Things People Say That Piss You Off


New member
Jun 17, 2010
The phrase "a whole nother"

It's "an other" you imbecile. If you stick a word in between and that word doesn't start with a vowel then it stops being "an". E.G. "a whole other" or "an enormous other" - that's how English works, LIVE WITH IT.

The only acceptable use of "an other" was in Another Brick in The Wall, and only because correct grammar would have ruined the song. If you're not singing then don't even try it cowboy.


New member
Oct 3, 2010
"Herp derp, video game music is the best music."
To anybody who holds this opinion, but you are wrong. The simple fact is that game music is supposed to sit in the background, and when it's taken on it's own it rarely holds up to the average product the music industry produces.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Wereduck said:
The phrase "a whole nother"

It's "an other" you imbecile. If you stick a word in between and that word doesn't start with a vowel then it stops being "an". E.G. "a whole other" or "an enormous other" - that's how English works, LIVE WITH IT.

The only acceptable use of "an other" was in Another Brick in The Wall, and only because correct grammar would have ruined the song. If you're not singing then don't even try it cowboy.
Is that not used more in the "abso-fucking-lutely" kind of "a-whole-nother"? Considering the phrase is definitely not "an other".


New member
Jul 22, 2009
OneEyeX said:
And on a topic; just because the UK owns the nothern half of Ireland, doesn't make any variety of name changes and such to make anything less then Southern Ireland. Frankly, it covers over the same territory.

From looking at this, I can perceive that your argument is just jingoism and national pride. It'd be like if someone told me I lived in Southern Canada. They're not wrong, they're not exactly right but they're not wrong.

The reason Northern Ireland is different to Southern Ireland is because, despite being a distinct country Northern Ireland doesn't actually encompass the whole North. North-West Ireland is part of the republic. Ireland is also split into four provinces which are subdivided into 32 counties. The Northern province (Ulster) is not Northern Ireland as some counties in it are part of the republic.

By extension Southern Ireland implies the southern province Munster, or South Leinster. I have no problem with people calling these areas Southern Ireland because geographically speaking that's correct, but people referring to everything outside of the 6 Northern Ireland counties as Southern Ireland is uninformed. I live in Meath. It's in the East/North-East, I'm even North of Dublin, so people telling me I live in Southern Ireland is pretty annoying as the South is a few hours drive away. /rant

Wrds said:
No_Remainders said:
ChildofGallifrey said:
It bugs me when people add words to the end of acronyms that are already in the acronym. Like PIN number, or ATM machine, etc.
The best one of those is "UCD Dublin", as UCD stands for "University College, Dublin".

It's on their crest, I believe.

Its like back in school when they made me add a last name to my nickname for class assignments. So I was 'TJ Johnson' instead of just 'TJ.' And my nickname stood for Taylor Johnson.
It's UCD Dublin because there's another UCD somewhere in America, the debate soc in Dublin invited a team from Thailand some year who must have been blind or lazy or something because they ended up in the UCD in America so to force people to read the fine print they had to change it to UCD Dublin


New member
Jun 17, 2010
kalakashi said:
Wereduck said:
The phrase "a whole nother"

It's "an other" you imbecile. If you stick a word in between and that word doesn't start with a vowel then it stops being "an". E.G. "a whole other" or "an enormous other" - that's how English works, LIVE WITH IT.

The only acceptable use of "an other" was in Another Brick in The Wall, and only because correct grammar would have ruined the song. If you're not singing then don't even try it cowboy.
Is that not used more in the "abso-fucking-lutely" kind of "a-whole-nother"? Considering the phrase is definitely not "an other".
That's an interesting observation; abso-fucking-lutely doesn't bother me even a little. I'd imagine that's because it's breaking an actual word rather than splitting a contraction. Since "another" retains the same meaning when interrupted as above it's still grammatically sound so it still bothers me when the speaker commits a stupid grammatical error.
Hypothetically, if I imagine someone saying "ano-fucking-ther" it doesn't bother me a bit, though it would be awkward to say.

Lord Beautiful

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Aug 13, 2008
J-dog42 said:
A lot of things to be honest. I'm going to go with an oldie, but a goodie. Irony. Look it up people. Irony doesn't mean that it is funny. Look that person fell ironic. No. No it isn't. I have a friend who is a teacher and they said on Facebook, "I'm going down to Wellington for a few days then flying to Sydney. How ironic." How the hell is that ironic? I do worry about our education system.

That's my rant.

Oh one more thing. I know it isn't literally being said, but people who type /thread really annoy me. I know it's stupid but the sheer arrogance to think that you are the supreme master of a thread annoys me. Especially if you do it to your own post.

I agree with your /thread. The word "irony" is so misused these days, it's the new "literally." It pisses me off tremendously.

Benny Blanco

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Jan 23, 2008
Generally just sloppy use of language and verbal tics where people use either a made up nonsense word (like fucking "irregardless") or use a word as some sort of comma ("like", "you know" etc.) or use a word with no connection to the real meaning of that word. ("literally" is a prime example of this)

Lupine Volt

New member
Apr 10, 2011
Depression isn't a real disease.

Yes it is, Jackass. We're in a goddamn Advanced Placement Psychology class, the teacher is telling you that it is not just people feeling sad, and you don't know what it's like.


New member
Jun 9, 2011
Kukulski said:
"Well, that's just your opinion"

No *****, it's my argument, so unless you refute it it's the universal truth.
That's just, like, your opinion man.

seriously though you're right.


Ravenous Gormandizer
Oct 23, 2008
No_Remainders said:
So, we've all got those things we hear from time to time that just really annoy the hell out of us. What are yours?

My examples are when people say "Southern Ireland" instead of "Republic of Ireland" because there's no such place as "Southern Ireland", it doesn't exist.

Apart from that, people saying that Ireland is part of the UK are just asking to be corrected, and possibly shouted at for their ignorance.
Well, the Republic of Ireland is the southern portion of the island of Ireland. It's not exactly inaccurate to call it Southern Ireland. It's kinda like how people call the United States of America "America". It's technically accurate, but not really true, if you get the distinction.

As for my pet peeves: There's a few of them. First and foremost is "I could care less". It's a blatantly false statement that anyone with more than a single braincell to rub together would realize is wrong, but people insist on using it anyway.

Second, "may or may not". I'm actually guilty of using this one, and I hate myself every time it happens. The saying is so stupidly repetitive that the utterance of it should earn a swift falcon kick to the genitals. There's no other possibilities. Something "may or may not" be anything. The phrase is literally accurate in all possible cases. There's absolutely no reason to say it.

Third, repeating the last word of an acronym, ie PIN number. PIN stands for Personal Identification Number. It doesn't make any sense to say Personal Identification Number Number, so why the fuck would you say PIN number?


New member
Dec 13, 2009
whenever they go out of their way to throw bullshit and then when i correct them they say "whatever you say, bro" and homour me...

fucking humouring is damn annoying.

also when im making a statement and people say Q.Q

just because you cant understand my basic english doesnt mean you have to assume im crying.


Ravenous Gormandizer
Oct 23, 2008
fragmaster09 said:
xXAsherahXx said:
when people say "I could care less" instead of "I couldn't care less" (the latter is the correct version)
- "i could care less" means that the writer knows that it is possible to care less, but they couldn't come up with anything that they care less about
No it doesn't. It means the writer (or speaker) is trying to express how little they care about something and failing spectacularly at it. "I couldn't care less" means you can't possibly have any less emotion attached to whatever it is. "I could care less" means you have some degree of emotional attachment, but you do not specify how much. It's just as accurate to apply to your car as to your wife as to your dog as to your dinner. It's a meaningless statement, because it doesn't convey anything. It acts as an acknowledgement that you do, in fact, care about it to some degree.

It came about because people misunderstood the original phrase and didn't think about it enough to realize the logical flaw. It eventually grew to be very common and utterance of such demands a headslap.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Byere said:
Devornine said:
Byere said:
People say stuff all the time, while it isn't a very original or funny joke, you don't have to be such a dick about it. You work in customer service so you need to make the customers happy, even if that means putting up with lame jokes and puns.
You've never worked in retail for long periods of time, have you?
I've done this job for nearing 10 years now (not at the same place, but the same job both times). There comes a point where a joke, if said to you about 20 times a day (and no, I'm not exaggerating), fails to be funny and starts to become annoying. Then you get to the point I'm at where you shrug it off, scowling inwardly every time someone says it, and just get on with your job. I'm not nasty to the customers about it, but when you get such stupidity EVERY, SINGLE, DAY... yea... At least I got past the point where my anger boiled over all the time. You think I'm a dick for letting out this way, I used to punch the wall behind the kiosk/tills when someone annoyed me badly.
Also, don't talk down to me. Yes, I work in customer service, but that doesn't mean "the customer is always right", because that's full of more bullshit that a cowshed. The customer is almost always wrong, but in retail most of them are so stuck up and treat you like dirt even when you prostrate yourself to them and their every whim.

I f*cking hate my job and I'll be glad to leave it.
I didn't mean to sound like I was talking down to you. But I have worked customer service all my working life lol. I am a hairstylist right now which is all about customer service. And having been doing hair for 5 years, and 10+ years in other customer service jobs I know how annoying jokes can get. I hear them ALL the time! But as long as you have a smile on your face you can get by! ^_^


New member
Jul 8, 2010
Anyone who slaughters idioms and makes them have no figurative meaning whatsoever.

"I could care less" for example.

Shadow flame master

New member
Jul 1, 2011
When some of the black kids try to be my friends. "YO Mike, how's it been?" Same old, same old douche bag. I know that they're trying to be nice to me, but it's only because they're scared that I might shoot up the school.

People calling me their "bro". "Man, what up bro?" Nothing except me fantasizing punching you in the face. I am no ones bro, cus(cousin), nephew or son in my school so stop familiarizing yourself with me.

And the one that takes the cake: "Man bro, I can hook ya up with a fine-ass *****, man. I'm talking 'bout that nice pussy she be havin' man. You gotsta get in that pussy bro." This shit gets on my nerves, not only are they saying all of this in their made up ghetto language, they are saying that I should get their sloppy seconds because she has a nice pussy. Why the fuck do think that just because I don't act like a high fool like them I'm missing out on life? Also, why would I want a girl that you had. If she was an idiot to got out with you, why would I want her?