Twilight Screenwriter Penning Highlander Reboot

Logan Westbrook

Transform, Roll Out, Etc
Feb 21, 2008
Not G. Ivingname said:
Logan Westbrook said:
You think the series low point was the second one?

Somebody has yet to see Highlander: Source (a direct to SyFy channel sequel that somehow undermines the entire point of the series more then all those that came before.

OT: Huh... I would normally say that to this news things like "why" and "why are you ruining my childhood Hollywood" but considered that the series has been beaten by a stick made out of AIDs and broken hearts of childhood dreams that this would be an improvement.
I haven't seen Source, but it's going to have a hard time competing with a movie where Christopher Lambert resurrects Sean Connery by shouting at the sky.


New member
Mar 16, 2009
Logan Westbrook said:
Not G. Ivingname said:
Logan Westbrook said:
You think the series low point was the second one?

Somebody has yet to see Highlander: Source (a direct to SyFy channel sequel that somehow undermines the entire point of the series more then all those that came before.

OT: Huh... I would normally say that to this news things like "why" and "why are you ruining my childhood Hollywood" but considered that the series has been beaten by a stick made out of AIDs and broken hearts of childhood dreams that this would be an improvement.
I haven't seen Source, but it's going to have a hard time competing with a movie where Christopher Lambert resurrects Sean Connery by shouting at the sky.
I'll admit I've only seen the first movie (sooooo good) and while I've heard that the sequels/etc are trash......that part sounds fucking epic! xD


Fussy Fiddler
May 7, 2009
Stop raping my childhood already Hollywood, honestly there are thousands of good ideas out there, take a freaking chance and stop "rebooting" stuff.


New member
Oct 15, 2009
Logan Westbrook said:
The years have not been kind to the Highlander franchise. The first movie starred Christopher Lambert and Sean Connery and told the story of a race of immortal swordsmen, fighting amongst themselves for a mystical prize. It was good, but it left no room for a sequel. Unfortunately, that didn't stop people from making one: Highlander 2: The Quickening. The movie was so bad and incomprehensible that the director wanted his name taken off it, and most fans consider it to be non-canon. Not that the subsequent sequels were much to write home about either. They never equalled the low point of The Quickening, but still met with overwhelmingly negative responses. With that legacy, it's hard to see how this reboot can be any worse.
Maybe I'm in the minority here, but you left out mentioning the 6 years of the actually pretty good Highlander TV series. I mean, come on, it had some good action, great characters, and a regular guest star of The Who's Roger Daltrey. I rather enjoyed it.

Highlander 2 was a crock of shit though.


Elite Member
Dec 1, 2009
Dexter's a very well written show, and you can't really stay true to Twilight without writing pure crap. From a writing standpoint, eh, it's not that bad.

Reed Spacer

That guy with the thing.
Jan 11, 2011
When was the last good Highlander anything?


I know you're out there; I can hear you breathing...


Premium Gasoline
Jun 23, 2009
I read the title and really, really wished that we were talking about this [] version of Twilight.

There's really no more damage you can do to the series, especially after The Source.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to have to cleanse myself in fire for reminding myself of that movie's existence.

Not G. Ivingname

New member
Nov 18, 2009
Logan Westbrook said:
Not G. Ivingname said:
Logan Westbrook said:
You think the series low point was the second one?

Somebody has yet to see Highlander: Source (a direct to SyFy channel sequel that somehow undermines the entire point of the series more then all those that came before.

OT: Huh... I would normally say that to this news things like "why" and "why are you ruining my childhood Hollywood" but considered that the series has been beaten by a stick made out of AIDs and broken hearts of childhood dreams that this would be an improvement.
I haven't seen Source, but it's going to have a hard time competing with a movie where Christopher Lambert resurrects Sean Connery by shouting at the sky.
Well, in "the Source", a random immortal who is working for the church (with a the worlds dumbest haircut) after the world has gone Mad Max (AGAIN) thinks the allignement of the planets so they look like they ARE CLOSER THEN THE MOON "orbital wobble."

That scene is five minutes into the film, and it only goes down hill from their.

Logan Westbrook

Transform, Roll Out, Etc
Feb 21, 2008
Not G. Ivingname said:
Well, in "the Source", a random immortal who is working for the church (with a the worlds dumbest haircut) after the world has gone Mad Max (AGAIN) thinks the allignement of the planets so they look like they ARE CLOSER THEN THE MOON "orbital wobble."

That scene is five minutes into the film, and it only goes down hill from their.
Ok, that's pretty stupid. Seems like The Quickening might have a fight on its hands after all.


Tiger Robocop
Aug 29, 2010
The_root_of_all_evil said:
Random Argument Man said:
As long that she did not wrote the first few episodes of Dexter season 1, I'll be ok with the choice of writer.
You know that those episodes are perhaps the most faithful to the books?
Those episodes are the ONLY episodes faithful to the book, since half the season 1 that they don't follow the book anymore.

And for release there isn't anyway that she can't make something worse that Highlander 2 or The Source, it's just impossible!
I don't think she that bad, of course that there is Twilight, but she had to adapt the book that was shit, there's no way anyone on Earth unshit Twilight.


New member
Jan 13, 2011
Once again, Hollywood proves lazy by makes reboots than more original material.

I know I'm probably wrong, but if Hollywood makes more reboots, we might not see much original in the upcoming years except for possibly Pixar(being a safe and smart product) and directors Hollywood trusts like Christopher Nolan and "anguished sigh"... James Cameron.