Things you wish were normal to wear in public


New member
Sep 19, 2008
If I can walk around town for a week wearing a red cape then you can wear whatever you want.

And I can't be the only one to notice that 'thinks' makes less sense than 'things'


New member
Mar 11, 2009
Bulletinmybrain said:
Matronadena said:
at least where I am " now" I want it to be Hakama/ I'm dressed in that alot as a doshi..

now my brother " who also moved to the states" still goes Kilted more often than's less and less of a issue.. though he still has to beat off the women folk ( actually his wife is the one who has her guard up when he's kilted as he gets alot of stray hands, and bedroom eyes thrown his way when there out"

Is he a true scot?
if by that you mean commando and the likes.. then yes....

Sable Gear

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Mar 26, 2009
dreadedcandiru99 said:
I would totally wear a cape. I still don't see why those went out of style.
They get caught on things. I vote Toga, they're surprisingly practical.

I actually have a top-hat, the only reason I don't wear it all the time is it's too big. ( head is very small...) I also have an Org. XIII coat that I'ma wera the first good rainy day I get now that it's been hemmed to my height-requirements.


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Nov 21, 2008
Biek said:
CaptainEgypt said:

So everyone in this thread refrains from wearing things they like because they're somehow concerned with what random strangers will think when they see it.
Or what the local law enforcement thinks when they see it. Wanna know what I mean? try wearing a ski mask and stand in front of a bank.

I'll give you 5 to 10 minutes.
oh god that would be funny


New member
Nov 21, 2008
they should have a holiday were people can wear what ever they want without being criticized


New member
Jun 22, 2008
Matronadena said:
Bulletinmybrain said:
Matronadena said:
at least where I am " now" I want it to be Hakama/ I'm dressed in that alot as a doshi..

now my brother " who also moved to the states" still goes Kilted more often than's less and less of a issue.. though he still has to beat off the women folk ( actually his wife is the one who has her guard up when he's kilted as he gets alot of stray hands, and bedroom eyes thrown his way when there out"

Is he a true scot?
if by that you mean commando and the likes.. then yes....
What else could the term true scot mean?

I am so contemplating buying a kilt, if just for the lulz.


New member
Mar 17, 2009
Sable Gear said:
dreadedcandiru99 said:
I would totally wear a cape. I still don't see why those went out of style.
They get caught on things. I vote Toga, they're surprisingly practical.

I actually have a top-hat, the only reason I don't wear it all the time is it's too big. ( head is very small...) I also have an Org. XIII coat that I'ma wera the first good rainy day I get now that it's been hemmed to my height-requirements.
i have an Org. XIII cloak myself, custom/home made pretty wicked it is


New member
Jan 7, 2008
seydaman said:
Bigsmith said:
xmetatr0nx said:
Ok honestly lets bring back the monocle, doesnt matter if you need vision correctness or not just wear one.
Totaly agree. Also wouldn't mind being able to wear my Larping gear out in public, with out the police pulling me over cuase im carrying a sword. And also Steampunk goggels, yes I have a pair.
someone should order like 1000 monocles, then have all the escapists wear them for a year, we could bring them back!!

edit: or we all just buy monocles
I bet getting an astigmatism-correcting monocle wouldn't be too difficult, then I could go around nearsighted but compensated. Saw some steampunk goggles at a Renfaire last weekend and was sorely tempted.

I'm also jumping the kilt bandwagon, because they have good alcohol on it. (Actually, I make kilt jokes all the time, might as well milk every dram of scottish ancestry.)


New member
Nov 21, 2008
Khell_Sennet said:
I would just love it if one could wear Kimonos or other such Asian wraps in public. Not out of any Asian obsession (like Anime'tardism or Weeboo), just because a kimono is so damn comfortable.

Fashion-wise I wish a cape and cane wouldn't draw too many funny stares, and I would love to have dueling swords legal to wear again, with the addition of it being legal to duel someone over insults. And of course, something needs to be done to make black fashionable again, damn Goths and Emos ruined it for the rest of us.
aye, them damn goths ruining my 2nd favorite color!!


New member
Mar 9, 2009
I wish everybody was a commited nudist (save those who are over and uder certain weight limits, the elderly and when it's cold for aesthetic appeal)
P.S. Elderly = 50+

Anyway, clothes are expensive for nothing during the summer and such.

Bored Tomatoe

New member
Aug 15, 2008
Human skulls. Wear them on a belt! Wear them as a hat! They make a fashionable walking stick top! Things were better back when head hunting was in style.

Damien the Pigeon

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Oct 23, 2008
StarStruckStrumpets said:
Damien the Pigeon said:
Dude, if I could get Sora's outfit from Kingdom Hearts 2 (sans the ridiculous sized shoes and pants), I would be very happy. That would be so awesome to wear in public!
OMG DUDE! Why didn't I think of that?! Personally I'd love to have Riku's clothes, and his hair, and his keyblade...Scratch that, I'd just love to be Riku.
Yeah, I'd like to wear Riku's shirt, but I don't think I'd want the pants. If you look closely, the pant legs are held up by leather straps. That's a little odd for me. His shirt is pretty BA though.