The world is going to end on May 21, 2011


I'm anticipating DmC. Flame me.
Jul 23, 2008
The world is supposed to have ended over 30 times since 2000, according to various nutcases.
Why would this prediction be more accurate than the others?


New member
Jan 30, 2011

Interesting thought though. If no man knows the date that the world will end... And everyone thinks it's going to end on a different date... Then wouldn't that eliminate any chance of the world ending?

Seriously, if we can convince one person for each day (not all that hard, considering), then that immediately eliminates every day as a possibility. Yet another Bible Loophole.

On a side note, if it were definitely going to end, I can think of quite a few things I'd do. Although I suppose it depends on if it's world-ending or just world-as-we-know-it-ending. If the entire planet's going to become uninhabitable/destroyed then my plan of action is significantly different from if it were going to be the fall of modern civilization.


Elite Member
Aug 19, 2009
2. Day before my birthday. Thanks God, just what I always wanted: THE TOTAL AND UTTER ANNIHILATION OF MY ENTIRE CIVILIZATION.

1. No. Seriously? Do we have any reason to believe ANYONE who predicts the end of the world? Other than, I don't know, an astronomer who has calculated the trajectory of a three-mile wide asteroid that's headed for Earth?


New member
Apr 9, 2009
Hmm, May 21, eh?

Well, II think the people who are saying that are morons, so no.

And what I would do if that was true? Go, "Fuck it!" and continue with my College graduation... though if its true, it will be a short ceremony...


New member
May 4, 2009
CM156 said:
According to the source below, the world is going to end on May 21, 2011.

The Holy Bible gives several additional astounding proofs that May 21, 2011 is very accurate as the time for the Day of Judgment. For more information on this subject, you may request a copy of We Are Almost There, available free of charge from Family Radio.
Fellow Escapists, I have two questions for you:

1: Do you think this is really going to happen?

2: If it were, how would you spend your last days?

Personally? I firstly don?t think it was going to happen, but if it were, I would buy a DeLorean. I?ve always wanted one of those cars.
the guy said the same thing in 1994


New member
Apr 29, 2011
1) no,there's no scientific evidence saying there will be such a thing or even evidence to indicated such a thing (IE. increased tectonic plate activity for an earthquake,etc,etc)

2)probably trying my hardest to stop the damn thing( to quote dylan Thomas,Do not go gentle into that good night.Rage, rage against the dying of the light.),even if its nothing more than a futile gesture i can still do something or even make someones life more comfortable before the end

Trako said:
2 Fight in the war room

you sir are win!


New member
Sep 10, 2008
I'm jewish, so I don't believe in sin, nor Armageddon.

Also, I am sick of Bible analysis. It is a great piece of romantic literature, but it is not a "holy" book.


New member
Dec 20, 2008
Actually the bible pretty plainly says that the second coming is unpredicatable, and that no one will or can expect it.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
NeutralDrow said:
"No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father."
- Matthew 24:36

Thank you, Jon Stewart. Now, not only can I call out the bullshit, I have actual cited backing for it.

But yeah, those people have a bunch of billboards up here in San Diego. Since I graduate the day after that, I'll have another dose of merriment to add to the day.

If it were, I'd probably spend all day at home, replaying some of my favorite visual novels.
It is a remarkably educational television show.

loremazd said:
Actually the bible pretty plainly says that the second coming is unpredicatable, and that no one will or can expect it.
Which is a very smart move. Because when you start being specific with your predictions you get proven to be a farce.

Psychics are real good with vagueness, its a beautiful (albeit malicious) art.

Apollo45 said:

Interesting thought though. If no man knows the date that the world will end... And everyone thinks it's going to end on a different date... Then wouldn't that eliminate any chance of the world ending?

Seriously, if we can convince one person for each day (not all that hard, considering), then that immediately eliminates every day as a possibility. Yet another Bible Loophole.

On a side note, if it were definitely going to end, I can think of quite a few things I'd do. Although I suppose it depends on if it's world-ending or just world-as-we-know-it-ending. If the entire planet's going to become uninhabitable/destroyed then my plan of action is significantly different from if it were going to be the fall of modern civilization.
Unfortunately there is a big difference between thinking you know and actually knowing :).

The point is that no person actually knows the date. Many people might think they do.

Although on the non religious side of things there is a pretty promising range of years when the Earth will certainly end, humans or naught, when the sun expands :).


New member
Oct 22, 2008
1. No.
2. Well we'll have to wait and see.

Seriously though, does anyone else wonder what the fuck these conspiracy theorists do every time they are INEVITABLY proved wrong?
DO they lose all faith and become fucking rational? NO; I bet they just spool through their Bible-for-dummies for the next bullshit date to fail to make anyone care about.
Useless cunts.


New member
Nov 24, 2009
1. No
2. Everything, make out with every girl i've ever been atracted to. See how far that goes eh wink wink nudge nudge


New member
Jan 28, 2011
But if it does, shoot, I won't have to pay my rent in more money to PARTY!!!!!

Irradiated Tiger

New member
Feb 8, 2010
Oh boy, another crackpot doomsday theory.
All those other doomsday theories have been wrong but im Suuuurrrreeee this will be it.
Seriously, Why can't we just forget all about this crap and do something fun instead like ride ponies?


Gloria ex machina
Sep 21, 2009
1. No, as it has already been said, the guy who made this prediction originally had the date over a decade or so earlier, it didn't happen on that date so he pushed it back.

2. Find somewhere where the stars are shining so I can see the milky way stretch into the infinite expanse of space. If there is one thing I want to see before the end, it is that.