UFO sighted over Chinese airport.


New member
Feb 3, 2009
dementedartist22 said:
I love how the (sometimes temporarily) unexplainable usually gets stamped with 'alien', 'ghosts' or 'god' . Silly peoples
Not necessarily. UFO just stands for "unidentified flying object," which is used to categorize anything unexplainable in the sky. However, it seems that it has become synonymous with aliens. Also, things like aliens and ghosts can be explained by science, just not any we have right now.

Internet Kraken

Animalia Mollusca Cephalopada
Mar 18, 2009
Anoctris said:
You've completely missed the point.

Using human concepts such as logic and rationale to predict the actions and thought processes of an "Alien" species is entirely theoretical, and until definitive contact is made the whole exercise is ultimately futile.
Then why are we having this conversations in the first place? Like I said, this was just an educated guess. If you're saying human logic can't be applied to aliens in any way, there's isn't a point to this conversation.

Once again, you apply human standards of thought to a "Alien". Just because it's probable that they are as smart/smarter than us doesn't mean that they will care what we think of them, and much less think the way we do. It's possible, but the thousands of UFO sightings that are reported and can not be explained (as well as their behaviour) suggest otherwise.
Again, I am applying logic to the situation to make an educated guess, rather than just assuming that which can not be explained is aliens. And you appear to have misinterpreted what I said. Aliens don't necessarily have to care that we are intelligent, but if they wanted to get accurate observations they would have to take into account our ability to observe and record. Their opinnion of our species has nothing to do with that.

That doesn't prove anything. It's just another case of a UFO of unkown origin.
What this incident proves is that despite a quick and substantial human response, it proved ultimately futile and the UFO carried on about it's business, in plain sight without a care for the reactions of us.

Well, you emphatically stated
Internet Kraken said:
I refuse to believe this UFO has anything to do with aliens. If aliens ever came to Earth, the most pointless thing they could do would be to hover in the sky for a few hours and then leave. I can't see any species wasting resources on that.
If some of these things are remotely controlled, there are any number of reasons why one might sit somewhere (on the ground, in the air) for an extended period of time. Maybe it's transmitting/receiving data, maybe it's cataloguing the surrounding geography - really, no one can ever know.
Yeah, and again what does this prove? Nothing. Mainly because the situation you linked is only related to the topic at hand because it involves a UFO. That UFO wasn't sitting above a city in plain sight for several hours, like the one in the OP.

Also, if something leaves your sight - is it gone or has it just changed locations?
I don't see what this has to do with what we are talking about.

And once again, how do you know that something floating in the sky above a city or whatever - is wasting it's time? You can postulate (as can I) from now to the end of time, but in the end neither of us can say definitively either way why these UFOs do what they do, and why 'most' seem to completely ignore or be oblivious to the human reaction/response when they're in the open.
Then why bother having this discussion in the first place? If you think human logic can't be applied to aliens, then why even bother quoting me?


Level 2 Lumberjack
Jul 17, 2009
It's official: China is now a Superpower! UFO sightings only occur over Super Powers I've noticed: America, Russia, Europe. You don't see UFO's in Africa. I think they're spying on us, but not all the time. Just when someone Video Tapes a Real UFO, that's probably them looking at the geography and what not...

That was probably an alien ship, though I can by it being a Meteor... For now...

Captain Pirate

New member
Nov 18, 2009
Wow. I really, really hope it's aliens. I love aliens, and am a firm beleiver they exist. As has been said, yeah they may be doing somethign far more drastic than "just hovering", and they may think completely different to us. Like, try and think of a new colour. Not a mix of current ones, just a brand new colur altogether. You can't, can you? It's not physically possible for the human mind. Just as it may not be physically possible for the human mind to consider the same emotions or thought processes as these (if they in fact are) aliens do.
I'm very excited, please don't show anything like "Jks, was a militray xpeerment haha".


New member
Feb 8, 2010
jasoncyrus said:
Either thats a new engine deisgn or china is LOADED with smog...

Given the outward effect from the object as it surges across the sky it seems to have a 3 pointed propulsion system. Interesting.
Aren't some places in China ALREADY loaded with smog? I might be wrong but I saw some footage where everyone in a city had to where gas masks, then again that report was from ITV so I'm not completely sure. But anyway that looks like a missile, but then again it also looks like sperm (sorry to be so crude) but I hope it's super cool aliens like the ones off of V... oh wait.


New member
Aug 29, 2009
Burst6 said:
Ultratwinkie said:
it cant be a military experiment. that looks EXACTLY like the other ufo in europe ( the laser beam looking one). two countries developing the SAME tech at the SAME TIME? that is unlikely.
I'm pretty sure they said that was a falling satellite, or something human-made falling from space.
and how exactly does a falling object make a quick left-turn?


New member
Sep 21, 2008
At 0:30 the thing looks lie it engages some kind of secondary booster or engine, and looks like it has started moving up rather than across.

It could be an ICBM China is testing, it could be some secret plane thingy, or it could be an actual alien UFO. Although lord knows who'd test a plane that bright. If only the cameraman had zoomed in.