Furburt said:
Plurralbles said:
I like hte fact that in order to pirate you need to be online. Hmm... Who's the only one that it fucks over... The person who has the shit connection or none at all.
Actually, a small patch/crack to remove the DRM from a legally purchased copy would not only not be illegal, it would be very small, a few megabites.
If I do come round to buying this game, that's what I'll do.
This is like half pirating,
Plurralbles said:
I like hte fact that in order to pirate you need to be online. Hmm... Who's the only one that it fucks over... The person who has the shit connection or none at all.
actually, you're wrong, you need to be online WHILE pirating it, then once it's downloaded, you never need to be online again.
I am connected to an expensive fiber optic network, I have a nice computer, and I run regular maintenance, but you know what? every so often connection drops for a minute or two, it just happens, and with a pirated copy, people won't have to deal with that. Not only that, but what if you're traveling or something?
This DRM is stupid every way you look at it.