Loki_The_Good said:Except for it clearly wasn't a dev kit it was using superior technology in every way. That's the issue not that they used a computer but they used a computer using far superior technology to what the end product will be. Which brings into question if anything on the xbox one will even look or run as well as they did at e3 as well as shows little faith in their own architecture. Again the problem isn't the PC obviously the final products aren't out so they cram the tech in proxy PC's it's that they didn't do that they instead opted for a nvidia 700 water cooled overclocked windows 7 machine.
For this particular case, you're right, although I wouldn't say they got caught or it is confirmed in any way, just as the title already suggests: "Xbox One E3 Demos May Have Been Running On Windows 7".
The "they did it too" thing you mentioned was meant as a general statement, clearly it's still bad that the industry does certain things. It's just that overall, Microsoft is getting a lot of negative comments about things that other companies do where it is simply ignored by the current gaming community. It just seems unfair, that's all.Loki_The_Good said:By the way the "they did it too" is an argument 4 year olds get taught is wrong. It's still wrong and they got caught so there's no denying it. Maybe sony did too but that's only wishful speculation on your part.