Tomorrow I'm gonna do something stupid and pointless with little chance of success.

Sexy Devil

New member
Jul 12, 2010
General Grind said:
Sexy Devil said:
Keepitclean said:
How is this stupid? The worst that can happen is they say no.
Well actually the worst that could happen is she says yes and the administration finds out and he gets into shit, seeing as he technically hasn't graduated yet. Not every school is Greendale!
But they should be.

They should be.
No arguments here, man. I wish I had Abed as a friend.


New member
Sep 14, 2011
I was lurking in this thread earlier. Its like a car crash, I just cant take my eyes away.

Too late for the luck wishing now, or for the glass half empty opinion, or for any 'hello, this is reality calling' bullshit, as someone who has done the stupid and foolish and no chance of working thing (only this weekend as it happens) I commend you.

I may even buy you a post-rejection drink.



New member
Jul 18, 2009
FamoFunk said:
I approve of this.

But please film it or something so we can see you getting rejected.
Totally irrelevant, but... your avatar is spazzing me out. It's insanely distracting.

Sorry to ask... think you could change it?


New member
Jul 25, 2011
I once asked out a 16 1/2 year old girl when I was 13, and it turned out she actually felt the same way, but she didn't want to go for it cos of the repercussions there'd be cos of the age gap :(

good luck!


New member
Sep 23, 2009
At first, I was a little wary, but given the circumstances that you'll be graduating soon and all that, I say go for it (which you already are at the moment). Good luck, bud. :)


New member
May 23, 2010
Stare intently into her eyes and say:
"It's time for me to move on from life at college now. Time to move on to the adult world. So, teacher, I was wondering if you would like to teach me about the adult world."


New member
Aug 2, 2010
I_am_a_Spoon said:
FamoFunk said:
I approve of this.

But please film it or something so we can see you getting rejected.
Totally irrelevant, but... your avatar is spazzing me out. It's insanely distracting.

Sorry to ask... think you could change it?
If you hit Esc it will stop playing.


New member
Mar 2, 2009
Alright everyone, the results are in, and I am ready to tell my tale. I once again want to thank everyone for being so invested in this tale, and I'm try my best to spin a satisfactory yarn here.

"Well, first I got up and I had a piece of toast, then I brushed my teeth, then I went to the store to buy some fish..." (sorry, couldn't resist)

Alright, well I woke up, took a shower, brushed my teeth, all the usual stuff, trimmed my beard to make it nice and pretty. Got dressed up, clean bowling shirt and what-not.

Her office hours are 10-11:30, so I left around 9:40 'cause it takes about half an hour to get there and I didn't wanna be lurking around her door when she showed up.

Are you all familiar with the old saying "If you wanna make God laugh, tell him your plans." well apparently that applies to God, Buddha, Zeus, Fate, Karma, The Flying Spaghetti Monster, The all-powerful Atheismo, or whatever else you do or not believe in.

I made sure to set up everything that could mess this up on my end, but since something does have to go wrong...she wasn't there. I couldn't ask her if she wasn't in her office.

Now hold on, my story does not end here. I swung by the office of one of the Professor's for a class I was taking, we chatted a bit. The problem here was...I was parked in a 30 Minute Visitor Parking space (because parking is near impossible at this time of day...) and so the clock was ticking. She still wasn't in her office.

Eventually...I had to give up (don't worry, there's more. Stick around) I walked back to my car. Feeling defeated. I was unable to do what I set out to do, and I felt like a failure. I got back in my car and started to leave.

But I only moved a few feet before I saw...what's that? An empty parking space, and no one around to snag it? Feeling a second wind of determination, I grabbed that space, headed back to the building her office is in and sure enough...there she was.

I took a deep breath and stepped inside. We'd chatted a few times before, so she had some recollection of who I was lol

I stood up straight, gave her a warm smile, kept eye contact and I gave the improvised speech that I'd rehearsed in my head a hundred times (I say improvised because no matter how often you practice, once you're in the moment, you don't rely on memory, you go with guts)

Now I know some of you are wondering what exactly I said, but if it's alright with you, I'd rather leave that part out. Not because I'm embarrassed with what I said, but because I'd feel better if the next hundred messages weren't advice on what I should (or shouldn't) have said.

Much to my own surprise, she seemed taken aback, but also quite flattered by this proposal. She had a huge smile on her face that she couldn't seem to get rid of...


She did respond, and she informed me that she was actually already seeing somebody, and that he probably wouldn't appreciate it if I took her out (and who could blame him? I'll ask out almost any woman I like, but I have a rule about women in relationships)

So at the end of this story, she did ultimately say No. However, not because I was too young or because I was a student (well it mighta been, but she didn't say so if it was lol) I know some of you wanted to laugh at me when she said No, so go ahead and get it out of the way. Really, I don't mind :)

Because ultimately, I stood up and did something that I wanted to do. I didn't let fear stop me from going for it. And if I can have a little bit of an ego right now, I wouldn't be surprised if I just made her day lol

On my way back to my car, I stopped at the vending machine and bought myself a Razzleberry Peace Tea (if you don't drink Peace Tea, you totally should. It's delicious) and I have to tell ya, it's never tasted sweeter.

Then on my way home I got a haircut and got some drive-thru Abry's but...I guess those parts aren't really as important.

First thing I did when I got home though was read through the comments here and I wanted to let you all know how it went.

"And then you threw an octopus at my window..."

Tonight, imaginary internet beer is on me! Drink as much as you like, my friends! For tonight, we party.

My capcha is "grain of salt" which some of you might be taking this story with lol but I've presented you the full facts of what happened. It's not the best story ever told on the internet, but I'm happy with it. I got some closure, and it's nice to have people to share it with.

Thanks for listening, everybody.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
Strain42 said:
Alright everyone, the results are in, and I am ready to tell my tale. I once again want to thank everyone for being so invested in this tale, and I'm try my best to spin a satisfactory yarn here.

"Well, first I got up and I had a piece of toast, then I brushed my teeth, then I went to the store to buy some fish..." (sorry, couldn't resist)

Alright, well I woke up, took a shower, brushed my teeth, all the usual stuff, trimmed my beard to make it nice and pretty. Got dressed up, clean bowling shirt and what-not.

Her office hours are 10-11:30, so I left around 9:40 'cause it takes about half an hour to get there and I didn't wanna be lurking around her door when she showed up.

Are you all familiar with the old saying "If you wanna make God laugh, tell him your plans." well apparently that applies to God, Buddha, Zeus, Fate, Karma, The Flying Spaghetti Monster, The all-powerful Atheismo, or whatever else you do or not believe in.

I made sure to set up everything that could mess this up on my end, but since something does have to go wrong...she wasn't there. I couldn't ask her if she wasn't in her office.

Now hold on, my story does not end here. I swung by the office of one of the Professor's for a class I was taking, we chatted a bit. The problem here was...I was parked in a 30 Minute Visitor Parking space (because parking is near impossible at this time of day...) and so the clock was ticking. She still wasn't in her office.

Eventually...I had to give up (don't worry, there's more. Stick around) I walked back to my car. Feeling defeated. I was unable to do what I set out to do, and I felt like a failure. I got back in my car and started to leave.

But I only moved a few feet before I saw...what's that? An empty parking space, and no one around to snag it? Feeling a second wind of determination, I grabbed that space, headed back to the building her office is in and sure enough...there she was.

I took a deep breath and stepped inside. We'd chatted a few times before, so she had some recollection of who I was lol

I stood up straight, gave her a warm smile, kept eye contact and I gave the improvised speech that I'd rehearsed in my head a hundred times (I say improvised because no matter how often you practice, once you're in the moment, you don't rely on memory, you go with guts)

Now I know some of you are wondering what exactly I said, but if it's alright with you, I'd rather leave that part out. Not because I'm embarrassed with what I said, but because I'd feel better if the next hundred messages weren't advice on what I should (or shouldn't) have said.

Much to my own surprise, she seemed taken aback, but also quite flattered by this proposal. She had a huge smile on her face that she couldn't seem to get rid of...


She did respond, and she informed me that she was actually already seeing somebody, and that he probably wouldn't appreciate it if I took her out (and who could blame him? I'll ask out almost any woman I like, but I have a rule about women in relationships)

So at the end of this story, she did ultimately say No. However, not because I was too young or because I was a student (well it mighta been, but she didn't say so if it was lol) I know some of you wanted to laugh at me when she said No, so go ahead and get it out of the way. Really, I don't mind :)

Because ultimately, I stood up and did something that I wanted to do. I didn't let fear stop me from going for it. And if I can have a little bit of an ego right now, I wouldn't be surprised if I just made her day lol

On my way back to my car, I stopped at the vending machine and bought myself a Razzleberry Peace Tea (if you don't drink Peace Tea, you totally should. It's delicious) and I have to tell ya, it's never tasted sweeter.

Then on my way home I got a haircut and got some drive-thru Abry's but...I guess those parts aren't really as important.

First thing I did when I got home though was read through the comments here and I wanted to let you all know how it went.

"And then you threw an octopus at my window..."

Tonight, imaginary internet beer is on me! Drink as much as you like, my friends! For tonight, we party.

My capcha is "grain of salt" which some of you might be taking this story with lol but I've presented you the full facts of what happened. It's not the best story ever told on the internet, but I'm happy with it. I got some closure, and it's nice to have people to share it with.

Thanks for listening, everybody.
Well done, and better luck next time!
You earn a digital pat on the back from me today.


New member
Jun 12, 2009
Okay, I missed this entire story. It sounds interesting though.
Here's hoping it goes better with the next lady :D


Phone Poster
Nov 10, 2009
Strain42 said:
Well I do hope she was being sincere with having a boyfriend and not making one on the spot to avoid you or something

Sometimes people do that regardless of their gender


New member
Jul 12, 2009
Good luck, I knew this doesn't only happen in Movies!

Captcha: Button fly... am I missing something here?


New member
Sep 23, 2009
Awww, well, at least you gave it a shot and kudos for that. :) You can't ask much more than that, right?


Dad, I'm in space.
Mar 10, 2010
I_am_a_Spoon said:
FamoFunk said:
I approve of this.

But please film it or something so we can see you getting rejected.
Totally irrelevant, but... your avatar is spazzing me out. It's insanely distracting.

Sorry to ask... think you could change it?
How about to a Spoon? Just for you!


New member
May 13, 2011
I wish you good luck, and at the same time I advise you not to do it and find someone of your age.


New member
Apr 8, 2011
Nothing more awesome then staring failure in the face and laughing at it.
Good luck!
And remember, if she says no, you're never gonna see her again anyway.