The Thousand Dollar Steampunk Memory Stick


Sep 5, 2009
Y'know, I was skeptical clicking on the link, but that does look pretty badass. Bring it down to $150, and we'll talk.

Here's a damn good 64Gb for $199.99 (this is the only brand I like to use)

And here's a few 128Gb for $354-$399.99

So if they expect me to pay another $600 for half the capacity and a piece of freakin' copper for an exterior, they're batshit bonkers. Not to mention the question of whether or not the flash memory in it is even good, or if its more akin to those cheapo $10 drives one uses for a few days before they tragically eat shit.


New member
Mar 6, 2008
The Rogue Wolf said:
Awesome! I've finally found a good USB stick for my laptop [].
See, that, I'd pay a couple grand for.


New member
Nov 23, 2007
Looking at some of his other stuff, he must have some really strong sentimental attachment to this particular item, since a *lot* of his other things look far more impressive and steampunk for a far lower price. I'd much rather get this [] stick of his at half the price. Also, quoting the below so that people might actually see it:

vivaldiscool said:
From his site:
I apologize in advance for the high price, this is my favorite drive now and I just don't want to give it up.
This is a signed, one of a kind work of art, I will not make another exactly like it.
It's priced so high literally because he doesn't want anyone to buy it. Kinda like when artists at galleries price that insignificant little canvas or photo for $3000. They'd rather keep it unless someone was willing to pay through the nose for it.

reposting, since apparently many of you fools lack reading comprehension.


New member
Sep 14, 2008
1000$?! Upon my soul, how ludicrously overpriced. I do declare, I could buy umpteen terrabyte harddrives for th.... PSYCHE
ONLY JOKING vivaldiscool, I read your post, thanks for the info.


Beware of Snow Giraffes
Jun 13, 2009
TheBluesader said:
Acidwell said:
You are looking at external hard drives not flash drives and the flash drive that this uses costs $140 dollars and anything bigger cost around $500.
Also this is categorized as "art" and considering that people have bought a urinal for ?1.7, $1000 is a fairly good price in comparison.
My point was that if you need memory, there are far more economical ways to get it.

Unless you're some kind of crazy super spy that needs must have a giant thumbdrive you can, ahem, hide on your person to slip past unsuspecting guards.

I know some people are just REALLY into thumbdrives. But my external USB 320GB drive is smaller than my hand. I guess it would be cooler if it were as big as my thumb. But really - is it THAT big of a difference?
Oh yeah i'm not arguing that its the cheapest way to store things since you could just get an internal tb hard drive for cheaper than 90 if you wanted its just that as costs of flash drives go its not as bad as it seems


Beware of Snow Giraffes
Jun 13, 2009
Archemetis said:
And as for your "There is no such thing as a functioning Steampunk anything really."
My browser is being an uncoopertative slut at the moment, but I remember one such machine which was a steampunk style, steampowered motorcycle.
I'd find it and provide a link, but like I said my browser's being stupid.
Would this be what your talking about?
and either way yes there are certinly a few things that work steam powered e.g. Ships
But what i was saying is that making it out of brass and copper and tacking gears on it is what makes it steampunk since it is about the look of it rather than it using steam and the gears to actually do anything.


Is Probably Awesome.
Aug 13, 2008
Acidwell said:
Archemetis said:
And as for your "There is no such thing as a functioning Steampunk anything really."
My browser is being an uncoopertative slut at the moment, but I remember one such machine which was a steampunk style, steampowered motorcycle.
I'd find it and provide a link, but like I said my browser's being stupid.
Would this be what your talking about?
and either way yes there are certinly a few things that work steam powered e.g. Ships
But what i was saying is that making it out of brass and copper and tacking gears on it is what makes it steampunk since it is about the look of it rather than it using steam and the gears to actually do anything.
funnily enough that's the same point I was making, but flipped in favour of poor design...

I'm not saying that this isn't Steampunk design.
My point is that it's really poor stempunk design, which doesn't justify the unreasonable price (even if the price is that high so the guy can keep it, which begs the question, "Why sell it in the frist place?!")

Moving parts or a functional device within the object, while not a key, must-have feature in steampunk deign, is something I personally like seeing, I wasn't saying this is shit because it lacks moving parts, in fact I made it a point to stress that moving parts are entirely optional in these kind of things.

Also, I'd have to be some kind of moron to assume that someone would willingly make a steam-powered memory stick, So don't presume me to be that kind of moron, thank you.

Like I said, this is all boils down to personal opinion, so no one is wrong or right here, some people have their ideas of what steampunk features, this fills certain criteria, but unfortunatley to me It just doesn't look any good.


New member
Sep 2, 2009
Not happening for me--the only thing I will ever go steampunk for is the "Myst" series, and even then I'm not entirely sure it qualifies as such.


New member
Dec 31, 2008
The Rogue Wolf said:
Awesome! I've finally found a good USB stick for my laptop [].

Gah stole my joke!

Anyways, Doesn't look that cool