Things People Say That Piss You Off


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Feb 8, 2008
Daystar Clarion said:
"X proves that Y", i.e., My kid played a violent video game, he then proceeded to hit me over the head with an axe. That proves that video games cause axe related violence.

People can't seem to tell the difference between correlation and causation.
I like it. Just to help, I always give the amusing bus stop story:

If you track the number of people waiting at a bus stop and compare it to the amount of time left before the bus arrives, you notice that when more people are at the bus stop, the next bus will arrive sooner.

However, this doesn't mean that if a bus just came and picked up a bunch of people and you rapidly go there with 20 of your friends that the wait will be any shorter till the next bus :)

Sir Prize

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Dec 29, 2009
OneEyeX said:
Hallowed Lady said:
No-one cares, just because were born female doesn't make special in the gaming world. Now kindly do us all a favour and shut up.
Namely ones who think that they're SO good just because they can do well in online matches.
I used to trend the tournie seen like a ****** and they were eventually refered to as 'padding' because if you're really good, those G@mer Gurlz would pad the bottom tiers.

Not to say that there aren't high grade female players, but for every one of them, there is two ditzy girls who show up with their boyfriend talking about pwnage and shit.
I think the online thing applies all around, but I can agree with you on a far amount of the other stuff.


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Aug 7, 2008
I had to search deep within myself, and found out this:

I hate it when people say "In my honest opinion" in conversation. So, I am to assume everything else not prefaced as such was an outright lie? Why are we even talking? It makes me want to karate-chop everything in immediate proximity.


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Mar 29, 2009
shadowseal22 said:
"Herp derp, video game music is the best music."
To anybody who holds this opinion, but you are wrong. The simple fact is that game music is supposed to sit in the background, and when it's taken on it's own it rarely holds up to the average product the music industry produces.
This was a triumph
I'm making a note here
Huge success.

I'd give my life, not for honor but for you...Snake Eater!

Pralium Facio
Gradior Quo


Revelation 9:6
Mar 23, 2011
"What I draw does not reflect me as a person"

All things you do reflect you as a person
Drawing is something you do
Ipso facto, yes, what you draw does reflect you as a person

"It's just fantasy!"

Still doesn't change the fact that it is sick. Some choices are simply wrong

"That's none of your business!"

Then why did you make it public?

"How dare you judge me!"

Becacuse you make it so easy


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Aug 7, 2010
No_Remainders said:
ChildofGallifrey said:
It bugs me when people add words to the end of acronyms that are already in the acronym. Like PIN number, or ATM machine, etc.
The best one of those is "UCD Dublin", as UCD stands for "University College, Dublin".

It's on their crest, I believe.

"Hey guys, welcome to University College Dublin Dublin."

"Yeah, I'm a physics professor at Dublin Dublin."

"We should totally go to Dublin Dublin next year!"

The possibilities for humour here are endless!

noble cookie

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Aug 6, 2010
Dominus Nox said:
When i'm in a bad mood and people tell me to 'smile'.
Ah, this annoys me to no end. Plus this.

I dont usually show my emotions for everyone to see, hell I look pretty much emotionless haha, but just because I'm not smiling doesn't mean I'm not happy, then people usually end up asking me if I'm okay or what's wrong etc.

Then there's this asshole in my school who always gets up in your face when taking to you, it's extremely annoying and when I tell him to back off he always replies with something like, "Stop being so moody" or "calm down", simply because I'm asking him to politely fuck off.


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Nov 2, 2009
The fact that Germans call their partner Freund/Freundin, which translates to friend/female friend. It's focusing and it's annoying. Whenever I'm in Germany, I have to keep track of who is together with whom and who is friends with whom.
Worst part aboutthis is that when they talk in English, they call their male friends Friend (which is completely fine), but call their female friends Girlfriend.

So no matter if they speak German or English to me, I will still be just as confused.
Gah this is annoying.


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Sep 11, 2009
ToxicOranges said:
No_Remainders said:
ChildofGallifrey said:
It bugs me when people add words to the end of acronyms that are already in the acronym. Like PIN number, or ATM machine, etc.
The best one of those is "UCD Dublin", as UCD stands for "University College, Dublin".

It's on their crest, I believe.

"Hey guys, welcome to University College Dublin Dublin."

"Yeah, I'm a physics professor at Dublin Dublin."

"We should totally go to Dublin Dublin next year!"

The possibilities for humour here are endless!
I prefer to call it UCDD, to be honest.

Everyone's like "UCD?"

"No, it's UCD, Dublin. Or UCDD."

I get strange looks sometimes.


New member
Jan 29, 2010
CrazyCapnMorgan said:
sageoftruth said:
CrazyCapnMorgan said:
"It's all good."


Have you looked at the recent state of the human fucking species? No, it is not all good. It's mostly shit.

You know what I say to people who say that? Go eat a blue waffle and then tell me "It's all good".
Sounds like there's some history to your comment. What exactly are you referring to?
Pretty much anything. That particular saying is used primarily by people who don't really give a fuck about what's going on or don't want to share their opinion on the given topic or situation de jour.

In my example, let's say someone gets dumped on tells a friend about it. After hearing said sob story, they go "Eh, it's all good man." No it isn't. I had a ready source of pussy, now I have to go through this whole relationship deal again. Unless I have the money to bypass that problem which, thanks to the current state of the economy, I have very little of.

And before you ask, yes this did happen to me. Only twice, thankfully.
Ah, I see. That sounds rough. At first I thought it was just a way of saying "I forgive you," when someone says something offensive and apologizes, but used in this context, it sounds more like a false reassurance. I've always sucked at false reassurances, probably because I knew I'd sound insincere. I've never been in a relationship, so all I can really say is, best of luck to you.


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Aug 22, 2009
Frozenfish said:
CaptainTrilby said:
When people call people from England British instead of English. I hate that.

People from England are British, in the same way people from New York are American.
True, but England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales are all distinct places with their own customs, sayings and idiosyncrasies. People from England often don't like being put in the same box as people from Scotland and so on. It's the same reason It is incorrect to assume that all Americans are rednecks, or that all Russians like large machinery.


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Feb 11, 2009
fragmaster09 said:
Spawny0908 said:
hazabaza1 said:
Seriously, why can't we all get along?
I hate this too. Why the split? You like PC's great glad you enjoy them. I rather a console. It's all about preference. Like my mom says "you can't miss what you never had". I never really had a gaming PC so I'm not missing not playing on one. I'll try it when i can afford a decent rig.

I have alot of bad luck and I hate whenever someone says "God's testing you" to try to cheer me up. If this is a test then when the FUCK is it over?! Jesus the SAT wasn't this fucking long!!!
i tried PC gamind, Battlefield4free... mouse is unusable, keyboard doesn't flow a,d matches are never joinable... not sure if you have to be used to it by playing for years or something, but my controller is a lot more comfortable, easier to use and much more precise than my laggy pc making me swing everywhere
I agree. I find a controller a lot more comfortable too. Keyboards also have so many damn buttons and I always hit the wrong things (but I'm sure I'd get better if I played enough). On a controller I know what does what and I don't have so many useless buttons I could possibly hit.


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Feb 11, 2009
pvaglueman123 said:
When parents say that "Video Games are making our kids violent"
In the UK you have to be a certain age to buy a game (i'm sure thats for everywhere else too but i'm just speaking from experience here) Your 8 year old can't go into GAME and buy GTA IV, it's illegal. When kids get thier grubby mitts on a game like that, the parent has to have brought it and have been OK with it. Even if a parent dosn't know what the age rating means, it says on the box that there is content unsutible for children.

Then if the parent buys the game, and as a result of playing the kid starts acting violent, in the parents mind "IT'S THE GAMES FAULT, VIDEO GAMES ARE EVIL, LET'S START A SMEAR CAMPAIGN TO BAN ALL VIDEO GAMES THAT ARN'T ABOUT SHARING!"

it's not the games fualt, it's yours for not looking after your kids you idiots.

sorry for ranting but when people say "Video Games are making our kids violent" i get really riled up.
I feel the same way. People use movies and video games to raise their child. Then when the child goes nuts "THE GAME MADE HIM THIS WAY! OUTLAW ALL GAMES!!!" Reminds me of this story about a little girl who accidentally shot herself with a gun. All the media cared about was the fact that there was a gun Wii remote attachment in the home (a cheap one not Nintendo, and it looked like a real gun). Not the fact that for the girl to have shot herself there had to have been an UNLOCKED AND LOADED GUN IN FRONT OF AN UNSUPERVISED CHILD!!!! God why are people so damn stupid?


New member
Aug 24, 2009
one friend of mine cannot say exponential, he always says "expotential"; drives me nuts xD

when people (mostly people who are more interested in make up, shoes, shiny sports cars and solving global financial politics' problems over a beer at the local pub) act/talk like i was acting as if i thought i am knowledge and wisdom incarnate.

no i do not think i am the smartest thing that ever walked this planet! i may know more than you stupid *censored* in certain fields, but i know when i do not know a certain thing; and when that occurs i look it up or - lo and behold! - ask people about that (thus admitting!!!! zomg!! my ignorance) and acquire some more knowledge.
just makes me want to clean the gene-pool.

in general, people who act more stupid than they actually are; i don't hate people whose iq is below a certain level as it is not necessary to be able to calculate the square-root of 37 to the 127th digit; but i hate when people could easily make much more of their potential, but just decided to leave their brains fallow

No_Remainders said:
s0p0g said:
one friend of mine cannot say eponential, he always says "expotential"; drives me nuts xD

The word IS "exponential"...?
t'was just a typo, the missing x; fixed; thanks, didn't see it


New member
Jun 26, 2009
varulfic said:

This psysically hurts me. JUST SAY SHIT. What, are you worried you might offend me? Oh, the irony.
That seem's to fit your avatar perfectly. Also I don't think people say it for that reason because crap and shit are exactly the same (unless it's different where you are)
I've said bullcrap before just because I like the sound of it...


New member
Mar 25, 2011
fragmaster09 said:
NightlyNews said:
Vault101 said:
Joey245 said:
When people use the word "Retard" in any context.

It's just a horrible word, a lingering relic from when society was even more of an asshole than it is now. Using it to describe someone with Autism, or Down's Syndrome, or any other mental disability, is just plain cruel in my eyes. Technically true, but then again, so is calling an African-american a...well, you know, and that's a horrible thing to say either.

However, what REALLY grinds my gears is when it is used as an insult to someone who did something stupid. We already have words like "Dumbass," "moron," and "idiot" for that! Unless you mean that they actually are mentally disabled, then not only are you insulting the person you direct it at (for insinuating they are mentally disabled, which many people do not like), but you're also insulting people with mental disabilities (for insinuating that people with disabilities are all complete and total morons).

It's just sickening.
actually (correct me If I'm wrong" wasnt retard a totally legitimate word at one point? didnt it mean "to be held back" or somthing to that extent

I was amused to find out the Spastic was a totally legit word as well...back in the 70's and 80's we even had the "Australian Spastics assosiation" Im not making this up
Retard has alternate definitions in music and delaying things. But, it isn't like ****** where that was the term or you could mistake people for saying it.

Retard was never used in popular lexicon as delayed, it's always meant of inferior IQ. The person above your quote is slightly misinformed though. You can be autistic and still not be defined as mentally retarded, although it is unfortunately very common.
it's still used in medical terms, to be mentally or physically retarded means to be unable to do mental or physical things that 'normal' people can do, flame retardant means it stops flames from spreading through it.

people took the idea of mentally retarded, and turned it into an insult, so 'retard' normally means that they think that you have something not quite there in your head, the concept that they don't grasp is people who are severely mentally retarded may be unable to function in everyday life, but be classed as geniuses in specific fields... for example, Einstein couldn't read or write until he was 7(or was that mozart?)
The classical medical definition of retarded was an IQ 20 or 30 depending on where you look below the standard deviation.

I'm not an expert on the etymology of the word, but I think it took on the deficient in any social aspect about the same time that it became an insult. However there are autistic children who score 80-89ish on social proficiency IQ tests and are still classified as autistic (although it has such a wide definition these days you may disagree). A social IQ of 85 wouldn't be classified as socially retarded by most psychiatrists.

It's kinda hard to determine exact meanings when the words have been broadened over the years and there's tons of debate as to what should be classified as what when it comes to the developmentally disabled.


New member
Jun 7, 2010
Not so much when people say it, but when they type it.

Whenever a sentence ends with ".."

Example: "I don't know.."

Are they trying to end a sentence normally as in "I don't know.", giving a short and concise answer? Or are they trying to say "I don't know...", where they might be answering with doubt?

In one case, it's ending a sentence and accidentally putting an extra period. In the other, they meant to put an ellipsis, but accidentally left one off.

It confuses me to a great extent.


New member
Jul 25, 2010
This may be a step or two away from the topic, but it still technically answers the question.

I hate the somewhat common opinion on the internet that RPGs and story driven games are a step below regular games. Video games become mainstream and then RPGs become the new thing for nerds and children, it's completely ridiculous.