Things a single person managed to ruin for everyone


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Lullabye said:
The Game.

see? it's such a simle combination of two often used words that i don't feel comfortable saying anymore. Whoever came up with that is the biggest prick ever.


Elite Member
Nov 6, 2008
miracleofsound said:

Edit: Also... the guy who invented autotune.

Beat that.
I don't know... Believe by Cher is a pretty good song.

And since this thread has been majorly derailed into a stupid Twilight hate thread, I just wanted to say that not liking something just because is pretty lame. I've seen the movie and I personally thought it was boring and it is annoying to not be able to go anywhere without seeing Twilight shirts, but she didn't ruin anything. It's just an annoying fad that will go away after a while, just like all the other ones. So please shut up about it.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
ansem1532 said:
Ohten said:
Most people hate Twilight for one very, incredibly simple reason. It's bad.
This is where I must seriously label you dead wrong.

Twilight is the hyped thing to hate today. I guarantee you most, if not 60%, of those goddamned haters are just following the crowd, and god forbid, read the book.

If one celebrity started a chain of people saying "Oh yes, Harry Potter is worst book ever written." It's safe to say many would follow.

Before you ask, am I a fan?

No, not really. Love stories with vampire and werewolves don't interest me to much of an extent.
I am, then, in the minority, as I have read the books for myself and been disgusted on my own terms. Some of us don't just hate it because it's 'the in thing to do' (I also didn't jump on the bandwagon when Halo was the internet's cannon fodder).

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Gavrilo Princip

He assasinated Franz Ferdinand wich caused WW1 wich inturn caused WW2.

The little twerp.


The Count of Monte Cristo
Dec 22, 2008
Trivun said:
Furburt said:
Trivun said:
Anyway, I'd say that Gordon Brown managed to ruin British politics for everyone. He gives massive amounts of power to the Scottish and pretty much lets them have independence all but officially, and he sells us all out to the EU. No wonder us students have such a reputation for being apathetic, when politicians like this make us all so disillusioned with the current system...
Do I smell a conservative?

-Orgasmatron- said:
That bloke who shot up a primary school in the 90s ruined guns for us Brits.
Yes, nobody called them shooty funsticks after that.
Oh yes indeed, I'm a Tory and proud. My house is occasionally pretty full of politics though, as one of my housemates is (I think) vice president of the university Labour Society and is very political with regards to New Labour, and another housemate writes for the student newspaper so is naturally clued up on politics. Our landlord is also a Tory who apparently invited Margaret Thatcher to his wedding (she didn't go but her office allegedly sent a nice letter of apology back which she signed).

And I still call guns shooty funsticks, they are after all :D
No one should be proud to be a Tory. The word means 'Robber' in old English. There is a reason they are called Torys by others. Cause they are a bunch of right wing xenophobic thieves, who for some reason think that being poor is a persons own fault.


New member
Oct 24, 2009
Studoku said:
The word 'Twilight'.

It was a good word before Stephanie Meyer used it.
You are so evil. Twilight means the same still anyway. Though most do think of the books and movie but tough. I happen to love the word and the actual time of day when Twilight strikes. Perfect setting on a clear night.


The Light of Dawn
Feb 21, 2009
ansem1532 said:
Ohten said:
Most people hate Twilight for one very, incredibly simple reason. It's bad.
This is where I must seriously label you dead wrong.

Twilight is the hyped thing to hate today. I guarantee you most, if not 60%, of those goddamned haters are just following the crowd, and god forbid, read the book.

If one celebrity started a chain of people saying "Oh yes, Harry Potter is worst book ever written." It's safe to say many would follow.

Before you ask, am I a fan?

No, not really. Love stories with vampire and werewolves don't interest me to much of an extent.
You are dead. Wrong. Quoted from my favorite place; "Because it's indicative of a pattern in society to idealize unhealthy and abusive relationships. This book teaches our generation that abusive relationships are okay-- no, ROMANTIC, even. Not only is this book a moral threat to our youth, but an assault on literature itself. It's unoriginal, amateur, openly abusive, and dare I say it, sexist."

Nigh Invulnerable

New member
Jan 5, 2009
PyramidHead said:
Lullabye said:
The Game.

see? it's such a simle combination of two often used words that i don't feel comfortable saying anymore. Whoever came up with that is the biggest prick ever.


I lost ;_;

OT: Jonas Brothers ruined what used to be Rock, now my little sister thinks she's hardcore, but if I show her AC/DC she's all "ewwww".

and I'm counting The Jonas' as a hive mind so they are one person.
Jonas Bros? Really, people? They're just a generic pop-rock band like so many others that have come and gone over the years. They write music that's upbeat and catchy, though I consider it a bit soulless. I think all you guys complaining about Jonas, Stephanie Meyer, etc. need to get your heads out of your arses and realize that there is always dumb generic pop culture (yes, that may be redundant). It's not going to go away, so just ignore it instead of wasting your energy trying to bring it down, cause your voice is going to be pretty much ignored by the masses who follow the trends.


New member
Aug 18, 2008
nezroy said:
malestrithe said:
[Now back on topic, I hate Joss Whedon for starting the popularity of modern day Vampires. Because of his creation, Buffy, things like Twilight, the Vampire Diaries, and the other derivative works, are mainstream.
I think Anne Rice, Bram Stoker, Francis Ford Coppola, Joel Schumacher, Mark Rein-Hagen, Eric Brooks, and possibly the entire 80s goth subculture (so I guess Hot Topic, is what I'm saying) would all disagree with that statement.

To sum up: OlderThanYouThink [].
No it is not. All you are doing is name dropping and it will not invalidate my point that Whedon made it popular.

What popular television series with vampires came out in the late 70's when Anne Rice wrote Interview with Vampire? What vampire renaissance did The Vampire Lestat start after 1984? The only vampire series that had any popularity at the time was Forever Knight and that was on so late on a Saturday that only insomniacs watched it. The Coppola Dracula flopped and any derivative work that might have come out of it fizzled because it bombed.

Besides, if you want to name drop, why didn't you go for Dark Shadows? that show was on in the late 60's and early 70's. That was only on the air because of Hammer Horror movies. The main character of that series, Barnabas Collins, was not an angst ridden brooding vampire like any of the moderns ones.

Fact of the matter is, Whedon started this new vampire trend by having the first modern vampire television series that does not suck. Other might have set the ground work, Whedon made the formula that everyone else is copying. Because of Whedon, all humans females are bad copies of Buffy, all vampires are bad copies of Angel, and all werewolves are bad copies of Oz.

And I like Buffy and Angel, but I am willing to accept that this was the genesis of the modern vampire formula.

Lord Thodin

New member
Jul 1, 2009
World of Warcraft ruined MMOs. Not that WoW is bad, but it made it impossible for just about any other MMO to be popular, or successful.


New member
Dec 13, 2008
I bet it's been said bit Yoko and the Beatles. Other than that... hmmm...

Lucifer? We could have been nice and happy in Eden... bastard.


New member
Nov 25, 2009
Elijah Wood and the Lotr trilogy films. Due to his apperance always reminding me of a cute but dead fish, how ever he manages that.

Edit. Btw I was wondering when someone would say "My girlffriend/boyfriend, for ruining my sexlife." Guess that wont happen.



New member
Jul 11, 2009
Is this a fucking Twilight thread? Sure as hell seems so...

Bands that are named after things i study and/or just like:

*Franz Ferdinand