Things a single person managed to ruin for everyone


New member
Aug 18, 2008
nezroy said:
malestrithe said:
Fact of the matter is, Whedon started this new vampire trend by having the first modern vampire television series that does not suck. Other might have set the ground work, Whedon made the formula that everyone else is copying. Because of Whedon, all humans females are bad copies of Buffy, all vampires are bad copies of Angel, and all werewolves are bad copies of Oz.
So come on... either you love and/or hate Whedon so much that you want him to be singly responsible for the downfall of vampire culture, or else you are just too dense to see that vampire culture evolved quite naturally during the 80s and 90s into its current angsty emo teen incarnation. That evolution is completely and entirely consistent with everything that was happening pre-Buffy in the vampire world, and many unrelated things that have happened post-Buffy. What Whedon did with Buffy, vis a vis vampire culture, was already IN PLACE to some degree or another. Sure, he left his mark, but I guarantee you that Twilight was an inevitability in vampie culture, regardless of Buffy. Twilight pretty much fills the vapid vampire literary vacuum that Anne Rice left behind, frankly... so if you're going to blame anyone at all, you should blame her.
Are you so protective of Joss whedon that you cannot see that you are wrong? Whedon made angsty Vampires popular in modern day times. There is none of this logical extensions in the entertainment industry. It is based on formulas that worked the year before. You are doing what a college student does: piking things that prove your thesis and ignoring everything else. Another popular series at the time, The Saint Germaine series is not about an angst ridden vampire, but one that accepts his immortality. The Anno Dracula series is not angsty at all. IN the movie the Lost boys, the vampires were okay with being vampires, again not angsty. They are examples of vampires that were not angsty and they were written after Anne Rice ruined everything.

After the success of buffy, the vampires became angsty ridden people. Buffy is program zero and everything changed after it.

Deal with it.

As for you, Whedon does not need defending. Nothing I say will reduce him to tears.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Akai Shizuku said:
Must...resist...urge to troll...Twilight fan...AUGH!!!!!!!1111!!!!
Jacob Black is a pedophile
Give in to your darkside!

Stalin ruined Communism. Because of him, everyone thinks it's a totalitarian dictatorship, when it is, in fact, very different.
Actually, Lenin beat him too it with war-communism, the policies including taking food off of the peasants to feed the soldiers and so forth.


New member
Jul 20, 2009
Twilight, unfortunately, has burned vampires and were-wolves to a grizzly crisp, for the most part anyway...


The Loneliest Jedi
Apr 17, 2009
Trivun said:
In b4 Stephenie Meyer ruining vampires
THIS!! (jaja, I KID I KID)

well... the word midichlorians

the word "IN SPACE" (Like Friday the 13th IN SPACE!)

aaaaaand those are the ones i can think of



New member
May 27, 2009
Thanksgiving, every Thanksgiving is apparently ruined by me............. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Wadders said:
EDIT: Also, I forgot to mention my pet hate. Trendy hat wearers. The guy who started the fedora/ trilby trend ruined classy 20's and 30's hats for ever. Seriously, why would you wana look like this daft ****.
I don't think the Fedora can be considered trendy. That said, thanks to that picture, I'm glad I didn't give into my temtation to buy one. I'd no idea that twat wears them.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
orangeapples said:
Yahtzee and all video game reviews.


Kanye West and being black. It's like he was trying to fit into every stereotype...
Kanye West is just a prick; he doesn't fit a stereotype.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
I would have to say...

Hannah Montana and music
Oprah and emotions
Twilight and vampires
and finally
Hitler and the frikkin Charlie Chaplin 'stache.

I hate how everyone thinks the 'stache belongs to Hitler


Cortana's guardian
Oct 22, 2009
TheMatt said:
Trivun said:
In b4 Stephenie Meyer ruining vampires. If ANYBODY DARES post that here I will be so pissed off. If you don't like Twilight then don't post about it, just ignore it. Nobody forced you to watch/read it or hate it.

EDIT: Dammit, ninja'd by a few seconds...
Who the hell are you to tell people what they can and cannot post? She did ruin the word twilight for everyone. she ruined vampires as well. Pre her vampires were bad ass, now they sparkle. So go ahead and be "so pissed off" CAUSE I DARED.
I agree with ^. Vampires and the word twilight were awesome before she came along and ruined them both and besides that the series also ruined werewolves.[/quote]

EDIT: I agree with ^. Vampires and the word twilight were awesome before she came along and ruined them both and besides that the series also ruined werewolves. And the movies ruined Kristen Stewart for me, she was so hot and now I can't talk about her hotness anymore without running the risk of getting the rabid twilight fans going about how much they love edward or Jacob

Eliam_Dar said:
videogames movies, ruined by Uwe Boll
damn man you bet me to it. my non gamer friends (big movie buffs) give me so much shit because of Boll's garbage adaptations


New member
Jun 27, 2009
Furioso said:
People who are allergic to peanut butter, like me, no more bringing in reeses to share with the class ^_^
YOU SON OF A *****. But seriously, having a peanut allergy must suck. Anyway, Hitler ruined toothbrush mustaches for everyone. I seriously want to have one of those.


New member
Aug 14, 2009
James_Sunderland said:
Hugh Grant and Bill Clinton are both responsible for the general reputation of blowjobs today.
Hugh Grant and Eddie Murphy ruined picking up tranny hookers, too, but since I neither need a tranny, nor a hooker, I'll forgive them.

For people that know anything about recent western Canadian history, it's rumoured that Robert Pickton ruined getting a hot meat pie from the shelters and hospices in East Vancouver. And by ruined, I mean he killed hookers and allegedly turned some of them into sausage and meat pies, which he distributed to homeless shelters and other similar organizations.

Other than that, the twat responsible for 'reality television' has largely ruined television.