and potential of Steampunk USB drives ... The drive comes in its own custom velvet lined box and features a unique "cooling system" of pipes and manifolds to ventilate the enormous memory. "

I'm not going to pretend that it's a steal at only a grand, but it sure is pretty.

Source: io9 []

It's not a 1000 dollar memory stick unless someone BUYS IT.

And not those nuts at Golden Palace who buy Virginj mary burned grilled cheese for 20k.

Unless a person buys it it's not worth it. I can get a supersoaker, 40k mini paints, some puddy and foam and make a steam punk rifle and say it's worth 5 gazillion dollars. But if no one buys's worth...nothing. Accually less since a 10 year old would not even give me full price for the supersoaker cause i painted and messed it all up.

Comic books....they aren't worth what they say unless someone buys it at that price....
All you action figure collectors....know what i mean


New member
Mar 16, 2008
Nah. If is had more gears and I could see right through it, then I would consider. That thing isn't steampunk enough, it just looks like a block of iron.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
AceDiamond said:
gmacarthur81 said:
Being made of brass and copper with some non-functional gears tacked on does NOT make this thing Steampunk.

It makes it a really expensive poseur.
This. Plus it's expensive beyond any logical belief. You could buy a 1TB external hard drive for less. Hell you could buy two 1TB external drives for less.

and yet a bunch of trendy celebutards would probably buy one.
AceDiamond said:
gmacarthur81 said:
Being made of brass and copper with some non-functional gears tacked on does NOT make this thing Steampunk.

It makes it a really expensive poseur.
This. Plus it's expensive beyond any logical belief. You could buy a 1TB external hard drive for less. Hell you could buy two 1TB external drives for less.

and yet a bunch of trendy celebutards would probably buy one.
You could buy 10 1TB external harddrives for that.

But you could only by a few 64 GB usb sticks for that cost. At least te last time I looked it was about 100 bucks for a 32. Admittedly it has been a while.


New member
Nov 23, 2009
BillyShakes said:
What depresses me is that this shoddy piece of work has a larger storage capacity than my current laptop. *Sadface*
lol yeh im in the same boat my laptop only has a 40 gig hard drive and replacing it is next to impossoble cuz the way its built


New member
Aug 2, 2006
Nothing says "rich guy's toy" like a $1000 USB stick that is essentally a bunch of USB sticks glued together and wrapped in some steampunk artist's work.


New member
Mar 24, 2009
Reminds me of some of the junk that gets way overpriced in the WoW auction houses. Give me some plastic cement and a couple modeling kits, I could replicate the look of that for less than $10. True the capacity of that thing is impressive, but it is hardly $1000, and is only faux steampunk. Anybody worth his effort would have put more into it than just a glowy bit at the end. Mr Rockwell needs to have a chat with our friend Ben Heck [] who can turn an XBox 360, PS3, and pretty much anything you can name [] into a laptop, while also making the system work even better than when it was just a console box.


New member
Mar 4, 2009
Cute, but I'll bend some cogs onto a usb stick, spray paint it gold, and throw an LED light at the end for much less than $1000 if you want that =P

Jaqen Hghar

New member
Feb 11, 2009
vivaldiscool said:
From his site:
I apologize in advance for the high price, this is my favorite drive now and I just don't want to give it up.
This is a signed, one of a kind work of art, I will not make another exactly like it.
It's priced so high literally because he doesn't want anyone to buy it. Kinda like when artists at galleries price that insignificant little canvas or photo for $3000. They'd rather keep it unless someone was willing to pay through the nose for it.
I'm just going to quote you so that more people will see this. Seems that people just manages to skip over the one informative post telling them why it's so expensive. Probably so that they can be "witty" and say what they would rather buy for $1000 -_-

Anyway, it does look a bit... wonky. It is still an amazing build though. And there is no doubt he has talent in making these sort of things, judging from the other stuff he got. If I had the money for these things, I would probably buy one of the others though. Even if this was priced the same.