Unforgotten Realms: Episode 35: Ratgina


New member
Jun 13, 2009
Mordwyl said:
After reading several posts from people I have to raise a concern: The whiners are affecting the series in a negative way. In the little time there is for every episode per week sometimes it is spent (wasted if you will) getting back at these people somehow instead of keeping with the entertainment; As a consequence those who do not read the forum tend to be confused at this and forget about Unforgotten Realms.

Robert, while I appreciate you paying attention to these ingrates's feedback don't let them get to you so much as it'll damage the series. After all this is what happened to FFVII after Zippy Nomura saw what a cashcow the game was and spawned all these dairies.
i agree with this person, but somehow i doubt Rob has the time to read all of this (i mean its constant and its a week long. But, he might skim and see all the whining about cliffhangers.

P.S shhh, stop whining or he'll just make the spell cliffhanger "search for (invisible) traps".


New member
Apr 9, 2009
I was sitting here like: haha Rob turned the lights of and is switching the dices again! suddenly a voice of a cliffhanger :p Noooooo xD anyway great episode :p

I love how he treats the QQ'ers ...

seriously people, EVERY TIME ON EVERYTHING people have to whine ... why? don't like it, get the hell away!

seriously , get a life ... and make it less pathetic then it already is ! :)


New member
Feb 13, 2009
benbenthegamerman said:
Oh well, at least douglas was killed by a groundbold.

Great episode man. keep up the great work!
rofl agree'd, I couldn't resist and when I saw the little groundbold(?) I had to say it.

Great one.

petey hunter

New member
Mar 7, 2009
Ahh jeez how is douglas ganna live through that, unlessif the mini kobold missed Flintlocks are highly innacurate, and is it just me or were the spells getting lower
"Oh In the face Ooh in the guts OOOOh in the Ratgina Ouchies.
good episode


New member
Jan 15, 2009
Rob, this is my birthday episode (which I got to watching at 1 something in the morning the next day, go figure), and I find it mean, that you had to show cliff hangers. So, can I see what happens next as a present? No, well, worth a shot...


New member
Jun 19, 2009
After watching the entire series in a day (I have no life) it is hilarious to see the evolution (or de-evolution) of Robert from his happy/silly narrative to his unbelievably bitter (almost yahtzee-esque) commentary. His cartoon is awesome every-single-time, and I can't believe that he has been driven to taking out his aggression on/by the people who profess to love his work so much. He should really watch the end of any Zero-Punctuation episode, then-again listening to fans is what made him this way in the first place.

Consequently, Since last week was kind of a cliffhanger anyway, and this only showed a sliver of progression, could this be considered a TRIPLE cliffhanger?

Syntax Error

New member
Sep 7, 2008
ZP's got the Imp plushie... I suggest Kobolds (or better yet, the groundbolds) get the same treatment.

Really now, two cliffhangers? I never saw THAT coming. Great episode! I'm having flashbacks of the joke in which they made fun of the fact that UR is slowly getting a more cohesive story.