Things People Say That Piss You Off


New member
Sep 29, 2010
ChildofGallifrey said:
It bugs me when people add words to the end of acronyms that are already in the acronym. Like PIN number, or ATM machine, etc.
And if you keep up with the Irate Gamer then you also get NES System.


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Jul 14, 2009
"Why aren't you on Facebook?" "What the hell is Doom?" "PS3 users are fags." "Whatever. That's just what you think. I'm the one who's right."
"Dude, chill out." (Right after they've totally screwed something up and I'm pissed about it.) "You know your not supposed to do that," was said to me during an art class in middle school. Some art class that was.
Sorry about that. "Wait, what? Can you say that in a less nerdy way?" Anybody saying anything about CoD being better than Halo, or vise versa. "Dude. You suck. Stop playing this game." (Usual followed by him getting killed by standard, weak, fragile regular zombies because he can't aim) "Suck my balls, *****!" *starts T-bagging* "Oh my god. You suck so hard at this game!" *misses every shot he fired*. Yah. Pretty much anybody that trolling just because he is either A. Convinced of his own superiority no matter how many times you bludgeon them with a pipe. or B. Doesn't know what he's talking about.

Dan Steele

New member
Jul 30, 2010
Hey do you know you sound like Napoleon Dynamite?"
yes I get it, now shut the fuck up about it before I grab a crowbar and split your head in two like a walnut. What would you expect? I'm a Fucking voice actor. Would you prefer I copy your voice and mock you to death with it? I have done this before.
Every time someone brings up I sound like napoleon dynamite its a feat of the gods that I am able to refrain from choking them to death.
I also hate it when people ask if I play World of Warcraft. I am an animator. I draw comics, I voice act, and I enjoy online shooters, NEVER ASSOCIATE ME WITH WORLD OF WARCRAFT!!!! How am I not considered a badass again? Oh yea that?s right, pop culture has made a vast majority of the people in C.A buttfucking retarded.
I hate how people bring up immediately nerd = world of warcraft. Just because I am a nerd does not mean that I am addicted to that money sucking vampire of the gaming world. That grinds my gears


New member
Nov 19, 2008
1)when every sentence ends with an uncountable amount of exclamation marks and a smilie face.

2)when people say "could of" instead of "could have"

Cooklez said:
~I don't know if I should say this word or not, but I shall...just to prove a point~

Whenever someone uses the term "fag", it's like the recent comment about the word gay. I guess that's repeating the recent comment, but it was a few pages ago anyway.
I don't like the word because it doesn't even mean gay, it originally meany something else in French, but just like most words in society, people have ruined it...
It actually used to mean something along the lines of "a bundle (of sticks or anything else)". My memory is quite hazy on the subject but i believe gay people were burned while tied to these faggots (read: a bundle of sticks).

Also, it doesn't really matter what the word used to mean, if the majority treats it as something else entirely. That's how language works.
Oh and when in doubt, follow the link******


New member
Apr 29, 2011
When people say an old video game is "badly made". It's not badly made, it's just old! They didn't have the bloody hardware and software we have today so they were limited to graphics which are considered, by gaming novices such as most of my gamer friends, to be ugly.


New member
Jun 23, 2010
CrashBang said:
Could of.
Aaaaaaaaaarrrrgh!! Raaaaaaaaaage!!
This pisses me off more than the existence of chavs! How in hell do people think that 'could of' is correct grammar?! It's 'could have' or 'could've'. 'Could of'?! Seriously?!

...Christ, I have some stupid friends
Do they write "could of"? 'Cause if you simply say "could of" and "could've" aloud they sound very similar, at least to me.

OT: One that really bothers me is when people say they ordered something "offline" when they've ordered something on the internet. My roommate does this all the time and I don't care what conversation he's in, if I catch him I correct him.

Others that have been mentioned are "i could care less" and the foreign language one. Both extremely annoying.

The BIGGEST one is when people constantly use one-liners from movies to replace their normal conversations. I swear to god when The Hangover (one of the most overrated, unfunny movies EVER by the way) came out if I heard someone say "you're a ruh-tard" one more time I was gonne be thrown in jail for assault. Or when Borat first came out and anytime anything positive went well you'd hear "HIGH-FIVE" or "SEXY-TIME." They're trying to be funny but just came across as twats with no original material.

There are dozens more movie examples, but I think you get the idea.

EDIT: Just thought of another. When people are telling a story and they use needlessly specific and excessive numbers to try to emphasize the point they're making. Example: "I was doing homework and I had to read 1,405,555,677POINT483784 pages. It was SO much reading." They're trying to be funny, but what they fail to realize is that funny in the context of a conversational story has to be quick and to the point. They could've said "I had to read about a million pages..." and we would've known they were exaggerating and accepted they had a lot of reading to do.


New member
Jan 8, 2009
oh gawd... the things I can pick out...

One of the main things is job related. I work in my local grocery store. Now, for those who don't know, English money notes have multiple ways of being checked to see if they are real. We (the staff) are taught and told to check each note before it goes in the till. My way of doing so involves holding each note quickly up so that light goes through it, revealing the watermark (a semi-invisible picture of the Queen's head) and the metallic strip.
Every couple of customers, there's always some moron who HAS to say something along the lines of "I just made it this morning" or "the ink should be dry by now".

Are these people f*cking stupid?!?!? That's the worst sort of thing to say when someone is checking their money. I have it in mind to just hand them back the money and say "Sorry, I can't accept fake money" and take the items back... and I most likely will on my last day (finally getting out of this crappy job to become a manager at another store)


New member
Jan 28, 2009
Pretty much anything involving politics is asking for this in some way. I actually tried using logic to explain my views on a number of occasions and always got the same answer, "Because I'm right and you're wrong". Seriously. I have never head-desked so hard in my life, even when no desk was present.


New member
Sep 9, 2009
"fuck my life"


and its always about something really inane..
try starving in africa you douche tards, that will put the fact that you spilt your tea in perspective


New member
Feb 16, 2011
I hate it when people tell me I'm weird. Uh, no me "normal" is a euphamism for "boring", and why the HELL would I want to ever live up to "society's standards"? Society sucks! (not all of it but damn)

I'm an artist, and I hate it when people say "artists are a dime a dozen". wow. It's true that any dumbass that picks up a wacom pen or pencil thinks they can draw, but they don't have to ruin it for the rest of us who genuinely want to pursue art as a career.

Anything involving "God or "Jesus". I'm a spiritual person/agnostic, and so your religion just plain creeps me out. No thanks.

Any time people condescend to me, whether it be another artist who is threatened by me for no reason at all, or someone who is more successful than me in a field Im interested in...what are you accomplishing by talking down to me other than pissing me off and making your shoddy self image a little better with falsely putting yourself above me?


New member
Jul 11, 2011
Psycho-Toaster said:
When people say "I could care less" despite the most basic of logic dictating it should be "couldn't" I feel very inclined to smack them.

EDIT: "Then" when the correct word is "than." You learn this shit before you're five for fuck's sake.
oh god I had a friend who actually tried to argue that the correct phrase was "could care less" sating it was sarcasm


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Byere said:
oh gawd... the things I can pick out...

One of the main things is job related. I work in my local grocery store. Now, for those who don't know, English money notes have multiple ways of being checked to see if they are real. We (the staff) are taught and told to check each note before it goes in the till. My way of doing so involves holding each note quickly up so that light goes through it, revealing the watermark (a semi-invisible picture of the Queen's head) and the metallic strip.
Every couple of customers, there's always some moron who HAS to say something along the lines of "I just made it this morning" or "the ink should be dry by now".

Are these people f*cking stupid?!?!? That's the worst sort of thing to say when someone is checking their money. I have it in mind to just hand them back the money and say "Sorry, I can't accept fake money" and take the items back... and I most likely will on my last day (finally getting out of this crappy job to become a manager at another store)
People say stuff all the time, while it isn't a very original or funny joke, you don't have to be such a dick about it. You work in customer service so you need to make the customers happy, even if that means putting up with lame jokes and puns.


New member
Jun 15, 2009
Bomberman4000 said:
CrashBang said:
Could of.
Aaaaaaaaaarrrrgh!! Raaaaaaaaaage!!
This pisses me off more than the existence of chavs! How in hell do people think that 'could of' is correct grammar?! It's 'could have' or 'could've'. 'Could of'?! Seriously?!

...Christ, I have some stupid friends
Do they write "could of"? 'Cause if you simply say "could of" and "could've" aloud they sound very similar, at least to me.
I have a few friends that say it and say it very clearly "I could of done it" and they also write it in texts and on Facebook etc. It is infuuuuriating!


New member
Jan 28, 2009
mandaforever said:
I hate it when people tell me I'm weird. Uh, no me "normal" is a euphamism for "boring", and why the HELL would I want to ever live up to "society's standards"? Society sucks! (not all of it but damn)

I'm an artist, and I hate it when people say "artists are a dime a dozen". wow. It's true that any dumbass that picks up a wacom pen or pencil thinks they can draw, but they don't have to ruin it for the rest of us who genuinely want to pursue art as a career.

Anything involving "God or "Jesus". I'm a spiritual person/agnostic, and so your religion just plain creeps me out. No thanks.

Any time people condescend to me, whether it be another artist who is threatened by me for no reason at all, or someone who is more successful than me in a field Im interested in...what are you accomplishing by talking down to me other than pissing me off and making your shoddy self image a little better with falsely putting yourself above me?
Yeah, I'll agree with the condescending bit. I was talked down to not two days ago. I was at my college, wearing a nice suit no less, and this woman comes up and asks me if I was lost, using a voice you would use for a baby. Because I'm in a wheelchair. It was the most pissed off I've been in a very long time.


New member
Jun 16, 2011
When democrats say all Christian are republicans and republicans say all dems are religion haters. Most Christians I know are democrats and trust me when I say the idea of democrat Christians pisses off a lot of people on both sides. Why? Who the hell knows. Just says to me they have more in common than they'd ever admit.


New member
Jun 1, 2011

there , that's the thread in a nutshell. :p

ok , ok , I have some. >_>

1- Discussing religion or politics on the internet.

2- people who don't know what "Irony" actually means and therefore misuse it.

3- any dipshit who reply in a game/movie/show thread or comment section of a video with retarded pointless posts like "MICHAEL BAY IS DA BEST !!!" or "COD FTW" or "I LUV MASTER CHIEF , HE'S TeH AWESUMZ" , and I guess you know where you find that type of idiots on the internet. *coughyoutubecoughgametrailerscoughcough*


New member
Feb 16, 2011
Oro44 said:
mandaforever said:
I hate it when people tell me I'm weird. Uh, no me "normal" is a euphamism for "boring", and why the HELL would I want to ever live up to "society's standards"? Society sucks! (not all of it but damn)

I'm an artist, and I hate it when people say "artists are a dime a dozen". wow. It's true that any dumbass that picks up a wacom pen or pencil thinks they can draw, but they don't have to ruin it for the rest of us who genuinely want to pursue art as a career.

Anything involving "God or "Jesus". I'm a spiritual person/agnostic, and so your religion just plain creeps me out. No thanks.

Any time people condescend to me, whether it be another artist who is threatened by me for no reason at all, or someone who is more successful than me in a field Im interested in...what are you accomplishing by talking down to me other than pissing me off and making your shoddy self image a little better with falsely putting yourself above me?
Yeah, I'll agree with the condescending bit. I was talked down to not two days ago. I was at my college, wearing a nice suit no less, and this woman comes up and asks me if I was lost, using a voice you would use for a baby. Because I'm in a wheelchair. It was the most pissed off I've been in a very long time.
oh geez that's terrible. You should have thrown something at her, haha.