Things a single person managed to ruin for everyone


New member
Sep 13, 2008
whiskey rock n said:
Kuchinawa212 said:
Damn Double Ninja'd with twilight vampires
Need to pick a new one...hmm she wrote about werewolves too right? Ok, She ruined werewolves too
I think I'll get in on this and just say she ruined the entire art of literature...*****

Sorry to break it to you, but Jane Austen did that ages ago.


High Priest of Haruhi
Aug 22, 2008
Lord Thodin said:
World of Warcraft ruined MMOs. Not that WoW is bad, but it made it impossible for just about any other MMO to be popular, or successful.
Debateable. The general bar for MMO success has been raised, no doubt about it, but EVE is both a popular and a successful MMO in that it is making money and staying afloat, as well as helping to fund the development of that new Dust MMOFPS they're making. LOTRO and WAR are still afloat as well, last I checked. Admittedly not all have been so successful - Tabula Rasa and Hellgate: London have both shut down along with some others, but with any genre there are successes and failures.

I haven't mentioned the City of Heroes/Villains series because I honestly know absolutely nothing about their status/numbers. Same with Champions Online or whatever that new super hero MMO is/was called.

Studoku said:
The word 'Twilight'.

It was a good word before Stephanie Meyer used it.
Spoken like someone who never had to study F. Scott Fitzgerald's 'Great Gatsby' for English class.


Apr 28, 2008
Trivun said:
In b4 Stephenie Meyer ruining vampires. If ANYBODY DARES post that here I will be so pissed off. If you don't like Twilight then don't post about it, just ignore it. Nobody forced you to watch/read it or hate it.
Couldn't you just use this logic for anything someone brings up in this thread?

In b4 Adolf Hitler ruining the square mustache. If ANYBODY DARES post that here I will be so pissed off. If you don't like the square mustache then don't post about it, just ignore it. Nobody forced you to watch/read it or hate it.


New member
Nov 25, 2009
[quote="Amnestic" post="18.157977.3923104

Debateable. The general bar for MMO success has been raised, no doubt about it, but EVE is both a popular and a successful MMO in that it is making money and staying afloat, as well as helping to fund the development of that new Dust MMOFPS they're making. LOTRO and WAR are still afloat as well, last I checked. Admittedly not all have been so successful - Tabula Rasa and Hellgate: London have both shut down along with some others, but with any genre there are successes and failures.


Well, the bar before WOW was to steal a somewhat faulty remembered phrase from yatze "so low the worlds most limber hoocker would get her ****piercing stuck on the pole when trying to limbo it"

After thought, I will probably be banned for this...


New member
Sep 28, 2008
At Carleton University in Ottawa they have these awesome diving towers: 5m, 7.5m, and 10m, that are piles of fun to jump off. If you look directly at them, they're set up like this:

_|| 3rd
||||_ 2nd
_|| 1st

with the lip of the 3rd platform extending beyond the edge of the 1st.

My brother and I went to the pool one day hoping to use the towers only to find that some idiot kid had managed to jump off the 3rd platform and landed on the 1st, and that the 3rd platform was now to be closed indefinitely. There is no way this could have happened unless this retard like, hung off the side of the platform and swung himself inwards.

I hate idiots.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
A single lecturer can fuck up peoples lives with marking everyone with bad grades on their Degree work.

I would say Yahtzee has made it hard to be a rambling sarcastic metaphoric wielding critic, as everyone would say 'you copied Yahtzee'. haha.

Jesus has made having the name Jesus a bit of a pain as well as Judas.


No duckies...only drowning
Apr 22, 2009
Amnestic said:
whiskey rock n said:
Amnestic said:
whiskey rock n said:
Kuchinawa212 said:
Damn Double Ninja'd with twilight vampires
Need to pick a new one...hmm she wrote about werewolves too right? Ok, She ruined werewolves too
I think I'll get in on this and just say she ruined the entire art of literature...*****
I truly, truly hope you're being facetious.
Of course I am...everyone knows Dan Brown accomplished that long ago.
Yes. Two authors managed to ruin over 2000 years of literature.

I'm astounded by the intelligence of your statements. Now I'm going to go over here and bang my head against a wall.

I almost want to like Twilight just to annoy you persistent wankers. Almost.
As an interested observer may I commend you for that comeback. The italics at the end were just the icing on the cake of humble pie your victim had to eat.

OT: And my person of hate has to be John Meynard Kenyes. What a douchebag. Ruins economies on a global scale with his ill concieved theories.


Fight like a Krogan
Jan 3, 2009
popdafoo said:
miracleofsound said:

Edit: Also... the guy who invented autotune.

Beat that.
I don't know... Believe by Cher is a pretty good song.

True, but Autotune is still the bane of music in the last few years.

Akon... nuff said.


No duckies...only drowning
Apr 22, 2009

But while this is here:

Simriel said:
Trivun said:
Furburt said:
Trivun said:
Do I smell a conservative?

-Orgasmatron- said:
No one should be proud to be a Tory. The word means 'Robber' in old English. There is a reason they are called Torys by others. Cause they are a bunch of right wing xenophobic thieves, who for some reason think that being poor is a persons own fault.
Ah yes, and the word socialist means idiot in yee olde English.

You see how unfair gross generalizations are? A bit of respect here and there would not go amiss. Yes, he's a conservative but that neither makes him racists or a thief.

I used to be proud to be a conservative but now I'm proud to be an economic liberalist! Which basically means I'm anti-state so no minimum wage, benefits, NHS, regluation, income tax, VAT, Bank of England, legal tender, fractional reserve banking, no booms or busts, no trade barriers, no state education, no government just pure unhmapered capitalism. Where every indivdual would be free and equal in terms of their humanity if not their income. For my academic evidence to why all the above just be got rid of please visit

And feel free to insult me. I'm tolerant enough to take it.


Fight like a Krogan
Jan 3, 2009
kesslerparadox52 said:
This guy pretty much ruined using the internet:
God yes. That video has pissed me off so many times. It's just not funny anymore.


Homer Simpson

Ruined the Spider Man theme.


New member
Nov 22, 2009
Queen Michael said:
RPQ said:
Reading by the over analysis of literature in school.
And who would you say is the single person responsible for that?
Namely one of my teachers. a miss F. That would count for me and everyone she taught. I should have thought that through more. instead how about Proffesional wrestling by 2000s Vince McMahon


New member
Jun 23, 2009
PyramidHead said:
Lullabye said:
The Game.

see? it's such a simle combination of two often used words that i don't feel comfortable saying anymore. Whoever came up with that is the biggest prick ever.


I lost ;_;

OT: Jonas Brothers ruined what used to be Rock, now my little sister thinks she's hardcore, but if I show her AC/DC she's all "ewwww".

and I'm counting The Jonas' as a hive mind so they are one person.
ugh... losing just constantly sucks. I have to agree with you on Jonas Brothers... its like they are the earths punishment for all of its crimes...

I think that Boxxy ruined youtube... for me at least...


New member
Aug 14, 2009
The swastika. Once the sign of the sun, now the sign of the holocaust.

Akai Shizuku

New member
Jul 24, 2009
Trivun said:
In b4 Stephenie Meyer ruining vampires. If ANYBODY DARES post that here I will be so pissed off. If you don't like Twilight then don't post about it, just ignore it. Nobody forced you to watch/read it or hate it.

Anyway, I'd say that Gordon Brown managed to ruin British politics for everyone. He gives massive amounts of power to the Scottish and pretty much lets them have independence all but officially, and he sells us all out to the EU. No wonder us students have such a reputation for being apathetic, when politicians like this make us all so disillusioned with the current system...

EDIT: Dammit, ninja'd by a few seconds...
Must...resist...urge to troll...Twilight fan...AUGH!!!!!!!1111!!!!
Jacob Black is a pedophile


Stalin ruined Communism. Because of him, everyone thinks it's a totalitarian dictatorship, when it is, in fact, very different.


New member
Jul 16, 2009
Ahh, this makes a really good list of things that ruined stuff...
1. Our dear friend Jack Thompson.
2. Stephanie Meyers to the Vampire genre, or basically geek culture in general.
3. Those terrorists, now I can't bring a friggin' gun or knife on a plane.
4. Liberals
5. KKK, making white americans look bad and ruining the confederate flag. If anyone knew anything at all about history, the real reason for the civil war was for state rights, slavery just so happend to be one of the rights.

OT: BTW for the little Twilight "conversation" when one of our teachers played Lost Boys to my class of ill-informed Twilight enthousiasts (I hope I spelt that right) they freaked. And when they couldn't believe that this was how REAL vampires are I had a Jolly Ole Good Time. Oh yea and werewolves that not only can transform whenever they feel like it, they aren't even bi-pedal, running on all four all the time rather than only when chasing prey, not cool.
EDIT: I saw the movie, my sister informed me of the movie, in detail, I should be able to critisize.