Titanfall On PC Will Require Origin


Can't Stop the Bop
Jan 2, 2011
The main reason I don't use Origin anymore is not because I think Steam is inherently superior, it's purely about the prices. I just checked and Titanfall is going to cost $80 in my region. I ain't paying that! Especially since it's an EA multiplayer FPS which means oodles and oodles of DLC will be rolled out that you kind of need (since everyone will be playing on the new maps etc). I just cannot afford to spend that much money on one game.


Your sinner, in secret
Jun 24, 2013
It's predictable, to be honest. It's an EA game. When I get Titanfall it will be on the Xbox One anyway (though I can take a wild guess and say that Origin will somehow be required on that too).


Noisy Lurker
Jul 16, 2008
Call it hyperbole if you will, but I'd be more inclined to put Gator on my PC before I'd put Origin. To me, they are both useless clutter to screw with my PC's software configuration. A careful, and nearly paranoid balance must be maintained, and Origin is likely to not be worth the risk of tipping that balance.

J Tyran

New member
Dec 15, 2011
That was expected really, the Origin hate is getting old though. It was never ever spyware, they have better customer service than Steam and a better refund policy. The prices are fine compared to anywhere else you buy a game, they have plenty of sales as well.

It lacks the community features of Steam but at the end of the day its only a slight nuisance having more than one DD platform the same way Uplay is, Origin and Uplay are also competition for Steam which can only be a good thing.

Steven Bogos

The Taco Man
Jan 17, 2013
To take a page from our illustrious Michael Patcher, Saying you won't buy titanfall because it's on Origin is dumb, dumb, dumb.

At some point, legitimate complaints against origin turned into a "LETS HATE ON ORIGIN BECAUSE EA IS LITERALLY HITLER" circlejerk.

Hairless Mammoth

New member
Jan 23, 2013
Well that was basically guaranteed since its announcement. Thought the dilemma for me is waiting to see if it's worth playing then I'll decide whether to deal with another distribution client running for only one game(Hai, uplay, your for Blood Dragon playin' only)or wait for the xbone to go down to dramatically in price. And considering I have to save up to fill my TJ-07 with watercooling goodies, my money's on just dealing with Origin.


New member
May 26, 2011
Origin has struggled on delivery more than anything else. The interface is still clunky as heck, and the innumerable hiccups they're STILL having pissed me off so much that I refused to buy another damn thing on that bugged, resource hog of a digital distribution platform.

I REALLY want to play Titanfall, but as I have no interest in either an Xbone (or a PS4 for that matter) or Origin, it looks like I won't be playing it. Which makes me sad.


New member
Nov 21, 2009
I would say that they lost a sale, but they never had mine to begin with.

A game about mechs should be about mechs. If I want a shooter with mechs I can play Blacklight or Planetside 2 for free.


New member
Feb 8, 2012
Ok, the game is now dead to me.

I didn't really like the idea of the player restrictions they put in place but I would've given it a chance. But Origin is a no go for me...


New member
Mar 22, 2010
At this point I'm indifferent, those saying Steam or no sale basically would have just wanted it on Steam and nowhere else, Steam to me is still a massive cesspool of DRM, I don't want all my games attached to steam, I don't want to have to go to GoG or have a chance at ploughing through Amazon, Uplay does the same for their games requiring you have their games attached to their service, I know because I bought FC3 on Steam and then it got attached to Uplay by force.

Basically it being on origin is about the same as it would have any game just being on Steam, I don't give a fuck whether or not you think Steam is better or Origin being shit.

I still want to play the game so I suppose this will have to be my first step towards Origin regardless, people here didn't seem to give a fuck about the game to begin with so I don't get all those "shame I really wanted it" posts, no you never did to begin with, otherwise where where you in the forums this whole time?.


New member
Dec 31, 2009
I'm at the point as well where I really don't care on what platform it may be on (Origin, Steam or Uplay).

I will play the games that I want to play and I won't be that person that only sticks to a certain company (Steam or go home nonsense).

OT though, of course it's going to be Origin exclusive. Why on earth wouldn't it be? It's published by EA remember? This won't go away unfortunately so we'll have to cope with it like I am doing with Ubisoft that requires me to have Uplay regardless if I buy it on Steam.


Why does this place still exist
Aug 1, 2010
How is this news? Moreover, how are people even remotely surprised by this?

It's an EA published game, of course it's going to use Origin.


Regular Member
Aug 25, 2010
Weaver said:
Origin is okay now-a-days. I still find steam more useable, but since EA changed their EULA to not steal every file from my hard drive if they wanted I haven't had that many issues with it.
I am still wary as my work PC is also my gaming PC and my boss prefers that I not risk it, something I am personally OK with as E.A. has done little to build any trust for me. I have also tried sandboxing both Steam and Origin and the latter always gives me errors about trying to access folders that have nothing to do with it that I gave it no permission to access while the former swims pretty.

In summary: Origin throws a tantrum when I sandbox it.


Crazy person! Avoid!
Oct 19, 2010
This is fantastic news for Microsoft.
They should be promoting this instead of that PS3 thing.
"You want to play Titanfall? Either eat shit and install Origin or buy an Xbone."


New member
Nov 26, 2011
I'm not really sure what EA is still trying to do with Origin. Yeah, I'm going to be getting DA 3, ME 4, and I got ME 3. They certainly didn't, and Titanfall won't, make me run Origin constantly to stay in touch with friends. That's what steam is for. All it'll do is make me start up the service, play the game, then shut it down. And when I get bored with whichever new game I've bought on Origin, it can sit dormant on my PC for months. And I'm fairly sure I'm not the only one feeling this way.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
you know why i dont "acknowledge" my mmos via steam? because i dont want some shitty DRM on my online play. ORigin is a shitty DRM, therefore ill keep playing games that dont have any. thank you for loosing a sale.
Saulkar said:
I have also tried sandboxing both Steam and Origin and the latter always gives me errors about trying to access folders that have nothing to do with it that I gave it no permission to access while the former swims pretty.

In summary: Origin throws a tantrum when I sandbox it.
id say this is rather scary as it means Origin is trying to read something it shouldn't supposed to read it, as in, doing exactly what a computer virus would do.


I can smell sausage rolls
Dec 6, 2010
well.... duh. it's made by EA, of course it does, and people who expected otherwise are being retarded. also

DarkhoIlow said:
I'm at the point as well where I really don't care on what platform it may be on (Origin, Steam or Uplay).

I will play the games that I want to play and I won't be that person that only sticks to a certain company (Steam or go home nonsense).
well said, the negatives of "oh no, i have to install a program that i will rarely use" is outweighed by "this game is fucking awesome". Besides, even when all of these programs have an 'offline mode', titanfall is exclusively multiplayer anyway, so it doesn't really matter

Arina Love

Apr 8, 2010
steam, origin same sh*t if you ask me. One more program forced on me will not make a difference.


New member
Jun 17, 2009
all the people saying there are no legitimate complaints against origin must have never tried to play anything in MP, shit is horrible.