This scare the shit out of anyone else?


New member
Apr 15, 2009
this is the death of a man whose name struck fear into the hearts, of millions and now they are showing relief that maybe less plains will fly into towers and cars on the side of highways might not be bombs.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
I think people are celebrating more for the fact that the uncatchable terrorist has finally been caught.

So no, this doesn't scare me at all. Let them celebrate, let them be glad about their country if just for a while.


New member
Feb 15, 2009
Grabbin Keelz said:
After hearing of Osama's death I listened to the America Fuck Yea song....then I went on with my life.
Pretty much my reaction. I admit I did feel joyous that he was caught and killed by Navy SEALs, but I was in no way jumping around in the streets with an American flag chanting "USA! USA!". He was really more of a figurehead for terrorists than an actual leader anyway. After the US basically declared war on him and put a $25 million bounty on his head, he didn't have much of a choice but to go into hiding and not really lead al-Queda anymore. It's business as usual for the terrorists, they'll be blowing up another innocent establishment any day now.


New member
Apr 13, 2009
"He was evil, he deserved it!"

Yeah, but you're the one enjoying the death of a real person. These people have more in common with Osama
than they thought. Tragic.


New member
Oct 21, 2010
DragonLord Seth said:
From what I heard, the SEAL team who killed him didn't even think twice about shooting the human shields, which made them worthless in a symbolic way.
The SEALs or the hostages?


New member
Feb 25, 2008
I find the celebrations somewhat ironic.

After nearly thirty years America has finally put down it's rabid attack dog because it turned round and bit them. They weren't half as concerned with catching him when it was Russians he was blowing up.

They trained him, they armed him, they gave him money, now three decades and hundreds of thousands of lives later they finally caught up with their horribly successful little insurgency project.

That he's dead is something, he earned everything that came to him and then some, but it changes little and it's certainly nothing to celebrate, it just makes us as bad as them.


New member
Sep 9, 2009
It was scary when a bunch of Arab cab-drivers were getting attacked by hysterically paranoid uber-patriots.

At least this is one is an actual terrorist.


New member
Nov 27, 2010
Since no one's celebrating in my neighborhood I assumed we didn't really care about him anymore after all of these years. Oh well.

Well I've seen both sides of the argument and it seems that, while I understand why people would celebrate his death, it's kinda messed-up. When people concentrate so much energy on the act of hating--waving flags in exultation of a man, who they've resented, die--no matter what the dead man's done, it's a gross violation of humanity. Yes, you may call me a "hippie," but that's true; there's a difference between what these people are currently doing in comparison to what people would do at a concert, and it's in what they stand for when they cheer. Unless you can make the argument that Bin Laden was not human and in fact an alien serpent from Neptune you're still, no matter how you look at it, insulting a human being who similarly felt and lived, though he led a life no person should aspire to. So...I don't know. Maybe I'm slightly sickened that this also polarizes Al Qaeda and America: that we're the good guys and they're the bad guys, when no one, except God, knows who's in the right. A little holier-than-thou, I guess.

We've come to a time when we are all a little more sure, a little more poised, and a little more celebratory for all of the wrong reasons.


New member
Nov 12, 2009
The same thought actually occurred to me yesterday morning at school. Though I understand that the man has taken thousands of peoples' lives in his barbarism and cowardice, I also found the sheer joy and delight of my own countrymen in the face of his death to be a bit unnerving. To be so rapturous at the very idea of another human's death, does that really make us any better than the man who ordered the death of so many? Come now, I know the ignorance of us Americans is great, but even I thought we were better than this.

Just because Osama had no respect for the dead does not mean that we should stoop to his level.

This view especially disturbed me when I saw it first hand in the eyes of my teacher, whose naive ideals and narrow worldview are ultimately harmless in regards to her, I fear as to how much harm it could do when directed at the more impressionable of my classmates.


New member
Aug 14, 2009
emeraldrafael said:
Why should it scare people? The US is a country based on revenge. This wasnt about a war on terror. This was about getting the guy, and we did.

Besides, its just a bunch of drunks chanting USA USA USA!

I'll tell you what scares me. When the Canadians bad mouth America while they're in America. I'm scared for the guys, they may not make it back over the border.

Besides, America did honour him. They gave him a good muslim burial at sea and followed in its accordances. We paraded Saddam around for days, so already he's getting ebtter treatment then that.
I never have any problems commenting on the American situation while I'm visiting my friends in the US. Where do you live that vigilante justice against your northern neighbours is such a serious concern?

I am 2 cool 4 anime

New member
Mar 31, 2011
I am sad that he died,i hate when people die,no 1,I repeat,NO ONE deserves to KILL OR TO GET KILLED!!!I am sad that people think of this as a triumph,o matter how bad he is,YOU CAN NOT TAKE HIS LIFE AWAY LIKE THAT,I was sad when I was reading comments on youtube and this one guy said "THE GUY WHO KILLED BIN LADEN IS GONNA GET SO MUCH PU$$Y"...and he had 156 thumbs up....The guy who killed him isnt better then him


New member
Oct 21, 2010
DragonLord Seth said:
Popido said:
DragonLord Seth said:
From what I heard, the SEAL team who killed him didn't even think twice about shooting the human shields, which made them worthless in a symbolic way.
The SEALs or the hostages?
Wait, that wasn't obvious? The hostages! This must be said:
The Aqua part already made me go HHHHUUUUURRRRR-


New member
Apr 26, 2008
I call bullshit on all the people that say you should never be happy or celebrate or anything when anyone dies, no matter who they are or what they did. If someone raped and murdered your family in front of you with no sign of remorse and then were executed I think it would be a perfectly acceptable response to be happy about that. You guys talk like you're some kind of pillar of morality but if it came down to it you couldn't back up your words.


New member
Jan 17, 2010
Popido said:
DragonLord Seth said:
From what I heard, the SEAL team who killed him didn't even think twice about shooting the human shields, which made them worthless in a symbolic way.
The SEALs or the hostages?
news outlets now report that bin laden was unarmed. so much for that..


New member
Mar 1, 2009

The mastermind behind 9/11 and whenever that subway was blown up in London is dead. Join the party. I'm surprised no one in Europe is celebrating.