Why does anyone care what Rittenhouse thinks?Oh look, the murdering biatch is once again trying to please bitchy daddy Trump, after claiming "No take backs!". Of course, there's some infighting going on with other Trump supporters not being happy with Biatchhouse.
Kyle Rittenhouse u-turns after saying he won't vote Trump
The 21-year-old says he changed his mind hours after vowing not to support Trump due to his guns stance.www.bbc.com
Young voters almost always break for Democrats. The problem is getting them to actually vote.
a.k.a. Narcissists gonna narcissism.It's not that strange. Firstly, he routinely lies about what and who he knows.
Secondly, it's also reasonable to believe he doesn't really know. He doesn't care about Project 2025. Trump doesn't want to be president because he has any interest in policy or the workings of government, he wants to be president for his own prestige and self-gratification. It's entirely possible that numerous offficials have sat down with Trump and discussed Project 2025 plans with him, and Trump has simply not been paying any attention because there's been nothing he could readily grasp as benefitting himself.
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