Things People Say That Piss You Off


New member
Sep 11, 2009
Trezu said:
i meant it like this


Dead Rising 2 [some time last year]

Guy 1: i think the choice of being able to play as a Female protagonist would be a good idea in Dead rising 2
Guy 2: No your idea is stupid

thats what i sorta of meant i my wording was a bit confusing sorry about that
Well, there's one thing saying that's stupid, but what if the idea is ACTUALLY stupid?


Person 1: I think it'd be a good idea if we made EVERYTHING IN THE WORLD FREE FOREVER

Person 2: That's a stupid idea.

In this case, it is a VERY stupid idea, and I think in this case, it's acceptable to say so.


New member
Jul 16, 2011
BlueMage said:
Trezu said:
Someone that mocks someone just because his idea is stupid
No, if something said is stupid, it deserves to be mocked.

Because otherwise, how will the re-er, silly individual learn?
The only thing people learn from being mocked is that some people are insufferable bullies.


Oct 12, 2009
When people try to claim their not wrong by claiming what they say is their opinion and that opinions can't be wrong.
Opinions can be wrong in certain circumstances. If someone has an opinion that contravenes the facts of a situation then they are wrong.

Oh and when people capitalise seemingly random words of thread titles. This one isn't like it thankfully but if it were it'd be like:
"Things People Say That Piss YOU Off'
I see things like that quite often and it annoys me because its completely unnecessary - it doesn't add emphasis.


The Furry Gamer
Jun 29, 2010
No_Remainders said:
Trezu said:
i meant it like this


Dead Rising 2 [some time last year]

Guy 1: i think the choice of being able to play as a Female protagonist would be a good idea in Dead rising 2
Guy 2: No your idea is stupid

thats what i sorta of meant i my wording was a bit confusing sorry about that
Well, there's one thing saying that's stupid, but what if the idea is ACTUALLY stupid?


Person 1: I think it'd be a good idea if we made EVERYTHING IN THE WORLD FREE FOREVER

Person 2: That's a stupid idea.

In this case, it is a VERY stupid idea, and I think in this case, it's acceptable to say so.

i think it all depends on circumstances and what the idea in question is. so its a Yes or no sort of thing


New member
Jul 11, 2010
People in mumorpugers that say they are going to "Roll up a <insert class/race/whatever>". You're not rolling anything. If you want to roll dice then go play D&D with your friends in real life and sit around the same table. I die a little inside whenever I see that.


New member
May 1, 2010
No_Remainders said:
Mrhenners12 said:
When I meet Americans on xbox live and they keep insisting that I am British, I say that I am English and that Britain is a group of countries so therefore if I was British then I would be living in all of those countries at the same time that is impossible but then they start calling me a ****** and that I should go back to my tea.

Of or relating to Great Britain or the United Kingdom, or to its people or language

Of the British Commonwealth or (formerly) the British Empire

Yeah, you're British.

British means "Someone from Great Britain/United Kingdom".
I know that but when you talk about where you come from you have to be more specific than just Britain.

What I was getting at is that some Americans somehow think Britain is England and that all English like tea and wear suits with top hats. I just hate being stereotyped because I'm English.


Senior Member
Jun 8, 2009
jshap243 said:
"I live with no regrets." and "I don't hate anyone."

Shut the hell up. If you lived with no regrets you'd f up over and over and over again, because you'd never learn from your mistakes. And you definately do regret things, so piss off. It wouldn't be healthier to never regret anything, so stop acting like you're a perfect little snowflake.

And you definately do hate people, you're human, it's really okay, so stop lying to make yourself sound superior.

Me, I regret a lot of things and I hate some people. That doesn't mean I'm stuck in the decisions I've made in the past or that I'm a complete asshole.
You seem to believe that regreting something is the same as learning from it. That statement is false. Regret imlpies a long term feeling of sorrow or disappointment over previous acions. To exemplify I don't feel regret for having sent those zerglings out too early and thus losing me that game. That was simply a small mistake that I learned from. -Water under the bridge- and all that.

I only truly regret one single thing at this time in my life since I know that all the other choices I made were always made with the best vailable information and I choose to do things of my own free will after (hopefully) adequate consideration.

If I had made a hasty descision that -for instance- killed a career path I would've liked to have while giving me nothing in return (not even a chance to learn from the experience) then yes, I would regret that action. But such things have yet to happen so I can (almost) state that I regret nothing.

Also, "Hate" is a very strong word to use and I can frankly say that don't hate anyone in this world at this time. There are some people wiht whom I have bad chemistry, but I certainly don't hate them. I wish them all the best and the happiest life they can live, just hopefully not near me :p

In light of this please stop telling me to "shut the hell up", "piss off" and implying that I lie. My world view is simply different from yours and don't casually throw the word "hate" around.

OT: People who are overly negative about things. I have frinds who are so constanly pissed at the world they have stopped using words with positive connotiations or words in positive ways. These kinds of people would play "Mr.Awesomes awesome adventure full of awesome" and exclaim "Wow..that's amazing" in the most dejected voice ever, as if they think that the creator is amazing stupid or amazingly insane for creating the game. They have reached some sort of magical point where praising something is out of the question and as such the best thay can muster is some sort of hipster-irony praise for anything.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
StarStruckStrumpets said:
Frozenfish said:
CaptainTrilby said:
When people call people from England British instead of English. I hate that.

People from England are British, in the same way people from New York are American.
New York is it's own country?

There's too many things that people say that piss me off, I'll just explode with a furious linguistic rage if I try and list them.
Alright, French people are European if you are going to be funny about it, not that it makes ANY difference.


New member
May 21, 2009
Oh, as usual, it's the latest in the way of trendy speak...
"That's so cash." No. Just no.
"I'm legit [adjective]." For example, "I'm legit tired." FUCK YOU.
"It was/That's/You're mad jokes/howls." That's an older one, but christ, do I ever rage about it. Every time people come up with something stupid to say, I usually rage over just how stupid it is. That said, over time, I've accepted the adjective "sick" when describing something awesome. I don't have to be a total curmudgeon about everything.

Then, there are these anomalies...
"I could of..."
And when I'm talking to someone and they replace words with numbers. I fucking hate that.

And gems of wisdom such as...
"In the grand scheme of things, it doesn't matter." I fucking know that, asshole, but you probably started this argument, so finish it properly. LIKE A MAN.


New member
Nov 15, 2010
xXAsherahXx said:
fragmaster09 said:
xXAsherahXx said:
when people say "I could care less" instead of "I couldn't care less" (the latter is the correct version) - "i could care less" means that the writer knows that it is possible to care less, but they couldn't come up with anything that they care less about

People that say "fitty cent" instead of "fifty cents" blame American Accents...
Maybe where you're from people are more intelligent and can distinguish the difference, but over here, people usually say the former when they really mean the latter. Idiots.
i never had either statement explained to me, so i explained it to myself, that may be why my definition is different to others'


New member
Sep 9, 2009
"Well, that's your opinion."

Well, hello there, Captain Obvious. Thank you for validating that my thoughts and speech are, in fact, my own.

"Some of the best things in life are free."

Indeed. Some of the worst things in life are free, too.


Oh, so you're really laughing out out out out out out out out out out out out out out out out out out out out loud right at this moment? Well I'm glad you found that funn- oh, I you respond to everything I say with that...

"Your back"

What about my back?

"omg grammer nazi"

I'm sorry, I didn't realise speaking properly made me a racist. Thanks for that. Don't suppose it's worth mentioning that you also mispelled grammar.

I also hate when people put kisses on the end of everything, as if they're describing a porn film.


New member
Sep 11, 2009
TheHitcher said:

Oh, so you're really laughing out out out out out out out out out out out out out out out out out out out out loud right at this moment? Well I'm glad you found that funn- oh, I you respond to everything I say with that...
I honestly think "LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL" is funnier.

I mean, are you laughing out loud out loud out loud out loud etc?


New member
Jan 15, 2010
"Well you're an adult now, so you should understand/be able to do this."

Because, y'know, being a year over 18 vastly warps your personality and gives you a SUDDEN INTAKE of understanding of life, the universe and everything.

The Funslinger

Corporate Splooge
Sep 12, 2010
6_Qubed said:
Oh, that nice Byrne boy and his clever trousers. That was an awesome video.

ON TOPIC: People who say "that's so funny" instead of just laughing. Yes dummy, I know it was funny, that's why I'm laughing at it. YOU DON'T NEED TO TELL ME.
I know a guy, least funny chap in the world. When someone who *is* funny makes a joke and we all have a good laugh, even though I've just been laughing, he'll turn to me and go "hey, do you get it? He said [insert punchline and why it's funny] each and every fucking time.

Something that pisses me off is best explained with a story.

I was having a long conversation with my friend, it started about LA: Noire, and he was going on about how the facial capture system is so revolutionary when it isn't. It is, in fact very simple. Anyway, the conversation moved onto music, and why I dislike rap and pop. So we were basically debating all these things, and he was cycling through the same points over and over, even though I refuted them. I then said, after a while when some of our friends had started cutting into the argument to say he was going in circles, "Christ, you're shit at debating." His response was to become very angry and say "don't you fucking call me an idiot!"
"I'm not calling you an idiot!"
"You just did."
"I said you were shit at debating, that's not the same thing."
"Shut up, you're annoying me and you're so weak."
That's just a blind insult, what does it have to do with anything?

I mean this is the guy who, towards the end of an all day Halo game with some friends started being a bit confrontational, and it basically ended up in this exchange:
(Him) "You think you're better at Halo than all of us."
(Me) "No, I'm not."
"yeah, you are."
"I'm obviously not, because I'm saying that I don't think that, quite clearly. I've never said that."
"Yeah, but you're thinking it."

And just how am I meant to respond to that? When he can apparently determine the thoughts in your head better than you can?


New member
Aug 6, 2009
When parents say that "Video Games are making our kids violent"
In the UK you have to be a certain age to buy a game (i'm sure thats for everywhere else too but i'm just speaking from experience here) Your 8 year old can't go into GAME and buy GTA IV, it's illegal. When kids get thier grubby mitts on a game like that, the parent has to have brought it and have been OK with it. Even if a parent dosn't know what the age rating means, it says on the box that there is content unsutible for children.

Then if the parent buys the game, and as a result of playing the kid starts acting violent, in the parents mind "IT'S THE GAMES FAULT, VIDEO GAMES ARE EVIL, LET'S START A SMEAR CAMPAIGN TO BAN ALL VIDEO GAMES THAT ARN'T ABOUT SHARING!"

it's not the games fualt, it's yours for not looking after your kids you idiots.

sorry for ranting but when people say "Video Games are making our kids violent" i get really riled up.


New member
Jun 17, 2010
fragmaster09 said:
Wereduck said:
The phrase "a whole nother"

It's "an other" you imbecile. If you stick a word in between and that word doesn't start with a vowel then it stops being "an". E.G. "a whole other" or "an enormous other" - that's how English works, LIVE WITH IT.

The only acceptable use of "an other" was in Another Brick in The Wall, and only because correct grammar would have ruined the song. If you're not singing then don't even try it cowboy.
it's 'Another' not 'an other', check the Oxford Dictionary, but, yes, it does turn into 'a whole other', but you need to take in accents as part of the thought equation... i miss of 't's because of my accent, and g's frog words like missing, so i would say "the kid wen' missin'" instead of "the kid went missing", so after you think about accents, some accents cause you to say a whole nother" while others don't.
Good point - you're certainly correct about "another" being a word, that doesn't bother me a bit and if somebody asked for "an other piece of pie" that would be stupid too.

Don't see what you're getting at with accents though. I've never heard of an accent where people spontaneously add an "n" to the beginning of words. I do know people who add "r"s to the end of words ("idear" instead of idea) and that just makes me sad.


New member
Apr 5, 2010
CrashBang said:
Could of.
Aaaaaaaaaarrrrgh!! Raaaaaaaaaage!!
This pisses me off more than the existence of chavs! How in hell do people think that 'could of' is correct grammar?! It's 'could have' or 'could've'. 'Could of'?! Seriously?!

...Christ, I have some stupid friends
Don't you think that if you say 'could've' quick enough it can sound like 'could of'?
Sounds a bit nitpickey if you ask me.

OT: I heard this one today at a first aid course by the very tutor who was teaching us.
"Chinese people can't drink milk"

Sweeping generalizations based on limited information are what makes racism real, so I felt like I had to correct him (and I did) by saying that they're a bit more prone to hereditary lactose intolerance than other races due to less commercialized dairy products, and that it doesn't simply mean that "Chinese people can't drink milk"


New member
Jun 2, 2010
amen to that, i cant imagine a day at my school where my friends aren't shouting "the cake is a lie! y u no _________? what is this i dont even etc". memes belong and should stay on the internet


New member
Jun 24, 2009
Download Festival 2010: "BUTTSCRATCHER!" all the fucking time! I wanted to kill everyone! ITS NOT FUNNY!!!!