Hey, shut the fuck up. At least Michael Bay makes movies. Uwe Boll just films the latest shit he's squeezed out for 3 hours, and tries to sell it.Onyx Oblivion said:All right...it's official. I now hate Michael Bay more than Uwe Boll.
Hey, shut the fuck up. At least Michael Bay makes movies. Uwe Boll just films the latest shit he's squeezed out for 3 hours, and tries to sell it.Onyx Oblivion said:All right...it's official. I now hate Michael Bay more than Uwe Boll.
Hahaha! good one!reg42 said:I wish Bay would stop exploiting the 13 year olds of the world
Woah woah woah. I think you meant bay-splosions. Bay-splusions are the kind of thing that Mike B. does over his fans fa... Well. Let's just leave it at really dirty and creepy, and some people go to jail for that kind of thing.Plurralbles said:bay-splusions
At this rate, Megan Fox reserves will be depleted within the next 5 years. If studios want to keep using this wasteful resource long term, they need to scale back production.yersimapestis said:its not just them, its every man by using megan fox.reg42 said:I wish Bay would stop exploiting the 13 year olds of the world
Pyromaniac1337 said:you're killing off Megan Fox' character.
Yeah, we're getting really sick of it.reg42 said:I wish Bay would stop exploiting the 13 year olds of the world
A little earlier in the thread, 2 posts before the one you are commenting on now, I posted this.1066 said:I both agree and disagree with this. I agree with the idea of given everything a fair shot but if you've seen it, or in this case seen previous in the series, and didn't like it, then you're allowed to make some assumptions on the next and voice your opinion. That said, there's a massive difference between 'I'm smarter than you' and 'this made my brain hurt.' Example: I stopped watching CSI because almost every time they found themselves on a subject I knew, they got some part of it painfully wrong. Same thing, friend of mine (A doctor) can't watch House for the same reasons.
Besides, if person A has the right to cheer from the rooftops, person B is allowed to point out the flaws.
For my money, Transformers is a treasured part of my childhood and Bay is, or was for the first, banking on that nostalgia to get butts in the seats. It's dicey territory
In other words, I gave Bay a chance and I hated watching it. But this is different because I watched it BEFORE I complained about it. The internet does not do that. It complains from the moment it discovers something is going to happen. It keeps complaining until it sees the movie in question, then it loves the movie, but that does not matter because it moves onto the next movie to complain about. If the internet takes the time to watch said move before hand, then complain about it, I would not have a problem with this need to complain.I gave Michael Bay one chance with first Transformers. I played with the toys as a kid, so I felt obligated to see the movie. I did not like it, so I skipped Revenge of the Fallen.
Unless it gets revealed that the majority of Transformers 3 is going to be nothing but the Autobots fighting the Decepticons with very little interaction with humanity, I am going to give this one a miss as well.
Hmm, good question. I don't think I've actually been unlucky enough to see anything but Transformers 1 and 2 from Michael Bay. (Transformers 1 was an "okay" or "mediocre" movie at best. I didn't hate it, I just thought it was very "meh". Transformers 2, on the other hand... horrible, horrible, horrible)tehroc said:How is that any different then any of his other movies?Eruanno said:I think I speak for all of us when I say FUCK. THAT. SHIT.
Revenge of the Fallen was the biggest turd I have EVER seen. It was even worse than Twilight (which actually attempts to have a story, Revenge of the Fallen was just smoke bombs, HORRIFIC acting, robot genitalia and manly men with guns... with an american flag in the background)