Things People Say That Piss You Off


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Nov 18, 2009
"Digital Distribution is the worst thing to happen to gaming, I am so happy EA started their own"
"Piracy is the best thing to happen to games!"


New member
Jan 28, 2009
mandaforever said:
Oro44 said:
mandaforever said:
I hate it when people tell me I'm weird. Uh, no me "normal" is a euphamism for "boring", and why the HELL would I want to ever live up to "society's standards"? Society sucks! (not all of it but damn)

I'm an artist, and I hate it when people say "artists are a dime a dozen". wow. It's true that any dumbass that picks up a wacom pen or pencil thinks they can draw, but they don't have to ruin it for the rest of us who genuinely want to pursue art as a career.

Anything involving "God or "Jesus". I'm a spiritual person/agnostic, and so your religion just plain creeps me out. No thanks.

Any time people condescend to me, whether it be another artist who is threatened by me for no reason at all, or someone who is more successful than me in a field Im interested in...what are you accomplishing by talking down to me other than pissing me off and making your shoddy self image a little better with falsely putting yourself above me?
Yeah, I'll agree with the condescending bit. I was talked down to not two days ago. I was at my college, wearing a nice suit no less, and this woman comes up and asks me if I was lost, using a voice you would use for a baby. Because I'm in a wheelchair. It was the most pissed off I've been in a very long time.
oh geez that's terrible. You should have thrown something at her, haha.
Or "accidentally" run over her foot.


New member
Oct 16, 2009
When people say " My life sucks " or " I have the worst life ever " when in reality , you are just having a bad day , just like anyone else in this world , your life does not suck in comparsion to the majority of people , if you want your life to suck , go starve in africa for a year , or live in war torn iraq , or go live in the ghetto , Im sick up hearing preppy upper-middle class people bitching and moaning


New member
Jan 8, 2009
Devornine said:
Byere said:
People say stuff all the time, while it isn't a very original or funny joke, you don't have to be such a dick about it. You work in customer service so you need to make the customers happy, even if that means putting up with lame jokes and puns.
You've never worked in retail for long periods of time, have you?
I've done this job for nearing 10 years now (not at the same place, but the same job both times). There comes a point where a joke, if said to you about 20 times a day (and no, I'm not exaggerating), fails to be funny and starts to become annoying. Then you get to the point I'm at where you shrug it off, scowling inwardly every time someone says it, and just get on with your job. I'm not nasty to the customers about it, but when you get such stupidity EVERY, SINGLE, DAY... yea... At least I got past the point where my anger boiled over all the time. You think I'm a dick for letting out this way, I used to punch the wall behind the kiosk/tills when someone annoyed me badly.
Also, don't talk down to me. Yes, I work in customer service, but that doesn't mean "the customer is always right", because that's full of more bullshit that a cowshed. The customer is almost always wrong, but in retail most of them are so stuck up and treat you like dirt even when you prostrate yourself to them and their every whim.

I f*cking hate my job and I'll be glad to leave it.


New member
Aug 12, 2009
gmaverick019 said:
Mandalore_15 said:
When people say "I could care less". So pretty much just Americans. But seriously, come on!
...but what if they could care less?

there are plenty of times where i really could care less, then what happens to your rage meter?
If it's what you actually mean, then it's fair enough. But 99.99999% of the time, it isn't. Also, saying "I could care less" isn't much of a statement. If you care about something at all, you could care less...


New member
Apr 5, 2010
People who end their argument with "FACT" even though what they say clearly isn't a fact, it's an opinion or a theory.
I had an argument with some crazy conspiracy theorist outside my local music shop the other day, who insisted that there are millions of red indians trapped under the Amazonian Rainforest, that every star in the sky is a space station from the US Government and that Eminem is a fallen angel, ending each one with "FACT", I calmly told him that he was entitled to his beliefs, but until someone actually captures Eminem descending from heaven with white wings and a little halo then it's not a universal fact, it's a theory.


New member
Apr 2, 2011
"I'm not racist/sexist/homophobic but..."
"I'll pray for you/them" in lieu of donations - I assume God's already chipping in. You, however, aren't helping.
"X is for weeaboos/ losers/ shut-ins"
"I don't really read"
"Evolution is just a theory"


New member
Mar 27, 2011
"Get a life" and "Good back to call of duty" are the only ones that make me go...Really? I also don't like the word ****** and fag but they don't annoy me that much I just don't like the word.


New member
Apr 5, 2010
Byere said:
oh gawd... the things I can pick out...

One of the main things is job related. I work in my local grocery store. Now, for those who don't know, English money notes have multiple ways of being checked to see if they are real. We (the staff) are taught and told to check each note before it goes in the till. My way of doing so involves holding each note quickly up so that light goes through it, revealing the watermark (a semi-invisible picture of the Queen's head) and the metallic strip.
Every couple of customers, there's always some moron who HAS to say something along the lines of "I just made it this morning" or "the ink should be dry by now".

Are these people f*cking stupid?!?!? That's the worst sort of thing to say when someone is checking their money. I have it in mind to just hand them back the money and say "Sorry, I can't accept fake money" and take the items back... and I most likely will on my last day (finally getting out of this crappy job to become a manager at another store)
I know it's required and that you're just doing your job, but most people generally find it kinda rude when people check to see if notes are fake, which is probably why they say stuff like that. Most places around my area don't bother with it, but I'll admit that I do get a bit irked when I hand in a fiver for a sandwich at McDonalds and the cashier inspects it for a whole ten seconds before submitting my order. I'd never say anything so impolite back to them, but I guess some people do.


New member
Sep 30, 2010
People who try to not argue by saying "Well, you can't really argue opinions."


Aurora Firestorm

New member
May 1, 2008
dcdude171 said:
When people say " My life sucks " or " I have the worst life ever " when in reality , you are just having a bad day , just like anyone else in this world , your life does not suck in comparsion to the majority of people , if you want your life to suck , go starve in africa for a year , or live in war torn iraq , or go live in the ghetto , Im sick up hearing preppy upper-middle class people bitching and moaning

This. I couldn't think of one thing in particular, until I read this.

"You don't have problems; think of the starving children in Africa!" Things like that make me sick. People who are depressed, beaten down by life, suicidal, full of anxiety, etc...or even just having a bad day, should not have to hear anyone railing about how they should be OH SO HAPPY BECAUSE LOOK, YOU DON'T HAVE ANY PROBLEMS YOU STUPID FIRST WORLD ENTITLED JERK.

Really, guys? People's problems mean things to them. You can't just sit around saying that someone who feels bad, shouldn't feel bad. It's a stupid statement, and it's insulting to boot.

This, and when people take the fact that they're in a minority as a free pass to insult people in the majority and then get really defensive when the majority gets pissed off.


New member
Jul 16, 2011
I suppose the only thing that annoys me is when other people assume everyone else is like them. For example, quite a few people seem to think everyone received the same education and upbringing they did and thus have no reason to use "could of" instead of ?could have?, use specific dialects, or believe/not believe in certain things.

Some people also think that just because they know a lot about something, everyone else should know about it, or care about it. An example for this would be knowledge of video games. Someone who wasn?t raised around video games at all may not know they are not all violent shooters, or even that such games are not exclusively made for bloodthirsty would-be criminals.

People cannot read minds, just because something bothers you repeatedly does not mean every person you meet will automatically adjust their behavior to please you, so there?s no point in letting such things bother you. Better would be to learn empathy?to put yourself in their place and try to understand that annoying you does not make them failures of existence, but just people, like yourself.


They will not take our Fluids
Jun 5, 2008
There are so many I've just learned to deal with it.

"Well then just don't buy it" - I've already bought it you idiot! And that is no solution to solving retarded problems.

"Music is subjective" - Music opinion is subjective. Even then, most people can tell what a good song is.

"/thread" - Yet it keeps going and there are way better reply's than yours.

"Haters gonna hate" - Yep, there is no possible reason why people hate things. You might as well put your fingers in yours and go "lalalala I'm a douche".

"Troll" - Congratulations! Your a hypocrite.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
The word '******.'
Got a problem with gays mate?
CrazyCapnMorgan said:
"It's all good."


Have you looked at the recent state of the human fucking species? No, it is not all good. It's mostly shit.

You know what I say to people who say that? Go eat a blue waffle and then tell me "It's all good".
Made me laugh my ass off.


New member
Apr 2, 2011
I could name so many things...

The U.S. is the best/is awesome.

We are not going to have another Great Depression.

Facebook is cool.

The Tea Pary is not racist.

The U.S. had no choice but to bomb Japan in WWII.

Anything said in text speak or "leet speak".


New member
Nov 17, 2008
I didn't get mad at this post I read, but I did get a bit confused at the logic.

"I understand Earth Defense Force (new one) but it seems like you're doing more damage to the earth than the aliens"

If you know the game, you know this person really doesn't get the game.


New member
Jan 8, 2009
Yosato said:
Byere said:
I know it's required and that you're just doing your job, but most people generally find it kinda rude when people check to see if notes are fake, which is probably why they say stuff like that. Most places around my area don't bother with it, but I'll admit that I do get a bit irked when I hand in a fiver for a sandwich at McDonalds and the cashier inspects it for a whole ten seconds before submitting my order. I'd never say anything so impolite back to them, but I guess some people do.
That's fair enough. Staring at a note for 10 seconds is just plain rude in itself. Myself, it liturally takes just a second to check each note and I'm checking 4 - 5 different ways in that second. It's not like I'm holding it up against a light bulb or using a microscope to detect every fiber in it.
Still, it's not even the comments that bug me the most. It's the stuck up assholes who snatch the notes you give them as change and blatently pretend to inspect them as if they know what they're doing. Those are the ones who deserve a punch in the face...