Things a single person managed to ruin for everyone


New member
Aug 14, 2009
ID_Crisis said:
Aerodyamic said:
Other than that, the twat responsible for 'reality television' has largely ruined television.
Simon Cowell?
No, the one before him... the one that came up with Suvivor and all that garbage. I'm drawing a blank on the bastards' name, but the guy that literally invented the genre, and is executive produer on most of the 'bigger' ones.

But Simon Cowell and the broad from 'The Weakest Link' ruined being a snotty, pretentious, opinionated British prat for anyone that was still into that sort of thing.


Probably your average communist.
Oct 4, 2008
Jiraiya72 said:
You are dead. Wrong. Quoted from my favorite place; "Because it's indicative of a pattern in society to idealize unhealthy and abusive relationships. This book teaches our generation that abusive relationships are okay-- no, ROMANTIC, even. Not only is this book a moral threat to our youth, but an assault on literature itself. It's unoriginal, amateur, openly abusive, and dare I say it, sexist."
..where in there did you prove me wrong?

People who have read the book and hate it have an honest opinion about it. People who don't, just follow other people stating it sucks, "from what they've heard."

Lexodus said:
I am, then, in the minority, as I have read the books for myself and been disgusted on my own terms. Some of us don't just hate it because it's 'the in thing to do' (I also didn't jump on the bandwagon when Halo was the internet's cannon fodder).
I didn't say everyone. I said most.

Like I said above, you read the book, then you have an honest opinion.

Most of the hate is just from "what they've heard" or "My friend hates it so I'll just agree to be socially accepted."


Flamboyant Homosexual
Apr 11, 2009
Some kid at the local high school decided "oh, well my girlfriend dumped me after dating for 2 months so I'll shoot her with a crossbow." peirced her heart and the force of it pushed it (the bolt) into the leg of another woman. they both survived and he's still in juvi for attemted murder and grevious body harm, set to go into jail for 5 years...roughly 2 years back.

Needless to say, thanks to that toss-off, Archery has such strict rules around our area that I wasnt even allowed to fire a bow without being both watched AND I had to wear that useless arm protection from bow slap. I have (well had, now) a 40" Compound Bow with barbed arrows for hunting, and I cant even use a 30$ bow at school with arrows that barely even penetrates (no innuendo intended) cardboard targets.

EDIT: Holy F' I hate the keyboards at college, so many typos.


New member
Oct 12, 2009
Walt Disney. For (inadvertively) creating a franchise which now plagues my life and wants me to beat my own head in with a sharped brick. I'm speaking more about the tween sitcoms rather than the dumbed down cartoons. My sis is a huge fan of Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana/Tween Pop Robot #1023, possibly the most annoying thing Disney has ever given us. Well, apart from Bambi 2.

And stop going on about Twilight. It has sparkly vampires. Nuff said.


New member
Nov 26, 2009
Twilight does suck. Its a piece of fiction in which paedophilia is ok (because they were destined to be together), emotionally abusive relationships are fine( i.e him telling her if she gets hurt, its always her fault)and pretty much all the "good, trustworthy" people are white and the "bad" or "untrustworthy" (the brit vampire runs off, the volturi, the bulgarian vampires, laurent arguably jacob etc etc? , ones arent. It is simply put, creepy.

and yes i have read them


New member
Nov 26, 2009
I also propose a new internet law along the same lines as Godwins law. I call it Meyers law (for obvious reasons)


New member
Nov 14, 2009
whiskey rock n said:
Kuchinawa212 said:
Damn Double Ninja'd with twilight vampires
Need to pick a new one...hmm she wrote about werewolves too right? Ok, She ruined werewolves too
I think I'll get in on this and just say she ruined the entire art of literature...*****
The art of cinema too, the infection spread from the books to the big screen... it's the spiderflumonkeyaids of the media world (...seriously praying that a twilight game doesn't happen, if it does then I will be forced to kill someone).


New member
Aug 30, 2008
Trivun said:
In b4 Stephenie Meyer ruining vampires. If ANYBODY DARES post that here I will be so pissed off. If you don't like Twilight then don't post about it, just ignore it. Nobody forced you to watch/read it or hate it.

Anyway, I'd say that Gordon Brown managed to ruin British politics for everyone. He gives massive amounts of power to the Scottish and pretty much lets them have independence all but officially, and he sells us all out to the EU. No wonder us students have such a reputation for being apathetic, when politicians like this make us all so disillusioned with the current system...

EDIT: Dammit, ninja'd by a few seconds...
Too bad, she did ruin vampires. Nobody forced me to read it, but I have every right to be pissed off at what she's done. 200 hundred years of vampire lore down the f'cking toilet so Stephanie Mayer could write an emo angsty teenager melodrama... as story she could have done without making vampires F'CKING SPARKLE. Hell, they could be wearing SPF 100 sunscreen, or the effects of sunlight worked less quickly, or living in cloudy Washington state slowed down the process...ANYTHING would have been more believable theN SPARKLING VAMPIRES. Was she high when she came up with that?!

Not to mention she was ripping off Charlaine Harris' Southern Vampire Mysteries (True Blood) which is a much better, more thought out and better written series, that kept the lore intact.

Watch MovieBob's New Moon trailer for a much more thought out and funny view of this series.

EDIT: And your a dude? What's up with that? Was your girlfriend using your account today?


New member
Oct 3, 2008
Aerodyamic said:
No, the one before him... the one that came up with Suvivor and all that garbage. I'm drawing a blank on the bastards' name, but the guy that literally invented the genre, and is executive produer on most of the 'bigger' ones.
Probably thinking of Bunim/Murray Productions, which was actually two people: Jonathan Murray and Mary-Ellis Bunim. We could just blame MTV too. EDIT: Or maybe you mean Charlie Parsons. All equally evil.


New member
Jun 26, 2009
whiskey rock n said:
Ok simple thread, name something that has been ruined by one single person so that none of us can every use it in any acceptable way every again.

Example: The name Judas or a square moustache (although that always looked stupid anyway)
NOBODY has said Michael Atkinson, with Left 4 Dead II for the whole of Australia? i mean... really?


New member
Aug 16, 2009
Ohten said:
Trivun said:
If ANYBODY DARES post that here I will be so pissed off.
It's a horrifically terrible piece of work that doesn't deserve a shred of the popularity it got because the individual who crapped it out has a tenuous-at-best grasp of fiction writing and her writing is choked to the gills with blatant Mary/Gary Sues and deus ex machina that becomes so commonplace you never really need to bother becoming emotionally invested in Helpless Jane, who seems hell bent on setting back the feminist movement a century, or her verbally- and mentally-abusive stalker undead special-snowflake boyfriend.
Sorry to quote this again, but that is an epic, concise and accurate depiction of the Twilight "saga" (since when did it deserve the saga label??). Woo Ohten!

OT: Sorry to all but yeah The Game......and the Jonas Brothers...... and to an extent Halo



New member
Jul 25, 2009
Monkey bars. some fat fuck got his arm all broke like and now nobody can use them.

I remember when we had kicking fights to see who would fall off, grabbing the opponents waist and pulling them down was a common strategy. Hell we stood on top of them and had sumo fights.

Akai Shizuku

New member
Jul 24, 2009
Doug said:
Akai Shizuku said:
Must...resist...urge to troll...Twilight fan...AUGH!!!!!!!1111!!!!
Jacob Black is a pedophile
Give in to your darkside!

Stalin ruined Communism. Because of him, everyone thinks it's a totalitarian dictatorship, when it is, in fact, very different.
Actually, Lenin beat him too it with war-communism, the policies including taking food off of the peasants to feed the soldiers and so forth.
Yeah, can't argue with that. He went mad with power. >_<


New member
Aug 16, 2008
Doug said:
Wadders said:
EDIT: Also, I forgot to mention my pet hate. Trendy hat wearers. The guy who started the fedora/ trilby trend ruined classy 20's and 30's hats for ever. Seriously, why would you wana look like this daft ****.
I don't think the Fedora can be considered trendy. That said, thanks to that picture, I'm glad I didn't give into my temtation to buy one. I'd no idea that twat wears them.
They are trendy now. Surely you must have seen all the alternate rock/ cool indie kids/ wear them. Surely you've seen stupid dicks like these wear them? Or is this retarded trend only confined to the UK?