Trailers: Warhammer 40k: Space Marine - "Blockbuster" Developer Dairy


Ep. VI: Return of the turret
May 7, 2009
I saw the opening and thought 'Gears of War'. Thankfully, though, they seem to have completely ignored the chest-high walls it spawned.

This looks really good, but it could become a Duke Nukem-y sort of bad. I'll probably wait to find out before paying.


New member
Oct 31, 2008
Tharwen said:
I saw the opening and thought 'Gears of War'. Thankfully, though, they seem to have completely ignored the chest-high walls it spawned.

This looks really good, but it could become a Duke Nukem-y sort of bad. I'll probably wait to find out before paying.
It could never be Duke Nukem levels of bad. Ever. DNF's badness was a conscious decision on Gearbox's part, and no slip-up in quality can ever measure up to the unimaginable levels of fail DNF generated.

Absolute worst-case scenario is that it's just a brainless shoot-n-chop with passable but uninteresting gameplay, but considering how good all of Relic's other games have been, I don't think we have to worry. It's probably worth getting excited over.

BlacklusterOracle777 said:
thts wher u get the movie-lisenced game lol
Welcome to the Escapist and enjoy your stay, but people will value your input more if your posts are more coherent.


New member
Aug 14, 2008

Whatever. You know what, Relic guys? I was playing DoomRL earlier. It's none of those things you were gushing about, but I'm yet to be convinced that your game is going to be any better than it is. And it's in ASCII. It has nice sound, too.


New member
Aug 17, 2009
I dont thinking the toungebathing of the moive industry was really need, but game looks banging for a starcraft IP clone


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
SouthpawFencer said:
Worgen said:
the game looks pretty awesome but its weird hearing the games industry apparently worshiping the movie industry
Well, at the very least, THESE developers certainly appear to have positioned themselves in front of the movie industry while on their knees...

Am I the only person who considers developers comparing their games to a movie to be less of a selling point and more of a warning to not risk my money on a pre-order?
the really weird thing is that this isnt a new dev house or anything, this is relic studios, they make kick ass rts games, they arnt blizzard, who seems to want to make bad movies instead of bad game plots

Ed130 The Vanguard

(Insert witty quote here)
Sep 10, 2008
Mygaffer said:
Pre-order at Gamestop to get the... VOMIT. Am I the only one who is getting a little sick of these retailer exclusive pre-order bonuses?
Instead of making me want to buy a game with "retailer exclusive pre-order bonuses" my thought patten now goes like this:

"Which bonus do I choose? F### it wait for Steam sale."


New member
Jun 8, 2010
Zeetchmen said:
I dont thinking the toungebathing of the moive industry was really need, but game looks banging for a starcraft IP clone
Shh troll.

Looking forward to this game. Hopefully they make those pre-order skins as FREE DLC. Otherwise I shall be a very sad panda.


New member
Mar 1, 2010
People who want to make movies should be making movies, not games. 'Cinematic' is often a euphemism for' just shoot a few dudes so we can play another cutscene, damn it'.

There's nothing wrong with making a cinematic game, but game designers need to have their priorities straight. If the player's input consists entirely of playing out a script, you have just wasted up to millions of dollars making the wrong kind of entertainment


New member
Aug 3, 2011
Finally! A game in space where the people with british accents aren't just the bad guys. Then again the bad guys can be pretty cool.


New member
Dec 27, 2009
Never played Warhammer, or a Warhammer video game, but I'll be damned if that's stopping me from getting excited for this game!

Soviet Heavy

New member
Jan 22, 2010
Stiffkittin said:
I truly think this game looks fantastic, the more I see of it. Still, does it bother anyone else to hear game designers acting so deferential to the film industry? They talk like they wish they were making a film rather than designing an interactive experience.
They sound like they wanted to do the Ultramarines movie. Considering how awesome Relic's cinematics are, I'd rather they'd have done it.


New member
Jul 5, 2011
BristolBerserker said:
Finally! A game in space where the people with british accents aren't just the bad guys. Then again the bad guys can be pretty cool.
But this is 40K. The 'good' guys ALSO obliterate your home, murder your family, and gut you with a chainsaw. The difference is they do it 'for your own good'.


New member
Jul 12, 2010
Zeetchmen said:
I dont thinking the toungebathing of the moive industry was really need, but game looks banging for a starcraft IP clone
Either you're the worst troll ever. Or you're really that sadly misinformed. Either way, I just lost a ton of faith in humanity.

OT: Relic hasn't led me astray before, and this just looks like Dawn of War: Up Close and Personal!

Saxnot said:
People who want to make movies should be making movies, not games. 'Cinematic' is often a euphemism for' just shoot a few dudes so we can play another cutscene, damn it'.

There's nothing wrong with making a cinematic game, but game designers need to have their priorities straight. If the player's input consists entirely of playing out a script, you have just wasted up to millions of dollars making the wrong kind of entertainment
Play DoW+xpacks or DoWII+xpacks, I feel like that will give you a pretty good idea of what they're talking about in this trailer, interview...thing.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
NO! Just fucking NO!!!

I don't want my games to be playable movies. Fuck that. Fuck you for not respecting your own medium dipshit. I don't want a playable movie. I want a game. An interactive form of media where story and gameplay merge seamlessly.

I want the next Half Life, I don't want a lame ass railroad. Cause that's what a playable movie is. A playable movie is Call Of Juarez: The Cartel. Where your expected to do everything by the fucking script, where you go from cutscene to cutscene by gunning down X amount of enemies.

All right now to watch past the first 31 seconds...can you believe something that pisses me off this much crops up when the video barely starts.

All right it is Relic games. They made some awesome 40k games and of course CoH, fuck that series was awesome. They probably won't screw this up because it seems they genuinely love 40k and are competent developers, but Matthew Burger needs to be punched, hard.

Cinematic is just another word for linear. We have seen it in Enslaved, we saw it in Uncharted, we saw it in Medal of Honour. We even saw it in probably the worst shooter of 2011 Homefront, where Korea deployed special doors that could not be opened on your own and such amazing linearity that when you snipped a target before an NPC called it out they would STILL give you an order to shoot that target.

Screw Cinematic gaming. I don't want a "movie I can play". I want a game. If you make a good game you can have the player follow a completely linear path without them ever feeling like there a hand pushing them in the back. When you make a bad game that follows a linear path you call it cinematic.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Soviet Heavy said:
Stiffkittin said:
I truly think this game looks fantastic, the more I see of it. Still, does it bother anyone else to hear game designers acting so deferential to the film industry? They talk like they wish they were making a film rather than designing an interactive experience.
They sound like they wanted to do the Ultramarines movie. Considering how awesome Relic's cinematics are, I'd rather they'd have done it.
Relic makes none, PlasticWax makes them. If you're talking about the cutscenes from Dawn of War 2, then I somewhat agree.

1337mokro said:
You got all that from one video with very little real gameplay? Protip:Look at real game-play. Yeah it somewhat gives the wrong message but that isn't an excuse to be ignorant.

The_ModeRazor said:
I really hope you're not judging this game based on this video.


New member
Jul 29, 2009
Which is a shame, I really liked Dawn of War II and Chaos Rising (haven't played the first games)

Seriously, it's gonna suck hard. Bland, boring gameplay, environments completely uninteresting (and WH 40k has some interesting ones... being a fuck-ass huge galaxy and all) Of course, using the lamest Spess Mehreen chapter don't help none. (Ultramarines... blegh, so Suetastic... besides, isn't Relic making the game? I thought they managed to canonify the Blud Rehvens)

Just putting this out there so that when it comes out and the 'scapist review goes up and everyone agrees how shitty it is, I can point at this here comment and say "called it!" .


New member
Jun 8, 2010
The_ModeRazor said:
Which is a shame, I really liked Dawn of War II and Chaos Rising (haven't played the first games)

Seriously, it's gonna suck hard. Bland, boring gameplay, environments completely uninteresting (and WH 40k has some interesting ones... being a fuck-ass huge galaxy and all) Of course, using the lamest Spess Mehreen chapter don't help none. (Ultramarines... blegh, so Suetastic... besides, isn't Relic making the game? I thought they managed to canonify the Blud Rehvens)

Just putting this out there so that when it comes out and the 'scapist review goes up and everyone agrees how shitty it is, I can point at this here comment and say "called it!" .
Get off that bandwagon boy, the Ultramarines are not Mary Sues. Calgar is the Mary Sue. The internet has completely blown their poster boy status out of the water for no reason.

They are no more 'suetastic' than any of the other Imperial MAHREENS.