Time Travellers are real? or were in 1928...


New member
Jan 12, 2010
I've seen creepier... Sunglasses and a hoodie man:

I cant' find it... But there's a pic of a guy who looks liek a hipster in a gorup of people in teh 20's.

really interesting stuff.

x EvilErmine x

Cake or death?!
Apr 5, 2010
WhiteandNeardy99 said:
x EvilErmine x said:
AndyFromMonday said:
Time travel is impossible which means this is a fake. End of story. That was easy.
No it isn't. There's nothing in the laws of physics that prevents it. The vid is not of a time traveler though as you cant go back to a point before the time machine was invented, this would create a paradox and also would violate the law of thermodynamics.

Time travel to the future is possible though, all you need to do (ha that makes it sound easy lol) is get close to the speed of c (this makes time slow down to preserve the absolute speed of light) or get close to a really massive body such as a Super Massive Black Hole (this is because mass distorts space time as can be proved by the network of GPS satellites).
How? How in any way would it break the laws of thermodynamics?
From what i understand (i may be wrong)
You would be decreasing the entropy of the universe which is not allowed according to the second law as far as i am aware.


New member
Apr 16, 2010
Sorry, I just don't see it. Heck, I couldn't see anything in her hand that actually leads for it to be a cell phone! Either she is fixing the collar of her jacket or she has a hearing aid on her or she needed to scratch her face, along with other probable and reasonable solutions.


New member
Apr 17, 2010
Biggest argument against existence of time travel - no time machines exist today. As soon as time machines exist anywhen, they exist everywhen. Because as soon as one is created, it has to be kept safe from idiots/trolls/those guys who just have to look through the keyhole in "Saw" movies not just for a little while, but for INFINITY.

I believe time machine is possible, though. All you have to do is undo every reaction happening everywhere in the Universe, except for in a small spot around you and whatever you're taking with you, and then hope to hell that you did it exactly right so that the joins are invisible and you didn't accidentally the whole of everything.


New member
Apr 9, 2009
Maybe she just got lost while trying to kill Hitler?



Feb 13, 2008
Diagonal Horizontality said:
bleachigo10 said:
Unless in the future they don't need cell towers.
Okay, but if she is a legitimate time traveller, wouldn't she go back in time again to prevent herself from appearing on camera using a phone, thereby preventing this thread from ever being created?
I stand by my crazy wallet theory.
Unless she wanted to fool us all by coming on a forum and denying it...



New member
Jun 8, 2010
Another possible theory (not saying I genuinely think the woman is a time traveller) is that an experiment in the future blasted her back to 1928 and due to it maybe being a freak occurance that she got stuck there and her appearance in this video was significant to someone in the future or she just ended up on film by accident. I don't know if anyones ever read the book Weapons of Choice but the same sort of thing that happened there. It would explain a possibility of time travel and also explain why we don't have an influx of people from the future popping up to help us or everting disasters all the time.

After typing all that with a PS3 controller my wrist is really sore lol.


New member
Mar 7, 2008
Time travel to the future is possible, even today. I'm doing it right now.

See? 10 seconds in the future from when I started this post. Magic.

But seriously: Nice find, fun speculation, but we all know it's just a vague gesture.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
arc1991 said:
FalloutJack said:
By any chance, was it the premier of Modern Times? (That being, of course, the Chaplin film on modernization and so forth.) Because if it WAS...and they had a guy walking around with a thing that was meant to seem like a phone that would operate cordlessly...then it could have been deliberate.
Nope, take a look at the article, people are baffled buy it, cynics have been looking at the video and cannot find an explanation other than"time traveller"
What "cynics?" Because there have already been plenty of explanations here. No reasonable person is going to arrive at "time traveler" simply based on this piece of video. Unless there's audio of her asking "can you hear me now?" We're missing here.

That would be like saying that because you couldn't explain a strange light in the sky, it had to be a flying saucer from an extraterrestrial civilisation. It doesn't work like that.

If you were taking the piss, though, good one.


New member
Sep 2, 2010
The video looks like a fake. Have you ever seen a black and white movie from the 20's? Scratchy, grainy, no where near that hi fi.


Elite Member
Jun 17, 2009
She's not even holding anything. If you look you can just see her fingers sticking up. It saddens me to think that so many people could possibly think there was a time traveler on a cell phone attending the Charlie Chaplin premier.

slightly evil

New member
Feb 18, 2010
The past and future dont exist, there is only now, the past is what happened, the future is what will happen, they aren't physically real, time travel is impossible


New member
Oct 26, 2010
i saw this video last night and i've been thinking about it
but there are two other possible explanations for the video:

1. if you stick your figner in your ear, you will hear an echo of everything you say.
this is how some people (singers mostly) "sound-check" themsevles.
sence the "time traveler" is an elderly women, she may be checking to see if her voice is hoarse or not, or maybe checking her hearing as well.
as for the object in her hand, well her purse was in the other hand and therefore would make more sence to use the hand holding the smaller object to hold up to your ear.

2. she's old and demented, so she probably thinks the object is talking to her.


New member
Jun 8, 2010
x EvilErmine x said:
WhiteandNeardy99 said:
x EvilErmine x said:
AndyFromMonday said:
Time travel is impossible which means this is a fake. End of story. That was easy.
No it isn't. There's nothing in the laws of physics that prevents it. The vid is not of a time traveler though as you cant go back to a point before the time machine was invented, this would create a paradox and also would violate the law of thermodynamics.

Time travel to the future is possible though, all you need to do (ha that makes it sound easy lol) is get close to the speed of c (this makes time slow down to preserve the absolute speed of light) or get close to a really massive body such as a Super Massive Black Hole (this is because mass distorts space time as can be proved by the network of GPS satellites).
How? How in any way would it break the laws of thermodynamics?
From what i understand (i may be wrong)
You would be decreasing the entropy of the universe which is not allowed according to the second law as far as i am aware.
I genuinely don't know that's why Iasked as I've only ever learnt about thermodynamics is all related to engineering, as the class at college is called engineering thermodynamics time travel isn't high on my tutors list of stuff to teach us lol.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
Woman looks like she is possibly talking on a mobile phone on grainy old black and white footage.

Logical answer? She's a fucking time-traveler of course!

*incoherent grumbling*


New member
May 23, 2010
Zeithri said:
Jonluw said:
arc1991 said:
AndyFromMonday said:
Time travel is impossible which means this is a fake. End of story. That was easy.
How do you know what can happen in the future? hell people though Mobile phones would fail, we never though that we could travel in something with wheels witch ran on something called petrol. Hell we never though we would make something that can get into space...

But ooh look!
Well, if time travel will be possible in the future; how come the holocaust happened?
Why would you claim that people would want to stop it?
I thought Red Alert would had pointed out a possible event to people if it would had been stopped.
Read below for possible timeline variations.
I just figured that if people would go back in time to see the premiere of a Charlie Chaplin film, they would definitely at least try to stop the holocaust.

Zeithri said:
zfactor said:
Jonluw said:
arc1991 said:
AndyFromMonday said:
Time travel is impossible which means this is a fake. End of story. That was easy.
How do you know what can happen in the future? hell people though Mobile phones would fail, we never though that we could travel in something with wheels witch ran on something called petrol. Hell we never though we would make something that can get into space...

But ooh look!
Well, if time travel will be possible in the future; how come the holocaust happened?
Ah shitpickles... This thread got way off topic...

I explained in another thread actually about time travel about this... You cannot change what has already happened. The past is written and unchangeable because of the fact that it already happened. So if ou go back and try to change something, you will fail because you already failed. You already went back to change whatever happened.

Confusing as fuck? Yes...

I'll explain better. Let's say you wanted to go back in time and try to stop Hitler. The events of 1945ish have already occured, yes? Therefore, you cannot change anything because it has happened already. In 1945 you were there trying to stop Hitler already when everything still happened.

Still confused? Quote me and I will try again...
No you wouldn't have failed.
Either you explained it too poorly or you failed to take into the accounts of alternate dimensions.

To put it simply, here are 3 timelines;

In Timeline 1; We defeated the Nazis, the nuclear deterence were in place and we are as we are today.
In Timeline 2; The Nazis won, the cold war never happened.
In Timeline 3; The Nazis gave up after Hitler was assassinated, the cold war resulted in Russia and America being bombed away, and the rest of the world cooping.

Infintive possibilities and uncountable events.

Heck, in some timeline the holocaust possible never happened. And in another, Nazis went to live on the Moon and another, the meteor that carried our genetics went to Venus instead than Earth so now we're really all crablike sentinent heatresistant spacebugs from Metroid (Space Pirates) instead!
I mentioned the possibilities of different timelines earlier in this thread.

I did just note a problem with what I said in that earlier post though. I mentioned that if a lady travelled back in time and talked in a cellphone there, we wouldn't be able to notice it, because the timeline would have branched off there. I failed to account for the fact that we could/would be in that timeline.


Apr 28, 2008
To me it just looks like she's holding up a hand to her face for some reason.