Things a single person managed to ruin for everyone


New member
Aug 16, 2008
-Orgasmatron- said:
That bloke who shot up a primary school in the 90s ruined guns for us Brits.
I know right? What a twat. I want a proper M14, but I'm restricted to some straight-pull piece of shit that you have to cock after each shot :(

Taylor Swift ruined country music by calling herself country. Well, real country is still doing fine, but people always think of shit like her whenever they think of country music :(

EDIT: Also, I forgot to mention my pet hate. Trendy hat wearers. The guy who started the fedora/ trilby trend ruined classy 20's and 30's hats for ever. Seriously, why would you wana look like this daft ****.


New member
Dec 12, 2008
Keeping your shoes on at the airport...... DAMN YOU SHOE BOMBER!!!!!

You've mildly inconvenienced me FOR THE LAST TIME!

Hristo Petrov

New member
Nov 11, 2009
Hitler ruined racism Now you can't be a rasist without some prick calling you a nazi (I am probably going to hell for this one)


New member
Oct 12, 2009
Eliam_Dar said:
videogames movies, ruined by Uwe Boll
Er... yeah, because we all know video game films were perfectly fine before Uwe Boll. Since 1975 to House of the dead in 2003, of the 33 films to receive the Palme D'or at the Cannes film festival, 29 were video game adaptations and two were actually Fraps'd video game footage that claimed to be a live action movie. Video game films accumulated a total 194 Oscars, 27 Golden Bears, 12 Golden Lions, 2 Victoria Crosses and a chocolate medal.

EDIT: And 4 American Kennel Association Lifetime Achievement Awards.


New member
Sep 22, 2009
Trivun said:
In b4 Stephenie Meyer ruining vampires. If ANYBODY DARES post that here I will be so pissed off. If you don't like Twilight then don't post about it, just ignore it. Nobody forced you to watch/read it or hate it.

Uh, just about any videogame catered to our less intelligent brethren.


New member
May 16, 2009
Studoku said:
The word 'Twilight'.

It was a good word before Stephanie Meyer used it.
Furburt said:
Blogs and Perez Hilton. Urgh.
These two along with Miley Cyrus or Zac Efron.

I seriously think Perez Hilton should die. He's just such a dick.


New member
Aug 6, 2008
Stephanie Meyer ruined werewolves. You'd think a work where vampires and werewolves are at war would be concentrated awsome. Guess not.

A girl who used to be in my Improv team ruined Jeff Dunham for everyone. Fortunately I hadn't yet joined so I was spared.

One friend of mine killed "that's what she said" by working it to death. Another killed "your mom" the same way.

Bush ruined being a conservative. I still am but it has an odd feeling to it. Thanks douchebag.

The Hairminator

How about no?
Mar 17, 2009
The guy who started the first World War by shooting the austrian-hungrarian crown prince.
Nice job, Gavrilo. Yeah, you fucked up a whole continent for like ten years.


New member
Oct 3, 2008
malestrithe said:
Fact of the matter is, Whedon started this new vampire trend by having the first modern vampire television series that does not suck. Other might have set the ground work, Whedon made the formula that everyone else is copying. Because of Whedon, all humans females are bad copies of Buffy, all vampires are bad copies of Angel, and all werewolves are bad copies of Oz.
Whedon rode the wave, he didn't start it. No single person did. The 90s was just the time for vampires to rise, and Whedon made his own contribution. He didn't single-handedly set the 90s vampire revolution in motion, though. Particularly considering the show didn't even start its run until '97, and the movie was not in any way notable compared to other films of the 90s free from Buffy influence: Interview With a Vampire, From Dusk to Dawn, Blade. Not to mention the dozens of cheesy knock-offs, some of which I remember fondly, like Bordello of Blood.

Yes, there are a lot of supernatural drama series on TV that are cheap Buffy knock-offs, but the same can be said about any successful show, ever. That doesn't mean all modern vampire culture, be it film, TV, or the written word, is based on Buffy. Quite the opposite, in fact... Buffy was simply a well-made knock-off of all the pre-exising vampire culture built up during the 90s.

It would be like claiming Firefly is the basis for all popular/successful sci-fi from its first air date to the present, despite the fact that Firefly was itself just a well-made and entertaining sci-fi show built on and adding to all sci-fi culture prior to its inception. And sci-fi culture has continued to evolve in many distinct ways that have nothing to do with Firefly since that show ended. Yes, Buffy left it's mark, just like Firefly will leave it's mark on sci-fi, but, to paraphrase, "that's what cultural gestalt IS, dude".

So come on... either you love and/or hate Whedon so much that you want him to be singly responsible for the downfall of vampire culture, or else you are just too dense to see that vampire culture evolved quite naturally during the 80s and 90s into its current angsty emo teen incarnation. That evolution is completely and entirely consistent with everything that was happening pre-Buffy in the vampire world, and many unrelated things that have happened post-Buffy. What Whedon did with Buffy, vis a vis vampire culture, was already IN PLACE to some degree or another. Sure, he left his mark, but I guarantee you that Twilight was an inevitability in vampie culture, regardless of Buffy. Twilight pretty much fills the vapid vampire literary vacuum that Anne Rice left behind, frankly... so if you're going to blame anyone at all, you should blame her.

Red Right Hand

Feb 23, 2009
Trivun said:
If Scotland want to be independent so much then why can't Brown simply let it happen and make Scotland a new country seperate to the rest of the UK. And then they can sustain themselves from their own taxes, recieving only small subsidies for a time from us while they set things up and then leave them to sustain themselves like any other country.
Because most of us don't actually want to be fucking independant. Most people only vote for the SNP because they like their other policies. If we gain independance then I will be of the first people lining up to leave the country as independance is a monumentously, stupid idea. How this relates to the topic at hand, well, Alex Salmond will ruin Scotland for the rest of us if he makes us independant.


New member
May 16, 2009
Furburt said:
Julianking93 said:
I seriously think Perez Hilton should die. He's just such a dick.

Seriously, that guy represents gay people as much as Adolf Hitler represents people with mustaches.
Someone actually said that to me once. It was some idiot on Youtube, so it doesn't count.


New member
Feb 22, 2009
someboredguy said:
George Lucas and Star Wars.
Lol, never thought of that, though it's certainly true. Welcome to The Escapist.

I wouldn't say Meyers "ruined" vampires. Her books wouldn't be quite as popular as they are were it not for the movies, so whoever decided to turn them into movies is to blame. I've never been able to bring myself more than a few paragraphs into the books, but I hear that the books have the decency to explain some things like why blondie's a total *****.

Warren Spector ruined conspiracy theories for me. Afer Deus Ex, every conspiracy theory in the media just seems so damnabley lazy and dull. He set the bar too high in my childhood.


New member
Jun 10, 2009
The internet ruined all things funny by overdoing and using them, then rule 34ing their arses.


New member
Sep 8, 2009
Bowling screwed up Modern Warfare. If you listen to an interview done by the previous leader of IW, he went into detail about how much he loved the modding community, and that he involved the hardcore modes in 4 "because the first things modders do is try to make a reality mod. Now, you get that right out of the box, so modders can go and focus on other mods instead."


New member
Jun 10, 2009
Doxcology said:
Keeping your shoes on at the airport...... DAMN YOU SHOE BOMBER!!!!!

You've mildly inconvenienced me FOR THE LAST TIME!
That's the most awesome quote ever.
Now, to use it out of context in a crowded place...